package com.joe.utilities.core.lookup; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.joe.utilities.core.configuration.Globals; import com.joe.utilities.core.util.Utils; import; import com.opensymphony.oscache.extra.CacheEntryEventListenerImpl; import com.opensymphony.oscache.general.GeneralCacheAdministrator; /** * CacheManager. Manages cached data using OS (open symphony) cache implementation * * @author Dave Ousey * @version 1.0 * * Creation date: 07/13/2005 2:177 PM * Copyright (c) 2005 MEDecision, Inc. All rights reserved. */ public class CacheManager { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CacheManager.class.getName()); /** OSCache adminstrator */ private GeneralCacheAdministrator cacheAdministrator = null; /** Records JVM times per MCO when caches should be flushed */ private Map<String, Date> flushTimesByMCO = new HashMap<String, Date> (4); private static CacheEntryEventListenerImpl cacheEntryEventListener = null; /** Reference to flush thread */ private FlushThread flusher = null; private static CacheManager singleton; static { initialize(); } private CacheManager() { } /** * Gets the single instance of CacheManager. * * @return single instance of CacheManager */ public static CacheManager getInstance() { return singleton; } /** * Method initialize. Creates new OS cache administrator objects for each MCO defined in the service configuration factory. */ public static void initialize() { singleton = new CacheManager(); // Lookup configuration properties Properties cacheProperties = null; String osCachePropertiesFileName = System.getProperty("oscache.configuration"); if (osCachePropertiesFileName != null && osCachePropertiesFileName.length() > 0) {"Reading OSCache property settings from " + osCachePropertiesFileName+"..."); InputStream fileStream = null; try { cacheProperties = new Properties(); fileStream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(osCachePropertiesFileName)); cacheProperties.load(fileStream); } catch (IOException e) { cacheProperties = null; log.error("Error loading OSCache properties file from " +osCachePropertiesFileName +'.'); } finally { if (fileStream != null) try { fileStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) {} } } // Use the following default setting if configuration file is unavailable if (cacheProperties == null) {"Using default OSCache property settings..."); cacheProperties = new Properties(); cacheProperties.put("cache.capacity", "50000"); } // Initialize the cache administrator with the specified properties singleton.cacheAdministrator = new GeneralCacheAdministrator(cacheProperties); initializeMCOFlushTimes(); } /** * Method initializeMCOFlusher. */ public static void initializeMCOFlushTimes() { // Build a list of all MCO IDs configured for the application Set<String> mcos = getMcoSet(); String [] mcoList = Globals.getStringArray(""); if (mcoList == null || mcoList.length == 0) mcos.add("MDL"); else mcos.addAll(Arrays.asList(mcoList)); // Lookup flush times per MCO. Set initialized flag to true to avoid cache-related errors in OP cache lookup. Iterator<String> iter = mcos.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String mcoID =; try { setNextFlushTime(mcoID); } catch (Throwable t) { log.warn("Unable to set next flush time for MCO: '" + mcoID + "'", t); //Ignore exceptions for MCOs that may not be available during initialization continue; } } // Start up flush timer singleton.flusher = new FlushThread(); singleton.flusher.start(); } /** * getMcoSet: Returns set of MCOs configured in the globals properties file. If setting is not defined, * assume single, default MCO environment * @return Set<String> */ private static Set<String> getMcoSet() { // Get Set of all MCOs defined in services and resource helpers configuration since // some MCOs may use Services but no Resource Helpers and some MCOs may use Resource // Helpers but no Services. Set<String> mcos = new HashSet<String>(16); String [] mcoList = Globals.getStringArray(""); if (mcoList == null || mcoList.length == 0) mcos.add("MDL"); else mcos.addAll(Arrays.asList(mcoList)); return mcos; } /** * Method setNextFlushTime. Determine s and records in a map the next time (JVM time) when the given mco's cache * items should be flushed. * @param mcoID */ private static void setNextFlushTime(String mcoID) { // Get time value from operation parameter (e.g. "2 AM") String jvmFlushTimeConfiguration = Globals.getString(""+mcoID+".cache.flushTime"); if (jvmFlushTimeConfiguration == null) jvmFlushTimeConfiguration = "12:00 AM"; // Check if current JVM time has passed the flush time on the current date. If not, use that time, else use // same time tomorrow. Date midnight = Utils.extractDate(new Date()); Date mcoFlushDateTime = new Date(midnight.getTime()+Utils.timeToMillis(Utils.parseTime(jvmFlushTimeConfiguration))); if (mcoFlushDateTime.before(new Date())) mcoFlushDateTime = Utils.dateAdd(mcoFlushDateTime, 1, false);"Next flush time calculated as " + mcoFlushDateTime + " for MCO = " + mcoID); // Put in map singleton.flushTimesByMCO.put(mcoID, mcoFlushDateTime); } /** * Method reset. Clears current cache and reinitialized CacheManager - possibly after changes made to SOA configuration. * @throws SOAException */ public static void reset() { flushAll(); singleton.flusher.kill = true; singleton.flusher = null; initialize(); } /** * Method putInCache. Places an object into given MCO's cache * @param mcoID * @param key * @param o */ public static void putInCache(String mcoID, String key, Object o) { putInCache(mcoID, key, o, (String []) null); } /** * Method putInCache. Places an object into given MCO's cache with associated group name. * @param mcoID * @param key * @param o * @param groupName */ public static void putInCache(String mcoID, String key, Object o, String groupName) { putInCache(mcoID, key, o, new String[] {groupName}); } /** * Method putInCache. Places an object into given MCO's cache with associated group names * @param mcoID * @param key * @param o * @param groupName */ public static void putInCache(String mcoID, String key, Object o, String [] groupNamesArray) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("CacheManager - putInCache: mcoID = " +mcoID + ", key = "+key +", object = "+o+", group(s) = "+Arrays.toString(groupNamesArray)); singleton.validate(mcoID); singleton.validateNotNull(key, "Key must be valued."); singleton.validateNotNull(o, "Object to cache must be valued."); // Setup list of groups to include. Always include MCO group to tag this entry as belonging to this MCO ID List<String> groupList = new ArrayList<String>(4); groupList.add("mco."+mcoID); if (groupNamesArray != null) { // Add mco ID to each group name for (int i = 0; i < groupNamesArray.length; i++) { groupList.add(mcoID+"."+groupNamesArray[i]); } } // Add to cache with list of groups associated with entry try { singleton.cacheAdministrator.putInCache(mcoID+'.'+key, o, groupList.toArray(new String[groupList.size()])); } catch (Throwable t) { log.warn("Could not update cache for key = '"+key+"'.", t); singleton.cacheAdministrator.cancelUpdate(key); } } /** * Method getFromCache. Retrieve an object from the cache with the given key * @param mcoID * @param key * @return Cachable */ public static Object getFromCache(String mcoID, String key) { singleton.validate(mcoID); singleton.validateNotNull(key, "Key must be valued"); try { // Fetch object from cache Object o = singleton.cacheAdministrator.getFromCache(mcoID+'.'+key); if (log.isTraceEnabled() && o != null) log.trace("CacheManager - getFromCache: mcoID = " +mcoID + ", key = "+key +", object retrieved = "+o); return o; } catch (Throwable t1) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("CacheManager - getFromCache:cacheAdministrator.getFromCache: mcoID = " +mcoID + ", key = "+key +": " + t1.getLocalizedMessage()); // OSCache will wait for us to refresh missing item and place into cache by blocking the current thread. // We don't want it to work this way because it involves invasive code or callbacks from cache processing to layer above. // Therefore, cancel this "update". try { singleton.cacheAdministrator.cancelUpdate(mcoID+'.'+key); } catch (Throwable t2) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("CacheManager - getFromCache:cacheAdministrator.cancelUpdate: mcoID = " +mcoID + ", key = "+key +": " + t2.getLocalizedMessage()); } // Return null instead of passing back silly exception return null; } } /** * Method setMCOFlushTime. Sets time when MCO cache will be flushed. This method does not usually need to be called * because CacheManager.initialize will automatically set these values automatically for all MCOs defined in the SOA * service configuration * @param mcoID * @param mcoTimeToFlush */ public static void setMCOFlushTime(String mcoID, Date mcoTimeToFlush) { singleton.validate(mcoID); singleton.validateNotNull(mcoTimeToFlush, "Organization time to flush must be valued."); singleton.flushTimesByMCO.put(mcoID, mcoTimeToFlush); } /** * Method flushAll. Flushes all caches across all MCOs */ public static void flushAll() {"flushAll called. Removing all elements from CacheManager."); try { singleton.cacheAdministrator.flushAll(); } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("Error in calling to OSCache - flushAll.", t); } } /** * Method flushMCO. * @param mcoID */ public static void flushMCO(String mcoID) { singleton.validate(mcoID);"flushMCO called for MCO = '"+mcoID+"'..."); try { singleton.cacheAdministrator.flushGroup("mco."