/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs; import java.io.BufferedOutputStream; import java.io.DataInputStream; import java.io.DataOutputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.net.Socket; import java.util.AbstractMap; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Random; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import javax.net.SocketFactory; import javax.security.auth.login.LoginException; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.BlockLocation; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.ContentSummary; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.OpenFileInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocatedFileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.MD5MD5CRC32FileChecksum; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.RemoteIterator; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DistributedFileSystem.DiskStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.metrics.DFSClientMetrics; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.AlreadyBeingCreatedException; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.Block; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.BlockChecksumHeader; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.ClientDatanodeProtocol; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.ClientProtocol; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.CorruptFileBlocks; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.DSQuotaExceededException; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.DataTransferProtocol; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.DatanodeID; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.DatanodeInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.DirectoryListing; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.FSConstants; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.HdfsFileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.LocatedBlock; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.LocatedBlockWithFileName; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.LocatedBlocks; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.LocatedBlockWithMetaInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.LocatedBlocksWithMetaInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.LocatedDirectoryListing; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.NSQuotaExceededException; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.ProtocolCompatible; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.HdfsConstants; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.UpgradeStatusReport; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.DataNode; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.LeaseExpiredException; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.NameNode; import org.apache.hadoop.io.DataOutputBuffer; import org.apache.hadoop.io.IOUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.io.MD5Hash; import org.apache.hadoop.io.retry.RetryPolicies; import org.apache.hadoop.io.retry.RetryPolicy; import org.apache.hadoop.io.retry.RetryProxy; import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Client; import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.ProtocolProxy; import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RPC; import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RemoteException; import org.apache.hadoop.net.DNSToSwitchMapping; import org.apache.hadoop.net.NetUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.net.ScriptBasedMapping; import org.apache.hadoop.security.AccessControlException; import org.apache.hadoop.security.UnixUserGroupInformation; import org.apache.hadoop.security.UserGroupInformation; import org.apache.hadoop.util.Daemon; import org.apache.hadoop.util.Progressable; import org.apache.hadoop.util.ReflectionUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils; /******************************************************** * DFSClient can connect to a Hadoop Filesystem and * perform basic file tasks. It uses the ClientProtocol * to communicate with a NameNode daemon, and connects * directly to DataNodes to read/write block data. * * Hadoop DFS users should obtain an instance of * DistributedFileSystem, which uses DFSClient to handle * filesystem tasks. * ********************************************************/ public class DFSClient implements FSConstants, java.io.Closeable { public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(DFSClient.class); public static final int MAX_BLOCK_ACQUIRE_FAILURES = 3; static final int TCP_WINDOW_SIZE = 128 * 1024; // 128 KB static final long NUM_BYTES_CHECK_READ_SPEED = 128 * 1024; static byte[] emptyByteArray = new byte[0]; public ClientProtocol namenode; private ClientProtocol rpcNamenode; // Namenode proxy that supports method-based compatibility public ProtocolProxy<ClientProtocol> namenodeProtocolProxy = null; public Object namenodeProxySyncObj = new Object(); final UnixUserGroupInformation ugi; volatile boolean clientRunning = true; static Random r = new Random(); final String clientName; final LeaseChecker leasechecker; Configuration conf; long defaultBlockSize; private short defaultReplication; SocketFactory socketFactory; int socketTimeout; int socketReadExtentionTimeout; int datanodeWriteTimeout; int datanodeWriteExtentionTimeout; int timeoutValue; // read timeout for the socket final int writePacketSize; final long minReadSpeedBps; final FileSystem.Statistics stats; int maxBlockAcquireFailures; final int hdfsTimeout; // timeout value for a DFS operation. // The amount of time to wait before aborting a close file. private final long closeFileTimeout; private long namenodeVersion = ClientProtocol.versionID; DFSClientMetrics metrics = new DFSClientMetrics(); protected Integer dataTransferVersion = -1; boolean shortCircuitLocalReads = false; final InetAddress localHost; private InetSocketAddress nameNodeAddr; private DatanodeInfo pseuDatanodeInfoForLocalhost; private String localhostNetworkLocation = null; DNSToSwitchMapping dnsToSwitchMapping = null; int ipTosValue = NetUtils.NOT_SET_IP_TOS; /** * This variable tracks the number of failures for each thread of * dfs input stream since the start of the most recent user-facing operation. * That is to say, it should be reset * whenever the user makes a call on this stream, and if at any point * during the retry logic, the failure count exceeds a threshold, * the errors will be thrown back to the operation. * * Specifically this counts the number of times the client has gone * back to the namenode to get a new list of block locations, and is * capped at maxBlockAcquireFailures * */ static ThreadLocal<Integer> dfsInputStreamfailures = new ThreadLocal<Integer>(); /** * The locking hierarchy is to first acquire lock on DFSClient object, followed by * lock on leasechecker, followed by lock on an individual DFSOutputStream. */ public static ClientProtocol createNamenode(Configuration conf) throws IOException { return createNamenode(NameNode.getAddress(conf), conf); } public static ClientProtocol createNamenode( InetSocketAddress nameNodeAddr, Configuration conf) throws IOException { try { return createNamenode(createRPCNamenode(nameNodeAddr, conf, UnixUserGroupInformation.login(conf, true)).getProxy(), conf); } catch (LoginException e) { throw (IOException)(new IOException().initCause(e)); } } public DatanodeInfo getDatanodeInfo() { return this.pseuDatanodeInfoForLocalhost; } /** * Create a NameNode proxy for the client if the client and NameNode * are compatible * * @param nameNodeAddr NameNode address * @param conf configuration * @param ugi ticket * @return a NameNode proxy that's compatible with the client */ private void createRPCNamenodeIfCompatible( InetSocketAddress nameNodeAddr, Configuration conf, UnixUserGroupInformation ugi) throws IOException { try { this.namenodeProtocolProxy = createRPCNamenode(nameNodeAddr, conf, ugi); this.rpcNamenode = namenodeProtocolProxy.getProxy(); } catch (RPC.VersionMismatch e) { long clientVersion = e.getClientVersion(); namenodeVersion = e.getServerVersion(); if (clientVersion > namenodeVersion && !ProtocolCompatible.isCompatibleClientProtocol( clientVersion, namenodeVersion)) { throw new RPC.VersionIncompatible( ClientProtocol.class.getName(), clientVersion, namenodeVersion); } this.rpcNamenode = (ClientProtocol)e.getProxy(); } } public static ProtocolProxy<ClientProtocol> createRPCNamenode( Configuration conf) throws IOException { try { return createRPCNamenode(NameNode.getAddress(conf), conf, UnixUserGroupInformation.login(conf, true)); } catch (LoginException e) { throw new IOException(e); } } public static ProtocolProxy<ClientProtocol> createRPCNamenode(InetSocketAddress nameNodeAddr, Configuration conf, UnixUserGroupInformation ugi) throws IOException { return RPC.getProtocolProxy(ClientProtocol.class, ClientProtocol.versionID, nameNodeAddr, ugi, conf, NetUtils.getSocketFactory(conf, ClientProtocol.class)); } private static ClientProtocol createNamenode(ClientProtocol rpcNamenode, Configuration conf) throws IOException { long sleepTime = conf.getLong("dfs.client.rpc.retry.sleep", LEASE_SOFTLIMIT_PERIOD); RetryPolicy createPolicy = RetryPolicies.retryUpToMaximumCountWithFixedSleep( 5, sleepTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); Map<Class<? extends Exception>,RetryPolicy> remoteExceptionToPolicyMap = new HashMap<Class<? extends Exception>, RetryPolicy>(); remoteExceptionToPolicyMap.put(AlreadyBeingCreatedException.class, createPolicy); Map<Class<? extends Exception>,RetryPolicy> exceptionToPolicyMap = new HashMap<Class<? extends Exception>, RetryPolicy>(); exceptionToPolicyMap.put(RemoteException.class, RetryPolicies.retryByRemoteException( RetryPolicies.TRY_ONCE_THEN_FAIL, remoteExceptionToPolicyMap)); RetryPolicy methodPolicy = RetryPolicies.retryByException( RetryPolicies.TRY_ONCE_THEN_FAIL, exceptionToPolicyMap); Map<String,RetryPolicy> methodNameToPolicyMap = new HashMap<String,RetryPolicy>(); methodNameToPolicyMap.put("create", methodPolicy); return (ClientProtocol) RetryProxy.create(ClientProtocol.class, rpcNamenode, methodNameToPolicyMap); } public static ClientDatanodeProtocol createClientDatanodeProtocolProxy( DatanodeID datanodeid, Configuration conf, int socketTimeout) throws IOException { return createClientDNProtocolProxy(datanodeid, conf, socketTimeout).getProxy(); } static ProtocolProxy<ClientDatanodeProtocol> createClientDNProtocolProxy ( DatanodeID datanodeid, Configuration conf, int socketTimeout) throws IOException { InetSocketAddress addr = NetUtils.createSocketAddr( datanodeid.getHost() + ":" + datanodeid.getIpcPort()); if (ClientDatanodeProtocol.