package; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.HashSet; //import java.util.List; import javax.sql.DataSource; //import schemacrawler.schema.Schema; //import schemacrawler.schema.Table; public class TableChecker { public int countTablesWithSchemaCrawler(DataSource dataSource, String nameSpace, DbmsInfo.Product dbms, PrintStream out) { // TODO refactor to work with SchemaCrawler 8.4 // // SchemaCrawlerUtils scu = new SchemaCrawlerUtils(); // List<Schema> schemas = // scu.getSchemas(dataSource, dbms, new HashSet<String>(), // false, false, false, null); // List<Table> tableList = scu.getTableList(schemas); // // int tableCount = tableList.size(); // if (out != null) // out.println("countTablesWithSchemaCrawler -> "+tableCount); // return tableCount; return 0; } public int countTablesWithJdbc(DataSource dataSource, String nameSpace, DbmsInfo.Product dbms, PrintStream out) { int jdbcCount = 0; String[] tableTypes = { "TABLE" }; Connection cn = null; try { cn = dataSource.getConnection(); DatabaseMetaData dbmd = cn.getMetaData(); jdbcCount = checkTablesWithJdbc(cn, dbms, dbmd, tableTypes, nameSpace, out); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { cn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } cn = null; } if (out != null) out.println("countTablesWithJdbc -> "+jdbcCount); return jdbcCount; } private int checkTablesWithJdbc(Connection cn, DbmsInfo.Product dbms, DatabaseMetaData dbmd, String[] tableTypes, String nameSpace, PrintStream out) throws SQLException { int tableCount = 0; HashSet<String> uniqueNames = new HashSet<String>(); ResultSet rsSchemas = dbmd.getSchemas(); while ( { String schemaName = rsSchemas.getString(1); if (dbms.equals(DbmsInfo.Product.ORACLE) && OracleUtils.isOracleSchema(schemaName)) continue; // if (dbms.equals(DbmsInfo.Product.CACHE) && CacheUtils.isCacheSchema(schemaName)) // continue; ResultSet rsTable = dbmd.getTables(nameSpace, schemaName, "%", tableTypes); // check table names for the schema while ( { String tableName = rsTable.getString("TABLE_NAME"); //out.println("Table id: "+tableName+" Table name: "+schemaName + "." + tableName); tableCount++; } } return tableCount; } }