/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.net.URI; import java.net.URISyntaxException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import javax.management.MalformedObjectNameException; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.DatanodeInfo.AdminStates; import org.apache.hadoop.net.NetUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.security.UnixUserGroupInformation; import org.codehaus.jackson.map.ObjectMapper; import org.codehaus.jackson.type.TypeReference; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.NameNodeMXBean; /** * This class generates the data that is needed to be displayed on cluster web * console by connecting to each namenode through http. */ class ClusterJspHelper { public final static String TOTAL_FILES = "TotalFiles"; public final static String TOTAL = "Total"; public final static String FREE = "Free"; public final static String NAMESPACE_USED = "NamespaceUsed"; public final static String NON_DFS_USEDSPACE = "NonDfsUsedSpace"; public final static String TOTAL_BLOCKS = "TotalBlocks"; public final static String NUMBER_MISSING_BLOCKS = "NumberOfMissingBlocks"; public final static String SAFE_MODE_TEXT = "SafeModeText"; public final static String LIVE_NODES = "LiveNodes"; public final static String DEAD_NODES = "DeadNodes"; public final static String DECOM_NODES = "DecomNodes"; public final static String NNSPECIFIC_KEYS = "NNSpecificKeys"; public final static String IS_PRIMARY = "IsPrimary"; public static class NameNodeKey implements Comparable<NameNodeKey> { public static final int ACTIVE = 0; public static final int BOTH = 1; public static final int STANDBY = 2; public static final String DELIMITER = "\n"; String key; int type; public NameNodeKey(){ } public NameNodeKey(String input) { String[] splits = input.split(DELIMITER); key = splits[0]; type = Integer.parseInt(splits[1]); } public NameNodeKey(String s, int t){ key = s; type = t; } @Override public int compareTo(NameNodeKey o) { if (type == o.type) return key.compareTo(o.key); return new Integer(type).compareTo(o.type); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o){ NameNodeKey other = (NameNodeKey)o; return key.equals(other.key) && type == other.type; } public String getKey() { return key; } public int getType() { return type; } public void setKey(String key) { this.key = key; } public void setType(int type) { this.type = type; } public int hashCode() { return key.hashCode(); } public String toString() { return this.key + DELIMITER + this.type; } } final static public String WEB_UGI_PROPERTY_NAME = "dfs.web.ugi"; private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(ClusterJspHelper.class); public static final String OVERALL_STATUS = "overall-status"; public static final String DEAD = "Dead"; public static Configuration conf = new Configuration(); private static final boolean isAvatar = conf.get("fs.default.name0", "").length() > 0; public NameNode localnn; public static final UnixUserGroupInformation webUGI = UnixUserGroupInformation.createImmutable( conf.getStrings(WEB_UGI_PROPERTY_NAME)); public ClusterJspHelper(NameNode nn) { localnn = nn; } private NamenodeMXBeanHelper getNNHelper(InetSocketAddress isa) throws IOException, MalformedObjectNameException, URISyntaxException { if (localnn != null) { Configuration runningConf = localnn.getConf(); InetSocketAddress nameNodeAddr = NameNode.getAddress(runningConf); if (nameNodeAddr.equals(isa)) { return new NamenodeMXBeanHelper(isa, conf, localnn); } } return new NamenodeMXBeanHelper(isa, conf); } public class NameNodeStatusFetcher extends Thread { InetSocketAddress isa; Exception e = null; NamenodeStatus nn = null; public NameNodeStatusFetcher(InetSocketAddress isa) { this.isa = isa; } public void run() { NamenodeMXBeanHelper nnHelper = null; LOG.info("connect to " + isa.toString()); long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { nnHelper = getNNHelper(isa); nn = nnHelper.getNamenodeStatus(); } catch ( Exception exception ) { // track exceptions encountered when connecting to namenodes this.e = exception; LOG.error(isa.toString() + " has