/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.mapred; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobHistory.JobHistoryFilesManager; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobHistory.Keys; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobHistory.LogTask; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobHistory.RecordTypes; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobHistory.Values; import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils; /* * Restructured JobHistory code for use by Corona * - Supports multiple instances at the same time * - Produces history files in same format as JobHistory v1 * * Please JobHistory to actually parse/view the history files */ public class CoronaJobHistory { public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(CoronaJobHistory.class); static final FsPermission HISTORY_DIR_PERMISSION = FsPermission.createImmutable((short) 0755); // rwxr-x--- static final FsPermission HISTORY_FILE_PERMISSION = FsPermission.createImmutable((short) 0744); // rwxr----- Path logDir; FileSystem logDirFs; Path doneDir; FileSystem doneDirFs; Path logFile; Path doneFile; Configuration conf; boolean disableHistory = true; long jobHistoryBlockSize = 0; JobHistoryFilesManager fileManager = null; JobID jobId; ArrayList<PrintWriter> writers = null; public CoronaJobHistory(Configuration conf, JobID jobId, String logPath) { try { this.conf = conf; this.jobId = jobId; if (logPath == null) { logPath = "file:///" + new File (System.getProperty("hadoop.log.dir", "/tmp")).getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "history"; } logDir = new Path(logPath); logDirFs = logDir.getFileSystem(conf); if (!logDirFs.exists(logDir)) { LOG.info("Creating history folder at " + logDir); if (!logDirFs.mkdirs(logDir, new FsPermission(HISTORY_DIR_PERMISSION))) { throw new IOException("Mkdirs failed to create " + logDir.toString()); } } conf.set("hadoop.job.history.location", logDir.toString()); disableHistory = false; // set the job history block size (default is 3MB) jobHistoryBlockSize = conf.getLong("mapred.jobtracker.job.history.block.size", 3 * 1024 * 1024); doneDir = new Path(logDir, "done"); doneDirFs = logDirFs; if (!doneDirFs.exists(doneDir)) { LOG.info("Creating DONE folder at " + doneDir); if (! doneDirFs.mkdirs(doneDir, new FsPermission(HISTORY_DIR_PERMISSION))) { throw new IOException("Mkdirs failed to create " + doneDir); } } String logFileName = encodeJobHistoryFileName(jobId.toString()); logFile = new Path(logDir, logFileName); doneFile = new Path(doneDir, logFileName); // initialize the file manager conf.setInt("mapred.jobtracker.historythreads.maximum", 1); fileManager = new JobHistory.JobHistoryFilesManager(conf, new JobHistoryObserver() { public void historyFileCopied(JobID jobid, String historyFile) { } }, logDir); fileManager.setDoneDir(doneDir); // sleeping with the past means tolerating two start methods instead of one fileManager.start(); fileManager.startIOExecutor(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Failed to initialize JobHistory log file", e); disableHistory = true; } } public void shutdown() { if (fileManager != null) { fileManager.shutdown(); } } public boolean isDisabled() { return disableHistory; } public static String encodeJobHistoryFileName(String logFileName) throws IOException { return JobHistory.JobInfo.encodeJobHistoryFileName(logFileName); } public String getCompletedJobHistoryPath() { return doneFile.toString(); } /** * Get the history location for completed jobs */ public Path getCompletedJobHistoryLocation() { return doneDir; } public static String encodeJobHistoryFilePath(String logFile) throws IOException { return JobHistory.JobInfo.encodeJobHistoryFilePath(logFile); } private String getJobName() { String jobName = ((JobConf) conf).getJobName(); if (jobName == null || jobName.length() == 0) { jobName = "NA"; } return jobName; } public String getUserName() { String user = ((JobConf) conf).getUser(); if (user == null || user.length() == 0) { user = "NA"; } return user; } private static void closeAndClear(List<PrintWriter> writers) { for (PrintWriter out : writers) { out.close(); } // By clearning the writers, we will prevent JobHistory.moveToDone() from // waiting on writer writers.clear(); } /** * Log job submitted event to history. Creates a new file in history * for the job. if history file creation fails, it disables history * for all other events. * @param jobConfPath path to job conf xml file in HDFS. * @param submitTime time when job tracker received the job * @throws IOException */ public void logSubmitted(String jobConfPath, long submitTime) throws IOException { if (disableHistory) { return; } // create output stream for logging in hadoop.job.history.location int defaultBufferSize = logDirFs.getConf().getInt("io.file.buffer.size", 4096); try { FSDataOutputStream out = null; PrintWriter writer = null; out = logDirFs.create(logFile, new FsPermission(HISTORY_FILE_PERMISSION), true, defaultBufferSize, logDirFs.getDefaultReplication(), jobHistoryBlockSize, null); writer = new PrintWriter(out); fileManager.addWriter(jobId, writer); // cache it ... fileManager.setHistoryFile(jobId, logFile); writers = fileManager.getWriters(jobId); if (null != writers) { log(writers, RecordTypes.Meta, new Keys[] {Keys.VERSION}, new String[] {String.valueOf(JobHistory.VERSION)}); } String jobName = getJobName(); String user = getUserName(); //add to writer as well log(writers, RecordTypes.Job, new Keys[]{Keys.JOBID, Keys.JOBNAME, Keys.USER, Keys.SUBMIT_TIME, Keys.JOBCONF }, new String[]{jobId.toString(), jobName, user, String.valueOf(submitTime) , jobConfPath} ); } catch (IOException e) { // Disable history if we have errors other than in the user log. disableHistory = true; } /* Storing the job conf on the log dir */ Path jobFilePath = new Path(logDir, jobId.toString() + "_conf.xml"); fileManager.setConfFile(jobId, jobFilePath); FSDataOutputStream jobFileOut = null; try { if (!logDirFs.exists(jobFilePath)) { jobFileOut = logDirFs.create(jobFilePath, new FsPermission(HISTORY_FILE_PERMISSION), true, defaultBufferSize, logDirFs.getDefaultReplication(), logDirFs.getDefaultBlockSize(), null); conf.writeXml(jobFileOut); jobFileOut.close(); } } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.error("Failed to store job conf in the log dir", ioe); } finally { if (jobFileOut != null) { try { jobFileOut.close(); } catch (IOException ie) { LOG.info("Failed to close the job configuration file " + StringUtils.stringifyException(ie)); } } } } /** * Logs launch time of job. * * @param startTime start time of job. * @param totalMaps total maps assigned by jobtracker. * @param totalReduces total reduces. */ public void logInited(long startTime, int totalMaps, int totalReduces) { if (disableHistory) { return; } if (null != writers) { log(writers, RecordTypes.Job, new Keys[] {Keys.JOBID, Keys.LAUNCH_TIME, Keys.TOTAL_MAPS, Keys.TOTAL_REDUCES, Keys.JOB_STATUS}, new String[] {jobId.toString(), String.valueOf(startTime), String.valueOf(totalMaps), String.valueOf(totalReduces), Values.PREP.name()}); } } /** * Logs job as running */ public void logStarted() { if (disableHistory) { return; } if (null != writers) { log(writers, RecordTypes.Job, new Keys[] {Keys.JOBID, Keys.JOB_STATUS}, new String[] {jobId.toString(), Values.RUNNING.name()}); } } /** * Log job finished. closes the job file in history. * @param finishTime finish time of job in ms. * @param finishedMaps no of maps successfully finished. * @param finishedReduces no of reduces finished sucessfully. * @param failedMaps no of failed map tasks. (includes killed) * @param failedReduces no of failed reduce tasks. (includes killed) * @param killedMaps no of killed map tasks. * @param killedReduces no of killed reduce tasks. * @param counters the counters from the job */ public void logFinished(long finishTime, int finishedMaps, int finishedReduces, int failedMaps, int failedReduces, int killedMaps, int