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { ClientDatanodeProtocol.LOG.info("ClientDatanodeProtocol addr=" + addr); } UserGroupInformation ugi; try { ugi = UserGroupInformation.login(conf); } catch (LoginException le) { throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't login!"); } return RPC.getProtocolProxy(ClientDatanodeProtocol.class, ClientDatanodeProtocol.versionID, addr, ugi, conf, NetUtils.getDefaultSocketFactory(conf), socketTimeout); } /** * Same as this(NameNode.getAddress(conf), conf); * @see #DFSClient(InetSocketAddress, Configuration) */ public DFSClient(Configuration conf) throws IOException { this(NameNode.getAddress(conf), conf); } /** * Same as this(nameNodeAddr, conf, null); * @see #DFSClient(InetSocketAddress, Configuration, org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem.Statistics) */ public DFSClient(InetSocketAddress nameNodeAddr, Configuration conf ) throws IOException { this(nameNodeAddr, conf, null); } /** * Same as this(nameNodeAddr, null, conf, stats); * @see #DFSClient(InetSocketAddress, ClientProtocol, Configuration, org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem.Statistics) */ public DFSClient(InetSocketAddress nameNodeAddr, Configuration conf, FileSystem.Statistics stats) throws IOException { this(nameNodeAddr, null, conf, stats); } /** * Create a new DFSClient connected to the given nameNodeAddr or rpcNamenode. * Exactly one of nameNodeAddr or rpcNamenode must be null. */ DFSClient(InetSocketAddress nameNodeAddr, ClientProtocol rpcNamenode, Configuration conf, FileSystem.Statistics stats) throws IOException { this.conf = conf; this.stats = stats; this.socketTimeout = conf.getInt("dfs.socket.timeout", HdfsConstants.READ_TIMEOUT); this.socketReadExtentionTimeout = conf.getInt( HdfsConstants.DFS_DATANODE_READ_EXTENSION, HdfsConstants.READ_TIMEOUT_EXTENSION); this.timeoutValue = this.socketTimeout; this.datanodeWriteTimeout = conf.getInt("dfs.datanode.socket.write.timeout", HdfsConstants.WRITE_TIMEOUT); this.datanodeWriteExtentionTimeout = conf.getInt( HdfsConstants.DFS_DATANODE_WRITE_EXTENTSION, HdfsConstants.WRITE_TIMEOUT_EXTENSION); this.socketFactory = NetUtils.getSocketFactory(conf, ClientProtocol.class); // dfs.write.packet.size is an internal config variable this.writePacketSize = conf.getInt("dfs.write.packet.size", 64*1024); this.minReadSpeedBps = conf.getLong("dfs.min.read.speed.bps", -1); this.maxBlockAcquireFailures = getMaxBlockAcquireFailures(conf); this.localHost = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); // fetch network location of localhost this.pseuDatanodeInfoForLocalhost = new DatanodeInfo(new DatanodeID( this.localHost.getHostAddress())); this.dnsToSwitchMapping = ReflectionUtils.newInstance( conf.getClass("topology.node.switch.mapping.impl", ScriptBasedMapping.class, DNSToSwitchMapping.class), conf); ArrayList<String> tempList = new ArrayList<String>(); tempList.add(this.localHost.getHostName()); List<String> retList = dnsToSwitchMapping.resolve(tempList); if (retList != null && retList.size() > 0) { localhostNetworkLocation = retList.get(0); this.pseuDatanodeInfoForLocalhost.setNetworkLocation(localhostNetworkLocation); } // The hdfsTimeout is currently the same as the ipc timeout this.hdfsTimeout = Client.getTimeout(conf); this.closeFileTimeout = conf.getLong("dfs.client.closefile.timeout", this.hdfsTimeout); try { this.ugi = UnixUserGroupInformation.login(conf, true); } catch (LoginException e) { throw (IOException)(new IOException().initCause(e)); } String taskId = conf.get("mapred.task.id"); if (taskId != null) { this.clientName = "DFSClient_" + taskId + "_" + r.nextInt() + "_" + Thread.currentThread().getId(); } else { this.clientName = "DFSClient_" + r.nextInt(); } defaultBlockSize = conf.getLong("dfs.block.size", DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE); defaultReplication = (short) conf.getInt("dfs.replication", 3); if (nameNodeAddr != null && rpcNamenode == null) { this.nameNodeAddr = nameNodeAddr; getNameNode(); } else if (nameNodeAddr == null && rpcNamenode != null) { //This case is used for testing. if (rpcNamenode instanceof NameNode) { this.namenodeProtocolProxy = createRPCNamenode(((NameNode)rpcNamenode).getNameNodeAddress(), conf, ugi); } this.namenode = this.rpcNamenode = rpcNamenode; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Expecting exactly one of nameNodeAddr and rpcNamenode being null: " + "nameNodeAddr=" + nameNodeAddr + ", rpcNamenode=" + rpcNamenode); } // read directly from the block file if configured. this.shortCircuitLocalReads = conf.getBoolean("dfs.read.shortcircuit", false); if (this.shortCircuitLocalReads) { LOG.debug("Configured to shortcircuit reads to " + localHost); } this.leasechecker = new LeaseChecker(this.clientName, this.conf); // by default, if the ipTosValue is less than 0(for example -1), // we will not set it in the socket. this.ipTosValue = conf.getInt("dfs.client.tos.value", NetUtils.NOT_SET_IP_TOS); if (this.ipTosValue > NetUtils.IP_TOS_MAX_VALUE) { LOG.warn("dfs.client.tos.value " + ipTosValue + " exceeds the max allowed value " + NetUtils.IP_TOS_MAX_VALUE + ", will not take affect"); this.ipTosValue = NetUtils.NOT_SET_IP_TOS; } } public ClientProtocol getNameNodeRPC() { return this.namenode; } private void getNameNode() throws IOException { if (nameNodeAddr != null) { // The lock is to make sure namenode, namenodeProtocolProxy // and rpcNamenode are consistent ultimately. There is still // a small window where another thread can see inconsistent // version of namenodeProtocolProxy and namenode. But it will // only happen during the transit time when name-node upgrade // and the exception will likely to be resolved after a retry. // synchronized (namenodeProxySyncObj) { createRPCNamenodeIfCompatible(nameNodeAddr, conf, ugi); this.namenode = createNamenode(this.rpcNamenode, conf); } } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Name node signature is refreshed. Fingerprint: " + namenodeProtocolProxy.getMethodsFingerprint()); } } public String getClientName() { return clientName; } public void getNewNameNodeIfNeeded(int serverMethodFingerprint) throws IOException { if (serverMethodFingerprint != namenodeProtocolProxy .getMethodsFingerprint()) { LOG.info(String.format( "Different Namenode methods' fingerprint: client %s server %s ", namenodeProtocolProxy.getMethodsFingerprint(), serverMethodFingerprint)); getNameNode(); LOG.info("Namenode methods updated. New fingerprint: " + namenodeProtocolProxy.getMethodsFingerprint()); } } static int getMaxBlockAcquireFailures(Configuration conf) { return conf.getInt("dfs.client.max.block.acquire.failures", MAX_BLOCK_ACQUIRE_FAILURES); } public boolean isOpen() { return clientRunning; } protected void checkOpen() throws IOException { if (!clientRunning) { IOException result = new IOException("Filesystem closed"); throw result; } } /** * Close the file system, abandoning all of the leases and files being * created and close connections to the namenode. */ public synchronized void close() throws IOException { if(clientRunning) { leasechecker.close(); leasechecker.closeRenewal(); clientRunning = false; try { leasechecker.interruptAndJoin(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } // close connections to the namenode RPC.stopProxy(rpcNamenode); } } /** * Get DFSClientMetrics */ public DFSClientMetrics getDFSClientMetrics(){ return metrics; } /** * Get the default block size for this cluster * @return the default block size in bytes */ public long getDefaultBlockSize() { return defaultBlockSize; } public long getBlockSize(String f) throws IOException { try { return namenode.getPreferredBlockSize(f); } catch (IOException ie) { LOG.warn("Problem getting block size: " + StringUtils.stringifyException(ie)); throw ie; } } /** * Report corrupt blocks that were discovered by the client. */ public void reportBadBlocks(LocatedBlock[] blocks) throws IOException { namenode.reportBadBlocks(blocks); } public short getDefaultReplication() { return defaultReplication; } /** * @deprecated Use getBlockLocations instead * * Get hints about the location of the indicated block(s). * * getHints() returns a list of hostnames that store data for * a specific file region. It returns a set