the exception:", e); nn = new NamenodeStatus(); } finally { LOG.info("Take time " + isa.toString() + " : " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime)); } } } public class DecommissionStatusFetcher extends Thread { InetSocketAddress isa; Exception e = null; Map<String, Map<String, String>> statusMap = null; public DecommissionStatusFetcher(InetSocketAddress isa, Map<String, Map<String, String>> statusMap) { this.isa = isa; this.statusMap = statusMap; } public void run() { NamenodeMXBeanHelper nnHelper = null; try { nnHelper = getNNHelper(isa); synchronized(statusMap) { nnHelper.getDecomNodeInfoForReport(statusMap); } } catch (Exception exception) { this.e = exception; LOG.error(isa.toString() + " has the exception:", e); } } } /** * JSP helper function that generates cluster health report. When * encountering exception while getting Namenode status, the exception will * be listed in the page with corresponding stack trace. */ ClusterStatus generateClusterHealthReport() { ClusterStatus cs = new ClusterStatus(); List<InetSocketAddress> isas = null; ArrayList<String> suffixes = null; if (isAvatar) { suffixes = new ArrayList<String>(); suffixes.add("0"); suffixes.add("1"); } try { cs.nnAddrs = isas = DFSUtil.getClientRpcAddresses(conf, suffixes); } catch (Exception e) { // Could not build cluster status cs.setError(e); LOG.error(e); return cs; } sort(isas); // Process each namenode and add it to ClusterStatus in parallel NameNodeStatusFetcher[] threads = new NameNodeStatusFetcher[isas.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < isas.size(); i++) { threads[i] = new NameNodeStatusFetcher(isas.get(i)); threads[i].start(); } for (NameNodeStatusFetcher thread : threads) { try { thread.join(); if (thread.e != null) { cs.addException(thread.isa.toString(), thread.e); } cs.addNamenodeStatus(thread.nn); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { LOG.warn(ex); } } return cs; } private void sort(List<InetSocketAddress> isas) { Collections.sort(isas, new Comparator<InetSocketAddress>() { @Override public int compare(InetSocketAddress o1, InetSocketAddress o2) { return o1.toString().compareTo(o2.toString()); } }); } /** * Helper function that generates the decommissioning report. */ DecommissionStatus generateDecommissioningReport() { List<InetSocketAddress> isas = null; ArrayList<String> suffixes = null; if (isAvatar) { suffixes = new ArrayList<String>(); suffixes.add("0"); suffixes.add("1"); } try { isas = DFSUtil.getClientRpcAddresses(conf, suffixes); sort(isas); } catch (Exception e) { // catch any exception encountered other than connecting to namenodes DecommissionStatus dInfo = new DecommissionStatus(e); LOG.error(e); return dInfo; } // Outer map key is datanode. Inner map key is namenode and the value is // decom status of the datanode for the corresponding namenode Map<String, Map<String, String>> statusMap = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>(); // Map of exceptions encountered when connecting to namenode // key is namenode and value is exception Map<String, Exception> decommissionExceptions = new HashMap<String, Exception>(); List<String> unreportedNamenode = new ArrayList<String>(); DecommissionStatusFetcher[] threads = new DecommissionStatusFetcher[isas.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < isas.size(); i++) { threads[i] = new DecommissionStatusFetcher(isas.get(i), statusMap); threads[i].start(); } for (DecommissionStatusFetcher thread : threads) { try { thread.join(); if (thread.e != null) { // catch exceptions encountered while connecting to namenodes decommissionExceptions.put(thread.isa.toString(), thread.e); unreportedNamenode.add(thread.isa.toString()); } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { LOG.warn(ex); } } updateUnknownStatus(statusMap, unreportedNamenode); getDecommissionNodeClusterState(statusMap); return new DecommissionStatus(statusMap, isas, getDatanodeHttpPort(conf), decommissionExceptions); } /** * Based on the state of the datanode at each namenode, marks the overall * state of the datanode across all the namenodes, to