package; public class DbmsInfo { /** * Supported database management systems. */ public static enum Product {CACHE, ORACLE, MSSQL}; /* supported values for install4j dbms selection variables */ public static final Integer CACHE_DBMS_INDEX = 0; public static final Integer ORACLE_DBMS_INDEX = 1; public static final Integer MSSQL_DBMS_INDEX = 2; /* * Returns the DBMS product selected by install4j context variable. */ public static Product getSelectedProduct(Integer selectionIndex) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (CACHE_DBMS_INDEX.equals(selectionIndex)) return Product.CACHE; else if (ORACLE_DBMS_INDEX.equals(selectionIndex)) return Product.ORACLE; else if (MSSQL_DBMS_INDEX.equals(selectionIndex)) return Product.MSSQL; else throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } /* * Returns the Hibernate dialect for the DBMS product. */ public static String getHibernateDialect(Product product) { String hibernateDialect = null; if (DbmsInfo.Product.CACHE.equals(product)) { hibernateDialect = "org.hibernate.dialect.Cache71Dialect"; } else if (DbmsInfo.Product.ORACLE.equals(product)) { hibernateDialect = "org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle9Dialect"; } else if (DbmsInfo.Product.MSSQL.equals(product)) { hibernateDialect = "org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect"; } return hibernateDialect; } }