of hostnames for * every block within the indicated region. * * This function is very useful when writing code that considers * data-placement when performing operations. For example, the * MapReduce system tries to schedule tasks on the same machines * as the data-block the task processes. */ @Deprecated public String[][] getHints(String src, long start, long length) throws IOException { BlockLocation[] blkLocations = getBlockLocations(src, start, length); if ((blkLocations == null) || (blkLocations.length == 0)) { return new String[0][]; } int blkCount = blkLocations.length; String[][]hints = new String[blkCount][]; for (int i=0; i < blkCount ; i++) { String[] hosts = blkLocations[i].getHosts(); hints[i] = new String[hosts.length]; hints[i] = hosts; } return hints; } public static boolean isMetaInfoSuppoted(ProtocolProxy<ClientProtocol> proxy) throws IOException { return proxy != null && proxy.isMethodSupported( "openAndFetchMetaInfo", String.class, long.class, long.class); } private static LocatedBlocks callGetBlockLocations( ClientProtocol namenode, String src, long start, long length, boolean supportMetaInfo) throws IOException { try { if (supportMetaInfo) { return namenode.openAndFetchMetaInfo(src, start, length); } return namenode.getBlockLocations(src, start, length); } catch(RemoteException re) { throw re.unwrapRemoteException(AccessControlException.class, FileNotFoundException.class); } } /** * Get block location info about file * * getBlockLocations() returns a list of hostnames that store * data for a specific file region. It returns a set of hostnames * for every block within the indicated region. * * This function is very useful when writing code that considers * data-placement when performing operations. For example, the * MapReduce system tries to schedule tasks on the same machines * as the data-block the task processes. */ public BlockLocation[] getBlockLocations(String src, long start, long length) throws IOException { LocatedBlocks blocks = callGetBlockLocations(namenode, src, start, length, isMetaInfoSuppoted(namenodeProtocolProxy)); return DFSUtil.locatedBlocks2Locations(blocks); } public LocatedBlocks getLocatedBlocks(String src, long start, long length) throws IOException { return callGetBlockLocations(namenode, src, start, length, isMetaInfoSuppoted(namenodeProtocolProxy)); } public DFSInputStream open(String src) throws IOException { return open(src, conf.getInt("io.file.buffer.size", 4096), true, null, false); } /* * This method is only used by SnapshotClient */ DFSInputStream open(LocatedBlocksWithMetaInfo blocks) throws IOException { checkOpen(); incFileReadToStats(); return new DFSInputStream(this, blocks, conf.getInt("io.file.buffer.size", 4096), true); } /** * Create an input stream that obtains a nodelist from the * namenode, and then reads from all the right places. Creates * inner subclass of InputStream that does the right out-of-band * work. */ DFSInputStream open(String src, int buffersize, boolean verifyChecksum, FileSystem.Statistics stats, boolean clearOsBuffer ) throws IOException { checkOpen(); incFileReadToStats(); // Get block info from namenode return new DFSInputStream(this, src, buffersize, verifyChecksum, clearOsBuffer); } /** * Create a new dfs file and return an output stream for writing into it. * * @param src stream name * @param overwrite do not check for file existence if true * @return output stream * @throws IOException */ public OutputStream create(String src, boolean overwrite ) throws IOException { return create(src, overwrite, defaultReplication, defaultBlockSize, null); } /** * Create a new dfs file and return an output stream for writing into it * with write-progress reporting. * * @param src stream name * @param overwrite do not check for file existence if true * @return output stream * @throws IOException */ public OutputStream create(String src, boolean overwrite, Progressable progress ) throws IOException { return create(src, overwrite, defaultReplication, defaultBlockSize, null); } /** * Create a new dfs file with the specified block replication * and return an output stream for writing into the file. * * @param src stream name * @param overwrite do not check for file existence if true * @param replication block replication * @return output stream * @throws IOException */ public OutputStream create(String src, boolean overwrite, short replication, long blockSize ) throws IOException { return create(src, overwrite, replication, blockSize, null); } /** * Create a new dfs file with the specified block replication * with write-progress reporting and return an output stream for writing * into the file. * * @param src stream name * @param overwrite do not check for file existence if true * @param replication block replication * @return output stream * @throws IOException */ public OutputStream create(String src, boolean overwrite, short replication, long blockSize, Progressable progress ) throws IOException { return create(src, overwrite, replication, blockSize, progress, conf.getInt("io.file.buffer.size", 4096)); } /** * Call * {@link #create(String,FsPermission,boolean,short,long,Progressable,int)} * with default permission. * @see FsPermission#getDefault() */ public OutputStream create(String src, boolean overwrite, short replication, long blockSize, Progressable progress, int buffersize ) throws IOException { return create(src, FsPermission.getDefault(), overwrite, replication, blockSize, progress, buffersize); } /** * Call * {@link #create(String,FsPermission,boolean,boolean,short,long,Progressable,int)} * with createParent set to true. */ public OutputStream create(String src, FsPermission permission, boolean overwrite, short replication, long blockSize, Progressable progress, int buffersize ) throws IOException { return create(src, permission, overwrite, true, replication, blockSize, progress, buffersize); } /** * Create a new dfs file with the specified block replication * with write-progress reporting and return an output stream for writing * into the file. * * @param src stream name * @param permission The permission of the directory being created. * If permission == null, use {@link FsPermission#getDefault()}. * @param overwrite do not check for file existence if true * @param createParent create missing parent directory if true * @param replication block replication * @return output stream * @throws IOException * @see ClientProtocol#create(String, FsPermission, String, boolean, short, long) */ public OutputStream create(String src, FsPermission permission, boolean overwrite, boolean createParent, short replication, long blockSize, Progressable progress, int buffersize ) throws IOException { return create(src, permission, overwrite, createParent, replication, blockSize, progress, buffersize, conf.getInt("io.bytes.per.checksum", 512)); } /** * Create a new dfs file with the specified block replication * with write-progress reporting and return an output stream for writing * into the file. * * @param src stream name * @param permission The permission of the directory being created. * If permission == null, use {@link FsPermission#getDefault()}. * @param overwrite do not check for file existence if true * @param replication block replication * @return output stream * @throws IOException * @see ClientProtocol#create(String, FsPermission, String, boolean, short, long) */ public OutputStream create(String src, FsPermission permission, boolean overwrite, boolean createParent, short replication, long blockSize, Progressable progress, int buffersize, int bytesPerChecksum) throws IOException { return create(src, permission, overwrite, createParent, replication, blockSize, progress, buffersize, bytesPerChecksum, false, false, null); } /** * Create a new dfs file with the specified block replication * with write-progress reporting and return an output stream for writing * into the file. * * @param src stream name * @param permission The permission of the directory being created. * If permission == null, use {@link FsPermission#getDefault()}. * @param overwrite do not check for file existence if true * @param createParent create missing parent directory if true * @param replication block replication * @param forceSync a hdfs sync() operation invokes local filesystem sync * on datanodes. * @param doParallelWrites write replicas in parallel * @return output stream * @throws IOException * @see ClientProtocol#create(String, FsPermission, String, boolean, short, long) */ public OutputStream create(String src, FsPermission permission, boolean overwrite, boolean createParent, short replication, long blockSize, Progressable progress, int buffersize, boolean forceSync, boolean doParallelWrites) throws IOException { return create(src, permission, overwrite, createParent, replication, blockSize,progress, buffersize, conf.getInt("io.bytes.per.checksum", 512), forceSync, doParallelWrites, null); } /** * Create a new dfs file with the specified block replication * with write-progress reporting and return an output stream for writing * into the file. * * @param src stream name * @param permission The permission of the directory being created. * If permission == null, use {@link FsPermission#getDefault()}. * @param overwrite do not check for file existence if true * @param replication block replication * @param forceSync a hdfs sync() operation invokes local filesystem sync * on datanodes. * @param doParallelWrites write replicas in parallel * @return output stream * @throws IOException * @see ClientProtocol#create(String, FsPermission, String, boolean, short, long) */ public OutputStream create(String src, FsPermission permission, boolean overwrite, boolean createParent, short replication, long blockSize, Progressable progress, int buffersize, int bytesPerChecksum, boolean forceSync, boolean doParallelWrites) throws IOException { return create(src, permission, overwrite, createParent, replication, blockSize, progress, buffersize, bytesPerChecksum, forceSync, doParallelWrites, null); } /** * Create a new dfs file with the specified block replication * with write-progress reporting and return an output stream for writing * into the file. * * @param src stream name * @param permission The permission of the directory being created. * If permission == null, use {@link FsPermission#getDefault()}. * @param overwrite do not check for file existence if true * @param replication block replication * @param forceSync a hdfs sync() operation invokes local filesystem sync * on datanodes. * @param doParallelWrites write replicas in parallel * @param favoredNodes nodes on which to place replicas if possible * @return output stream * @throws IOException * @see ClientProtocol#create(String, FsPermission, String, boolean, short, long) */ public OutputStream create(String src, FsPermission permission, boolean overwrite, boolean createParent, short replication, long blockSize, Progressable progress, int buffersize, int bytesPerChecksum, boolean forceSync, boolean doParallelWrites, InetSocketAddress[] favoredNodes) throws IOException { checkOpen(); if (permission == null) { permission = FsPermission.getDefault(); } boolean success = false; try { FsPermission masked = permission.applyUMask(FsPermission.getUMask(conf)); LOG.debug(src + ": masked=" + masked); // For each of the favored nodes, mock up a DatanodeInfo with the IP // address and port of that node. DatanodeInfo[] favoredNodeInfos = null; if (favoredNodes != null) { favoredNodeInfos = new DatanodeInfo[favoredNodes.length]; for (int i = 0; i < favoredNodes.length; i++) { favoredNodeInfos[i] = new DatanodeInfo(new DatanodeID( favoredNodes[i].getAddress().getHostAddress() + ":" + favoredNodes[i].getPort())); } } OutputStream result = new DFSOutputStream(this, src, masked, overwrite, createParent, replication, blockSize, progress, buffersize, bytesPerChecksum, forceSync, doParallelWrites, favoredNodeInfos); leasechecker.put(src, result); metrics.incNumCreateFileOps(); if (stats != null) { stats.incrementFilesCreated(); } success = true; return result; } finally { if (!success && namenodeProtocolProxy.isMethodSupported( "abandonFile", String.class, String.class)) { try { namenode.abandonFile(src, clientName); } catch (RemoteException e) { if (e.unwrapRemoteException() instanceof LeaseExpiredException) { LOG.debug(String.format( "client %s attempting to abandon file %s which it does not own", clientName, src), e ); } else { throw e; } } } } } /** * Recover a file's lease * * @param src a file's path * @return if lease recovery completes * @throws IOException */ boolean recoverLease(String src, boolean discardLastBlock) throws IOException { checkOpen(); if (this.namenodeProtocolProxy == null) { return versionBasedRecoverLease(src); } return methodBasedRecoverLease(src, discardLastBlock); } /** recover lease based on version */ private boolean versionBasedRecoverLease(String src) throws IOException { if (namenodeVersion < ClientProtocol.RECOVER_LEASE_VERSION) { OutputStream out; try { out = append(src, conf.getInt("io.file.buffer.size", 4096), null); } catch (RemoteException re) { IOException e = re.unwrapRemoteException(AlreadyBeingCreatedException.class); if (e instanceof AlreadyBeingCreatedException) { return false; } throw re; } out.close(); return true; } else if (namenodeVersion < ClientProtocol.CLOSE_RECOVER_LEASE_VERSION){ try { namenode.recoverLease(src, clientName); } catch (RemoteException re) { throw re.unwrapRemoteException(FileNotFoundException.class, AccessControlException.class); } return !namenode.getBlockLocations(src, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE).isUnderConstruction(); } else { try { return namenode.closeRecoverLease(src, clientName, false); } catch (RemoteException re) { throw re.unwrapRemoteException(FileNotFoundException.class, AccessControlException.class); } } } /** recover lease based on method name */ private boolean methodBasedRecoverLease(String src, boolean discardLastBlock) throws IOException { // check if closeRecoverLease(discardLastBlock) is supported if (namenodeProtocolProxy.isMethodSupported( "closeRecoverLease", String.class, String.class, boolean.class)) { try { return namenode.closeRecoverLease(src, clientName, discardLastBlock); } catch (RemoteException re) { throw re.unwrapRemoteException(FileNotFoundException.class, AccessControlException.class); } } // check if closeRecoverLease is supported else if (namenodeProtocolProxy.isMethodSupported( "closeRecoverLease", String.class, String.class)) { try { return namenode.closeRecoverLease(src, clientName); } catch (RemoteException re) { throw re.unwrapRemoteException(FileNotFoundException.class, AccessControlException.class); } } // check if recoverLease is supported if (namenodeProtocolProxy.isMethodSupported( "recoverLease", String.class, String.class)) { try { namenode.recoverLease(src, clientName); } catch (RemoteException re) { throw re.unwrapRemoteException(FileNotFoundException.class, AccessControlException.class); } return !namenode.getBlockLocations(src, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE).isUnderConstruction(); } // now use append OutputStream out; try { out = append(src, conf.getInt("io.file.buffer.size", 4096), null); } catch (RemoteException re) { IOException e = re.unwrapRemoteException(AlreadyBeingCreatedException.class); if (e instanceof AlreadyBeingCreatedException) { return false; } throw re; } out.close(); return true; } private boolean closeFileOnNameNode(String src, long fileLen, Block lastBlockId) throws IOException { boolean fileComplete; if (namenodeProtocolProxy != null && namenodeProtocolProxy.isMethodSupported("complete", String.class, String.class, long.class, Block.class)) { fileComplete = namenode.complete(src, clientName, fileLen, lastBlockId); } else if (namenodeProtocolProxy != null && namenodeProtocolProxy.isMethodSupported("complete", String.class, String.class, long.class)) { fileComplete = namenode.complete(src, clientName, fileLen); } else { fileComplete = namenode.complete(src, clientName); } return fileComplete; } public void closeFile(String src, long fileLen, Block lastBlockId) throws IOException { long localstart = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean fileComplete = false; boolean retried = false; IOException lastException = null; // These are the close file semantics for retry that we need : // // 1) If we have exhausted the close file time out but have tried only once, retry one more time. // // 2) If we have exhausted the close file time otherwise, just abort. while (!fileComplete) { try { fileComplete = closeFileOnNameNode(src, fileLen, lastBlockId); } catch (RemoteException re) { // If the Namenode throws an exception, we need to rethrow the // exception. throw re; } catch (IOException e) { // Record exception so that we re-throw when we fail. if (closeFileTimeout <= 0) { // If the closeFileTimeout is not positive, we should throw the // exception since otherwise we would retry indefinitely. throw e; } lastException = e; LOG.warn("Exception closing file on namenode", e); } boolean timedOut = (closeFileTimeout > 0 && localstart + closeFileTimeout < System.currentTimeMillis()); // Verify the close file timeout has not elapsed. if (!fileComplete) { if (!clientRunning || (timedOut && retried)) { if (lastException != null) { throw lastException; } String msg = "Unable to close file because dfsclient " + " was unable to contact the HDFS servers." + " clientRunning " + clientRunning + " closeFileTimeout " + closeFileTimeout; LOG.info(msg); throw new IOException(msg); } try { retried = true; Thread.sleep(400); if (System.currentTimeMillis() - localstart > 5000) { LOG.info("Could not complete file " + src + " retrying..."); } } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } } } } /** * Append to an existing HDFS file. * * @param src file name * @param buffersize buffer size * @param progress for reporting write-progress * @return an output stream for writing into the file * @throws IOException * @see ClientProtocol#append(String, String) */ OutputStream append(String src, int buffersize, Progressable progress ) throws IOException { checkOpen(); FileStatus stat = null; LocatedBlock lastBlock = null; boolean success = false; int namespaceId = 0; try { stat = getFileInfo(src); if (namenodeProtocolProxy != null && namenodeProtocolProxy.isMethodSupported( "appendAndFetchMetaInfo", String.class, String.class)) { LocatedBlockWithMetaInfo loc = namenode.appendAndFetchMetaInfo(src, clientName); lastBlock = loc; if (loc != null) { namespaceId = loc.getNamespaceID(); updateDataTransferProtocolVersionIfNeeded(loc.getDataProtocolVersion()); getNewNameNodeIfNeeded(loc.getMethodFingerPrint()); } } else { lastBlock = namenode.append(src, clientName); } OutputStream result = new DFSOutputStream(this, src, buffersize, progress, lastBlock, stat, conf.getInt("io.bytes.per.checksum", 512), namespaceId); leasechecker.put(src, result); success = true; return result; } catch(RemoteException