/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs; import java.io.BufferedOutputStream; import java.io.DataInputStream; import java.io.DataOutputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InterruptedIOException; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.net.Socket; import java.nio.BufferOverflowException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.zip.CRC32; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSOutputSummer; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileAlreadyExistsException; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Syncable; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSClient.MultiDataInputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSClient.MultiDataOutputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.Block; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.ClientDatanodeProtocol; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.ClientProtocol; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.DSQuotaExceededException; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.DataTransferProtocol; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.DatanodeInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.LocatedBlock; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.LocatedBlockWithMetaInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.NSQuotaExceededException; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.VersionedLocatedBlock; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.WriteBlockHeader; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.DataNode; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.NotReplicatedYetException; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.BlockAlreadyCommittedException; import org.apache.hadoop.io.IOUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text; import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.ProtocolProxy; import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RPC; import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RemoteException; import org.apache.hadoop.net.NetUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.security.AccessControlException; import org.apache.hadoop.util.Daemon; import org.apache.hadoop.util.DataChecksum; import org.apache.hadoop.util.Progressable; import org.apache.hadoop.util.PureJavaCrc32; import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils; /**************************************************************** * DFSOutputStream creates files from a stream of bytes. * * The client application writes data that is cached internally by * this stream. Data is broken up into packets, each packet is * typically 64K in size. A packet comprises of chunks. Each chunk * is typically 512 bytes and has an associated checksum with it. * * When a client application fills up the currentPacket, it is * enqueued into dataQueue. The DataStreamer thread picks up * packets from the dataQueue, sends it to the first datanode in * the pipeline and moves it from the dataQueue to the ackQueue. * The ResponseProcessor receives acks from the datanodes. When an * successful ack for a packet is received from all datanodes, the * ResponseProcessor removes the corresponding packet from the * ackQueue. * * In case of error, all outstanding packets and moved from * ackQueue. A new pipeline is setup by eliminating the bad * datanode from the original pipeline. The DataStreamer now * starts sending packets from the dataQueue. ****************************************************************/ class DFSOutputStream extends FSOutputSummer implements Syncable, Replicable { private final DFSClient dfsClient; private Socket[] s; boolean closed = false; private String src; private MultiDataOutputStream blockStream; private MultiDataInputStream blockReplyStream; private Block block; final private long blockSize; private DataChecksum checksum; private LinkedList<Packet> dataQueue = new LinkedList<Packet>(); private LinkedList<Packet> ackQueue = new LinkedList<Packet>(); private int numPendingHeartbeats = 0; private long lastPacketSentTime = 0; private final long packetTimeout; private Packet currentPacket = null; private int maxPackets = 80; // each packet 64K, total 5MB // private int maxPackets = 1000; // each packet 64K, total 64MB private DataStreamer streamer; private ResponseProcessor response = null; private long currentSeqno = 0; private long lastQueuedSeqno = -1; private long lastAckedSeqno = -1; private long bytesCurBlock = 0; // bytes writen in current block private int packetSize = 0; // write packet size, including the header. private int chunksPerPacket = 0; private DatanodeInfo[] nodes = null; // list of targets for current block private DatanodeInfo[] favoredNodes = null; // put replicas here if possible private volatile boolean hasError = false; private volatile int errorIndex = 0; volatile IOException lastException = null; private long artificialSlowdown = 0; private long lastFlushOffset = 0; // offset when flush was invoked private boolean persistBlocks = false; // persist blocks on namenode private int recoveryErrorCount = 0; // number of times block recovery failed private final int maxRecoveryErrorCount; private volatile boolean appendChunk = false; // appending to existing partial block private long initialFileSize = 0; // at time of file open private Progressable progress; private short blockReplication; // replication factor of file private long lastBlkOffset = 0; // end pos of last block already sent private boolean forceSync; private boolean doParallelWrites = false; private int namespaceId; // the namespace that the file belongs to private void setLastException(IOException e) { if (lastException == null) { lastException = e; } } public void setOffsets(long offset) { DFSClient.LOG.info("set last block offsets in file: " + src + " pos: " + offset); lastBlkOffset = offset; } private class Packet { ByteBuffer buffer; // only one of buf and buffer is non-null byte[] buf; long seqno; // sequencenumber of buffer in block long offsetInBlock; // offset in block boolean lastPacketInBlock; // is this the last packet in block? int numChunks; // number of chunks currently in packet int maxChunks; // max chunks in packet int dataStart; int dataPos; int checksumStart; int checksumPos; private static final long HEART_BEAT_SEQNO = -1L; /** * create a heartbeat packet */ Packet() { this.lastPacketInBlock = false; this.numChunks = 0; this.offsetInBlock = 0; this.seqno = HEART_BEAT_SEQNO; buffer = null; int packetSize = DataNode.PKT_HEADER_LEN + DFSClient.SIZE_OF_INTEGER; buf = new byte[packetSize]; checksumStart = dataStart = packetSize; checksumPos = checksumStart; dataPos = dataStart; maxChunks = 0; } // create a new packet Packet(int pktSize, int chunksPerPkt, long offsetInBlock) throws IOException { this.lastPacketInBlock = false; this.numChunks = 0; this.offsetInBlock = offsetInBlock; this.seqno = currentSeqno; currentSeqno++; buffer = null; buf = new byte[pktSize]; checksumStart = DataNode.PKT_HEADER_LEN + DFSClient.SIZE_OF_INTEGER; checksumPos = checksumStart; dataStart = checksumStart + chunksPerPkt * checksum.getChecksumSize(); dataPos = dataStart; maxChunks = chunksPerPkt; } void writeData(byte[] inarray, int off, int len) { if ( dataPos + len > buf.length) { throw new BufferOverflowException(); } System.arraycopy(inarray, off, buf, dataPos, len); dataPos += len; } void writeChecksum(byte[] inarray, int off, int len) { if (checksumPos + len > dataStart) { throw new BufferOverflowException(); } System.arraycopy(inarray, off, buf, checksumPos, len); checksumPos += len; } /** * Returns ByteBuffer that contains one full packet, including header. * @throws IOException */ ByteBuffer getBuffer() throws IOException { /* Once this is called, no more data can be added to the packet. * setting 'buf' to null ensures that. * This is called only when the packet is ready to be sent. */ if (buffer != null) { return buffer; } //prepare the header and close any gap between checksum and data. int dataLen = dataPos - dataStart; int checksumLen = checksumPos - checksumStart; if (checksumPos != dataStart) { /* move the checksum to cover the gap. * This can happen for the last packet. */ System.arraycopy(buf, checksumStart, buf, dataStart - checksumLen , checksumLen); } int pktLen = DFSClient.SIZE_OF_INTEGER + dataLen + checksumLen; //normally dataStart == checksumPos, i.e., offset is zero. buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(buf, dataStart - checksumPos, DataNode.PKT_HEADER_LEN + pktLen); buf = null; buffer.mark(); /* write the header and data length. * The format is described in comment before DataNode.BlockSender */ buffer.putInt(pktLen); // pktSize buffer.putLong(offsetInBlock); buffer.putLong(seqno); if (dfsClient.dataTransferVersion >= dfsClient.getDataTransferProtocolVersion()) { byte booleanFieldValue = 0x00; if (lastPacketInBlock) { booleanFieldValue |= DataNode.isLastPacketInBlockMask; } if (forceSync) { booleanFieldValue |= DataNode.forceSyncMask; } buffer.put(booleanFieldValue); } else { buffer.put((byte) (lastPacketInBlock? 1: 0)); } //end of pkt header buffer.putInt(dataLen); // actual data length, excluding checksum. buffer.reset(); return buffer; } private long getEndPosInCurrBlk() { return offsetInBlock + (dataPos - dataStart); } /** * Check if this packet is a heart beat packet * @return true if the sequence number is HEART_BEAT_SEQNO */ private boolean isHeartbeatPacket() { return seqno == HEART_BEAT_SEQNO; } } /** Decide if the write pipeline supports bidirectional heartbeat or not */ private boolean supportClientHeartbeat() throws IOException { return dfsClient.getDataTransferProtocolVersion() >= DataTransferProtocol.CLIENT_HEARTBEAT_VERSION; } /** * Check if the last outstanding packet has not received an ack before * it is timed out. * If true, for now just log it. * We will provide a decent solution to this later on. */ private void checkIfLastPacketTimeout() { synchronized (ackQueue) { if( !ackQueue.isEmpty() && ( System.currentTimeMillis() - lastPacketSentTime > packetTimeout) ) { DFSClient.LOG.warn("Packet " + ackQueue.getLast().seqno + " of " + block + " is timed out"); } } } // // The DataStreamer class is responsible for sending data packets to the // datanodes in the pipeline. It retrieves a new blockid and block locations // from the namenode, and starts streaming packets to the pipeline of // Datanodes. Every packet has a sequence number associated with // it. When all the packets for a block are sent out and acks for each // if them are received, the DataStreamer closes the current block. // private class DataStreamer extends Daemon { private volatile boolean closed = false; private long lastPacket; private boolean doSleep; DataStreamer() throws IOException { // explicitly invoke RPC so avoiding RPC in waitForWork // that might cause timeout dfsClient.getDataTransferProtocolVersion(); } private void waitForWork() throws IOException { if ( supportClientHeartbeat() ) { // send heart beat long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); while ((!closed && !hasError && dfsClient.clientRunning && dataQueue.size() == 0 && (blockStream == null || ( blockStream != null && now - lastPacket < dfsClient.timeoutValue/2))) || doSleep) { long timeout = dfsClient.timeoutValue/2 - (now-lastPacket); timeout = timeout <= 0 ? 1000 : timeout; try { dataQueue.wait(timeout); checkIfLastPacketTimeout(); now = System.currentTimeMillis(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } doSleep = false; } } else { // no sending heart beat while ((!closed && !hasError && dfsClient.clientRunning && dataQueue.size() == 0) || doSleep) { try { dataQueue.wait(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } doSleep = false; } } } public void run() { while (!closed && dfsClient.clientRunning) { // if the Responder encountered an error, shutdown Responder if (hasError && response != null) { try { response.close(); response.join(); response = null; } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } Packet one = null; synchronized (dataQueue) { // process IO errors if any doSleep = processDatanodeError(hasError, false); try { // wait for a packet to be sent. waitForWork(); if (closed || hasError || !dfsClient.clientRunning) { continue; } // get packet to be sent. if (dataQueue.isEmpty()) { one = new Packet(); // heartbeat packet } else { one = dataQueue.getFirst(); // regular data packet } long offsetInBlock = one.offsetInBlock; // get new block from namenode. if (blockStream == null) { DFSClient.LOG.debug("Allocating new block: " + src + " pos: " + lastBlkOffset); nodes = nextBlockOutputStream(src); this.setName("DataStreamer for file " + src + " block " + block); response = new ResponseProcessor(nodes); response.start(); } if (offsetInBlock >= blockSize) { throw new IOException("BlockSize " + blockSize + " is smaller than data size. " + " Offset of packet in block " + offsetInBlock + " Aborting file " + src); } ByteBuffer buf = one.getBuffer(); // write out data to remote datanode blockStream.write(buf.array(), buf.position(), buf.remaining()); if (one.lastPacketInBlock) { blockStream.writeInt(0); // indicate end-of-block } blockStream.flush(); lastPacket = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (DFSClient.