/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.corona; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Queue; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.corona.PoolInfoMetrics.MetricName; import org.apache.hadoop.metrics.MetricsRecord; import org.apache.hadoop.net.Node; /** * Scheduler thread which matches requests to nodes for the given resource type */ public class SchedulerForType extends Thread { /** Maximum amount of milliseconds to wait before scheduling */ public static final long SCHEDULE_PERIOD = 100L; /** Milliseconds to wait before preempting tasks */ public static final long PREEMPTION_PERIOD = 1000L; /** Class logger */ private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(SchedulerForType.class); /** Type of resource to schedule for */ private final ResourceType type; /** Manages the pools groups for this resource type */ private final PoolGroupManager poolGroupManager; /** Used to grant/revoke resources to the sessions */ private final SessionManager sessionManager; /** Asynchronously notify the sessions about changes */ private final SessionNotifier sessionNotifier; /** Find where to run the resources */ private final NodeManager nodeManager; /** Get up-to-date dynamic configuration */ private final ConfigManager configManager; /** Map of pool name to associated metrics. The map is replaced each time * scheduling happens, but once replaced, the map is not updated. */ private volatile Map<PoolInfo, PoolInfoMetrics> poolInfoToMetrics = new HashMap<PoolInfo, PoolInfoMetrics>(); /** Map of pool name -> metrics record. */ private final Map<PoolInfo, MetricsRecord> poolInfoToMetricsRecord = new HashMap<PoolInfo, MetricsRecord>(); /** A flag indicating that the scheduler has allocated all resources */ private boolean fullyScheduled = true; /** Run until told to shutdown */ private volatile boolean shutdown = false; /** Saved last preemption time, used with PREEMPTION_PREIOD */ private long lastPreemptionTime = -1L; /** Do we want preemption. */ private final boolean enablePreemption; /** Required locality levels for this type. */ private final List<LocalityLevel> neededLocalityLevels; /** Cluster Manager metrics. */ private final ClusterManagerMetrics metrics; /** The node snapshot. */ private NodeSnapshot nodeSnapshot; /** * Constructor. * * @param type Type of resource to schedule * @param sessionManager Manager of sessions * @param sessionNotifier Asynchronous session notification * @param nodeManager Available resources on nodes * @param configManager Dynamic thread safe configuration * @param metrics Cluster Manager metrics * @param conf Static configuration */ public SchedulerForType( ResourceType type, SessionManager sessionManager, SessionNotifier sessionNotifier, NodeManager nodeManager, ConfigManager configManager, ClusterManagerMetrics metrics, CoronaConf conf) { this.type = type; this.poolGroupManager = new PoolGroupManager(type, configManager, conf); this.sessionManager = sessionManager; this.sessionNotifier = sessionNotifier; this.nodeManager = nodeManager; this.configManager = configManager; this.enablePreemption = ResourceTypeProperties.canBePreempted(type); this.neededLocalityLevels = ResourceTypeProperties.neededLocalityLevels(type); this.metrics = metrics; } @Override public void run() { while (!shutdown) { try { if (fullyScheduled) { waitForNotification(); } long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); poolGroupManager.snapshot(); boolean scheduleFromNodeToSession = configManager.getScheduleFromNodeToSession(); if (scheduleFromNodeToSession) { nodeSnapshot = nodeManager.getNodeSnapshot(type); } else { nodeSnapshot = null; } Map<String, List<ResourceGrant>> sessionIdToGranted = scheduleTasks(); dispatchGrantedResource(sessionIdToGranted); if (enablePreemption && fullyScheduled) { doPreemption(); } int runtime = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() - start); if (runtime > 50) { int scheduled = 0; float speed = 0; for (List<?