one of the following: * <ol> * <li>{@link DecommissionStates#DECOMMISSIONED}</li> * <li>{@link DecommissionStates#DECOMMISSION_INPROGRESS}</li> * <li>{@link DecommissionStates#PARTIALLY_DECOMMISSIONED}</li> * <li>{@link DecommissionStates#UNKNOWN}</li> * </ol> * * @param statusMap * map whose key is datanode, value is an inner map with key being * namenode, value being decommission state. */ private void getDecommissionNodeClusterState( Map<String, Map<String, String>> statusMap) { if (statusMap == null || statusMap.isEmpty()) { return; } // For each datanodes Iterator<Entry<String, Map<String, String>>> it = statusMap.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { // Map entry for a datanode: // key is namenode, value is datanode status at the namenode Entry<String, Map<String, String>> entry = it.next(); Map<String, String> nnStatus = entry.getValue(); if (nnStatus == null || nnStatus.isEmpty()) { continue; } boolean isUnknown = false; int unknown = 0; int decommissioned = 0; int decomInProg = 0; int inservice = 0; int dead = 0; DecommissionStates overallState = DecommissionStates.UNKNOWN; // Process a datanode state from each namenode for (Map.Entry<String, String> m : nnStatus.entrySet()) { String status = m.getValue(); if (status.equals(DecommissionStates.UNKNOWN.toString())) { isUnknown = true; unknown++; } else if (status.equals(AdminStates.DECOMMISSION_INPROGRESS.toString())) { decomInProg++; } else if (status.equals(AdminStates.DECOMMISSIONED.toString())) { decommissioned++; } else if (status.equals(AdminStates.NORMAL.toString())) { inservice++; } else if (status.equals(DEAD)) { // dead dead++; } } // Consolidate all the states from namenode in to overall state int nns = nnStatus.keySet().size(); if ((inservice + dead + unknown) == nns) { // Do not display this data node. Remove this entry from status map. it.remove(); } else if (isUnknown) { overallState = DecommissionStates.UNKNOWN; } else if (decommissioned == nns) { overallState = DecommissionStates.DECOMMISSIONED; } else if ((decommissioned + decomInProg) == nns) { overallState = DecommissionStates.DECOMMISSION_INPROGRESS; } else if ((decommissioned + decomInProg < nns) && (decommissioned + decomInProg > 0)){ overallState = DecommissionStates.PARTIALLY_DECOMMISSIONED; } else { LOG.warn("Cluster console encounters a not handled situtation."); } // insert overall state nnStatus.put(OVERALL_STATUS, overallState.toString()); } } /** * update unknown status in datanode status map for every unreported namenode */ private void updateUnknownStatus(Map<String, Map<String, String>> statusMap, List<String> unreportedNn) { if (unreportedNn == null || unreportedNn.isEmpty()) { // no unreported namenodes return; } for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String,String>> entry : statusMap.entrySet()) { String dn = entry.getKey(); Map<String, String> nnStatus = entry.getValue(); for (String nn : unreportedNn) { nnStatus.put(nn, DecommissionStates.UNKNOWN.toString()); } statusMap.put(dn, nnStatus); } } /** * Get datanode http port from configration */ private int getDatanodeHttpPort(Configuration conf) { String address = conf.get("dfs.datanode.http.address", ""); if (address.equals("")) { return -1; } return Integer.parseInt(address.split(":")[1]); } static class NameNodeMXBeanObject implements NameNodeMXBean { private static final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); Map<String, Object> values = null; String httpAddress = null; NameNodeMXBeanObject(InetSocketAddress namenode, Configuration conf) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { httpAddress = DFSUtil.getInfoServer(namenode, conf, isAvatar); InetSocketAddress infoSocAddr = NetUtils.createSocketAddr(httpAddress); String nameNodeMXBeanContent = DFSUtil.getHTMLContent( new URI("http", null, infoSocAddr.getHostName(), infoSocAddr.getPort(), "/namenodeMXBean", null, null)); TypeReference<Map<String, Object>> type = new TypeReference<Map<String, Object>>() { }; values = mapper.readValue(nameNodeMXBeanContent, type); } public String getVersion() { return null; } public