/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.raid; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.BlockLocation; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; /* * DirectoryStripeReader is used in directory-raid encoder and * decoder to return a bunch of input streams in a stripe. * When it's initiated, it lists all blocks under the source directory * and puts them in a list stripeBlocks. We use stripeBlocks to * locate the file and block index for specific block. * For encoder case, we use hasNext() and getNextStripeInputs() * to iterate each stripe in the leaf directory * For decoder case, buildOneInput is used to return the input * stream for a specific block of a file. */ public class DirectoryStripeReader extends StripeReader { /* source directory */ Path srcDir; /* list of file status under source directory */ List<FileStatus> lfs; /* current stripe Idx */ long curStripeIdx; /* total number of stripe */ long totalStripe; /* the block size of parity file */ long parityBlockSize; public static class BlockInfo { public int fileIdx; public int blockId; public BlockInfo(int fileIdx, int blockId) { this.fileIdx = fileIdx; this.blockId = blockId; } } List<BlockInfo> stripeBlocks = null; public static long getParityBlockSize(Configuration conf, List<FileStatus> lfs) { long parityBlockSize = 0L; for (FileStatus fsStat: lfs) { long size = Math.min(fsStat.getBlockSize(), fsStat.getLen()); if ( size > parityBlockSize) { parityBlockSize = size; } } int bytesPerChecksum = conf.getInt("io.bytes.per.checksum", 512); if (parityBlockSize % bytesPerChecksum != 0) { // block size need to be the multiple of bytesPerChecksum; parityBlockSize = parityBlockSize / bytesPerChecksum * bytesPerChecksum + bytesPerChecksum; } return parityBlockSize; } public static long getBlockNum(List<FileStatus> lfs) { long blockNum = 0L; if (lfs == null) return blockNum; for (FileStatus fsStat: lfs) { blockNum += RaidNode.getNumBlocks(fsStat); } return blockNum; } /** * Get the total logical size in the directory * @param lfs the Files under the directory * @return */ public static long getDirLogicalSize(List<FileStatus> lfs) { long totalSize = 0L; if (null == lfs) { return totalSize; } for (FileStatus fsStat : lfs) { totalSize += fsStat.getLen(); } return totalSize; } /** * Get the total physical size in the directory * @param lfs the Files under the directory * @return */ public static long getDirPhysicalSize(List<FileStatus> lfs) { long totalSize = 0L; if (null == lfs) { return totalSize; } for (FileStatus fsStat : lfs) { totalSize += fsStat.getLen() * fsStat.getReplication(); } return totalSize; } public static short getReplication(List<FileStatus> lfs) { short maxRepl = 0; for (FileStatus fsStat: lfs) { if (fsStat.getReplication() > maxRepl) { maxRepl = fsStat.getReplication(); } } return maxRepl; } public DirectoryStripeReader(Configuration conf, Codec codec, FileSystem fs, long stripeStartIdx, Path srcDir, List<FileStatus> lfs) throws IOException { super(conf, codec, fs, stripeStartIdx); if (lfs == null) { throw new IOException("Couldn't get files under directory " + srcDir); } this.parityBlockSize = getParityBlockSize(conf, lfs); this.srcDir = srcDir; this.lfs = lfs; this.stripeBlocks = new ArrayList<BlockInfo>(); long blockNum = 0L; for (int fid = 0; fid < lfs.size(); fid++) { FileStatus fsStat = lfs.get(fid); long numBlock = RaidNode.getNumBlocks(fsStat); blockNum += numBlock; for (int bid = 0; bid < numBlock; bid++) { stripeBlocks.add(new BlockInfo(fid, bid)); } } totalStripe = RaidNode.numStripes(blockNum, codec.stripeLength); if (stripeStartIdx >= totalStripe) { throw new IOException("stripe start idx " + stripeStartIdx + " is equal or larger than total stripe number " + totalStripe); } curStripeIdx = stripeStartIdx; } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return curStripeIdx < totalStripe; } @Override public InputStream[] getNextStripeInputs() throws IOException { InputStream[] blocks = new InputStream[codec.stripeLength]; try { int startOffset = (int)curStripeIdx * codec.stripeLength; for (int i = 0; i < codec.stripeLength; i++) { if (startOffset + i < this.stripeBlocks.size()) { BlockInfo bi = this.stripeBlocks.get(startOffset + i); FileStatus curFile = lfs.get(bi.fileIdx); long seekOffset = bi.blockId * curFile.getBlockSize(); Path srcFile = curFile.getPath(); FSDataInputStream in = fs.open(srcFile, bufferSize); in.seek(seekOffset); LOG.info("Opening stream at " + srcFile + ":" + seekOffset); blocks[i] = in; } else { LOG.info("Using zeros at block " + i); // We have no src data at this offset. blocks[i] = new RaidUtils.ZeroInputStream(parityBlockSize); } } curStripeIdx++; return blocks; } catch (IOException e) { // If there is an error during opening a stream, close the previously // opened streams and re-throw. RaidUtils.closeStreams(blocks); throw e; } } public BlockLocation[] getNextStripeBlockLocations() throws IOException { BlockLocation[] blocks = new BlockLocation[codec.stripeLength]; int startOffset = (int)curStripeIdx * codec.stripeLength; int curFileIdx = this.stripeBlocks.get(startOffset).fileIdx; FileStatus curFile = lfs.get(curFileIdx); BlockLocation[] curBlocks = fs.getFileBlockLocations(curFile, 0, curFile.getLen()); for (int i = 0; i < codec.stripeLength; i++) { if (startOffset + i < this.stripeBlocks.size()) { BlockInfo bi = this.stripeBlocks.get(startOffset + i); if (bi.fileIdx != curFileIdx) { curFileIdx = bi.fileIdx; curFile = lfs.get(curFileIdx); curBlocks = fs.getFileBlockLocations(curFile, 0, curFile.getLen()); } blocks[i] = curBlocks[bi.blockId]; } else { // We have no src data at this offset. blocks[i] = null; } } curStripeIdx++; return blocks; } public long getCurStripeIdx() { return curStripeIdx; } @Override public InputStream buildOneInput( int locationIndex, long offsetInBlock, FileSystem srcFs, Path srcFile, FileStatus srcStat, FileSystem parityFs, Path parityFile, FileStatus parityStat ) throws IOException { final long blockSize = srcStat.getBlockSize(); LOG.info("buildOneInput srcfile " + srcFile + " srclen " + srcStat.getLen() + " parityfile " + parityFile + " paritylen " + parityStat.getLen() + " stripeindex " + stripeStartIdx + " locationindex " + locationIndex + " offsetinblock " + offsetInBlock); if (locationIndex < codec.parityLength) { return this.getParityFileInput(locationIndex, parityFile, parityFs, parityStat, offsetInBlock); } else { // Dealing with a src file here. int blockIdxInStripe = locationIndex - codec.parityLength; int curBlockIdx = (int)curStripeIdx * codec.stripeLength + blockIdxInStripe; if (curBlockIdx >= this.stripeBlocks.size()) { LOG.info("Using zeros because we reach the end of the stripe"); return new RaidUtils.ZeroInputStream(blockSize * (curBlockIdx + 1)); } BlockInfo bi = this.stripeBlocks.get(curBlockIdx); FileStatus fstat = lfs.get(bi.fileIdx); long offset = fstat.getBlockSize() * bi.blockId + offsetInBlock; if (offset >= fstat.getLen()) { LOG.info("Using zeros for " + fstat.getPath() + ":" + offset + " for location " + locationIndex); return new RaidUtils.ZeroInputStream(blockSize * (curBlockIdx + 1)); } else { LOG.info("Opening " + fstat.getPath() + ":" + offset + " for location " + locationIndex); FSDataInputStream s = fs.open( fstat.getPath(), conf.getInt("io.file.buffer.size", 64 * 1024)); s.seek(offset); return s; } } } }