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { DFSClient.LOG.debug("DataStreamer block " + block + " wrote packet seqno:" + one.seqno + " size:" + buf.remaining() + " offsetInBlock:" + one.offsetInBlock + " lastPacketInBlock:" + one.lastPacketInBlock); } // move packet from dataQueue to ackQueue if (!one.isHeartbeatPacket()) { dataQueue.removeFirst(); dataQueue.notifyAll(); synchronized (ackQueue) { ackQueue.addLast(one); lastPacketSentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); ackQueue.notifyAll(); } } else { synchronized (ackQueue) { numPendingHeartbeats++; ackQueue.notifyAll(); } DFSClient.LOG.info("Sending a heartbeat packet for block " + block); } } catch (Throwable e) { dfsClient.incWriteExpCntToStats(); DFSClient.LOG.warn("DataStreamer Exception: " + StringUtils.stringifyException(e)); if (e instanceof IOException) { setLastException((IOException)e); } hasError = true; if (blockStream != null) { // find the first datanode to which we could not write data. int possibleError = blockStream.getErrorIndex(); if (possibleError != -1) { errorIndex = possibleError; DFSClient.LOG.warn("DataStreamer bad datanode in pipeline:" + possibleError); } } } } if (closed || hasError || !dfsClient.clientRunning) { continue; } // Is this block full? if (one.lastPacketInBlock) { synchronized (ackQueue) { while (!hasError && ackQueue.size() != 0 && dfsClient.clientRunning) { try { ackQueue.wait(); // wait for acks to arrive from datanodes } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } DFSClient.LOG.debug("Closing old block " + block); this.setName("DataStreamer for file " + src); response.close(); // ignore all errors in Response try { response.join(); response = null; } catch (InterruptedException e) { } if (closed || hasError || !dfsClient.clientRunning) { continue; } synchronized (dataQueue) { try { blockStream.close(); blockReplyStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } nodes = null; response = null; blockStream = null; blockReplyStream = null; } } if (progress != null) { progress.progress(); } // This is used by unit test to trigger race conditions. if (artificialSlowdown != 0 && dfsClient.clientRunning) { DFSClient.sleepForUnitTest(artificialSlowdown); } } } // shutdown thread void close() { closed = true; synchronized (dataQueue) { dataQueue.notifyAll(); } synchronized (ackQueue) { ackQueue.notifyAll(); } this.interrupt(); } } // // Processes reponses from the datanodes. A packet is removed // from the ackQueue when its response arrives. // private class ResponseProcessor extends Thread { private volatile boolean closed = false; private DatanodeInfo[] targets = null; private boolean lastPacketInBlock = false; ResponseProcessor (DatanodeInfo[] targets) { this.targets = targets; } public void run() { this.setName("ResponseProcessor for block " + block); while (!closed && dfsClient.clientRunning && !lastPacketInBlock) { // process responses from datanodes. int recordError = 0; try { long seqno = 0; synchronized (ackQueue) { while (!closed && dfsClient.clientRunning && ackQueue.isEmpty() && numPendingHeartbeats == 0) { try { ackQueue.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // If the thread is being interrupted when waiting for // packet, we log the exception and treat it as a normal // exception. // DFSClient.LOG.info("ResponseProcessor thread interrupted when " + "waiting for new packets"); throw e; } } } if (closed || !dfsClient.clientRunning) { break; } if (!doParallelWrites) { // verify seqno from datanode seqno = blockReplyStream.get(0).readLong(); DFSClient.LOG.debug("DFSClient received ack for seqno " + seqno); if (seqno == Packet.HEART_BEAT_SEQNO && !supportClientHeartbeat()) { continue; } // regular ack // processes response status from all datanodes. for (int i = 0; i < targets.length && dfsClient.clientRunning; i++) { short reply = blockReplyStream.get(0).readShort(); if (reply != DataTransferProtocol.OP_STATUS_SUCCESS) { recordError = i; // first bad datanode throw new IOException("Bad response " + reply + " for block " + block + " from datanode " + targets[i].getName()); } } } else { // The client is writing to all replicas in parallel. It also // expects an ack from all replicas. long lastsn = 0; assert blockReplyStream.size() > 0; for (int i = 0; i < blockReplyStream.size(); i++) { recordError = i; // remember the current slot seqno = blockReplyStream.get(i).readLong(); if (DFSClient.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { DFSClient.LOG.debug("DFSClient for block " + block + " " + seqno); } if (i != 0 && seqno != -2 && seqno != lastsn) { String msg = "Responses from datanodes do not match " + " this replica acked " + seqno + " but previous replica acked " + lastsn; DFSClient.LOG.warn(msg); throw new IOException(msg); } short reply = blockReplyStream.get(i).readShort(); if (reply != DataTransferProtocol.OP_STATUS_SUCCESS) { recordError = i; // first bad datanode throw new IOException("Bad parallel response " + reply + " for block " + block + " from datanode " + targets[i].getName()); } lastsn = seqno; } } assert seqno != -2 : "Ack for unkown seqno should be a failed ack!"; if (seqno == Packet.HEART_BEAT_SEQNO) { // a heartbeat ack assert supportClientHeartbeat(); synchronized(ackQueue) { assert numPendingHeartbeats > 0; numPendingHeartbeats--; } continue; } Packet one = null; synchronized (ackQueue) { assert !ackQueue.isEmpty(); one = ackQueue.getFirst(); } if (one.seqno != seqno) { throw new IOException("Responseprocessor: Expecting seqno " + " for block " + block + one.seqno + " but received " + seqno); } lastPacketInBlock = one.lastPacketInBlock; if (lastPacketInBlock) { if (DFSClient.