killedReduces, Counters mapCounters, Counters reduceCounters, Counters counters) { if (disableHistory) { return; } if (null != writers) { log(writers, RecordTypes.Job, new Keys[] {Keys.JOBID, Keys.FINISH_TIME, Keys.JOB_STATUS, Keys.FINISHED_MAPS, Keys.FINISHED_REDUCES, Keys.FAILED_MAPS, Keys.FAILED_REDUCES, Keys.KILLED_MAPS, Keys.KILLED_REDUCES, Keys.MAP_COUNTERS, Keys.REDUCE_COUNTERS, Keys.COUNTERS}, new String[] {jobId.toString(), Long.toString(finishTime), Values.SUCCESS.name(), String.valueOf(finishedMaps), String.valueOf(finishedReduces), String.valueOf(failedMaps), String.valueOf(failedReduces), String.valueOf(killedMaps), String.valueOf(killedReduces), mapCounters.makeEscapedCompactString(), reduceCounters.makeEscapedCompactString(), counters.makeEscapedCompactString()}, true); closeAndClear(writers); } // NOTE: history cleaning stuff deleted from here. We should do that // somewhere else! } /** * Logs job failed event. Closes the job history log file. * @param timestamp time when job failure was detected in ms. * @param finishedMaps no finished map tasks. * @param finishedReduces no of finished reduce tasks. */ public void logFailed(long timestamp, int finishedMaps, int finishedReduces, Counters counters) { if (disableHistory) { return; } if (null != writers) { log(writers, RecordTypes.Job, new Keys[] {Keys.JOBID, Keys.FINISH_TIME, Keys.JOB_STATUS, Keys.FINISHED_MAPS, Keys.FINISHED_REDUCES, Keys.COUNTERS}, new String[] {jobId.toString(), String.valueOf(timestamp), Values.FAILED.name(), String.valueOf(finishedMaps), String.valueOf(finishedReduces), counters.makeEscapedCompactString()}, true); closeAndClear(writers); } } /** * Logs job killed event. Closes the job history log file. * * @param timestamp * time when job killed was issued in ms. * @param finishedMaps * no finished map tasks. * @param finishedReduces * no of finished reduce tasks. */ public void logKilled(long timestamp, int finishedMaps, int finishedReduces, Counters counters) { if (disableHistory) { return; } if (null != writers) { log(writers, RecordTypes.Job, new Keys[] {Keys.JOBID, Keys.FINISH_TIME, Keys.JOB_STATUS, Keys.FINISHED_MAPS, Keys.FINISHED_REDUCES, Keys.COUNTERS }, new String[] {jobId.toString(), String.valueOf(timestamp), Values.KILLED.name(), String.valueOf(finishedMaps), String.valueOf(finishedReduces), counters.makeEscapedCompactString()}, true); closeAndClear(writers); } } /** * Log job's priority. * @param priority Jobs priority */ public void logJobPriority(JobID jobid, JobPriority priority) { if (disableHistory) { return; } if (null != writers) { log(writers, RecordTypes.Job, new Keys[] {Keys.JOBID, Keys.JOB_PRIORITY}, new String[] {jobId.toString(), priority.toString()}); } } /** * Move the completed job into the completed folder. */ public void markCompleted() throws IOException { if (disableHistory) { return; } fileManager.moveToDone(jobId, true); } /** * Log start time of task (TIP). * @param taskId task id * @param taskType MAP or REDUCE * @param startTime startTime of tip. */ public void logTaskStarted(TaskID taskId, String taskType, long startTime, String splitLocations) { if (disableHistory) { return; } JobID id = taskId.getJobID(); if (!this.jobId.equals(id)) { throw new RuntimeException("JobId from task: " + id + " does not match expected: " + jobId); } if (null != writers) { log(writers, RecordTypes.Task, new Keys[]{Keys.TASKID, Keys.TASK_TYPE , Keys.START_TIME, Keys.SPLITS}, new String[]{taskId.toString(), taskType, String.valueOf(startTime), splitLocations}); } } /** * Log finish time of task. * @param taskId task id * @param taskType MAP or REDUCE * @param finishTime finish timeof task in ms */ public void logTaskFinished(TaskID taskId, String taskType, long finishTime, Counters counters) { if (disableHistory) { return; } JobID id = taskId.getJobID(); if (!this.jobId.equals(id)) { throw new RuntimeException("JobId from task: " + id + " does not match expected: " + jobId); } if (null != writers) { log(writers, RecordTypes.Task, new