+mcoID); } catch (Throwable t) {"Error in calling to OSCache - flushMCO for MCO = '"+mcoID+"'. If NullPointerException, this is safe to ignore since error is thrown when the group is not already in the cache.", t); } } /** * Method flushGroup. * @param mcoID * @param groupName */ public static void flushGroup(String mcoID, String groupName) { singleton.validate(mcoID); singleton.validateNotNull(groupName, "Group name must be valued.");"flushGroup called for MCO = '"+mcoID+"' and group = '"+groupName+"'..."); try { singleton.cacheAdministrator.flushGroup(mcoID+'.'+groupName); } catch (Throwable t) { // OSCache stupidly returns NullPointerException if group does not exist in the cache"Error in calling to OSCache - flushGroup for MCO = '"+mcoID+"' and group = '"+groupName+"'. If NullPointerException, this is safe to ignore since error is thrown when the group is not already in the cache.", t); } } /** * Method flushItem. * @param mcoID * @param key */ public static void flushItem(String mcoID, String key) { singleton.validate(mcoID); singleton.validateNotNull(key, "Key must be valued."); log.trace("flushItem called for MCO = '"+mcoID+"' and key = '"+key+"'..."); try { singleton.cacheAdministrator.flushEntry(mcoID+'.'+key); } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("Error in calling to OSCache - flushEntry.", t); } } /** * Method validate. Common validation when calling CacheManager function * @param mcoID */ private void validate(String mcoID) { if (mcoID == null || mcoID.length() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("MCO ID must be valued when accessing the CacheManager API."); } /** * Method validateNotNull. * @param o * @param validationMessage */ private void validateNotNull(Object o, String validationMessage) { if (o == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(validationMessage); } /** * Method getEntryAddedCount. Returns # of entries added since cache listener was started. * @return int */ public static int getEntryAddedCount() { if (cacheEntryEventListener == null) throw new RuntimeException("Must call CacheManager - startCacheListener before calling this method."); startCacheListener(); return cacheEntryEventListener.getEntryAddedCount(); } /** * Method getEntryFlushedCount. Returns # of entries flushed since cache listener was started. * @return int */ public static int getEntryFlushedCount() { if (cacheEntryEventListener == null) throw new RuntimeException("Must call CacheManager - startCacheListener before calling this method."); startCacheListener(); return cacheEntryEventListener.getEntryFlushedCount(); } /** * Method getEntryRemovedCount. Returns # of entries removed since cache listener was started. * @return int */ public static int getEntryRemovedCount() { if (cacheEntryEventListener == null) throw new RuntimeException("Must call CacheManager - startCacheListener before calling this method."); startCacheListener(); return cacheEntryEventListener.getEntryRemovedCount(); } /** * Method getEntryUpdatedCount. Returns # of entries updated since cache listener was started. * @return int */ public static int getEntryUpdatedCount() { if (cacheEntryEventListener == null) throw new RuntimeException("Must call CacheManager - startCacheListener before calling this method."); startCacheListener(); return cacheEntryEventListener.getEntryUpdatedCount(); } /** * Method startCacheListener. This should be used primarily for debug/analysis. This will activate a cache listener * that will listen for events in the underlying OSCache caching mechanism. * * Returns void */ public static void startCacheListener() { if (cacheEntryEventListener == null) { cacheEntryEventListener = new CacheEntryEventListenerImpl(); singleton.cacheAdministrator.getCache().addCacheEventListener(cacheEntryEventListener, CacheEntryEventListener.class); } } /** * Method stopCacheListener. Deactivate the cache listener * * Returns void */ public static void stopCacheListener() { if (cacheEntryEventListener != null) { singleton.cacheAdministrator.getCache().removeCacheEventListener(cacheEntryEventListener, CacheEntryEventListener.class); cacheEntryEventListener = null; } } /** * Private class to flush MCO caches **/ private static class FlushThread extends Thread { protected boolean kill = false; /** * @see java.lang.Runnable#run() */ public void run() { // Build a list of all MCO IDs configured for the application Set<String> mcos = getMcoSet();"Flush thread started..."); while (!kill) { try { // Check every minute sleep(60000); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} Iterator<String> iter = mcos.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String mcoID =; Date currentJVMTime = new Date(); Date flushTime = (Date) singleton.flushTimesByMCO.get(mcoID); if (flushTime == null) { setNextFlushTime(mcoID); } else if (currentJVMTime.after(flushTime)) { // Flush the MCO flushMCO(mcoID);"Cached items for MCO ID '"+mcoID+"' flushed. JVM time = "+currentJVMTime); // Set next flush time setNextFlushTime(mcoID); } } } } } }