package com.joe.utilities.core.configuration; import java.beans.PropertyVetoException; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.naming.ConfigurationException; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.apache.commons.configuration.CompositeConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.PropertiesConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.SystemConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.joe.utilities.core.util.ReturnStatus; import com.joe.utilities.core.validation.Validator; import com.jolbox.bonecp.BoneCPDataSource; import com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource; /** * The DataSourceFactory is responsible for creating or retrieving the DataSource Object to be * used by all components. object allow us to be more flexible with accessing thewith the * <br><br> * <b>DataSource configuration.</b> * <br><br> * This Application utilizes a Datasource to obtain connections to the database. * The datasource must be properly configured for this application to function properly. * <br><br> * Ideally, the dataSource will be configured and managed by the application server. Most * application servers provide some type of pooled connections to the database, usually thru * a datasource. * <br><br> * If you are using an application server that cannot manage connections, you can alternatively * configure generic jdbc database information to create a dataSource where the pooling is managed * by the Medecision application. * <br><br> * <table border=1> * <tr><td colspan=2> * Note: Multiple datasources can be configured, each requiring the following information; where {name} * represents the name of the datasource as referenced within the application. * </td></tr> * <tr><th>Key</th><th>Description</th></tr> * <tr><td> </td><td>names of the datasources separated by comma (example default, oracle1) <br>One definition Per file</td></tr> * <tr><td>{name}.type </td><td>jndi [for container managed], or jdbc [for application managed].</td></tr> * <tr><td>{name} </td><td>if jndi, the jndi path & name used to retrieve the dataSource from jndi.</td></tr> * <tr><td>{name}.jdbc.driver </td><td>JDBC Driver used to connect to the database.</td></tr> * <tr><td>{name}.jdbc.url </td><td>JDBC URL used to connect to the database.</td></tr> * <tr><td>{name}.jdbc.user </td><td>UserId used to connect to the database.</td></tr> * <tr><td>{name}.jdbc.password </td><td>Password used to connect to the database.</td></tr> * </table> * @author rrichard * */ public class DataSourceFactory implements Validator { /** Contains the default value to use for the c3p0 checkoutTimeout value. */ private static final int C3PO_DEFAULT_CHECKOUT_TIMEOUT = 5000; private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(DataSourceFactory.class); private Configuration config = null; private static DataSourceFactory instance = new DataSourceFactory(); private Set<String> configuredDataSourceNames = new HashSet<String>(4); private Map<String, DataSource> validDataSourceMap = new HashMap<String, DataSource>(4); private static final String RK_DATASOURCE_LIST = ""; private static final String RK_DATASOURCE_TYPE = "{0}.type"; private static final String RK_DATASOURCE_JNDI_NAME = "{0}"; private static final String RK_DATASOURCE_JDBC_URL = "{0}.jdbc.url"; private static final String RK_DATASOURCE_JDBC_DRIVER = "{0}.jdbc.driver"; private static final String RK_DATASOURCE_JDBC_USER = "{0}.jdbc.user"; private static final String RK_DATASOURCE_JDBC_PASSWORD = "{0}.jdbc.password"; private static final String RK_DATASOURCE_JDBC_INITIAL_POOL_SIZE = "{0}.jdbc.initialPoolSize"; private static final String RK_DATASOURCE_JDBC_MAX_POOL_SIZE = "{0}.jdbc.maxPoolSize"; private static final String RK_DATASOURCE_JDBC_MAX_CONNECTION_WAIT = "{0}.jdbc.maxConnectionWait"; private static final String RK_DATASOURCE_JDBC_POOL_PREPARED_STATEMENTS = "{0}.jdbc.poolPreparedStatements"; /** * @throws ConfigurationException * */ private DataSourceFactory() { initConfiguration(); loadDataSources(); } public static DataSourceFactory getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new DataSourceFactory(); } return instance; } /** * Forces DataSourceFactory to refresh its configuration. */ public static void clearInstance() { // Clear data sources for (Map.Entry<String, DataSource> entry : instance.validDataSourceMap.entrySet()) { DataSource dataSource = entry.getValue(); if (dataSource instanceof ComboPooledDataSource) { ComboPooledDataSource c3p0DataSource = (ComboPooledDataSource) dataSource; c3p0DataSource.close(); } else if (dataSource instanceof BasicDataSource) { BasicDataSource dbcpDataSource = (BasicDataSource) dataSource; try { dbcpDataSource.