Keys[]{Keys.TASKID, Keys.TASK_TYPE, Keys.TASK_STATUS, Keys.FINISH_TIME, Keys.COUNTERS}, new String[]{ taskId.toString(), taskType, Values.SUCCESS.name(), String.valueOf(finishTime), counters.makeEscapedCompactString()}); } } /** * Update the finish time of task. * @param taskId task id * @param finishTime finish time of task in ms */ public void logTaskUpdates(TaskID taskId, long finishTime) { if (disableHistory) { return; } JobID id = taskId.getJobID(); if (!this.jobId.equals(id)) { throw new RuntimeException("JobId from task: " + id + " does not match expected: " + jobId); } if (null != writers) { log(writers, RecordTypes.Task, new Keys[]{Keys.TASKID, Keys.FINISH_TIME}, new String[]{ taskId.toString(), String.valueOf(finishTime)}); } } /** * Log job failed event. * @param taskId task id * @param taskType MAP or REDUCE. * @param time timestamp when job failed detected. * @param error error message for failure. */ public void logTaskFailed(TaskID taskId, String taskType, long time, String error) { logTaskFailed(taskId, taskType, time, error, null); } /** * Log the task failure * * @param taskId the task that failed * @param taskType the type of the task * @param time the time of the failure * @param error the error the task failed with * @param failedDueToAttempt The attempt that caused the failure, if any */ public void logTaskFailed(TaskID taskId, String taskType, long time, String error, TaskAttemptID failedDueToAttempt) { if (disableHistory) { return; } JobID id = taskId.getJobID(); if (!this.jobId.equals(id)) { throw new RuntimeException("JobId from task: " + id + " does not match expected: " + jobId); } if (null != writers) { String failedAttempt = failedDueToAttempt == null ? "" : failedDueToAttempt.toString(); log(writers, RecordTypes.Task, new Keys[]{Keys.TASKID, Keys.TASK_TYPE, Keys.TASK_STATUS, Keys.FINISH_TIME, Keys.ERROR, Keys.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID}, new String[]{ taskId.toString(), taskType, Values.FAILED.name(), String.valueOf(time) , error, failedAttempt}); } } /** * Log start time of this map task attempt. * * @param taskAttemptId task attempt id * @param startTime start time of task attempt as reported by task tracker. * @param trackerName name of the tracker executing the task attempt. * @param httpPort http port of the task tracker executing the task attempt * @param taskType Whether the attempt is cleanup or setup or map */ public void logMapTaskStarted(TaskAttemptID taskAttemptId, long startTime, String trackerName, int httpPort, String taskType) { if (disableHistory) { return; } JobID id = taskAttemptId.getJobID(); if (!this.jobId.equals(id)) { throw new RuntimeException("JobId from task: " + id + " does not match expected: " + jobId); } if (null != writers) { log(writers, RecordTypes.MapAttempt, new Keys[]{ Keys.TASK_TYPE, Keys.TASKID, Keys.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, Keys.START_TIME, Keys.TRACKER_NAME, Keys.HTTP_PORT}, new String[]{taskType, taskAttemptId.getTaskID().toString(), taskAttemptId.toString(), String.valueOf(startTime), trackerName, httpPort == -1 ? "" : String.valueOf(httpPort)}); } } /** * Log finish time of map task attempt. * * @param taskAttemptId task attempt id * @param finishTime finish time * @param hostName host name * @param taskType Whether the attempt is cleanup or setup or map * @param stateString state string of the task attempt * @param counter counters of the task attempt */ public void logMapTaskFinished(TaskAttemptID taskAttemptId, long finishTime, String hostName, String taskType, String stateString, Counters counter) { if (disableHistory) { return; } JobID id = taskAttemptId.getJobID(); if (!this.jobId.equals(id)) { throw new RuntimeException("JobId from task: " + id + " does not match expected: " + jobId); } if (null != writers) { log(writers, RecordTypes.MapAttempt, new Keys[]{ Keys.TASK_TYPE, Keys.TASKID, Keys.