> grants : sessionIdToGranted.values()) { scheduled += grants.size(); } if (scheduled > 0) { speed = ((float) runtime) / scheduled; } // Log if more than 50 msec. LOG.info("Scheduler runtime for " + type + " " + runtime + " ms / " + scheduled + " grants = " + speed); } metrics.setSchedulerRunTime(type, runtime); collectPoolInfoMetrics(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (!shutdown) { LOG.warn("Unexpected InterruptedException"); } } } } /** * Update the pool metrics. The update is atomic at the map level. */ private void collectPoolInfoMetrics() { Map<PoolInfo, PoolInfoMetrics> newPoolNameToMetrics = new HashMap<PoolInfo, PoolInfoMetrics>(); long now = ClusterManager.clock.getTime(); Map<PoolInfo, Long> poolInfoAverageFirstWaitMs = sessionManager.getTypePoolInfoAveFirstWaitMs(type); // The gets + puts below are OK because only one thread is doing it. for (PoolGroupSchedulable poolGroup : poolGroupManager.getPoolGroups()) { int poolGroupSessions = 0; for (PoolSchedulable pool : poolGroup.getPools()) { MetricsRecord poolRecord = poolInfoToMetricsRecord.get(pool.getPoolInfo()); if (poolRecord == null) { poolRecord = metrics.getContext().createRecord( "pool-" + pool.getName()); poolInfoToMetricsRecord.put(pool.getPoolInfo(), poolRecord); } PoolInfoMetrics poolMetrics = new PoolInfoMetrics(pool.getPoolInfo(), type, poolRecord); poolMetrics.setCounter( MetricName.GRANTED, pool.getGranted()); poolMetrics.setCounter( MetricName.REQUESTED, pool.getRequested()); poolMetrics.setCounter( MetricName.SHARE, (long) pool.getShare()); poolMetrics.setCounter( MetricName.MIN, pool.getMinimum()); poolMetrics.setCounter( MetricName.MAX, pool.getMaximum()); poolMetrics.setCounter( MetricName.WEIGHT, (long) pool.getWeight()); poolMetrics.setCounter( MetricName.SESSIONS, pool.getScheduleQueue().size()); poolMetrics.setCounter( MetricName.STARVING, pool.getStarvingTime(now) / 1000); Long averageFirstTypeMs = poolInfoAverageFirstWaitMs.get(pool.getPoolInfo()); poolMetrics.setCounter(MetricName.AVE_FIRST_WAIT_MS, (averageFirstTypeMs == null) ? 0 : averageFirstTypeMs.longValue()); newPoolNameToMetrics.put(pool.getPoolInfo(), poolMetrics); poolGroupSessions += pool.getScheduleQueue().size(); } MetricsRecord poolGroupRecord = poolInfoToMetricsRecord.get(poolGroup.getName()); if (poolGroupRecord == null) { poolGroupRecord = metrics.getContext().createRecord( "poolgroup-" + poolGroup.getName()); poolInfoToMetricsRecord.put(poolGroup.getPoolInfo(), poolGroupRecord); } PoolInfoMetrics poolGroupMetrics = new PoolInfoMetrics(poolGroup.getPoolInfo(), type, poolGroupRecord); poolGroupMetrics.setCounter( MetricName.GRANTED, poolGroup.getGranted()); poolGroupMetrics.setCounter( MetricName.REQUESTED, poolGroup.getRequested()); poolGroupMetrics.setCounter( MetricName.SHARE, (long) poolGroup.getShare()); poolGroupMetrics.setCounter( MetricName.MIN, poolGroup.getMinimum()); poolGroupMetrics.setCounter( MetricName.MAX, poolGroup.getMaximum()); poolGroupMetrics.setCounter( MetricName.SESSIONS, poolGroupSessions); newPoolNameToMetrics.put(poolGroup.getPoolInfo(), poolGroupMetrics); } poolInfoToMetrics = newPoolNameToMetrics; } /** * Wait for SCHEDULE_PERIOD or another thread tells this thread to do * something. * * @throws InterruptedException */ private void waitForNotification() throws InterruptedException { synchronized (this) { this.wait(SCHEDULE_PERIOD); } } /** * Informed the sessions about their newly granted resources via * {@link SessionNotifier}. * * @param sessionIdToGranted Map of session ids to granted resources */ private void dispatchGrantedResource( Map<String, List<ResourceGrant>> sessionIdToGranted) { for (Map.Entry<String, List<ResourceGrant>> entry : sessionIdToGranted.entrySet()) { LOG.info("Assigning " + entry.getValue().size() + " " + type + " requests to Session: " + entry.getKey()); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(Arrays.toString(entry.getValue().toArray())); } sessionNotifier.notifyGrantResource(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } /** * Match requests to nodes. * * @return The list of granted resources for each session */ private Map<String, List<ResourceGrant>> scheduleTasks() { fullyScheduled = false; long nodeWait = configManager.getLocalityWait(type, LocalityLevel.NODE); long rackWait = configManager.getLocalityWait(type, LocalityLevel.RACK); int tasksToSchedule = configManager.getGrantsPerIteration(); Map<String, List<ResourceGrant>> sessionIdToGranted = new HashMap<String, List<ResourceGrant>>(); for (int i = 0; i < tasksToSchedule; i++) { ScheduledPair scheduled = scheduleOneTask(nodeWait, rackWait); if (scheduled == null) { // Cannot find matched request-node anymore. We are done. fullyScheduled = true; break; } List<ResourceGrant> granted = sessionIdToGranted.get(scheduled.sessionId.toString()); if (granted == null) { granted = new LinkedList<ResourceGrant>(); sessionIdToGranted.put(scheduled.sessionId.toString(), granted); } granted.add(scheduled.grant); } return sessionIdToGranted; } /** * Try match one request to one node * * @param nodeWait Time to wait for node locality * @param rackWait Time to wait for rack locality * @return The pair contains a session id and a granted resource * or null when no task can be scheduled */ private ScheduledPair scheduleOneTask(long nodeWait, long rackWait) { if (!nodeManager.existRunnableNodes(type)) { return null; } Queue<PoolGroupSchedulable> poolGroupQueue = poolGroupManager.getScheduleQueue(); while (!poolGroupQueue.isEmpty()) { PoolGroupSchedulable poolGroup = poolGroupQueue.poll(); if (poolGroup.reachedMaximum()) { continue; } // Get the appropriate pool from the pool group to schedule, then // schedule the best session Queue<PoolSchedulable> poolQueue = poolGroup.getScheduleQueue(); while (!poolQueue.isEmpty()) { PoolSchedulable pool = poolQueue.poll(); if (pool.reachedMaximum()) { continue; } Queue<SessionSchedulable> sessionQueue = pool.getScheduleQueue(); while (!sessionQueue.isEmpty()) { SessionSchedulable schedulable = sessionQueue.poll(); Session session = schedulable.getSession(); long now = ClusterManager.clock.getTime(); MatchedPair pair = doMatch( schedulable, now, nodeWait, rackWait); synchronized (session) { if (session.isDeleted()) { continue; } if (pair != null) { ResourceGrant grant = commitMatchedResource(session, pair); if (grant != null) { poolGroup.incGranted(1); pool.incGranted(1); schedulable.incGranted(1); // Put back to the queue only if we scheduled successfully poolGroupQueue.add(poolGroup); poolQueue.add(pool); sessionQueue.add(schedulable); return new ScheduledPair( session.getSessionId().toString(), grant); } } } } } } return null; } /** * Find a node to give resources to this schedulable session. * * @param schedulable Given a resource to this schedulable * @param now Current time * @param nodeWait Time to wait for node locality * @param rackWait Time to wait for rack locality * @return Pair of resource request and node or null if no node can be found. */ private MatchedPair doMatch( SessionSchedulable schedulable, long now, long nodeWait, long rackWait) { schedulable.adjustLocalityRequirement(now, nodeWait, rackWait); for (LocalityLevel level : neededLocalityLevels) { if (level.isBetterThan(schedulable.getLastLocality())) { /** * This means that the last time we tried to schedule this session * we could not achieve the current LocalityLevel level. * Since this is the same iteration of the scheduler we do not need to * try this locality level. * The last locality level