package cn.jcenterhome.util; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.text.StringCharacterIterator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.imageio.ImageReader; import; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.apache.oro.text.regex.MalformedPatternException; import org.apache.oro.text.regex.MatchResult; import org.apache.oro.text.regex.Perl5Compiler; import org.apache.oro.text.regex.Perl5Matcher; import org.apache.struts.Globals; import org.apache.struts.util.MessageResources; import cn.jcenterhome.service.BlockService; import cn.jcenterhome.service.CacheService; import cn.jcenterhome.service.CpService; import cn.jcenterhome.service.DataBaseService; import cn.jcenterhome.vo.MessageVO; public class Common { private static MessageResources mr = null; private static DataBaseService dataBaseService = (DataBaseService) BeanFactory.getBean("dataBaseService"); private static final String[] notes = {"notenum", "pokenum", "addfriendnum", "mtaginvitenum", "eventinvitenum", "myinvitenum"}; private static final char[] pregChars = {'.', '\\', '+', '*', '?', '[', '^', ']', '$', '(', ')', '{', '}', '=', '!', '<', '>', '|', ':'}; private static final String randChars = "0123456789abcdefghigklmnopqrstuvtxyzABCDEFGHIGKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; private static Random random = new Random(); private static Map<String, String[]> timeZoneIDs = new LinkedHashMap<String, String[]>(32); static { timeZoneIDs.put("-12", new String[] {"GMT-12:00", "(GMT -12:00) Eniwetok, Kwajalein"}); timeZoneIDs.put("-11", new String[] {"GMT-11:00", "(GMT -11:00) Midway Island, Samoa"}); timeZoneIDs.put("-10", new String[] {"GMT-10:00", "(GMT -10:00) Hawaii"}); timeZoneIDs.put("-9", new String[] {"GMT-09:00", "(GMT -09:00) Alaska"}); timeZoneIDs.put("-8", new String[] {"GMT-08:00", "(GMT -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada), Tijuana"}); timeZoneIDs.put("-7", new String[] {"GMT-07:00", "(GMT -07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada), Arizona"}); timeZoneIDs.put("-6", new String[] {"GMT-06:00", "(GMT -06:00) Central Time (US & Canada), Mexico City"}); timeZoneIDs.put("-5", new String[] {"GMT-05:00", "(GMT -05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada), Bogota, Lima, Quito"}); timeZoneIDs.put("-4", new String[] {"GMT-04:00", "(GMT -04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada), Caracas, La Paz"}); timeZoneIDs.put("-3.5", new String[] {"GMT-03:30", "(GMT -03:30) Newfoundland"}); timeZoneIDs.put("-3", new String[] {"GMT-03:00", "(GMT -03:00) Brassila, Buenos Aires, Georgetown, Falkland Is"}); timeZoneIDs.put("-2", new String[] {"GMT-02:00", "(GMT -02:00) Mid-Atlantic, Ascension Is., St. Helena"}); timeZoneIDs.put("-1", new String[] {"GMT-01:00", "(GMT -01:00) Azores, Cape Verde Islands"}); timeZoneIDs.put("0", new String[] {"GMT", "(GMT) Casablanca, Dublin, Edinburgh, London, Lisbon, Monrovia"}); timeZoneIDs.put("1", new String[] {"GMT+01:00", "(GMT +01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Brussels, Madrid, Paris, Rome"}); timeZoneIDs.put("2", new String[] {"GMT+02:00", "(GMT +02:00) Cairo, Helsinki, Kaliningrad, South Africa"}); timeZoneIDs.put("3", new String[] {"GMT+03:00", "(GMT +03:00) Baghdad, Riyadh, Moscow, Nairobi"}); timeZoneIDs.put("3.5", new String[] {"GMT+03:30", "(GMT +03:30) Tehran"}); timeZoneIDs.put("4", new String[] {"GMT+04:00", "(GMT +04:00) Abu Dhabi, Baku, Muscat, Tbilisi"}); timeZoneIDs.put("4.5", new String[] {"GMT+04:30", "(GMT +04:30) Kabul"}); timeZoneIDs.put("5", new String[] {"GMT+05:00", "(GMT +05:00) Ekaterinburg, Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent"}); timeZoneIDs .put("5.5", new String[] {"GMT+05:30", "(GMT +05:30) Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, New Delhi"}); timeZoneIDs.put("5.75", new String[] {"GMT+05:45", "(GMT +05:45) Katmandu"}); timeZoneIDs.put("6", new String[] {"GMT+06:00", "(GMT +06:00) Almaty, Colombo, Dhaka, Novosibirsk"}); timeZoneIDs.put("6.5", new String[] {"GMT+06:30", "(GMT +06:30) Rangoon"}); timeZoneIDs.put("7", new String[] {"GMT+07:00", "(GMT +07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta"}); timeZoneIDs.put("8", new String[] {"GMT+08:00", "(GMT +08:00) Beijing, Hong Kong, Perth, Singapore, Taipei"}); timeZoneIDs .put("9", new String[] {"GMT+09:00", "(GMT +09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Seoul, Tokyo, Yakutsk"}); timeZoneIDs.put("9.5", new String[] {"GMT+09:30", "(GMT +09:30) Adelaide, Darwin"}); timeZoneIDs.put("10", new String[] {"GMT+10:00", "(GMT +10:00) Canberra, Guam, Melbourne, Sydney, Vladivostok"}); timeZoneIDs.put("11", new String[] {"GMT+11:00", "(GMT +11:00) Magadan, New Caledonia, Solomon Islands"}); timeZoneIDs.put("12", new String[] {"GMT+12:00", "(GMT +12:00) Auckland, Wellington, Fiji, Marshall Island"}); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static boolean empty(Object obj) { if (obj == null) { return true; } else if (obj instanceof String && (obj.equals("") || obj.equals("0"))) { return true; } else if (obj instanceof Number && ((Number) obj).doubleValue() == 0) { return true; } else if (obj instanceof Boolean && !