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { DFSClient.LOG .debug("Update pos in file: " + src + " curBlckOffset: " + lastBlkOffset + " blockSize: " + one.getEndPosInCurrBlk()); } lastBlkOffset += one.getEndPosInCurrBlk(); } synchronized (ackQueue) { assert seqno == lastAckedSeqno + 1; lastAckedSeqno = seqno; ackQueue.removeFirst(); ackQueue.notifyAll(); } } catch (Exception e) { if (!closed) { hasError = true; errorIndex = recordError; if (e instanceof IOException) { setLastException((IOException)e); } DFSClient.LOG.warn("DFSOutputStream ResponseProcessor exception " + " for block " + block + StringUtils.stringifyException(e)); closed = true; } } synchronized (dataQueue) { dataQueue.notifyAll(); } synchronized (ackQueue) { ackQueue.notifyAll(); } } } void close() { closed = true; this.interrupt(); } } // If this stream has encountered any errors so far, shutdown // threads and mark stream as closed. Returns true if we should // sleep for a while after returning from this call. // private boolean processDatanodeError(boolean hasError, boolean isAppend) { if (!hasError) { return false; } if (response != null) { DFSClient.LOG.info("Error Recovery for block " + block + " waiting for responder to exit. "); return true; } dfsClient.incWriteExpCntToStats(); if (errorIndex >= 0) { DFSClient.LOG.warn("Error Recovery for block " + block + " bad datanode[" + errorIndex + "] " + (nodes == null? "nodes == null": nodes[errorIndex].getName())); } if (blockStream != null) { try { blockStream.close(); blockReplyStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } blockStream = null; blockReplyStream = null; // move packets from ack queue to front of the data queue synchronized (ackQueue) { if (!ackQueue.isEmpty()) { DFSClient.LOG.info("First unacked packet in " + block + " starts at " + ackQueue.getFirst().offsetInBlock); dataQueue.addAll(0, ackQueue); ackQueue.clear(); } numPendingHeartbeats = 0; } boolean success = false; while (!success && dfsClient.clientRunning) { DatanodeInfo[] newnodes = null; if (nodes == null) { String msg = "Could not get block locations. " + "Source file \"" + src + "\" - Aborting..."; DFSClient.LOG.warn(msg); setLastException(new IOException(msg)); closed = true; if (streamer != null) streamer.close(); return false; } StringBuilder pipelineMsg = new StringBuilder(); for (int j = 0; j < nodes.length; j++) { pipelineMsg.append(nodes[j].getName()); if (j < nodes.length - 1) { pipelineMsg.append(", "); } } // remove bad datanode from list of datanodes. // If errorIndex was not set (i.e. appends), then do not remove // any datanodes // if (errorIndex < 0) { newnodes = nodes; } else { if (nodes.length <= 1) { lastException = new IOException("All datanodes " + pipelineMsg + " are bad. Aborting..."); closed = true; if (streamer != null) streamer.close(); return false; } DFSClient.LOG.warn("Error Recovery for block " + block + " in pipeline " + pipelineMsg + ": bad datanode " + nodes[errorIndex].getName()); newnodes = new DatanodeInfo[nodes.length-1]; System.arraycopy(nodes, 0, newnodes, 0, errorIndex); System.arraycopy(nodes, errorIndex+1, newnodes, errorIndex, newnodes.length-errorIndex); } // Tell the primary datanode to do error recovery // by stamping appropriate generation stamps. // LocatedBlock newBlock = null; ProtocolProxy<ClientDatanodeProtocol> primary = null; DatanodeInfo primaryNode = null; try { // Pick the "least" datanode as the primary datanode to avoid deadlock. primaryNode = Collections.min(Arrays.asList(newnodes)); /* considering pipeline recovery needs 3 RPCs to DataNodes * and 2 RPCs to NameNode; So rpcTimeout sets to be 5 times of * client socketTimeout */ int recoverTimeout = 5*dfsClient.socketTimeout; primary = DFSClient.createClientDNProtocolProxy(primaryNode, dfsClient.conf, recoverTimeout); try { if (primary.isMethodSupported("recoverBlock", int.class, Block.class, boolean.class, DatanodeInfo[].class, long.class)) { // The deadline is up to RPC time out minus one socket timeout // to be more conservative. newBlock = primary.getProxy().recoverBlock(namespaceId, block, isAppend, newnodes, System.currentTimeMillis() + recoverTimeout - dfsClient.socketTimeout); } else if (primary.isMethodSupported("recoverBlock", int.class, Block.class, boolean.class, DatanodeInfo[].class)) { newBlock = primary.getProxy().recoverBlock( namespaceId, block, isAppend, newnodes); } else { newBlock = primary.getProxy().recoverBlock(block, isAppend, newnodes); } } catch (RemoteException re) { if (re.unwrapRemoteException() instanceof BlockAlreadyCommittedException) { throw new BlockAlreadyCommittedException(re); } else { throw re; } } if (newBlock == null) { throw new IOException("all datanodes do not have the block"); } long nextByteToSend = dataQueue.isEmpty() ? bytesCurBlock : dataQueue.getFirst().offsetInBlock; if (nextByteToSend > newBlock.getBlockSize()) { DFSClient.LOG.warn("Missing bytes! Error Recovery for block " + block + " end up with " + newBlock.getBlockSize() + " bytes but client already sent " + nextByteToSend + " bytes and data queue is " + (dataQueue.isEmpty() ? "" : "not ") + "empty."); } } catch (BlockAlreadyCommittedException e) { dfsClient.incWriteExpCntToStats(); DFSClient.LOG .warn("Error Recovery for block " + block + " failed " + " because block is already committed according to primary datanode " + primaryNode + ". " + " Pipeline was " + pipelineMsg + ". Aborting...", e); lastException = e; closed = true; if (streamer != null) streamer.close(); return false; // abort with IOexception } catch (IOException e) { dfsClient.incWriteExpCntToStats(); DFSClient.LOG.warn("Failed recovery attempt #" + recoveryErrorCount + " from primary datanode " + primaryNode, e); recoveryErrorCount++; if (recoveryErrorCount > maxRecoveryErrorCount) { if (nodes.length > 1) { // if the primary datanode failed, remove it from the list. // The original bad datanode is left in the list because it is // conservative to remove only one datanode in one iteration. for (int j = 0; j < nodes.length; j++) { if (nodes[j].equals(primaryNode)) { errorIndex = j; // forget original bad node. } } // remove primary node from list newnodes = new DatanodeInfo[nodes.length-1]; System.arraycopy(nodes, 0, newnodes, 0, errorIndex); System.arraycopy(nodes, errorIndex+1, newnodes, errorIndex, newnodes.length-errorIndex); nodes = newnodes; DFSClient.LOG.warn("Error Recovery for block " + block + " failed " + " because recovery from primary datanode " + primaryNode + " failed " + recoveryErrorCount + " times. " + " Pipeline was " + pipelineMsg + ". Marking primary datanode as bad."); recoveryErrorCount = 0; errorIndex = -1; return true; // sleep when we return from here } String emsg = "Error Recovery for block " + block + " failed " + " because recovery from primary datanode " + primaryNode + " failed " + recoveryErrorCount + " times. " + " Pipeline was " + pipelineMsg + ". Aborting..."; DFSClient.LOG.warn(emsg); lastException = new IOException(emsg); closed = true; if (streamer != null) streamer.close(); return false; // abort with IOexception } DFSClient.LOG.warn("Error Recovery for block " + block + " failed " + " because recovery from primary datanode " + primaryNode + " failed " + recoveryErrorCount + " times. " + " Pipeline was " + pipelineMsg + ". Will retry..."); return true; // sleep when we return from here } finally { if (primary != null) { RPC.stopProxy(primary.getProxy()); } } recoveryErrorCount = 0; // block recovery successful // If the block recovery generated a new generation stamp, use that // from now on. Also, setup new pipeline // if (newBlock != null) { block = newBlock.getBlock(); nodes = newBlock.getLocations(); } this.hasError = false; lastException = null; errorIndex = 0; success = createBlockOutputStream(nodes, dfsClient.clientName, true); } response = new ResponseProcessor(nodes); response.start(); return false; // do not sleep, continue processing } private void isClosed() throws IOException { if ((closed || !dfsClient.clientRunning) && lastException != null) { throw lastException; } } // // returns the list of targets, if any, that is being currently used. // DatanodeInfo[] getPipeline() { synchronized (dataQueue) { if (nodes == null) { return null; } DatanodeInfo[] value = new DatanodeInfo[nodes.length]; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { value[i] = nodes[i]; } return value; } } private DFSOutputStream(DFSClient dfsClient, String src, long blockSize, Progressable progress, int bytesPerChecksum, short replication, boolean forceSync, boolean doParallelWrites, DatanodeInfo[] favoredNodes) throws IOException { super(new CRC32(), bytesPerChecksum, 4); this.dfsClient = dfsClient; this.forceSync = forceSync; this.doParallelWrites = doParallelWrites; this.src = src; this.blockSize = blockSize; this.blockReplication = replication; this.progress = progress; streamer = new DataStreamer(); packetTimeout = dfsClient.conf.getLong("dfs.client.packet.timeout", 15000); // 15 seconds // try block recovery 5 times: maxRecoveryErrorCount = dfsClient.conf.getInt("dfs.client.block.recovery.retries", 5); if (progress != null) { DFSClient.LOG.debug("Set non-null progress callback on DFSOutputStream "+src); } this.favoredNodes = favoredNodes; if ( bytesPerChecksum < 1 || blockSize % bytesPerChecksum != 0) { throw new IOException("io.bytes.per.checksum(" + bytesPerChecksum + ") and blockSize(" + blockSize + ") do not match. " + "blockSize should be a " + "multiple of io.bytes.per.checksum"); } checksum = DataChecksum.newDataChecksum(DataChecksum.CHECKSUM_CRC32, bytesPerChecksum, new PureJavaCrc32()); } /** * Create a new output stream to the given DataNode. * @see ClientProtocol#create(String, FsPermission, String, boolean, short, long) */ DFSOutputStream(DFSClient dfsClient, String src, int buffersize, Progressable progress, LocatedBlock lastBlock, FileStatus stat, int bytesPerChecksum) throws IOException { this(dfsClient, src, buffersize, progress, lastBlock, stat, bytesPerChecksum, 0); } /** * Create a new output stream to the given DataNode. * @see ClientProtocol#create(String, FsPermission, String, boolean, short, long) */ DFSOutputStream(DFSClient dfsClient, String src, FsPermission masked, boolean overwrite, boolean createParent, short replication, long blockSize, Progressable progress,int buffersize, int bytesPerChecksum, boolean forceSync, boolean doParallelWrites, DatanodeInfo[] favoredNodes) throws IOException { this(dfsClient, src, blockSize, progress, bytesPerChecksum, replication, forceSync, doParallelWrites, favoredNodes); computePacketChunkSize(dfsClient.writePacketSize, bytesPerChecksum); try { if (dfsClient.namenodeProtocolProxy != null && dfsClient.namenodeProtocolProxy.isMethodSupported("create", String.class, FsPermission.class, String.class, boolean.class, boolean.class, short.class, long.class)) { dfsClient.namenode.create(src, masked, dfsClient.clientName, overwrite, createParent, replication, blockSize); } else { dfsClient.namenode.create(src, masked, dfsClient.clientName, overwrite, replication, blockSize); } } catch(RemoteException re) { dfsClient.incWriteExpCntToStats(); throw re.unwrapRemoteException(AccessControlException.class, FileAlreadyExistsException.class, FileNotFoundException.class, NSQuotaExceededException.class, DSQuotaExceededException.class); } streamer.start(); } /** * Create a new output stream to the given DataNode with namespace id. */ DFSOutputStream(DFSClient dfsClient, String src, int buffersize, Progressable progress, LocatedBlock lastBlock, FileStatus stat, int bytesPerChecksum, int namespaceId) throws IOException { this(dfsClient, src, stat.getBlockSize(), progress, bytesPerChecksum, stat.getReplication(), false, false, null); initialFileSize = stat.getLen(); // length of file when opened this.namespaceId = namespaceId; // // The last partial block of the file has to be filled. // if (lastBlock != null) { block = lastBlock.getBlock(); long usedInLastBlock = stat.getLen() % blockSize; int freeInLastBlock = (int)(blockSize - usedInLastBlock); // calculate the amount of free space in the pre-existing // last crc chunk int usedInCksum = (int)(stat.getLen() % bytesPerChecksum); int freeInCksum = bytesPerChecksum - usedInCksum; // if there is space in the last block, then we have to // append to that block if (freeInLastBlock > blockSize) { throw new IOException("The last block for file " + src + " is full."); } // indicate that we are appending to an existing block bytesCurBlock = lastBlock.getBlockSize(); if (usedInCksum > 0 && freeInCksum > 0) { // if there is space in the last partial chunk, then // setup in such a way that the next packet will have only // one chunk that fills up the partial chunk. // computePacketChunkSize(0, freeInCksum); resetChecksumChunk(freeInCksum); this.appendChunk = true; } else { // if the remaining space in the block is smaller than // that expected size of of a packet, then create // smaller size packet. // computePacketChunkSize(Math.min(dfsClient.writePacketSize, freeInLastBlock), bytesPerChecksum); } // setup pipeline to append to the last block nodes = lastBlock.getLocations(); errorIndex = -1; // no errors yet. if (nodes.length < 1) { throw new IOException("Unable to retrieve blocks locations" + " for append to last block " + block + " of file " + src); } // keep trying to setup a pipeline until you know all DNs are dead while (processDatanodeError(true, true)) { try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } if (lastException != null) { throw lastException; } } else { computePacketChunkSize(dfsClient.writePacketSize, bytesPerChecksum); } long blockOffset = stat.getLen(); blockOffset -= blockOffset % blockSize; setOffsets(blockOffset); streamer.start(); } private void computePacketChunkSize(int psize, int csize) { int chunkSize = csize + checksum.getChecksumSize(); int n = DataNode.PKT_HEADER_LEN + DFSClient.SIZE_OF_INTEGER; chunksPerPacket = Math.max((psize - n + chunkSize-1)/chunkSize, 1); packetSize = n + chunkSize*chunksPerPacket; if (DFSClient.