of the shcedulable is getting reset on every * iteration of the scheduler, so we will retry the better localities * in the next run of the scheduler. */ continue; } if (needLocalityCheck(level, nodeWait, rackWait) && !schedulable.isLocalityGoodEnough(level)) { break; } Session session = schedulable.getSession(); synchronized (session) { if (session.isDeleted()) { return null; } int pendingRequestCount = session.getPendingRequestCountForType(type); MatchedPair matchedPair = null; if (nodeSnapshot == null || pendingRequestCount < nodeSnapshot.getRunnableHostCount()) { matchedPair = matchNodeForSession(session, level); } else { matchedPair = matchSessionForNode(session, level); } if (matchedPair != null) { schedulable.setLocalityLevel(level); return matchedPair; } } } schedulable.startLocalityWait(now); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Could not find a node for " + schedulable.getSession().getHandle()); } return null; } /** * Find a matching pair of node, request by looping through the requests in * the session, looking at the hosts in each request and making look-ups * into the node manager. * @param session The session * @param level The locality level at which we are trying to schedule. * @return A match if found, null if not. */ private MatchedPair matchNodeForSession( Session session, LocalityLevel level) { Iterator<ResourceRequestInfo> pendingRequestIterator = session.getPendingRequestIteratorForType(type); while (pendingRequestIterator.hasNext()) { ResourceRequestInfo req = pendingRequestIterator.next(); Set<String> excluded = req.getExcludeHosts(); if (req.getHosts() == null || req.getHosts().size() == 0) { // No locality requirement String host = null; ClusterNode node = nodeManager.getRunnableNode( host, LocalityLevel.ANY, type, excluded); if (node != null) { return new MatchedPair(node, req); } continue; } for (RequestedNode requestedNode : req.getRequestedNodes()) { ClusterNode node = nodeManager.getRunnableNode( requestedNode, level, type, excluded); if (node != null) { return new MatchedPair(node, req); } } } return null; } /** * Find a matching pair of node, request by looping through runnable nodes * in the node snapshot created earlier. For each node, we make lookups in the * session to find a suitable request. * @param session The session * @param level The locality level at which we are trying to schedule. * @return A match if found, null if not. */ private MatchedPair matchSessionForNode( Session session, LocalityLevel level) { if (level == LocalityLevel.NODE || level == LocalityLevel.ANY) { Set<Map.Entry<String, NodeContainer>> hostNodesSet = nodeSnapshot.runnableHosts(); for (Map.Entry<String, NodeContainer> hostNodes : hostNodesSet) { Iterator<ClusterNode> clusterNodeIt = hostNodes.getValue().iterator(); while (clusterNodeIt.hasNext()) { ClusterNode node = clusterNodeIt.next(); if (!nodeManager.hasEnoughResource(node)) { continue; } ResourceRequestInfo req = null; if (level == LocalityLevel.NODE) { req = session.getPendingRequestOnHost(node.getHost(), type); } else { req = session.getPendingRequestForAny(node.getHost(), type); } if (req != null) { return new MatchedPair(node, req); } } } } else if (level == LocalityLevel.RACK) { Set<Map.Entry<Node, NodeContainer>> rackNodesSet = nodeSnapshot.runnableRacks(); for (Map.Entry<Node, NodeContainer> rackNodes: rackNodesSet) { Node rack = rackNodes.getKey(); NodeContainer nodes = rackNodes.getValue(); Iterator<ClusterNode> clusterNodeIt = nodes.iterator(); while (clusterNodeIt.hasNext()) { ClusterNode node = clusterNodeIt.next(); if (!nodeManager.hasEnoughResource(node)) { continue; } ResourceRequestInfo req = session.getPendingRequestOnRack( node.getHost(), rack, type); if (req != null) { return new MatchedPair(node, req); } } } } return null; } /** * If the locality wait time is