re) { throw re.unwrapRemoteException(FileNotFoundException.class, AccessControlException.class, NSQuotaExceededException.class, DSQuotaExceededException.class); } finally { if (!success) { try { namenode.abandonFile(src, clientName); } catch (RemoteException e) { if (e.unwrapRemoteException() instanceof LeaseExpiredException) { LOG.debug(String.format( "client %s attempting to abandon file %s which it does not own", clientName, src), e ); } else { throw e; } } } } } /** * Set replication for an existing file. * * @see ClientProtocol#setReplication(String, short) * @param replication * @throws IOException * @return true is successful or false if file does not exist */ public boolean setReplication(String src, short replication ) throws IOException { try { return namenode.setReplication(src, replication); } catch(RemoteException re) { throw re.unwrapRemoteException(AccessControlException.class, NSQuotaExceededException.class, DSQuotaExceededException.class); } } /** * Move blocks from src to trg and delete src * See {@link ClientProtocol#concat(String, String [])}. */ public void concat(String trg, String[] srcs, boolean restricted) throws IOException { checkOpen(); try { if (namenodeProtocolProxy != null && namenodeProtocolProxy.isMethodSupported("concat", String.class, String[].class, boolean.class)) { namenode.concat(trg, srcs, restricted); } else if (!restricted){ throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Namenode does not support variable length blocks"); } else { namenode.concat(trg, srcs); } } catch(RemoteException re) { throw re.unwrapRemoteException(AccessControlException.class, NSQuotaExceededException.class, DSQuotaExceededException.class); } } /** * See {@link ClientProtocol#hardLink(String, String)}. */ public boolean hardLink(String src, String dst) throws IOException { checkOpen(); try { return namenode.hardLink(src, dst); } catch(RemoteException re) { throw re.unwrapRemoteException(AccessControlException.class, NSQuotaExceededException.class, DSQuotaExceededException.class); } } /** * Rename file or directory. * See {@link ClientProtocol#rename(String, String)}. */ public boolean rename(String src, String dst) throws IOException { checkOpen(); try { return namenode.rename(src, dst); } catch(RemoteException re) { throw re.unwrapRemoteException(AccessControlException.class, NSQuotaExceededException.class, DSQuotaExceededException.class); } } /** * Delete file or directory. * See {@link ClientProtocol#delete(String)}. */ @Deprecated public boolean delete(String src) throws IOException { checkOpen(); return namenode.delete(src, true); } /** * delete file or directory. * delete contents of the directory if non empty and recursive * set to true */ public boolean delete(String src, boolean recursive) throws IOException { checkOpen(); try { return namenode.delete(src, recursive); } catch(RemoteException re) { throw re.unwrapRemoteException(AccessControlException.class); } } /** Implemented using getFileInfo(src) */ public boolean exists(String src) throws IOException { checkOpen(); return getFileInfo(src) != null; } /** @deprecated Use getFileStatus() instead */ @Deprecated public boolean isDirectory(String src) throws IOException { FileStatus fs = getFileInfo(src); if (fs != null) return fs.isDir(); else throw new FileNotFoundException("File does not exist: " + src); } /** * Convert an HdfsFileStatus to a FileStatus * @param stat an HdfsFileStatus * @param src parent path in string representation * @return a FileStatus object */ private static FileStatus toFileStatus(HdfsFileStatus stat, String src) { if (stat == null) { return null; } return new FileStatus(stat.getLen(), stat.isDir(), stat.getReplication(), stat.getBlockSize(), stat.getModificationTime(), stat.getAccessTime(), stat.getPermission(), stat.getOwner(), stat.getGroup(), stat.getFullPath(new Path(src))); // full path } /** * Convert an HdfsFileStatus and its block locations to a LocatedFileStatus * @param stat an HdfsFileStatus * @param locs the file's block locations * @param src parent path in string representation * @return a FileStatus object */ private static LocatedFileStatus toLocatedFileStatus( HdfsFileStatus stat, LocatedBlocks locs, String src) { if (stat == null) { return null; } return new LocatedFileStatus(stat.getLen(), stat.isDir(), stat.getReplication(), stat.getBlockSize(), stat.getModificationTime(), stat.getAccessTime(), stat.getPermission(), stat.getOwner(), stat.getGroup(), stat.getFullPath(new Path(src)), // full path DFSUtil.locatedBlocks2Locations(locs)); } /** * Get a listing of the indicated directory */ public FileStatus[] listPaths(String src) throws IOException { checkOpen(); metrics.incLsCalls(); try { if (namenodeProtocolProxy == null) { return versionBasedListPath(src); } return methodBasedListPath(src); } catch(RemoteException re) { throw re.unwrapRemoteException(AccessControlException.class); } } private FileStatus[] versionBasedListPath(String src) throws IOException { if (namenodeVersion >= ClientProtocol.ITERATIVE_LISTING_VERSION) { return iterativeListing(src); } else if (namenodeVersion >= ClientProtocol.OPTIMIZE_FILE_STATUS_VERSION) { HdfsFileStatus[] hdfsStats = namenode.getHdfsListing(src); if (hdfsStats == null) { return null; } FileStatus[] stats = new FileStatus[hdfsStats.length]; for (int i=0; i<stats.length; i++) { stats[i] = toFileStatus(hdfsStats[i], src); } return stats; } else { return namenode.getListing(src); } } private FileStatus[] methodBasedListPath(String src) throws IOException { if (namenodeProtocolProxy.isMethodSupported( "getPartialListing", String.class, byte[].class)) { return iterativeListing(src); } else if (namenodeProtocolProxy.isMethodSupported( "getHdfsListing", String.class)) { HdfsFileStatus[] hdfsStats = namenode.getHdfsListing(src); if (hdfsStats == null) { return null; } FileStatus[] stats = new FileStatus[hdfsStats.length]; for (int i=0; i<stats.length; i++) { stats[i] = toFileStatus(hdfsStats[i], src); } return stats; } else { return namenode.getListing(src); } } public boolean isConcatAvailable() throws IOException { if(namenodeProtocolProxy == null) { if(namenodeVersion >= ClientProtocol.CONCAT_VERSION) return true; } else { return namenodeProtocolProxy.isMethodSupported( "concat", String.class, String[].class); } return false; } /** * Get a partial listing of the indicated directory * * Recommend to use HdfsFileStatus.EMPTY_NAME as startAfter * if the application wants to fetch a listing starting from * the first entry in the directory * * @see ClientProtocol#getLocatedPartialListing(String, byte[]) */ public RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus> listPathWithLocation( final String src) throws IOException { checkOpen(); try { if (namenodeProtocolProxy == null) { return versionBasedListPathWithLocation(src); } return methodBasedListPathWithLocation(src); } catch(RemoteException re) { throw re.unwrapRemoteException(AccessControlException.class); } } /** List a directory with location based on version */ private RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus> versionBasedListPathWithLocation( final String src) throws IOException { if (namenodeVersion >= ClientProtocol.BULK_BLOCK_LOCATIONS_VERSION) { return iteratorListing(src); } else { return arrayListing(src); } } /** List a directory with location based on method */ private RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus> methodBasedListPathWithLocation( final String src) throws IOException { if (namenodeProtocolProxy.isMethodSupported( "getLocatedPartialListing", String.class, byte[].class)) { return iteratorListing(src); } else { return arrayListing(src); } } /** create the iterator from an array of file status */ private RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus> arrayListing(final String src) throws IOException { return new RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus>() { private FileStatus[] stats; private int i = 0; { //initializer stats = listPaths(src); if (stats == null) { throw new FileNotFoundException("File " + src + " does not exist."); } } @Override public boolean hasNext() throws IOException { return i<stats.length; } @Override public LocatedFileStatus next() throws IOException { if (!hasNext()) { throw new NoSuchElementException("No more entry in " + src); } FileStatus result = stats[i++]; BlockLocation[] locs = result.isDir() ? null : getBlockLocations( result.getPath().toUri().getPath(), 0, result.getLen()); return new LocatedFileStatus(result, locs); } }; } /** create the iterator from the iterative listing with block locations */ private RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus> iteratorListing(final String src) throws IOException { return new RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus>() { private LocatedDirectoryListing thisListing; private int i; { // initializer // fetch the first batch of entries in the directory thisListing = namenode.getLocatedPartialListing( src, HdfsFileStatus.EMPTY_NAME); if (thisListing == null) { // the directory does not exist throw new FileNotFoundException("File " + src + " does not exist."); } } @Override public boolean hasNext() throws IOException { if (i>=thisListing.getPartialListing().length && thisListing.hasMore()) { // current listing is exhausted & fetch a new listing thisListing = namenode.getLocatedPartialListing( src, thisListing.getLastName()); if (thisListing == null) { throw new FileNotFoundException("File " + src + " does not