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("Error closing Apache DBCP connection",e); } } } // Clear instance instance = null; } /** * Method initConfiguration. Initializes the factory from configuration information in the globals properties file. * @throws GlobalConfigurationException * @return void */ private void initConfiguration() throws GlobalConfigurationException { CompositeConfiguration cc = new CompositeConfiguration(); cc.addConfiguration(new SystemConfiguration()); // customer global properties may be an XMLPropertiesConfiguration PropertiesConfiguration propertiesConfiguration = Globals.loadCustomerGlobalProperties(); if (propertiesConfiguration != null) { cc.addConfiguration(propertiesConfiguration); this.config = cc; } } /** * Cycles thru the list of data Sources @see this{@link #RK_DATASOURCE_LIST} from * */ private void loadDataSources() { String[] dataSourceNames = this.config.getStringArray(RK_DATASOURCE_LIST); for (String currentDataSource : dataSourceNames) {"Starting Data Source: " + currentDataSource); // Update list of configured data sources configuredDataSourceNames.add(currentDataSource); DataSource currDS = null; if ("jndi".equalsIgnoreCase(this.config.getString(MessageFormat.format(RK_DATASOURCE_TYPE, currentDataSource)))) { currDS = getJNDIDataSource(currentDataSource); } else { currDS = getJDBCDataSource(currentDataSource); } testConnection(currDS); this.validDataSourceMap.put(currentDataSource, currDS);"Data Source: " + currentDataSource + " seems to be up."); } } /** Test a connection to see if it is valid. It uses DatabaseMetaData.getMetaData() to see if * it can retrieve meta data against the database. * @param currDS DataSource to test * @throws GlobalConfigurationException Thrown when the system cannot connect to the database. */ public void testConnection(DataSource currDS) { Connection conn = null; ResultSet rsSchema = null; try{ if (currDS == null) { logger.error(".testConnection: DataSource is null"); throw new GlobalConfigurationException("Invalid DataSource"); } conn = currDS.getConnection(); if(conn == null) { logger.error(".testConnection: Connection is null"); throw new GlobalConfigurationException("Unable to Connect to database"); } DatabaseMetaData dbmd = conn.getMetaData(); rsSchema = dbmd.getSchemas(); } catch(SQLException e) { logger.error(".testConnection: " + e.getMessage()); throw new GlobalConfigurationException("Unable to Connect to database: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { if (rsSchema != null ){ try { rsSchema.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } if (conn != null) { try { conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } } } /** * This Methods creates a Datasource from org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource. * @return Returns the Datasource. */ private DataSource getJDBCDataSource(String dataSourceName) { // Determine type of JDBC data source. String setting = MessageFormat.format(RK_DATASOURCE_TYPE, dataSourceName); String jdbcType = this.config.getString(setting); if (jdbcType == null) throw new GlobalConfigurationException("JDBC type not specified for data source. Missing global properties setting: " + setting); jdbcType = jdbcType.toLowerCase(); // Use default of Apache DBCP if generic "jdbc" is still if ("jdbc".equals(jdbcType)) jdbcType = "apache-dbcp"; // Setup data source if (jdbcType.startsWith("apache")) return getApacheDBCPDataSource(dataSourceName); else if (jdbcType.startsWith("c3p")) return getC3P0DataSource(dataSourceName); else throw new GlobalConfigurationException("Unexpected JDBC type specified at global properties setting '" + setting + "' supported values include 'apache-dbcp' and 'c3p0'."); } /** * Gets the apache dbcp data source. * * @param dataSourceName the data source name * * @return the Apache DBCP data source */ private DataSource getApacheDBCPDataSource(String dataSourceName) {"Initializing '"+dataSourceName+"' data source using Apache DBCP..."); // Setup Apache DBCP basic data source with mandatory settings BasicDataSource basicDataSource = new