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { DFSClient.LOG.debug("computePacketChunkSize: src=" + src + ", chunkSize=" + chunkSize + ", chunksPerPacket=" + chunksPerPacket + ", packetSize=" + packetSize); } } /** * Open a DataOutputStream to a DataNode so that it can be written to. * This happens when a file is created and each time a new block is allocated. * Must get block ID and the IDs of the destinations from the namenode. * Returns the list of target datanodes. */ private DatanodeInfo[] nextBlockOutputStream(String client) throws IOException { LocatedBlock lb = null; boolean retry = false; DatanodeInfo[] nodes; ArrayList<DatanodeInfo> excludedNodes = new ArrayList<DatanodeInfo>(); int count = dfsClient.conf.getInt("dfs.client.block.write.retries", 3); boolean success; do { hasError = false; lastException = null; errorIndex = 0; retry = false; nodes = null; success = false; long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); DatanodeInfo[] excluded = excludedNodes.toArray(new DatanodeInfo[0]); lb = locateFollowingBlock(startTime, excluded.length > 0 ? excluded : null); block = lb.getBlock(); nodes = lb.getLocations(); // // Connect to first DataNode in the list. // success = createBlockOutputStream(nodes, dfsClient.clientName, false); if (!success) { DFSClient.LOG.info("Abandoning block " + block + " for file " + src); dfsClient.namenode.abandonBlock(block, src, dfsClient.clientName); if (errorIndex < nodes.length) { DFSClient.LOG.debug("Excluding datanode " + nodes[errorIndex]); excludedNodes.add(nodes[errorIndex]); } // Connection failed. Let's wait a little bit and retry retry = true; } } while (retry && --count >= 0); if (!success) { throw new IOException("Unable to create new block."); } return nodes; } // For pipelined writes, connects to the first datanode in the pipeline. // For parallel writes, connect to all specified datanodes. // Returns true if success, otherwise return failure. // private boolean createBlockOutputStream(DatanodeInfo[] nodes, String client, boolean recoveryFlag) { String firstBadLink = ""; if (DFSClient.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { DFSClient.LOG.debug("pipeline = " + nodes[i].getName()); } } // persist blocks on namenode on next flush persistBlocks = true; boolean result = false; int curNode = 0; int length = 0; int pipelineDepth; if (doParallelWrites) { length = nodes.length; // connect to all datanodes pipelineDepth = 1; } else { length = 1; // connect to only the first datanode pipelineDepth = nodes.length; } DataOutputStream[] tmpOut = new DataOutputStream[length]; DataInputStream[] replyIn = new DataInputStream[length]; Socket[] sockets = new Socket[length]; try { for (curNode = 0; curNode < length; curNode++) { DFSClient.LOG.debug("Connecting to " + nodes[curNode].getName()); InetSocketAddress target = NetUtils.createSocketAddr(nodes[curNode].getName()); Socket s = dfsClient.socketFactory.createSocket(); sockets[curNode] = s; dfsClient.timeoutValue = dfsClient.socketReadExtentionTimeout * pipelineDepth + dfsClient.socketTimeout; NetUtils.connect(s, target, dfsClient.timeoutValue, dfsClient.ipTosValue); s.setSoTimeout(dfsClient.timeoutValue); s.setSendBufferSize(DFSClient.DEFAULT_DATA_SOCKET_SIZE); DFSClient.LOG.debug("Send buf size " + s.getSendBufferSize()); long writeTimeout = dfsClient.datanodeWriteExtentionTimeout * pipelineDepth + dfsClient.datanodeWriteTimeout; // // Xmit header info to datanode (see DataXceiver.java) // DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream( new BufferedOutputStream(NetUtils.getOutputStream(s, writeTimeout), DataNode.SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE)); tmpOut[curNode] = out; DataInputStream brs = new DataInputStream(NetUtils.getInputStream(s)); replyIn[curNode] = brs; int version = dfsClient.getDataTransferProtocolVersion(); WriteBlockHeader header = new WriteBlockHeader(version, namespaceId, block.getBlockId(), block.getGenerationStamp(), pipelineDepth, recoveryFlag, false, null, pipelineDepth - 1, nodes, client); header.writeVersionAndOpCode(out); header.write(out); checksum.writeHeader(out); out.flush(); // receive ack for connect firstBadLink = Text.readString(brs); if (firstBadLink.length() != 0) { throw new IOException("Bad connect ack with firstBadLink " + firstBadLink); } } result = true; // success blockStream = dfsClient.new MultiDataOutputStream(tmpOut); blockReplyStream = dfsClient.new MultiDataInputStream(replyIn); this.s = sockets; } catch (IOException ie) { DFSClient.LOG.info("Exception in createBlockOutputStream " + nodes[curNode].getName() + " " + " for file " + src + ie); dfsClient.incWriteExpCntToStats(); // find the datanode that matches if (firstBadLink.length() != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { if (nodes[i].getName().equals(firstBadLink)) { errorIndex = i; break; } } } else { // if we are doing parallel writes, then record the datanode that is bad errorIndex = curNode; } hasError = true; setLastException(ie); blockReplyStream = null; result = false; } finally { if (!result) { for (int i = 0; i < sockets.length; i++) { IOUtils.closeSocket(sockets[i]); } this.s = null; } } return result; } private LocatedBlock locateFollowingBlock(long start, DatanodeInfo[] excludedNodes ) throws IOException { int retries = dfsClient.conf.getInt( "dfs.client.block.write.locateFollowingBlock.retries", 5); long sleeptime = 400; while (true) { long localstart = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (true) { try { VersionedLocatedBlock loc = null; if (dfsClient.namenodeProtocolProxy != null && dfsClient.namenodeProtocolProxy.isMethodSupported( "addBlockAndFetchMetaInfo", String.class, String.class, DatanodeInfo[].class, DatanodeInfo[].class, long.class, Block.class)) { loc = dfsClient.namenode.addBlockAndFetchMetaInfo(src, dfsClient.clientName, excludedNodes, favoredNodes, this.lastBlkOffset, getLastBlock()); } else if (dfsClient.namenodeProtocolProxy != null && dfsClient.namenodeProtocolProxy.isMethodSupported( "addBlockAndFetchMetaInfo", String.class, String.class, DatanodeInfo[].class, DatanodeInfo[].class, long.class)) { loc = dfsClient.namenode.addBlockAndFetchMetaInfo(src, dfsClient.clientName, excludedNodes, favoredNodes, this.lastBlkOffset); } else if (dfsClient.namenodeProtocolProxy != null && dfsClient.namenodeProtocolProxy.isMethodSupported( "addBlockAndFetchMetaInfo", String.class, String.class, DatanodeInfo[].class, long.class)) { loc = dfsClient.namenode.addBlockAndFetchMetaInfo(src, dfsClient.clientName, excludedNodes, this.lastBlkOffset); } else if (dfsClient.namenodeProtocolProxy != null && dfsClient.namenodeProtocolProxy.isMethodSupported( "addBlockAndFetchMetaInfo", String.class, String.class, DatanodeInfo[].class)) { loc = dfsClient.namenode.addBlockAndFetchMetaInfo(src, dfsClient.clientName, excludedNodes); } else if (dfsClient.namenodeProtocolProxy != null && dfsClient.namenodeProtocolProxy.isMethodSupported( "addBlockAndFetchVersion", String.class, String.class, DatanodeInfo[].class)) { loc = dfsClient.namenode.addBlockAndFetchVersion(src, dfsClient.clientName, excludedNodes); } else if (dfsClient.namenodeProtocolProxy != null && dfsClient.namenodeProtocolProxy.isMethodSupported("addBlock", String.class, String.class, DatanodeInfo[].class)) { return dfsClient.namenode.addBlock(src, dfsClient.clientName, excludedNodes); } else { return dfsClient.namenode.addBlock(src, dfsClient.clientName); } dfsClient.updateDataTransferProtocolVersionIfNeeded( loc.getDataProtocolVersion()); if (loc instanceof LocatedBlockWithMetaInfo) { LocatedBlockWithMetaInfo metaLoc = (LocatedBlockWithMetaInfo)loc; this.namespaceId = metaLoc.getNamespaceID(); dfsClient.getNewNameNodeIfNeeded(metaLoc.getMethodFingerPrint()); } return loc; } catch (RemoteException e) { IOException ue = e.unwrapRemoteException(FileNotFoundException.class, AccessControlException.class, NSQuotaExceededException.class, DSQuotaExceededException.class); if (ue != e) { throw ue; // no need to retry these exceptions } if (NotReplicatedYetException.class.getName(). equals(e.getClassName())) { if (retries == 0) { throw e; } else { --retries; DFSClient.LOG.info(StringUtils.stringifyException(e)); if (System.currentTimeMillis() - localstart > 5000) { DFSClient.LOG.info("Waiting for replication for " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - localstart) / 1000 + " seconds"); } try { DFSClient.LOG.warn("NotReplicatedYetException sleeping " + src + " retries left " + retries); Thread.sleep(sleeptime); sleeptime *= 2; } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } } } else { throw e; } } } } } @Override protected void incMetrics(int len){ dfsClient.metrics.incWriteOps(); dfsClient.metrics.incWriteSize(len); } // @see FSOutputSummer#writeChunk() @Override protected synchronized void writeChunk(byte[] b, int offset, int len, byte[] checksum) throws IOException { dfsClient.checkOpen(); isClosed(); int cklen = checksum.length; int bytesPerChecksum = this.checksum.getBytesPerChecksum(); if (len > bytesPerChecksum) { throw new IOException("writeChunk() buffer size is " + len + " is larger than supported bytesPerChecksum " + bytesPerChecksum); } if (checksum.length != this.checksum.getChecksumSize()) { throw new IOException("writeChunk() checksum size is supposed to be " + this.checksum.getChecksumSize() + " but found to be " + checksum.length); } synchronized (dataQueue) { // If queue is full, then wait till we can create enough space while (!closed && dataQueue.size() + ackQueue.size() > maxPackets) { try { dataQueue.wait(packetTimeout); checkIfLastPacketTimeout(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } isClosed(); if (currentPacket == null) { currentPacket = new Packet(packetSize, chunksPerPacket, bytesCurBlock); if (DFSClient.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { DFSClient.LOG.debug("DFSClient writeChunk allocating new packet seqno=" + currentPacket.seqno + ", src=" + src + ", packetSize=" + packetSize + ", chunksPerPacket=" + chunksPerPacket + ", bytesCurBlock=" + bytesCurBlock + ", forceSync=" + forceSync + ", doParallelWrites=" + doParallelWrites + ", len=" + len + ", blocksize=" + blockSize); } } currentPacket.writeChecksum(checksum, 0, cklen); currentPacket.writeData(b, offset, len); currentPacket.numChunks++; bytesCurBlock += len; // If packet is full, enqueue it for transmission if (currentPacket.numChunks == currentPacket.maxChunks || bytesCurBlock == blockSize) { if (DFSClient.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { DFSClient.LOG.debug("DFSClient writeChunk packet full seqno=" + currentPacket.seqno + ", src=" + src + ", bytesCurBlock=" + bytesCurBlock + ", blockSize=" + blockSize + ", appendChunk=" + appendChunk); } // // if we allocated a new packet because we encountered a block // boundary, reset bytesCurBlock. // if (bytesCurBlock == blockSize) { currentPacket.lastPacketInBlock = true; bytesCurBlock = 0; lastFlushOffset = 0; } enqueueCurrentPacket(); // If this was the first write after reopening a file, then the above // write filled up any partial chunk. Tell the summer to generate full // crc chunks from now on. if (appendChunk) { appendChunk = false; resetChecksumChunk(bytesPerChecksum); } int psize = Math.min((int)(blockSize-bytesCurBlock), dfsClient.writePacketSize); computePacketChunkSize(psize, bytesPerChecksum); } } //LOG.debug("DFSClient writeChunk done length " + len + // " checksum length " + cklen); } private synchronized void enqueueCurrentPacket() { synchronized (dataQueue) { if (currentPacket == null) return; dataQueue.addLast(currentPacket); dataQueue.notifyAll(); lastQueuedSeqno = currentPacket.seqno; currentPacket = null; } } /** * All data is written out to datanodes. It is not guaranteed * that data has been flushed to persistent store on the * datanode. Block allocations are persisted on namenode. */ public void sync() throws IOException { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { long toWaitFor; synchronized (this) { /* Record current blockOffset. This might be changed inside * flushBuffer() where a partial checksum chunk might be flushed. * After the flush, reset the bytesCurBlock back to its previous value, * any partial checksum chunk will be sent now and in next packet. */ long saveOffset = bytesCurBlock; Packet oldCurrentPacket = currentPacket; // flush checksum buffer, but keep checksum buffer intact flushBuffer(true); // bytesCurBlock potentially incremented if there was buffered data if (DFSClient.