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, Keys.TASK_STATUS, Keys.FINISH_TIME, Keys.HOSTNAME, Keys.STATE_STRING, Keys.COUNTERS}, new String[]{taskType, taskAttemptId.getTaskID().toString(), taskAttemptId.toString(), Values.SUCCESS.name(), String.valueOf(finishTime), hostName, stateString, counter.makeEscapedCompactString()}); } } /** * Log task attempt failed event. * * @param taskAttemptId task attempt id * @param timestamp timestamp * @param hostName hostname of this task attempt. * @param error error message if any for this task attempt. * @param taskType Whether the attempt is cleanup or setup or map */ public void logMapTaskFailed(TaskAttemptID taskAttemptId, long timestamp, String hostName, String error, String taskType) { if (disableHistory) { return; } JobID id = taskAttemptId.getJobID(); if (!this.jobId.equals(id)) { throw new RuntimeException("JobId from task: " + id + " does not match expected: " + jobId); } if (null != writers) { log(writers, RecordTypes.MapAttempt, new Keys[]{Keys.TASK_TYPE, Keys.TASKID, Keys.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, Keys.TASK_STATUS, Keys.FINISH_TIME, Keys.HOSTNAME, Keys.ERROR}, new String[]{ taskType, taskAttemptId.getTaskID().toString(), taskAttemptId.toString(), Values.FAILED.name(), String.valueOf(timestamp), hostName, error}); } } /** * Log task attempt killed event. * * @param taskAttemptId task attempt id * @param timestamp timestamp * @param hostName hostname of this task attempt. * @param error error message if any for this task attempt. * @param taskType Whether the attempt is cleanup or setup or map */ public void logMapTaskKilled(TaskAttemptID taskAttemptId, long timestamp, String hostName, String error, String taskType) { if (disableHistory) { return; } JobID id = taskAttemptId.getJobID(); if (!this.jobId.equals(id)) { throw new RuntimeException("JobId from task: " + id + " does not match expected: " + jobId); } if (null != writers) { log(writers, RecordTypes.MapAttempt, new Keys[]{Keys.TASK_TYPE, Keys.TASKID, Keys.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, Keys.TASK_STATUS, Keys.FINISH_TIME, Keys.HOSTNAME, Keys.ERROR}, new String[]{ taskType, taskAttemptId.getTaskID().toString(), taskAttemptId.toString(), Values.KILLED.name(), String.valueOf(timestamp), hostName, error}); } } /** * Log start time of Reduce task attempt. * * @param taskAttemptId task attempt id * @param startTime start time * @param trackerName tracker name * @param httpPort the http port of the tracker executing the task attempt * @param taskType Whether the attempt is cleanup or setup or reduce */ public void logReduceTaskStarted(TaskAttemptID taskAttemptId, long startTime, String trackerName, int httpPort, String taskType) { if (disableHistory) { return; } JobID id = taskAttemptId.getJobID(); if (!this.jobId.equals(id)) { throw new RuntimeException("JobId from task: " + id + " does not match expected: " + jobId); } if (null != writers) { log(writers, RecordTypes.ReduceAttempt, new Keys[]{ Keys.TASK_TYPE, Keys.TASKID, Keys.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, Keys.START_TIME, Keys.TRACKER_NAME, Keys.HTTP_PORT}, new String[]{taskType, taskAttemptId.getTaskID().toString(), taskAttemptId.toString(), String.valueOf(startTime), trackerName, httpPort == -1 ? "" : String.valueOf(httpPort)}); } } /** * Log finished event of this task. * * @param taskAttemptId task attempt id * @param shuffleFinished shuffle finish time * @param sortFinished sort finish time * @param finishTime finish time of task * @param hostName host name where task attempt executed * @param taskType Whether the attempt is cleanup or setup or reduce * @param stateString the state string of the attempt * @param counter counters of the attempt */ public void logReduceTaskFinished(TaskAttemptID taskAttemptId, long shuffleFinished, long sortFinished, long finishTime, String hostName, String taskType, String stateString, Counters counter) { if (disableHistory) { return; } JobID id = taskAttemptId.getJobID(); if (!this.jobId.equals(id)) { throw new RuntimeException("JobId from task: " + id + " does not match expected: " + jobId); } if (null != writers) { log(writers, RecordTypes.ReduceAttempt, new Keys[]{ Keys.TASK_TYPE, Keys.TASKID, Keys.