BasicDataSource(); basicDataSource.setDriverClassName(validateAndReturnRequired(MessageFormat.format(RK_DATASOURCE_JDBC_DRIVER, dataSourceName))); basicDataSource.setUrl(validateAndReturnRequired(MessageFormat.format(RK_DATASOURCE_JDBC_URL, dataSourceName))); basicDataSource.setUsername(validateAndReturnRequired(MessageFormat.format(RK_DATASOURCE_JDBC_USER, dataSourceName))); basicDataSource.setPassword(validateAndReturnRequired(MessageFormat.format(RK_DATASOURCE_JDBC_PASSWORD, dataSourceName))); // Setup optional settings. If not set, then Apache Commons DBCP default settings are used. String initialPoolSize = MessageFormat.format(RK_DATASOURCE_JDBC_INITIAL_POOL_SIZE, dataSourceName); if (config.containsKey(initialPoolSize)) basicDataSource.setInitialSize(config.getInt(initialPoolSize)); String maxPoolSize = MessageFormat.format(RK_DATASOURCE_JDBC_MAX_POOL_SIZE, dataSourceName); if (config.containsKey(maxPoolSize)) basicDataSource.setMaxActive(config.getInt(maxPoolSize)); // Note: Do not use Apache default of (indefinite wait - System hangs) String maxConnectionWait = MessageFormat.format(RK_DATASOURCE_JDBC_MAX_CONNECTION_WAIT, dataSourceName); basicDataSource.setMaxWait(config.getInt(maxConnectionWait, 5000)); // Pool/cache prepared statements String poolPreparedStatements = MessageFormat.format(RK_DATASOURCE_JDBC_POOL_PREPARED_STATEMENTS, dataSourceName); basicDataSource.setPoolPreparedStatements(config.getBoolean(poolPreparedStatements, true)); return basicDataSource; } /** * Gets the c3 p0 data source. * See @link for complete documentation of * c3p0 settings. Additional properties may also be setup in "" file at root of classpath. * Properties set in this method will override properties set in "" file. * * @param dataSourceName the data source name * * @return the C3P0 data source */ private DataSource getC3P0DataSource(String dataSourceName) {"Initializing '"+dataSourceName+"' data source using C3P0 pooling..."); // Setup primary C3P0 pooled data source ComboPooledDataSource c3p0PooledDataSource = new ComboPooledDataSource(); String driverClassSetting = MessageFormat.format(RK_DATASOURCE_JDBC_DRIVER, dataSourceName); String driverClass = validateAndReturnRequired(driverClassSetting); try { c3p0PooledDataSource.setDriverClass(driverClass); } catch (PropertyVetoException e) { throw new GlobalConfigurationException("DataSourceFactory: C3P0 did not like the driver class '"+driverClass+"' specified in the global properties at '"+driverClass+"'.", e); } c3p0PooledDataSource.setJdbcUrl(validateAndReturnRequired(MessageFormat.format(RK_DATASOURCE_JDBC_URL, dataSourceName))); c3p0PooledDataSource.setUser(validateAndReturnRequired(MessageFormat.format(RK_DATASOURCE_JDBC_USER, dataSourceName))); c3p0PooledDataSource.setPassword(validateAndReturnRequired(MessageFormat.format(RK_DATASOURCE_JDBC_PASSWORD, dataSourceName))); // Setup optional settings. If not set, then C3P0 defaults will be used. String acquireIncrement = MessageFormat.format("{0}.c3p0.acquireIncrement", dataSourceName); if (config.containsKey(acquireIncrement)) c3p0PooledDataSource.setAcquireIncrement(config.getInt(acquireIncrement)); String maxIdleTime = MessageFormat.format("{0}.c3p0.maxIdleTime", dataSourceName); if (config.containsKey(maxIdleTime)) c3p0PooledDataSource.setMaxIdleTime(config.getInt(maxIdleTime)); String initialPoolSize = MessageFormat.format("{0}.c3p0.minPoolSize", dataSourceName); if (config.containsKey(initialPoolSize)) c3p0PooledDataSource.setInitialPoolSize(config.getInt(initialPoolSize)); String maxPoolSize = MessageFormat.format("{0}.c3p0.maxPoolSize", dataSourceName); if (config.containsKey(maxPoolSize)) c3p0PooledDataSource.setMaxPoolSize(config.getInt(maxPoolSize)); String maxConnectionAge = MessageFormat.format("{0}.c3p0.maxConnectionAge", dataSourceName); if (config.containsKey(maxConnectionAge)) c3p0PooledDataSource.setMaxConnectionAge(config.getInt(maxConnectionAge)); String maxIdleTimeExcessConnections = MessageFormat.format("{0}.c3p0.maxIdleTimeExcessConnections", dataSourceName); if (config.containsKey(maxIdleTimeExcessConnections)) c3p0PooledDataSource.setMaxIdleTimeExcessConnections(config.getInt(maxIdleTimeExcessConnections)); String maxStatements = MessageFormat.format("{0}.c3p0.maxStatements", dataSourceName); if (config.containsKey(maxStatements)) c3p0PooledDataSource.setMaxStatements(config.getInt(maxStatements)); String maxStatementsPerConnection = MessageFormat.format("{0}.c3p0.maxStatementsPerConnection", dataSourceName); if (config.containsKey(maxStatementsPerConnection)) c3p0PooledDataSource.setMaxStatementsPerConnection(config.getInt(maxStatementsPerConnection)); String numHelperThreads = MessageFormat.format("{0}.c3p0.numHelperThreads", dataSourceName); if (config.containsKey(numHelperThreads)) c3p0PooledDataSource.setNumHelperThreads(config.getInt(numHelperThreads)); else c3p0PooledDataSource.setNumHelperThreads(10); String acquireRetryAttempts = MessageFormat.format("{0}.c3p0.acquireRetryAttempts", dataSourceName); if (config.containsKey(acquireRetryAttempts)) c3p0PooledDataSource.setAcquireRetryAttempts(config.getInt(acquireRetryAttempts)); String acquireRetryDelay = MessageFormat.format("{0}.c3p0.acquireRetryDelay", dataSourceName); if (config.containsKey(acquireRetryDelay)) c3p0PooledDataSource.setAcquireRetryDelay(config.getInt(acquireRetryDelay)); String breakAfterAcquireFailure = MessageFormat.format("{0}.c3p0.breakAfterAcquireFailure", dataSourceName); if (config.containsKey(breakAfterAcquireFailure)) c3p0PooledDataSource.setBreakAfterAcquireFailure(config.getBoolean(breakAfterAcquireFailure)); String checkoutTimeout = MessageFormat.format("{0}.c3p0.checkoutTimeout.milliseconds", dataSourceName); if (config.containsKey(checkoutTimeout)){ c3p0PooledDataSource.setCheckoutTimeout(config.getInt(checkoutTimeout)); if (0 == config.getInt(checkoutTimeout)){ logger.trace("For c3p0 connection setting chekoutTimeout to 0. If the database goes and a call to getConnection() is made then the system will hang."); } } else { c3p0PooledDataSource.setCheckoutTimeout(DataSourceFactory.C3PO_DEFAULT_CHECKOUT_TIMEOUT); } return c3p0PooledDataSource; } private DataSource getBoneCPDataSource(String dataSourceName){ BoneCPDataSource boneCPDataSource = new BoneCPDataSource(); //boneCPDataSource.set return boneCPDataSource; } /** * Validate and return required setting. * * @param setting the setting * * @return the string */ private String validateAndReturnRequired(String setting) { String value = this.config.getString(setting); if (value != null) return value; else throw new GlobalConfigurationException("Required globals property setting '"+setting+"' is not defined."); } /** * This Methods looks into the current context and retrieves the specified * Datasource. * * @return Returns the Datasource from the Server Context. */ private DataSource getJNDIDataSource(String dataSourceName) { DataSource dataSource = null; try { String jndiName = config.getString(MessageFormat.format(RK_DATASOURCE_JNDI_NAME, dataSourceName));"Initializing '"+dataSourceName+"' data source using JNDI with name '"+jndiName+"'..."); dataSource = (DataSource) new InitialContext().lookup(jndiName); } catch (NamingException e) { throw new GlobalConfigurationException("Unable to Retrieve dataSource from Context["+ dataSourceName + "]", e); } return dataSource; } /** * This Method returns a cached DataSource configured at the time DataSourceFactory is * created. If the datasource could not be created, of the user entered a datasource that * was never configured, this method throws an exception. * @param dsName * @return * @throws ConfigurationException Thrown if the DataSource could not be found, or if the Datasource * failed the connection test. * @see this{@link #testConnection(DataSource)} */ public DataSource getDataSource(String dsName) { // Data source request is not configured if (!instance.configuredDataSourceNames.contains(dsName)) throw new GlobalConfigurationException("Invalid DataSource["+ dsName + "]: This data source is not specified in the globals properties configuration or is otherwise not valid."); DataSource returnValue = instance.validDataSourceMap.get(dsName); return returnValue; } /** * @see */ public ReturnStatus validate() { // ReturnStatus status = new ReturnStatus(); CompositeGlobalConfigurationException errorList = null; for (String dsName : validDataSourceMap.keySet()) { try { testConnection(getDataSource(dsName)); } catch ( GlobalConfigurationException error ){ // Add error generated by testConnection if ( errorList == null ){ errorList = new CompositeGlobalConfigurationException(error); } else { errorList.addException(error); } // Add error stating the name of the problem data source errorList.addException( new GlobalConfigurationException("Problem with dataSource [" + dsName +"]")); } } if ( errorList != null ){ throw errorList; } // return status; return new ReturnStatus(); } }