long getUsed() { return -1L; } public long getFree() { return Long.parseLong((String)values.get(FREE)); } public long getTotal() { return Long.parseLong((String)values.get(TOTAL)); } public String getSafemode() { return null; } public boolean isUpgradeFinalized() { return true; } public long getNonDfsUsedSpace() { return Long.parseLong((String)values.get(NON_DFS_USEDSPACE)); } public float getPercentUsed(){ return -1.0f; } public float getPercentRemaining() { return -1.0f; } public long getNamespaceUsed() { return Long.parseLong((String)values.get(NAMESPACE_USED)); } public float getPercentNamespaceUsed() { return -1.0f; } public long getTotalBlocks() { return Long.parseLong((String)values.get(TOTAL_BLOCKS)); } public long getTotalFiles() { return Long.parseLong((String)values.get(TOTAL_FILES)); } public long getNumberOfMissingBlocks() { return Long.parseLong((String)values.get(NUMBER_MISSING_BLOCKS)); } public int getThreads() { return -1; } public String getLiveNodes() { return (String)values.get(LIVE_NODES); } public String getDeadNodes() { return (String)values.get(DEAD_NODES); } public String getDecomNodes() { return (String)values.get(DECOM_NODES); } public int getNamespaceId() { return -1; } public String getNameserviceId() { return null; } public String getSafeModeText() { return (String)values.get(SAFE_MODE_TEXT); } public Map<NameNodeKey, String> getNNSpecificKeys() { TypeReference<Map<String, String>> type = new TypeReference<Map<String, String>>() { }; Map<NameNodeKey, String> result = new HashMap<NameNodeKey, String>(); try { Map<String, String> tmp = NamenodeMXBeanHelper.mapper.readValue( (String)values.get(NNSPECIFIC_KEYS), type); for (String key: tmp.keySet()) { result.put(new NameNodeKey(key), tmp.get(key)); } return result; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e); return null; } } public boolean getIsPrimary() { return Boolean.parseBoolean((String)values.get(IS_PRIMARY)); } } /** * Class for connecting to Namenode over http or local fsnamesystem */ static class NamenodeMXBeanHelper { public static final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); private final InetSocketAddress rpcAddress; private final String address; private final Configuration conf; private final NameNodeMXBean mxbeanProxy; NamenodeMXBeanHelper(InetSocketAddress addr, Configuration conf) throws IOException, MalformedObjectNameException, URISyntaxException{ this(addr, conf, null); } NamenodeMXBeanHelper(InetSocketAddress addr, Configuration conf, NameNode localnn) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { this.rpcAddress = addr; this.address = addr.toString(); this.conf = conf; if (localnn == null) { mxbeanProxy = new NameNodeMXBeanObject(addr, conf); } else { LOG.info("Call local namenode " + this.address + " directly"); mxbeanProxy = localnn.getNamesystem(); } } /** Get the map corresponding to the JSON string */ private static Map<String, Map<String, Object>> getNodeMap(String json) throws IOException { TypeReference<Map<String, Map<String, Object>>> type = new TypeReference<Map<String, Map<String, Object>>>() { }; return mapper.readValue(json, type); } /** * Process JSON string returned from connection to get the number of * live datanodes. * * @param json JSON output that contains live node status. * @param nn namenode status to return information in */ private static void getLiveNodeCount(String json, NamenodeStatus nn) throws IOException { // Map of datanode host to (map of attribute name to value) Map<String, Map<String, Object>> nodeMap = getNodeMap(json); if (nodeMap == null || nodeMap.isEmpty()) { return; } nn.liveDatanodeCount = nodeMap.size(); for (Entry<String, Map<String, Object>> entry : nodeMap.entrySet()) { // Inner map of attribute name to value Map<String, Object> innerMap = entry.getValue(); if (innerMap != null) { if (((String) innerMap.get("adminState")) .equals(AdminStates.DECOMMISSIONED.toString())) { nn.liveDecomCount++; } if (((Boolean) innerMap.get("excluded")) .booleanValue() == true) { nn.liveExcludeCount++; } } } } /** * Count the number of dead datanode based on