exist."); } i = 0; } return i < thisListing.getPartialListing().length; } @Override public LocatedFileStatus next() throws IOException { if (!hasNext()) { throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException("No more entry in " + src); } return toLocatedFileStatus( thisListing.getPartialListing()[i], thisListing.getBlockLocations()[i++], src); } }; } /** * List the given path iteratively if the directory is large * * @param src a path * @return a listing of the path * @throws IOException if any IO error is occurred */ private FileStatus[] iterativeListing(String src) throws IOException { // fetch the first batch of entries in the directory DirectoryListing thisListing = namenode.getPartialListing( src, HdfsFileStatus.EMPTY_NAME); if (thisListing == null) { // the directory does not exist return null; } HdfsFileStatus[] partialListing = thisListing.getPartialListing(); if (!thisListing.hasMore()) { // got all entries of the directory FileStatus[] stats = new FileStatus[partialListing.length]; for (int i = 0; i < partialListing.length; i++) { stats[i] = toFileStatus(partialListing[i], src); } return stats; } // The directory size is too big that it needs to fetch more // estimate the total number of entries in the directory int totalNumEntries = partialListing.length + thisListing.getRemainingEntries(); ArrayList<FileStatus> listing = new ArrayList<FileStatus>(totalNumEntries); // add the first batch of entries to the array list for (HdfsFileStatus fileStatus : partialListing) { listing.add(toFileStatus(fileStatus, src)); } // now fetch more entries do { thisListing = namenode.getPartialListing(src, thisListing.getLastName()); if (thisListing == null) { return null; // the directory is deleted } partialListing = thisListing.getPartialListing(); for (HdfsFileStatus fileStatus : partialListing) { listing.add(toFileStatus(fileStatus, src)); } } while (thisListing.hasMore()); return listing.toArray(new FileStatus[listing.size()]); } public FileStatus getFileInfo(String src) throws IOException { checkOpen(); try { if (namenodeProtocolProxy == null) { return versionBasedGetFileInfo(src); } return methodBasedGetFileInfo(src); } catch(RemoteException re) { throw re.unwrapRemoteException(AccessControlException.class); } } /** Get file info: decide which rpc to call based on protocol version */ private FileStatus versionBasedGetFileInfo(String src) throws IOException { if (namenodeVersion >= ClientProtocol.OPTIMIZE_FILE_STATUS_VERSION) { return toFileStatus(namenode.getHdfsFileInfo(src), src); } else { return namenode.getFileInfo(src); } } /** Get file info: decide which rpc to call based on server methods*/ private FileStatus methodBasedGetFileInfo(String src) throws IOException { if (namenodeProtocolProxy.isMethodSupported( "getHdfsFileInfo", String.class)) { return toFileStatus(namenode.getHdfsFileInfo(src), src); } else { return namenode.getFileInfo(src); } } /** * Get the checksum of a file. * @param src The file path * @return The checksum * @see DistributedFileSystem#getFileChecksum(Path) */ MD5MD5CRC32FileChecksum getFileChecksum(String src) throws IOException { checkOpen(); return getFileChecksum(dataTransferVersion, src, namenode, namenodeProtocolProxy, socketFactory, socketTimeout); } /** * Get the checksum of a file. * @param src The file path * @return The checksum */ public static MD5MD5CRC32FileChecksum getFileChecksum( int dataTransferVersion, String src, ClientProtocol namenode, ProtocolProxy<ClientProtocol> namenodeProxy, SocketFactory socketFactory, int socketTimeout ) throws IOException { //get all block locations final LocatedBlocks locatedBlocks = callGetBlockLocations( namenode, src, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE, isMetaInfoSuppoted(namenodeProxy)); int namespaceId = 0; if (locatedBlocks instanceof LocatedBlocksWithMetaInfo) { LocatedBlocksWithMetaInfo lBlocks = (LocatedBlocksWithMetaInfo)locatedBlocks; dataTransferVersion = lBlocks.getDataProtocolVersion(); namespaceId = lBlocks.getNamespaceID(); } else if (dataTransferVersion == -1) { dataTransferVersion = namenode.getDataTransferProtocolVersion(); } final List<LocatedBlock> locatedblocks = locatedBlocks.getLocatedBlocks(); final DataOutputBuffer md5out = new DataOutputBuffer(); int bytesPerCRC = 0; long crcPerBlock = 0; //get block checksum for each block for(int i = 0; i < locatedblocks.size(); i++) { LocatedBlock lb = locatedblocks.get(i); final Block block = lb.getBlock(); final DatanodeInfo[] datanodes = lb.getLocations(); //try each datanode location of the block final int timeout = (socketTimeout > 0) ? (socketTimeout + HdfsConstants.READ_TIMEOUT_EXTENSION * datanodes.length) : 0; boolean done = false; for(int j = 0; !done && j < datanodes.length; j++) { //connect to a datanode final Socket sock = socketFactory.createSocket(); NetUtils.connect(sock, NetUtils.createSocketAddr(datanodes[j].getName()), timeout); sock.setSoTimeout(timeout); DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream( new BufferedOutputStream(NetUtils.getOutputStream(sock), DataNode.SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE)); DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(NetUtils.getInputStream(sock)); // get block MD5 try { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("write to " + datanodes[j].getName() + ": " + DataTransferProtocol.OP_BLOCK_CHECKSUM + ", block=" + block); } /* Write the header */ BlockChecksumHeader blockChecksumHeader = new BlockChecksumHeader( dataTransferVersion, namespaceId, block.getBlockId(), block.getGenerationStamp()); blockChecksumHeader.writeVersionAndOpCode(out); blockChecksumHeader.write(out); out.flush(); final short reply = in.readShort(); if (reply != DataTransferProtocol.OP_STATUS_SUCCESS) { throw new IOException("Bad response " + reply + " for block " + block + " from datanode " + datanodes[j].getName()); } //read byte-per-checksum final int bpc = in.readInt(); if (i == 0) { //first block bytesPerCRC = bpc; } else if (bpc != bytesPerCRC) { throw new IOException("Byte-per-checksum not matched: bpc=" + bpc + " but bytesPerCRC=" + bytesPerCRC); } //read crc-per-block final long cpb = in.readLong(); if (locatedblocks.size() > 1 && i == 0) { crcPerBlock = cpb; } //read md5 final MD5Hash md5 = MD5Hash.read(in); md5.write(md5out); done = true; if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { if (i == 0) { LOG.debug("set bytesPerCRC=" + bytesPerCRC + ", crcPerBlock=" + crcPerBlock); } LOG.debug("got reply from " + datanodes[j].getName() + ": md5=" + md5); } } catch (IOException ie) { LOG.warn("src=" + src + ", datanodes[" + j + "].getName()=" + datanodes[j].getName(), ie); } finally { IOUtils.closeStream(in); IOUtils.closeStream(out); IOUtils.closeSocket(sock); } } if (!done) { throw new IOException("Fail to get block MD5 for " + block); } } //compute file MD5 final MD5Hash fileMD5 = MD5Hash.digest(md5out.getData()); return new MD5MD5CRC32FileChecksum(bytesPerCRC, crcPerBlock, fileMD5); } /** * Set permissions to a file or directory. * @param src path name. * @param permission * @throws <code>FileNotFoundException</code> is file does not exist. */ public void setPermission(String src, FsPermission permission ) throws IOException { checkOpen(); try { namenode.setPermission(src, permission); } catch(RemoteException re) { throw re.unwrapRemoteException(AccessControlException.class, FileNotFoundException.class); } } /** * Set file or directory owner. * @param src path name. * @param username user id. * @param groupname user group. * @throws <code>FileNotFoundException</code> is file does not exist. */ public void setOwner(String src, String username, String groupname ) throws IOException { checkOpen(); try { namenode.setOwner(src, username, groupname); } catch(RemoteException re) { throw re.unwrapRemoteException(AccessControlException.class, FileNotFoundException.class); } } public DiskStatus getDiskStatus() throws IOException { long rawNums[] = namenode.getStats(); return new DiskStatus(rawNums[0], rawNums[1], rawNums[2]); } /* * Return the Disk status for current namespace */ public DiskStatus getNSDiskStatus() throws IOException { long rawNums[] = namenode.getStats(); // rawNums[6] should be capacityNamespaceUsed long dfsUsed = (rawNums.length > 6)? rawNums[6]: rawNums[1]; return new DiskStatus(rawNums[0], dfsUsed, rawNums[2]); } /** */ public long totalRawCapacity() throws IOException { long rawNums[] = namenode.getStats(); return rawNums[0]; } /** */ public long totalRawUsed() throws IOException { long rawNums[] = namenode.getStats(); return rawNums[1]; } /** * Returns count of blocks with no good replicas left. Normally should be * zero. * @throws IOException */ public long getMissingBlocksCount() throws IOException { return namenode.getStats()[ClientProtocol.GET_STATS_MISSING_BLOCKS_IDX]; } /** * Returns count of blocks with one of more replica missing. * @throws IOException */ public long getUnderReplicatedBlocksCount() throws IOException { return namenode.getStats()[ClientProtocol.GET_STATS_UNDER_REPLICATED_IDX]; } /** * Returns count of blocks with at least one replica marked corrupt. * @throws IOException */ public long getCorruptBlocksCount() throws IOException { return namenode.getStats()[ClientProtocol.GET_STATS_CORRUPT_BLOCKS_IDX]; } /** * @return a list in which each entry describes a corrupt file/block * @throws AccessControlException * @throws IOException */ public CorruptFileBlocks listCorruptFileBlocks(String path, String cookie) throws IOException { if (namenodeProtocolProxy == null) { return versionBasedListCorruptFileBlocks(path, cookie); } return methodBasedListCorruptFileBlocks(path, cookie); } /** Version based list corrupt file blocks */ private CorruptFileBlocks versionBasedListCorruptFileBlocks(String path, String cookie) throws IOException { if (namenodeVersion < ClientProtocol.LIST_CORRUPT_FILEBLOCKS_VERSION) { LOG.info("NameNode version is " + namenodeVersion + " Using older version of getCorruptFiles."); if (cookie != null ) { return new CorruptFileBlocks(new String[0], ""); } ArrayList<String> str = new ArrayList<String>(); for (FileStatus stat : namenode.getCorruptFiles()) { String filename = stat.getPath().toUri().getPath(); if (filename.startsWith(path)) { str.add(filename); } } return new CorruptFileBlocks(str.toArray(new String[str.size()]), ""); } return namenode.listCorruptFileBlocks(path, cookie); } /** Method based listCorruptFileBlocks */ private CorruptFileBlocks methodBasedListCorruptFileBlocks(String path, String cookie) throws IOException { if (!namenodeProtocolProxy.isMethodSupported("listCorruptFileBlocks", String.class, String.class)) { LOG.info("NameNode version is " + namenodeVersion + " Using older version of getCorruptFiles."); if (cookie != null ) { return new CorruptFileBlocks(new String[0], ""); } ArrayList<String> str = new ArrayList<String>(); for (FileStatus stat : namenode.getCorruptFiles()) { String filename = stat.getPath().toUri().getPath(); if (filename.startsWith(path)) { str.add(filename); } } return new CorruptFileBlocks(str.toArray(new String[str.size()]), ""); } return namenode.listCorruptFileBlocks(path, cookie); } public DatanodeInfo[] datanodeReport(DatanodeReportType type) throws IOException { return namenode.getDatanodeReport(type); } /** * Enter, leave or get safe mode. * See {@link ClientProtocol#setSafeMode(FSConstants.SafeModeAction)} * for more details. * * @see ClientProtocol#setSafeMode(FSConstants.SafeModeAction) */ public boolean setSafeMode(SafeModeAction action) throws IOException { return namenode.setSafeMode(action); } /** * Save namespace image. * See {@link ClientProtocol#saveNamespace()} * for more details. * * @see ClientProtocol#saveNamespace() */ void saveNamespace(boolean force, boolean uncompressed) throws AccessControlException, IOException { try { if (namenodeProtocolProxy == null) { versionBasedSaveNamespace(force, uncompressed); } else { methodBasedSaveNamespace(force, uncompressed); } } catch(RemoteException re) { throw re.unwrapRemoteException(AccessControlException.class); } } /** Version-based save namespace */ private void versionBasedSaveNamespace(boolean force, boolean uncompressed) throws AccessControlException, IOException { if (namenodeVersion >= ClientProtocol.SAVENAMESPACE_FORCE) { namenode.saveNamespace(force, uncompressed); } else { namenode.saveNamespace(); } } /** Method-based save namespace */ private void methodBasedSaveNamespace(boolean force, boolean uncompressed) throws AccessControlException, IOException { if (namenodeProtocolProxy.isMethodSupported( "saveNamespace", boolean.class, boolean.class)) { namenode.saveNamespace(force, uncompressed); } else { namenode.saveNamespace(); } } /** * Refresh the hosts and exclude files. (Rereads them.) * See {@link ClientProtocol#refreshNodes()} * for more details. * * @see ClientProtocol#refreshNodes() */ public void refreshNodes() throws IOException { namenode.refreshNodes(); } /** * Dumps DFS data structures into specified file. * See {@link ClientProtocol#metaSave(String)} * for more details. * * @see ClientProtocol#metaSave(String) */ public void metaSave(String pathname) throws IOException { namenode.metaSave(pathname); } /** * @see ClientProtocol#finalizeUpgrade() */ public void finalizeUpgrade() throws IOException { namenode.finalizeUpgrade(); } /** * @see ClientProtocol#distributedUpgradeProgress(FSConstants.UpgradeAction) */ public UpgradeStatusReport distributedUpgradeProgress(UpgradeAction action ) throws IOException { return namenode.distributedUpgradeProgress(action); } public String getClusterName() throws IOException { if (namenodeProtocolProxy.isMethodSupported( "getClusterName")) { return namenode.getClusterName(); } else { return null; } } /** Re-populate the namespace and diskspace count of every node with quota */ public void recount() throws IOException { if (namenodeProtocolProxy.isMethodSupported("recount")) { namenode.recount(); } } /** * Fetch the list of files that have been open longer than a * specified amount of time. * @param prefix path prefix specifying subset of files to examine * @param millis select files that have been open longer that this * @param where to start searching when there are large numbers of * files returned. pass null the first time, then pass the last * value returned by the previous call for subsequent calls. * @return array of OpenFileInfo objects * @throw IOException */ public OpenFileInfo[] iterativeGetOpenFiles( Path prefix, int millis, String start) throws IOException { checkOpen(); try { return namenode.iterativeGetOpenFiles(prefix.toString(), millis, start); } catch (RemoteException re) { throw re.unwrapRemoteException(AccessControlException.class, NSQuotaExceededException.class, DSQuotaExceededException.class); } } /** */ public boolean mkdirs(String src) throws IOException { return mkdirs(src, null); } /** * Create a directory (or hierarchy of directories) with the given * name and permission. * * @param src The path of the directory being created * @param permission The permission of the directory being created. * If permission == null, use {@link FsPermission#getDefault()}. * @return True if the operation success. * @see ClientProtocol#mkdirs(String, FsPermission) */ public boolean mkdirs(String src, FsPermission permission)throws IOException{ checkOpen(); if (permission == null) { permission = FsPermission.getDefault(); } FsPermission masked = permission.applyUMask(FsPermission.getUMask(conf)); LOG.debug(src + ": masked=" + masked); try { metrics.incNumCreateDirOps(); return namenode.mkdirs(src, masked); } catch(RemoteException re) { throw re.unwrapRemoteException(AccessControlException.class, NSQuotaExceededException.class, DSQuotaExceededException.class); } } public ContentSummary getContentSummary(String src) throws IOException { try { return namenode.getContentSummary(src); } catch(RemoteException re) { throw re.unwrapRemoteException(AccessControlException.class, FileNotFoundException.class); } } /** * Sets or resets quotas for a directory. * @see org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.ClientProtocol#setQuota(String, long, long) */ void setQuota(String src, long namespaceQuota, long diskspaceQuota) throws IOException { // sanity check if ((namespaceQuota <= 0 && namespaceQuota != FSConstants.QUOTA_DONT_SET && namespaceQuota != FSConstants.QUOTA_RESET) || (diskspaceQuota <= 0 && diskspaceQuota != FSConstants.QUOTA_DONT_SET && diskspaceQuota != FSConstants.QUOTA_RESET)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid values for quota : " + namespaceQuota + " and " + diskspaceQuota); } try { namenode.setQuota(src, namespaceQuota, diskspaceQuota); } catch(RemoteException re) { throw re.unwrapRemoteException(AccessControlException.class, FileNotFoundException.class, NSQuotaExceededException.class, DSQuotaExceededException.class); } } /** * set the modification and access time of a file * @throws FileNotFoundException if the path is not a file */ public void setTimes(String src, long mtime, long atime) throws IOException { checkOpen(); try { namenode.setTimes(src, mtime, atime); } catch(RemoteException re) { throw re.unwrapRemoteException(AccessControlException.class, FileNotFoundException.class); } } protected int numNodeLeft(DatanodeInfo nodes[], AbstractMap<DatanodeInfo, DatanodeInfo> deadNodes) { int nodesLeft = 0; if (nodes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { if (!deadNodes.containsKey(nodes[i])) { nodesLeft++; } } } return nodesLeft; } /** * Pick the best node from which to stream the data. * Entries in <i>nodes</i> are already in the priority order */ DatanodeInfo bestNode(DatanodeInfo nodes[], AbstractMap<DatanodeInfo, DatanodeInfo> deadNodes) throws IOException { if (nodes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { if (!deadNodes.containsKey(nodes[i])) { return nodes[i]; } } } StringBuilder errMsgr = new StringBuilder( "No live nodes contain current block "); errMsgr.append("Block locations:"); for (DatanodeInfo datanode : nodes) { errMsgr.append(" "); errMsgr.append(datanode.toString()); } errMsgr.append(" Dead nodes: "); for (DatanodeInfo datanode : deadNodes.values()) { errMsgr.append(" "); errMsgr.append(datanode.toString()); } throw new IOException(errMsgr.toString()); } boolean isLeaseCheckerStarted() { return leasechecker.daemon != null; } /** Lease management*/ class LeaseChecker extends LeaseRenewal { /** A map from src -> DFSOutputStream of files that are currently being * written by this client. */ private final SortedMap<String, OutputStream> pendingCreates = new TreeMap<String, OutputStream>(); private Daemon daemon = null; public LeaseChecker(String clientName, Configuration conf) { super(clientName, conf); } synchronized void put(String src, OutputStream out) { if (clientRunning) { if (daemon == null) { daemon = new Daemon(this); daemon.start(); } pendingCreates.put(src, out); } } synchronized void remove(String src) { pendingCreates.remove(src); } void interruptAndJoin() throws