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, Keys.TASK_STATUS, Keys.SHUFFLE_FINISHED, Keys.SORT_FINISHED, Keys.FINISH_TIME, Keys.HOSTNAME, Keys.STATE_STRING, Keys.COUNTERS}, new String[]{taskType, taskAttemptId.getTaskID().toString(), taskAttemptId.toString(), Values.SUCCESS.name(), String.valueOf(shuffleFinished), String.valueOf(sortFinished), String.valueOf(finishTime), hostName, stateString, counter.makeEscapedCompactString()}); } } /** * Log failed reduce task attempt. * * @param taskAttemptId task attempt id * @param timestamp time stamp when task failed * @param hostName host name of the task attempt. * @param error error message of the task. * @param taskType Whether the attempt is cleanup or setup or reduce */ public void logReduceTaskFailed(TaskAttemptID taskAttemptId, long timestamp, String hostName, String error, String taskType) { if (disableHistory) { return; } JobID id = taskAttemptId.getJobID(); if (!this.jobId.equals(id)) { throw new RuntimeException("JobId from task: " + id + " does not match expected: " + jobId); } if (null != writers) { log(writers, RecordTypes.ReduceAttempt, new Keys[]{ Keys.TASK_TYPE, Keys.TASKID, Keys.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, Keys.TASK_STATUS, Keys.FINISH_TIME, Keys.HOSTNAME, Keys.ERROR }, new String[]{ taskType, taskAttemptId.getTaskID().toString(), taskAttemptId.toString(), Values.FAILED.name(), String.valueOf(timestamp), hostName, error }); } } /** * Log killed reduce task attempt. * * @param taskAttemptId task attempt id * @param timestamp time stamp when task failed * @param hostName host name of the task attempt. * @param error error message of the task. * @param taskType Whether the attempt is cleanup or setup or reduce */ public void logReduceTaskKilled(TaskAttemptID taskAttemptId, long timestamp, String hostName, String error, String taskType) { if (disableHistory) { return; } JobID id = taskAttemptId.getJobID(); if (!this.jobId.equals(id)) { throw new RuntimeException("JobId from task: " + id + " does not match expected: " + jobId); } if (null != writers) { log(writers, RecordTypes.ReduceAttempt, new Keys[]{ Keys.TASK_TYPE, Keys.TASKID, Keys.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, Keys.TASK_STATUS, Keys.FINISH_TIME, Keys.HOSTNAME, Keys.ERROR }, new String[]{ taskType, taskAttemptId.getTaskID().toString(), taskAttemptId.toString(), Values.KILLED.name(), String.valueOf(timestamp), hostName, error }); } } /** * Log a number of keys and values with record. the array length of * keys and values should be same. * @param writers the writers to send the data to * @param recordType type of log event * @param keys type of log event * @param values type of log event */ private void log(ArrayList<PrintWriter> writers, RecordTypes recordType, Keys[] keys, String[] values) { log(writers, recordType, keys, values, false); } /** * Log a number of keys and values with the record. This method allows to do * it in a synchronous fashion * @param writers the writers to send the data to * @param recordType the type to log * @param keys keys to log * @param values values to log * @param sync if true - will block until the data is written */ private void log(ArrayList<PrintWriter> writers, RecordTypes recordType, Keys[] keys, String[] values, boolean sync) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(recordType.name()); buf.append(JobHistory.DELIMITER); for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { buf.append(keys[i]); buf.append("=\""); values[i] = JobHistory.escapeString(values[i]); buf.append(values[i]); buf.append("\""); buf.append(JobHistory.DELIMITER); } buf.append(JobHistory.LINE_DELIMITER_CHAR); for (PrintWriter out : writers) { LogTask task = new LogTask(out, buf.toString()); if (sync) { task.run(); } else { fileManager.addWriteTask(task); } } } }