the JSON string returned * * @param nn namenode * @param json JSON string returned from http or local fsnamesystem */ private static void getDeadNodeCount(String json, NamenodeStatus nn) throws IOException { Map<String, Map<String, Object>> nodeMap = getNodeMap(json); if (nodeMap == null || nodeMap.isEmpty()) { return; } nn.deadDatanodeCount = nodeMap.size(); for (Entry<String, Map<String, Object>> entry : nodeMap.entrySet()) { Map<String, Object> innerMap = entry.getValue(); if (innerMap != null && !innerMap.isEmpty()) { if (((Boolean) innerMap.get("decommissioned")) .booleanValue() == true) { nn.deadDecomCount++; } if (((Boolean) innerMap.get("excluded")) .booleanValue() == true) { nn.deadExcludeCount++; } } } } public NamenodeStatus getNamenodeStatus() throws IOException, MalformedObjectNameException { NamenodeStatus nn = new NamenodeStatus(); nn.address = this.address; nn.filesAndDirectories = mxbeanProxy.getTotalFiles(); nn.capacity = mxbeanProxy.getTotal(); nn.free = mxbeanProxy.getFree(); nn.nsUsed = mxbeanProxy.getNamespaceUsed(); nn.nonDfsUsed = mxbeanProxy.getNonDfsUsedSpace(); nn.blocksCount = mxbeanProxy.getTotalBlocks(); nn.missingBlocksCount = mxbeanProxy.getNumberOfMissingBlocks(); nn.httpAddress = DFSUtil.getInfoServer(rpcAddress, conf, isAvatar); nn.safeModeText = mxbeanProxy.getSafeModeText(); getLiveNodeCount(mxbeanProxy.getLiveNodes(), nn); getDeadNodeCount(mxbeanProxy.getDeadNodes(), nn); nn.namenodeSpecificInfo = mxbeanProxy.getNNSpecificKeys(); if (nn.namenodeSpecificInfo == null) { throw new IOException("Namenode SpecificInfo is null"); } nn.isPrimary = mxbeanProxy.getIsPrimary(); return nn; } /** * Connect to namenode to get decommission node information. * @param statusMap data node status map */ private void getDecomNodeInfoForReport( Map<String, Map<String, String>> statusMap) throws IOException, MalformedObjectNameException { getLiveNodeStatus(statusMap, address, mxbeanProxy.getLiveNodes()); getDeadNodeStatus(statusMap, address, mxbeanProxy.getDeadNodes()); getDecommissionNodeStatus(statusMap, address, mxbeanProxy.getDecomNodes()); } /** * Process the JSON string returned from http or local fsnamesystem to get * live datanode status. Store the information into datanode status map and * Decommissionnode. * * @param statusMap Map of datanode status. Key is datanode, value * is an inner map whose key is namenode, value is datanode status. * reported by each namenode. * @param namenodeAddr address of the namenode * @param decomnode update Decommissionnode with alive node status * @param json JSON string contains datanode status * @throws IOException */ private static void getLiveNodeStatus( Map<String, Map<String, String>> statusMap, String namenodeAddr, String json) throws IOException { Map<String, Map<String, Object>> nodeMap = getNodeMap(json); if (nodeMap != null && !nodeMap.isEmpty()) { List<String> liveDecommed = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Object>> entry: nodeMap.entrySet()) { Map<String, Object> innerMap = entry.getValue(); String dn = entry.getKey(); if (innerMap != null) { if (innerMap.get("adminState").equals( AdminStates.DECOMMISSIONED.toString())) { liveDecommed.add(dn); } // the inner map key is namenode, value is datanode status. Map<String, String> nnStatus = statusMap.get(dn); if (nnStatus == null) { nnStatus = new HashMap<String, String>(); } nnStatus.put(namenodeAddr, (String) innerMap.get("adminState")); // map whose key is datanode, value is the inner map. statusMap.put(dn, nnStatus); } } } } /** * Process the JSON string returned from http or local fsnamesystem to get * the dead datanode information. Store the information into datanode status * map and Decommissionnode. * * @param statusMap map with key being datanode, value being an * inner map (key:namenode, value:decommisionning state). * @param address * @param json * @throws IOException */ private static void getDeadNodeStatus( Map<String, Map<String, String>> statusMap, String address, String json) throws IOException { Map<String, Map<String, Object>> nodeMap = getNodeMap(json); if (nodeMap == null || nodeMap.isEmpty()) { return; } List<String> deadDn = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> deadDecommed = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Entry<String, Map<String, Object>> entry : nodeMap.entrySet()) { deadDn.add(entry.getKey()); Map<String, Object> deadNodeDetailMap = entry.getValue(); String dn = entry.getKey(); if (deadNodeDetailMap != null && !deadNodeDetailMap.isEmpty()) { // NN - status Map<String, String> nnStatus = statusMap.get(dn); if (nnStatus == null) { nnStatus = new HashMap<String, String>(); } if (((Boolean) deadNodeDetailMap.get("decommissioned")) .booleanValue() == true) { deadDecommed.add(dn); nnStatus.put(address, AdminStates.DECOMMISSIONED.toString()); } else { nnStatus.put(address, DEAD); } // dn-nn-status statusMap.put(dn, nnStatus); } } } /** * We process the JSON string returned from http or local fsnamesystem * to get the decommisioning datanode information. * * @param dataNodeStatusMap map with key being datanode, value being an * inner map (key:namenode, value:decommisionning state). * @param address * @param json JSON string returned */ private static void getDecommissionNodeStatus( Map<String, Map<String, String>> dataNodeStatusMap, String address, String json) throws IOException { Map<String, Map<String, Object>> nodeMap = getNodeMap(json); if (nodeMap == null || nodeMap.isEmpty()) { return; } List<String> decomming = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Entry<String, Map<String, Object>> entry : nodeMap.entrySet()) { String dn = entry.getKey(); decomming.add(dn); // nn-status Map<String, String> nnStatus = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (dataNodeStatusMap.containsKey(dn)) { nnStatus = dataNodeStatusMap.get(dn); } nnStatus.put(address, AdminStates.DECOMMISSION_INPROGRESS.toString()); // dn-nn-status dataNodeStatusMap.put(dn, nnStatus); } } public boolean isAvatar() { return isAvatar; } } /** * This class contains cluster statistics. */ static class ClusterStatus { /** Exception indicates failure to get cluster status */ Exception error = null; /** Cluster status information */ String clusterid = ""; Long totalFilesAndDirectories = 0L; Long total_sum = 0L; Long clusterDfsUsed = 0L; Long nonDfsUsed_sum = 0L; Long free_sum = 0L; Long totalMissingBlocks = 0L; Long totalBlocks = 0L; List<InetSocketAddress> nnAddrs = null; /** List of namenodes in the cluster */ final List<NamenodeStatus> nnList = new ArrayList<NamenodeStatus>(); int countPrimary = 0; /** Map of namenode host and exception encountered when getting status */ final Map<String, Exception> nnExceptions = new HashMap<String, Exception>(); String[] getStatsNames() { return new String[] { "Namenode role", "Files And Directories", "Configured Capacity", "DFS Used", "Non DFS Used", "DFS Remaining", "DFS Used%", "DFS Remaining%", "Missing Blocks", "Blocks" }; } Object[] getStats() { int nns = countPrimary < 1 ? 1 : countPrimary; Long total_capacity = this.total_sum / nns; Long remaining_capacity = this.free_sum /nns; Float dfs_used_percent = total_capacity < 1e-10 ? 0.0f : (Float)(this.clusterDfsUsed*100.0f) / total_capacity; Float dfs_remaining_percent = total_capacity < 1e-10 ? 0.0f: (Float)(remaining_capacity*100.0f) / total_capacity; return new Object[]{ "", this.totalFilesAndDirectories, total_capacity, this.clusterDfsUsed, this.nonDfsUsed_sum / nns, remaining_capacity, dfs_used_percent, dfs_remaining_percent, this.totalMissingBlocks, this.totalBlocks}; } Map<NameNodeKey, String> getNamenodeSpecificKeys(){ return new HashMap<NameNodeKey, String>(); } String getNamenodeSpecificKeysName(){ return "Namenode specific keys:"; } public void setError(Exception e) { error = e; } public void addNamenodeStatus(NamenodeStatus nn) { nnList.add(nn); if(!nn.isPrimary) return; countPrimary++; // Add namenode status to cluster status (only if primary) totalFilesAndDirectories += nn.filesAndDirectories; total_sum += nn.capacity; free_sum += nn.free; clusterDfsUsed += nn.nsUsed; nonDfsUsed_sum += nn.nonDfsUsed; totalMissingBlocks += nn.missingBlocksCount; totalBlocks += nn.blocksCount; } public void addException(String address, Exception e) { nnExceptions.put(address, e); } public boolean isAvatar() { return isAvatar; } } /** * This class stores namenode statistics to be used to generate cluster * web console report. */ static class NamenodeStatus { String address = ""; Long filesAndDirectories = 0L; Long capacity = 0L; Long nsUsed = 0L; Long nonDfsUsed = 0L; Long free = 0L; Long missingBlocksCount = 0L; Long blocksCount = 0L; int liveDatanodeCount = 0; int liveExcludeCount = 0; int liveDecomCount = 0; int deadDatanodeCount = 0; int deadExcludeCount = 0; int deadDecomCount = 0; String httpAddress = null; String safeModeText = ""; boolean isPrimary = false; Map<NameNodeKey, String> namenodeSpecificInfo = new HashMap<NameNodeKey, String>(); Object[] getStats() { Float dfs_used_percent = capacity == 0L ? 0.0f : (Float)(this.nsUsed*100.0f) / capacity; Float dfs_remaining_percent = capacity == 0L ? 0.0f: (Float)(this.free*100.0f) / capacity; return new Object[]{ this.isPrimary ? "Primary" : "Standby", this.filesAndDirectories, this.capacity, this.nsUsed, this.nonDfsUsed, this.free, dfs_used_percent, dfs_remaining_percent, this.missingBlocksCount, this.blocksCount, this.namenodeSpecificInfo}; } Map<NameNodeKey, String> getNamenodeSpecificKeys(){ return this.namenodeSpecificInfo; } } /** * cluster-wide decommission state of a datanode */ public enum DecommissionStates { /* * If datanode state is decommissioning at one or more namenodes and * decommissioned at the rest of the namenodes. */ DECOMMISSION_INPROGRESS("Decommission In Progress"), /* If datanode state at all the namenodes is decommissioned */ DECOMMISSIONED("Decommissioned"), /* * If datanode state is not decommissioning at one or more namenodes and * decommissioned/decommissioning at the rest of the namenodes. */ PARTIALLY_DECOMMISSIONED("Partially Decommissioning"), /* * If datanode state is not known at a namenode, due to problems in getting * the datanode state from the namenode. */ UNKNOWN("Unknown"); final String value; DecommissionStates(final String v) { this.value = v; } public String toString() { return value; } } /** * This class consolidates the decommissioning datanodes information in the * cluster and generates decommissioning reports in XML. */ static class DecommissionStatus { /** Error when set indicates failure to get decomission status*/ final Exception error; /** Map of dn host <-> (Map of NN host <-> decommissioning state) */ final List<InetSocketAddress> nnAddrs; final Map<String, Map<String, String>> statusMap; final int httpPort; int decommissioned = 0; // total number of decommissioned nodes int decommissioning = 0; // total number of decommissioning datanodes int partial = 0; // total number of partially decommissioned nodes /** Map of namenode and exception encountered when getting decom status */ Map<String, Exception> exceptions = new HashMap<String, Exception>(); private DecommissionStatus(Map<String, Map<String, String>> statusMap, List<InetSocketAddress> nnAddrs, int httpPort, Map<String, Exception> exceptions) { this(statusMap, nnAddrs, httpPort, exceptions, null); } public DecommissionStatus(Exception e) { this(null, null, -1, null, e); } private DecommissionStatus(Map<String, Map<String, String>> statusMap, List<InetSocketAddress> nnAddrs, int httpPort, Map<String, Exception> exceptions, Exception error) { this.statusMap = statusMap; this.nnAddrs = nnAddrs; this.httpPort = httpPort; this.exceptions = exceptions; this.error = error; } /** * Count the total number of decommissioned/decommission_inprogress/ * partially decommissioned datanodes. */ public void countDecommissionDatanodes() { for (String dn : statusMap.keySet()) { Map<String, String> nnStatus = statusMap.get(dn); String status = nnStatus.get(OVERALL_STATUS); if (status.equals(DecommissionStates.DECOMMISSIONED.toString())) { decommissioned++; } else if (status.equals(DecommissionStates.DECOMMISSION_INPROGRESS .toString())) { decommissioning++; } else if (status.equals(DecommissionStates.PARTIALLY_DECOMMISSIONED .toString())) { partial++; } } } } }