zero, we don't need to check locality at all. * @param level The level * @param nodeWait The amount of time in msec to wait for node locality * @param rackWait The amount of time in msec to wait for rack locality * @return True if the locality check is needed, false otherwise. */ private boolean needLocalityCheck( LocalityLevel level, long nodeWait, long rackWait) { if (level == LocalityLevel.NODE) { return nodeWait != 0; } if (level == LocalityLevel.RACK) { return rackWait != 0; } return false; } /** * Given a session and match of request-node, perform a "transaction commit" * @param session The session * @param pair The pair of (request, node) * @return The resource grant: non-null if the "commit" was successful, null * otherwise. */ private ResourceGrant commitMatchedResource( Session session, MatchedPair pair) { ResourceGrant grant = null; ResourceRequestInfo req = pair.req; ClusterNode node = pair.node; String appInfo = nodeManager.getAppInfo(node, type); if (appInfo != null) { if (nodeManager.addGrant(node, session.getSessionId(), req)) { // if the nodemanager can commit this grant - we are done // the commit can fail if the node has been deleted grant = new ResourceGrant(req.getId(), node.getName(), node.getAddress(), ClusterManager.clock.getTime(), req.getType()); grant.setAppInfo(appInfo); sessionManager.grantResource(session, req, grant); } } if (nodeSnapshot != null) { synchronized (node) { if (node.deleted) { nodeSnapshot.removeNode(node); } else if (!node.checkForGrant(Utilities.getUnitResourceRequest(type), nodeManager.getResourceLimit())) { nodeSnapshot.removeNode(node); } } } return grant; } /** * Update metrics. */ public void submitMetrics() { for (PoolInfoMetrics m : poolInfoToMetrics.values()) { m.updateMetricsRecord(); } } /** * A pair of (request, node). */ private class MatchedPair { /** Request */ private final ResourceRequestInfo req; /** Node */ private final ClusterNode node; /** * Constructor. * @param node The node. * @param req The request. */ MatchedPair(ClusterNode node, ResourceRequestInfo req) { this.req = req; this.node = node; } } /** * Represents a resource grant given to a session. */ private class ScheduledPair { /** The grant. */ private final ResourceGrant grant; /** The session ID. */ private final String sessionId; /** * Constructor. * @param sessionId The session ID. * @param grant The grant. */ ScheduledPair(String sessionId, ResourceGrant grant) { this.grant = grant; this.sessionId = sessionId; } } /** * Performs preemption if it has been long enough since the last round. */ private void doPreemption() { long now = ClusterManager.clock.getTime(); if (now - lastPreemptionTime > PREEMPTION_PERIOD) { lastPreemptionTime = now; doPreemptionNow(); } } /** * Performs the preemption. */ private void doPreemptionNow() { int totalShare = nodeManager.getAllocatedCpuForType(type); poolGroupManager.distributeShare(totalShare); for (PoolGroupSchedulable poolGroup : poolGroupManager.getPoolGroups()) { poolGroup.distributeShare(); } int tasksToPreempt = countTasksShouldPreempt(); if (tasksToPreempt > 0) { LOG.info("Found " + tasksToPreempt + " " + type + " tasks to preempt"); preemptTasks(tasksToPreempt); } } /** * Kill tasks from over-scheduled sessions * @param tasksToPreempt The number of tasks should kill */ private void preemptTasks(int tasksToPreempt) { LOG.info("Start preempt " + tasksToPreempt + " for type " + type); long maxRunningTime = configManager.getPreemptedTaskMaxRunningTime(); int rounds = configManager.getPreemptionRounds(); while (tasksToPreempt > 0) { int preempted = preemptOneSession(tasksToPreempt, maxRunningTime); if (preempted == 0) { maxRunningTime *= 2; // Check for enough rounds or an overflow if (--rounds <= 0 || maxRunningTime <= 0) { LOG.warn("Cannot preempt enough " + type + " tasks " + " rounds " + configManager.getPreemptionRounds() + " maxRunningTime " + maxRunningTime + " tasks not preempted:" + tasksToPreempt); return; } } tasksToPreempt -= preempted; } } /** * Find the most over-scheduled session in the most over-scheduled pool. * Kill tasks from this session. * @param maxToPreemt The maximum number of tasks to kill * @param maxRunningTime The killed task cannot be older than this time * @return The number of tasks actually killed */ private int preemptOneSession(int maxToPreemt, long maxRunningTime) { Queue<PoolGroupSchedulable> poolGroupQueue = poolGroupManager.getPreemptQueue(); while (!poolGroupQueue.isEmpty()) { PoolGroupSchedulable poolGroup = poolGroupQueue.poll(); poolGroup.distributeShare(); Queue<PoolSchedulable> poolQueue = poolGroup.getPreemptQueue(); while (!poolQueue.isEmpty()) { PoolSchedulable pool = poolQueue.poll(); pool.distributeShare(); if (!pool.isPreemptable()) { continue; } Queue<SessionSchedulable> sessionQueue = pool.getPreemptQueue(); while (!sessionQueue.isEmpty()) { SessionSchedulable schedulable = sessionQueue.poll(); try { int overScheduled = (int) (schedulable.getGranted() - schedulable.getShare()); if (overScheduled <= 0) { continue; } maxToPreemt = Math.min(maxToPreemt, overScheduled); LOG.info("Trying to preempt " + maxToPreemt + " " + type + " from " + schedulable.getSession().getHandle()); int preempted = preemptSession( schedulable, maxToPreemt, maxRunningTime); poolGroup.incGranted(-1 * preempted); pool.incGranted(-1 * preempted); schedulable.incGranted(-1 * preempted); return preempted; } catch (InvalidSessionHandle e) { LOG.warn("Invalid session handle:" + schedulable.getSession().getHandle() + " Session may be removed"); } finally { // Add back the queue so it can be further preempt for other // sessions. poolGroupQueue.add(poolGroup); poolQueue.add(pool); } } } } return 0; } /** * Preempt a session. * @param schedulable The session. * @param maxToPreemt Maximum number of resources to preempt. * @param maxRunningTime Running time threshold for preemption. * @return The number of preempted resources. * @throws InvalidSessionHandle */ private int preemptSession(SessionSchedulable schedulable, int maxToPreemt, long maxRunningTime) throws InvalidSessionHandle { Session session = schedulable.getSession(); List<Integer> grantIds; synchronized (session) { grantIds = session.getGrantsToPreempt(maxToPreemt, maxRunningTime, type); } List<ResourceGrant> revokedGrants = sessionManager.revokeResource(session.getHandle(), grantIds); for (ResourceGrant grant : revokedGrants) { nodeManager.cancelGrant( grant.nodeName, session.getSessionId(), grant.getId()); } sessionNotifier.notifyRevokeResource( session.getHandle(), revokedGrants, true); int preempted = revokedGrants.size(); LOG.info("Preempt " + preempted + " " + type + " tasks for Session:" + session.getHandle()); return preempted; } /** * Count how many tasks should preempt for the starving pools * @return The number of tasks should kill */ private int countTasksShouldPreempt() { int tasksToPreempt = 0; long now = ClusterManager.clock.getTime(); for (PoolGroupSchedulable poolGroup : poolGroupManager.getPoolGroups()) { for (PoolSchedulable pool : poolGroup.getPools()) { if (pool.isStarving(now)) { tasksToPreempt += Math.min(pool.getPending(), pool.getShare() - pool.getGranted()); } } } return tasksToPreempt; } /** * Add a session to this scheduler. * @param id The session ID. * @param session The session. */ public void addSession(String id, Session session) { poolGroupManager.addSession(id, session); LOG.info("Session " + id + " has been added to " + type + " scheduler"); } public Map<PoolInfo, PoolInfoMetrics> getPoolInfoMetrics() { return poolInfoToMetrics; } /** * Inform to stop scheduling. This is not immediate, but will eventually * occur. */ public void close() { shutdown = true; } }