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { DFSClient.LOG.debug("DFSClient flush() : saveOffset " + saveOffset + " bytesCurBlock " + bytesCurBlock + " lastFlushOffset " + lastFlushOffset); } // Flush only if we haven't already flushed till this offset. if (lastFlushOffset != bytesCurBlock) { assert bytesCurBlock > lastFlushOffset; // record the valid offset of this flush lastFlushOffset = bytesCurBlock; enqueueCurrentPacket(); } else { // just discard the current packet since it is already been sent. if (oldCurrentPacket == null && currentPacket != null) { // If we didn't previously have a packet queued, and now we do, // but we don't plan on sending it, then we should not // skip a sequence number for it! currentSeqno--; } currentPacket = null; } // Restore state of stream. Record the last flush offset // of the last full chunk that was flushed. // bytesCurBlock = saveOffset; toWaitFor = lastQueuedSeqno; } waitForAckedSeqno(toWaitFor); // If any new blocks were allocated since the last flush, // then persist block locations on namenode. // boolean willPersist; synchronized (this) { willPersist = persistBlocks; persistBlocks = false; } if (willPersist) { dfsClient.namenode.fsync(src, dfsClient.clientName); } long timeval = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; dfsClient.metrics.incSyncTime(timeval); } catch (IOException e) { lastException = new IOException("IOException flush:", e); closed = true; closeThreads(); throw e; } } private Block getLastBlock() { return this.block; } /** * Returns the number of replicas of current block. This can be different * from the designated replication factor of the file because the NameNode * does not replicate the block to which a client is currently writing to. * The client continues to write to a block even if a few datanodes in the * write pipeline have failed. If the current block is full and the next * block is not yet allocated, then this API will return 0 because there are * no replicas in the pipeline. */ public int getNumCurrentReplicas() throws IOException { synchronized(dataQueue) { if (nodes == null) { return blockReplication; } return nodes.length; } } /** * Waits till all existing data is flushed and confirmations * received from datanodes. */ private void flushInternal() throws IOException { isClosed(); dfsClient.checkOpen(); long toWaitFor; synchronized (this) { enqueueCurrentPacket(); toWaitFor = lastQueuedSeqno; } waitForAckedSeqno(toWaitFor); } private void waitForAckedSeqno(long seqnumToWaitFor) throws IOException { boolean interrupted = false; synchronized (ackQueue) { while (!closed) { isClosed(); if (lastAckedSeqno >= seqnumToWaitFor) { break; } try { ackQueue.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { interrupted = true; } } } if (interrupted) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } isClosed(); } /** * Closes this output stream and releases any system * resources associated with this stream. */ @Override public void close() throws IOException { if (closed) { IOException e = lastException; if (e == null) return; else throw e; } try { closeInternal(); dfsClient.leasechecker.remove(src); if (s != null) { for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { s[i].close(); } s = null; } } catch (IOException e) { lastException = e; throw e; } } /** * Harsh abort method that should only be used from tests - this * is in order to prevent pipeline recovery when eg a DN shuts down. */ void abortForTests() throws IOException { streamer.close(); response.close(); closed = true; } /** * Aborts this output stream and releases any system * resources associated with this stream. */ synchronized void abort() throws IOException { if (closed) { return; } setLastException(new IOException("Lease timeout of " + (dfsClient.hdfsTimeout/1000) + " seconds expired.")); closeThreads(); } // shutdown datastreamer and responseprocessor threads. private void closeThreads() throws IOException { try { if (streamer != null) { streamer.close(); streamer.join(); } // shutdown response after streamer has exited. if (response != null) { response.close(); response.join(); response = null; } } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new InterruptedIOException("Failed to shutdown response thread"); } } /** * Closes this output stream and releases any system * resources associated with this stream. */ private synchronized void closeInternal() throws IOException { dfsClient.checkOpen(); isClosed(); try { flushBuffer(); // flush from all upper layers // Mark that this packet is the last packet in block. // If there are no outstanding packets and the last packet // was not the last one in the current block, then create a // packet with empty payload. synchronized (dataQueue) { if (currentPacket == null && bytesCurBlock != 0) { currentPacket = new Packet(packetSize, chunksPerPacket, bytesCurBlock); } if (currentPacket != null) { currentPacket.lastPacketInBlock = true; } } flushInternal(); // flush all data to Datanodes isClosed(); // check to see if flushInternal had any exceptions closed = true; // allow closeThreads() to showdown threads closeThreads(); synchronized (dataQueue) { if (blockStream != null) { blockStream.writeInt(0); // indicate end-of-block to datanode blockStream.close(); blockReplyStream.close(); } if (s != null) { for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { s[i].close(); } s = null; } } streamer = null; blockStream = null; blockReplyStream = null; dfsClient.closeFile(src, lastBlkOffset, getLastBlock()); } finally { closed = true; } } void setArtificialSlowdown(long period) { artificialSlowdown = period; } synchronized void setChunksPerPacket(int value) { chunksPerPacket = Math.min(chunksPerPacket, value); packetSize = DataNode.PKT_HEADER_LEN + DFSClient.SIZE_OF_INTEGER + (checksum.getBytesPerChecksum() + checksum.getChecksumSize()) * chunksPerPacket; } synchronized void setTestFilename(String newname) { src = newname; } /** * Returns the size of a file as it was when this stream was opened */ long getInitialLen() { return initialFileSize; } }