package; import schemacrawler.schema.NamedObject; /** * Convenience functions that do not require an active database connection. * Methods for generating unique ids were retired in Alineo 3.1 * * @author Jane Eisenstein */ public class SqlUtils { public static String escapeStringLiteralDelimiter(String value, String type) { String delimiter = "'"; String doubleDelimiter = "''"; if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("VARCHAR") && value.indexOf(delimiter) >= 0 && value.indexOf(doubleDelimiter) < 0) { // double the string literal delimiters occurring within the value String[] fragments = value.split("\'"); String newValue = null; for (String fragment: fragments) { if (newValue == null) newValue = fragment; else newValue += doubleDelimiter + fragment; } value = newValue; } return value; } // static String getUniqueId( // final String tableId, final String prefix1, final String prefix2, String suffix, final String idUse, Set<String> names) // throws SqlToolsException { // // final int len = prefix1.length() + prefix2.length() + suffix.length(); // final int varMax = OracleUtils.ORACLE_MAX_LEN - len; // // String id = tableId; // if (id.length() > varMax) // id = id.substring(0, varMax); // // String newId = prefix1 + prefix2 + id + suffix; // // if (names.contains(newId)) { // id = id.substring(0, id.length()-1); // assume no more than 9 variations // int idx = 1; // newId = prefix1 + idx + prefix2 + id + suffix; // while (names.contains(newId) && idx < 9) { // idx++; // newId = prefix1 + idx + prefix2 + id + suffix; // } // } // // if (names.contains(newId)) { // id = id.substring(0, id.length()-2); // assume no more than 99 variations // int idx = 10; // newId = prefix1 + idx + prefix2 + id + suffix; // while (names.contains(newId) && idx < 99) { // idx++; // newId = prefix1 + idx + prefix2 + id + suffix; // } // } // // if (!names.add(newId)) // throw new SqlToolsException("Unable to generate "+idUse+" id for table: "+tableId); // // return newId; // } // // public static String getUniqueSequenceTriggerId(final String tableId, Set<String> names) // throws SqlToolsException { // // return getUniqueId(tableId, "TR", "_", "_SEQ_BI", "sequence trigger", names ); // } // // public static String getUniqueAlternateKeyId(final String tableId, Set<String> names) // throws SqlToolsException { // // return getUniqueId(tableId, "AK", "_", "", "alternate key", names ); // } // // public static String getUniqueSequenceId(final String tableId, Set<String> names) // throws SqlToolsException { // // return getUniqueId(tableId, "SEQ", "_", "", "sequence", names ); // } // // public static String getUniqueForeignKeyId(final String fkTableId, final String pkTableId, Set<String> names) // throws SqlToolsException { // // return getUniqueId(fkTableId+"_"+pkTableId, "FK", "_", "", "foreign key", names ); // } // // public static String getUniquePrimaryKeyId(final String tableId, Set<String> names) // throws SqlToolsException { // // return getUniqueId(tableId, "PK", "_", "", "primary key", names ); // } // // public static String getIndexColumnList(NamedObject[] objs, IndexSortSequence sortSeq) { // String order = ""; // if (IndexSortSequence.ascending.equals(sortSeq)) // order = " ASC"; // else if (IndexSortSequence.descending.equals(sortSeq)) // order = " DESC"; // StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(objs[0].getName()+order); // for (int i = 1; i < objs.length; i++) // buf.append(", "+objs[i].getName()+order); // return buf.toString(); // } public static String getCommaIdList(NamedObject[] objs) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(objs[0].getName()); for (int i = 1; i < objs.length; i++) buf.append(", "+objs[i].getName()); return buf.toString(); } public static String getCommaValueList(String[] objs) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(objs.length); buf.append(objs[0]); for (int i = 1; i < objs.length; i++) buf.append(", "+objs[i]); return buf.toString(); } }