package; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import javax.sql.DataSource; import com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource; import*; /** * Supplies data source information for sql-tools applications based on sql-tools properties. * * @author Jane Eisenstein */ public class SqlToolsDataSource implements SqlToolsConstants { SqlToolsProperties props = null; String driver = null; String url = null; String user = null; String password = null; ComboPooledDataSource ds = null; String nameSpace = null; DbmsInfo.Product dbms = null; JdbcProperties jdbcProps = null; boolean initialized = false; /** * Initialize from sql-tools properties. * @param props */ public SqlToolsDataSource(SqlToolsProperties props) { this.props = props; } /** * Bypasses the need to construct a SqlToolsProperties. * @param driver * @param url * @param user * @param password */ public SqlToolsDataSource(String driver, String url, String user, String password) { initialize(driver, url, user, password); } private void initialize(String driver, String url, String user, String password) { this.driver = driver; this.url = url; this.user = user; this.password = password; String test = driver.toLowerCase(); if (test.contains("oracle")) { this.dbms = DbmsInfo.Product.ORACLE; } else if (test.contains("net.sourceforge.jtds")) { this.dbms = DbmsInfo.Product.MSSQL; } initialized = true; } private void initialize() { if (!initialized && props != null) { initialize( props.getString(driver_key), props.getString(url_key), props.getString(user_key), props.getString(password_key)); } } /** * Extracts the dbms type from the configured JDBC driver class name. * @return DbmsInfo.Product */ public DbmsInfo.Product getDbms() { initialize(); return dbms; } public JdbcProperties getJdbcProperties() { if (jdbcProps == null) { initialize(); JdbcUrl jdbcUrl = null; if (dbms == null || dbms.equals(DbmsInfo.Product.ORACLE)) jdbcUrl = new OracleJdbcUrl(); else if (dbms.equals(DbmsInfo.Product.MSSQL)) jdbcUrl = new MssqlJdbcUrl(); jdbcUrl.setUrl(url); jdbcProps = JdbcPropertiesFactory.getJdbcProperties(dbms); jdbcProps.setProperties(jdbcUrl.getHost(), jdbcUrl.getPort(), jdbcUrl.getDatabase(), user, password); } return jdbcProps; } /** * Extracts the database name of the configured data source. * @return String */ public String getDatabaseName() { if (nameSpace == null) { initialize(); JdbcUrl jdbcUrl = null; if (dbms == null || dbms.equals(DbmsInfo.Product.ORACLE)) jdbcUrl = new OracleJdbcUrl(); else if (dbms.equals(DbmsInfo.Product.MSSQL)) jdbcUrl = new MssqlJdbcUrl(); jdbcUrl.setUrl(url); nameSpace = jdbcUrl.getDatabase(); } return nameSpace; } /** * Returns the configured data source after verifying the connection info. * @return DataSource if successful, otherwise null. */ public DataSource getDataSource() { if (ds == null) { initialize(); ds = makeDataSource(); Connection cn = null; try { cn = ds.getConnection(); } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (cn != null) { try { cn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } } } return ds; } private ComboPooledDataSource makeDataSource() { // This is a C3P0 data source ComboPooledDataSource cpds = null; try { cpds = new ComboPooledDataSource(); cpds.setDriverClass(driver); cpds.setJdbcUrl(url); cpds.setUser(user); cpds.setPassword(password); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); cpds = null; } return cpds; } }