package; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.BlockMissingException; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.ChecksumException; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DistributedFileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DistributedRaidFileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.MiniDFSCluster; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.RaidDFSUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.TestDatanodeBlockScanner; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.TestRaidDfs; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.LocatedBlocks; import junit.framework.TestCase; public class TestReadConstruction extends TestCase { final static String TEST_DIR = new File( System.getProperty("", "build/contrib/raid/test/data")).getAbsolutePath(); final static String CONFIG_FILE = new File(TEST_DIR, "test-raid.xml").getAbsolutePath(); final static long RELOAD_INTERVAL = 1000; final static Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog( ""); final static Random rand = new Random(); final static int NUM_DATANODES = 3; Configuration conf; String namenode = null; String hftp = null; MiniDFSCluster dfs = null; FileSystem fileSys = null; Path root = null; Set<String> allExpectedMissingFiles = null; protected void mySetup() throws Exception { conf = new Configuration(); if (System.getProperty("hadoop.log.dir") == null) { String base = new File(".").getAbsolutePath(); System.setProperty("hadoop.log.dir", new Path(base).toString() + "/logs"); } new File(TEST_DIR).mkdirs(); // Make sure data directory exists conf.set("raid.config.file", CONFIG_FILE); conf.setBoolean("raid.config.reload", true); conf.setLong("raid.config.reload.interval", RELOAD_INTERVAL); // the RaidNode does the raiding inline conf.set("raid.classname", ""); // use local block fixer conf.set("raid.blockfix.classname", ""); conf.set("raid.server.address", "localhost:0"); Utils.loadTestCodecs(conf, 10, 1, 4, "/destraid", "/destraidrs"); conf.setInt("fs.trash.interval", 1440); dfs = new MiniDFSCluster(conf, NUM_DATANODES, true, null); dfs.waitActive(); fileSys = dfs.getFileSystem(); namenode = fileSys.getUri().toString(); hftp = "hftp://localhost.localdomain:" + dfs.getNameNodePort(); FileSystem.setDefaultUri(conf, namenode); } private DistributedRaidFileSystem getRaidFS() throws IOException { DistributedFileSystem dfs = (DistributedFileSystem)fileSys; Configuration clientConf = new Configuration(conf); clientConf.set("fs.hdfs.impl", "org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DistributedRaidFileSystem"); clientConf.set("", "org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DistributedFileSystem"); clientConf.setBoolean("fs.hdfs.impl.disable.cache", true); URI dfsUri = dfs.getUri(); return (DistributedRaidFileSystem)FileSystem.get(dfsUri, clientConf); } private void doRaid(Path srcPath, Codec codec) throws IOException { RaidNode.doRaid(conf, fileSys.getFileStatus(srcPath), new Path(codec.parityDirectory), codec, new RaidNode.Statistics(), RaidUtils.NULL_PROGRESSABLE, false, 1, 1); } private boolean doThePartialTest(Codec codec, int blockNum, int[] corruptBlockIdxs) throws Exception { long blockSize = 8192L; int bufferSize = 4192; Path srcPath = new Path("/user/dikang/raidtest/file" + UUID.randomUUID().toString()); long crc = TestRaidDfs.createTestFilePartialLastBlock(fileSys, srcPath, 1, blockNum, blockSize); DistributedRaidFileSystem raidFs = getRaidFS(); assertTrue(raidFs.exists(srcPath)); // generate the parity files. doRaid(srcPath, codec); FileStatus file1Stat = fileSys.getFileStatus(srcPath); long length = file1Stat.getLen(); LocatedBlocks file1Loc = RaidDFSUtil.getBlockLocations((DistributedFileSystem)fileSys, srcPath.toUri().getPath(), 0, length); // corrupt file1 for (int idx: corruptBlockIdxs) { corruptBlock(file1Loc.get(idx).getBlock().getBlockName(), dfs); } RaidDFSUtil.reportCorruptBlocks((DistributedFileSystem)fileSys, srcPath, corruptBlockIdxs, blockSize); // verify the partial read byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize]; FSDataInputStream in =; long numRead = 0; CRC32 newcrc = new CRC32(); int num = 0; while (num >= 0) { num =, buffer, 0, bufferSize); if (num < 0) { break; } numRead += num; newcrc.update(buffer, 0, num); } in.close(); if (numRead != length) {"Number of bytes read " + numRead + " does not match file size " + length); return false; }" Newcrc " + newcrc.getValue() + " old crc " + crc); if (newcrc.getValue() != crc) {"CRC mismatch of file " + srcPath.toUri().getPath() + ": " + newcrc + " vs. " + crc); return false; } return true; } public void testReadCorruptPartialSuccess() throws Exception { // test the "rs" try { mySetup(); int blockNum = 10; int[][] corruptBlockIdxs = new int[][] {{0, 3, 6, 9}, {0, 1, 2, 3}}; for (int i=0; i<corruptBlockIdxs.length; i++) { assertTrue(doThePartialTest(Codec.getCodec("rs"), blockNum, corruptBlockIdxs[i])); } } finally { if (null != dfs) { dfs.shutdown(); } } // test the "xor" try { mySetup(); int blockNum = 10; for (int i=0; i<blockNum; i++) { int[] corruptBlockIdxs = new int[]{i};"Corrupt Block " + i + " in testReadCorruptParitalSuccess for xor."); assertTrue(doThePartialTest(Codec.getCodec("xor"), blockNum, corruptBlockIdxs)); } } finally { if (null != dfs) { dfs.shutdown(); } } } public void testReadCorruptPartialFail() throws Exception { // test the "rs" try { mySetup(); int blockNum = 10; int[] corruptBlockIdxs = new int[]{0, 4, 6, 8, 9}; doThePartialTest(Codec.getCodec("rs"), blockNum, corruptBlockIdxs); fail(); } catch(ChecksumException e) { } catch(BlockMissingException e) { } finally { if (null != dfs) { dfs.shutdown(); } } // test the "xor" try { mySetup(); int blockNum = 10; int[] corruptBlockIdxs = new int[]{0, 1}; doThePartialTest(Codec.getCodec("xor"), blockNum, corruptBlockIdxs); fail(); } catch(ChecksumException e) { } catch(BlockMissingException e) { } finally { if (null != dfs) { dfs.shutdown(); } } } static void corruptBlock(String blockName, MiniDFSCluster dfs) throws IOException { boolean corrupted = false; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DATANODES; i++) { corrupted |= TestDatanodeBlockScanner.corruptReplica(blockName, i, dfs); } assertTrue("could not corrupt block: " + blockName, corrupted); } }