InterruptedException { Daemon daemonCopy = null; synchronized (this) { if (daemon != null) { daemon.interrupt(); daemonCopy = daemon; } } if (daemonCopy != null) { LOG.debug("Wait for lease checker to terminate"); daemonCopy.join(); } } synchronized void close() { while (!pendingCreates.isEmpty()) { String src = pendingCreates.firstKey(); OutputStream out = pendingCreates.remove(src); if (out != null) { try { out.close(); } catch (IOException ie) { LOG.error("Exception closing file " + src+ " : " + ie, ie); } } } } /** * Abort all open files. Release resources held. Ignore all errors. */ @Override protected synchronized void abort() { super.closeRenewal(); clientRunning = false; while (!pendingCreates.isEmpty()) { String src = pendingCreates.firstKey(); DFSOutputStream out = (DFSOutputStream)pendingCreates.remove(src); if (out != null) { try { out.abort(); } catch (IOException ie) { LOG.error("Exception aborting file " + src+ ": ", ie); } } } RPC.stopProxy(rpcNamenode); // close connections to the namenode } @Override protected void renew() throws IOException { synchronized(this) { if (pendingCreates.isEmpty()) { return; } } namenode.renewLease(clientName); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public String toString() { String s = getClass().getSimpleName(); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { return s + "@" + DFSClient.this + ": " + StringUtils.stringifyException(new Throwable("for testing")); } return s; } } /** * Checks that the given block range covers the given file segment and * consists of contiguous blocks. This function assumes that the length * of the queried segment is non-zero, and a non-empty block list is * expected. * @param blockRange the set of blocks obtained for the given file segment * @param offset the start offset of the file segment * @param length the length of the file segment. Assumed to be positive. */ static void checkBlockRange(List<LocatedBlock> blockRange, long offset, long length) throws IOException { boolean isValid = false; if (!blockRange.isEmpty()) { int numBlocks = blockRange.size(); LocatedBlock firstBlock = blockRange.get(0); LocatedBlock lastBlock = blockRange.get(numBlocks - 1); long segmentEnd = offset + length; // Check that the queried segment is between the beginning of the first // block and the end of the last block in the block range. if (firstBlock.getStartOffset() <= offset && (segmentEnd <= lastBlock.getStartOffset() + lastBlock.getBlockSize())) { isValid = true; // There is a chance the block list is valid LocatedBlock prevBlock = firstBlock; for (int i = 1; i < numBlocks; ++i) { // In this loop, prevBlock is always the block #(i - 1) and curBlock // is the block #i. long prevBlkEnd = prevBlock.getStartOffset() + prevBlock.getBlockSize(); LocatedBlock curBlock = blockRange.get(i); long curBlkOffset = curBlock.getStartOffset(); if (prevBlkEnd != curBlkOffset || // Blocks are not contiguous prevBlkEnd <= offset || // Previous block is redundant segmentEnd <= curBlkOffset) { // Current block is redundant isValid = false; break; } prevBlock = curBlock; } } } if (!isValid) { throw new IOException("Got incorrect block range for " + "offset=" + offset + ", length=" + length + ": " + blockRange); } } public static class DFSDataInputStream extends FSDataInputStream { DFSDataInputStream(DFSInputStream in) throws IOException { super(in); } /** * Returns the datanode from which the stream is currently reading. */ public DatanodeInfo getCurrentDatanode() { return ((DFSInputStream)in).getCurrentDatanode(); } /** * Returns the block containing the target position. */ public Block getCurrentBlock() { return ((DFSInputStream)in).getCurrentBlock(); } /** * Return collection of blocks that has already been located. */ public synchronized List<LocatedBlock> getAllBlocks() throws IOException { return ((DFSInputStream)in).getAllBlocks(); } @Override public boolean isUnderConstruction() throws IOException { return ((DFSInputStream)in).isUnderConstruction(); } public long getFileLength() { return ((DFSInputStream)in).getFileLength(); } } /** * Encapsulate multiple output streams into one object. */ class MultiDataOutputStream { DataOutputStream[] streams; volatile int errorSlot; MultiDataOutputStream(DataOutputStream[] outs) { this.streams = outs; this.errorSlot = -1; // no errors so far } DataOutputStream get(int i) { return streams[i]; } void set(int i, DataOutputStream st) { streams[i] = st; } void write(byte[] buf, int off, int len) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < streams.length; i++) { try { streams[i].write(buf, off, len); } catch (IOException e) { errorSlot = i; throw e; } } } void writeInt(int v) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < streams.length; i++) { try { streams[i].writeInt(v); } catch (IOException e) { errorSlot = i; throw e; } } } void flush() throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < streams.length; i++) { try { streams[i].flush(); } catch (IOException e) { errorSlot = i; throw e; } } } void close() throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < streams.length; i++) { try { streams[i].close(); } catch (IOException e) { errorSlot = i; throw e; } } } /** Returns the slot number of the file descriptor that encountered * an error. Returns -1 if there were no error. */ int getErrorIndex() { return errorSlot; } } /** * Encapsulate multiple input streams into one object. */ class MultiDataInputStream { DataInputStream[] streams; MultiDataInputStream(DataInputStream[] ins) { this.streams = ins; } DataInputStream get(int i) { return streams[i]; } int size() { return streams.length; } void set(int i, DataInputStream st) { streams[i] = st; } void close() throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < streams.length; i++) { streams[i].close(); } } } void reportChecksumFailure(String file, Block blk, DatanodeInfo dn) { DatanodeInfo [] dnArr = { dn }; LocatedBlock [] lblocks = { new LocatedBlock(blk, dnArr) }; reportChecksumFailure(file, lblocks); } // just reports checksum failure and ignores any exception during the report. void reportChecksumFailure(String file, LocatedBlock lblocks[]) { try { reportBadBlocks(lblocks); } catch (IOException ie) { LOG.info("Found corruption while reading " + file + ". Error repairing corrupt blocks. Bad blocks remain. " + StringUtils.stringifyException(ie)); } } /** * Get the data transfer protocol version supported in the cluster * assuming all the datanodes have the same version. * * @return the data transfer protocol version supported in the cluster */ int getDataTransferProtocolVersion() throws IOException { synchronized (dataTransferVersion) { if (dataTransferVersion == -1) { // Get the version number from NN try { int remoteDataTransferVersion = namenode.getDataTransferProtocolVersion(); updateDataTransferProtocolVersionIfNeeded(remoteDataTransferVersion); } catch (RemoteException re) { IOException ioe = re.unwrapRemoteException(IOException.class); if (ioe.getMessage().startsWith(IOException.class.getName() + ": " + NoSuchMethodException.class.getName())) { dataTransferVersion = 14; // last version not supportting this RPC } else { throw ioe; } } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Data Transfer Protocal Version is "+ dataTransferVersion); } } return dataTransferVersion; } } void updateDataTransferProtocolVersionIfNeeded(int remoteDataTransferVersion) { int newDataTransferVersion = 0; if (remoteDataTransferVersion < DataTransferProtocol.DATA_TRANSFER_VERSION) { // client is newer than server newDataTransferVersion = remoteDataTransferVersion; } else { // client is older or the same as server newDataTransferVersion = DataTransferProtocol.DATA_TRANSFER_VERSION; } synchronized (dataTransferVersion) { if (dataTransferVersion != newDataTransferVersion) { dataTransferVersion = newDataTransferVersion; } } } /** * If stats object is not null, increment the read exception count */ void incReadExpCntToStats() { if (stats != null) { stats.incrementCntReadException(); } } /** * If stats object is not null, increment the read exception count */ void incWriteExpCntToStats() { if (stats != null) { stats.incrementCntWriteException(); } } /** * If stats object is not null, increment the files read count */ void incFileReadToStats() { if (stats != null) { stats.incrementFilesRead(); } } /** * Determine whether the input address is in the same rack as local machine */ boolean isInLocalRack(InetAddress addr) { if (dnsToSwitchMapping == null || this.localhostNetworkLocation == null) { return false; } ArrayList<String> tempList = new ArrayList<String>(); tempList.add(addr.getHostName()); List<String> retList = dnsToSwitchMapping.resolve(tempList); if (retList != null && retList.size() > 0) { return retList.get(0).equals(this.localhostNetworkLocation); } else { return false; } } public LocatedBlockWithFileName getBlockInfo(final long blockId) throws IOException { return namenode.getBlockInfo(blockId); } static void sleepForUnitTest(long artificialSlowdown) { // This is used by unit test to trigger race conditions. if (artificialSlowdown > 0) { LOG.debug("Sleeping for artificial slowdown of " + artificialSlowdown + "ms"); try { Thread.sleep(artificialSlowdown); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} } } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName() + "[clientName=" + clientName + ", ugi=" + ugi + "]"; } static class DataNodeSlowException extends IOException { public DataNodeSlowException(String msg) { super(msg); } } }