((Boolean) obj)) { return true; } else if (obj instanceof Collection && ((Collection) obj).isEmpty()) { return true; } else if (obj instanceof Map && ((Map) obj).isEmpty()) { return true; } else if (obj instanceof Object[] && ((Object[]) obj).length == 0) { return true; } return false; } public static String trim(String text) { if (text == null) { return ""; } return text.trim(); } public static boolean in_array(Object source, Object ext) { return in_array(source, ext, false); } public static boolean in_array(Object source, Object ext, boolean strict) { if (source == null || ext == null) { return false; } if (source instanceof Collection) { for (Object s : (Collection) source) { if (s.toString().equals(ext.toString())) { if (strict) { if ((s.getClass().getName().equals(ext.getClass().getName()))) { return true; } } else { return true; } } } } else { for (Object s : (Object[]) source) { if (s.toString().equals(ext.toString())) { if (strict) { if ((s.getClass().getName().equals(ext.getClass().getName()))) { return true; } } else { return true; } } } } return false; } public static String urlEncode(String s) { return urlEncode(s, JavaCenterHome.JCH_CHARSET); } public static String urlEncode(String s, String enc) { if (!empty(s)) { try { return URLEncoder.encode(s, enc); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return s; } public static String urlDecode(String s) { return urlDecode(s, JavaCenterHome.JCH_CHARSET); } public static String urlDecode(String s, String enc) { if (!empty(s)) { try { return URLDecoder.decode(s, enc); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return s; } public static int rand(int max) { return rand(0, max); } public static int rand(int min, int max) { if (min < max) { return random.nextInt(max - min + 1) + min; } else { return min; } } public static String md5(String arg0) { return Md5Util.encode(arg0); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static String implode(Object data, String separator) { if (data == null) { return ""; } StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(); if (data instanceof Object[]) { boolean flag = false; for (Object obj : (Object[]) data) { if (flag) { out.append(separator); } else { flag = true; } out.append(obj); } } else if (data instanceof Map) { Map temp = (Map) data; Set<Object> keys = temp.keySet(); boolean flag = false; for (Object key : keys) { if (flag) { out.append(separator); } else { flag = true; } out.append(temp.get(key)); } } else if (data instanceof Collection) { boolean flag = false; for (Object obj : (Collection) data) { if (flag) { out.append(separator); } else { flag = true; } out.append(obj); } } else { return data.toString(); } return out.toString(); } public static String sImplode(Object ids) { return "'" + implode(ids, "','") + "'"; } public static int range(Object value, int max, int min) { if (value instanceof String) { return Math.min(max, Math.max(intval((String) value), min)); } else { return Math.min(max, Math.max((Integer) value, min)); } } public static int intval(String s) { return intval(s, 10); } public static int intval(String s, int radix) { if (s == null || s.length() == 0) { return 0; } if (radix == 0) { radix = 10; } else if (radix < Character.MIN_RADIX) { return 0; } else if (radix > Character.MAX_RADIX) { return 0; } int result = 0; int i = 0, max = s.length(); int limit; int multmin; int digit; boolean negative = false; if (s.charAt(0) == '-') { negative = true; limit = Integer.MIN_VALUE; i++; } else { limit = -Integer.MAX_VALUE; } if (i < max) { digit = Character.digit(s.charAt(i++), radix); if (digit < 0) { return 0; } else { result = -digit; } } multmin = limit / radix; while (i < max) { digit = Character.digit(s.charAt(i++), radix); if (digit < 0) { break; } if (result < multmin) { result = limit; break; } result *= radix; if (result < limit + digit) { result = limit; break; } result -= digit; } if (negative) { if (i > 1) { return result; } else { return 0; } } else { return -result; } } public static Map<String, String[]> getTimeZoneIDs() { return timeZoneIDs; } public static int time() { return (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000); } public static SimpleDateFormat getSimpleDateFormat(String format, String timeoffset) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(format, Locale.ENGLISH); sdf.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone(timeZoneIDs.get(timeoffset)[0])); return sdf; } public static String gmdate(SimpleDateFormat sdf, int timestamp) { return sdf.format(timestamp * 1000l); } public static String gmdate(String format, int timestamp, String timeoffset) { return getSimpleDateFormat(format, timeoffset).format(timestamp * 1000l); } public static String sgmdate(HttpServletRequest request, String dateformat, int timestamp) { return sgmdate(request, dateformat, timestamp, false); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static String sgmdate(HttpServletRequest request, String dateformat, int timestamp, boolean format) { Map<String, Object> sGlobal = (Map<String, Object>) request.getAttribute("sGlobal"); Map<String, Object> sConfig = (Map<String, Object>) request.getAttribute("sConfig"); if (timestamp == 0) { timestamp = (Integer) sGlobal.get("timestamp"); } String timeoffset = Common.getTimeOffset(sGlobal, sConfig); String result = null; if (format) { int time = (Integer) sGlobal.get("timestamp") - timestamp; if (time > 86400) { result = gmdate(dateformat, timestamp, timeoffset); } else if (time > 3600) { result = (time / 3600) + Common.getMessage(request, "hour") + Common.getMessage(request, "before"); } else if (time > 60) { result = (time / 60) + Common.getMessage(request, "minute") + Common.getMessage(request, "before"); } else if (time > 0) { result = time + Common.getMessage(request, "second") + Common.getMessage(request, "before"); } else { result = Common.getMessage(request, "now"); } } else { result = gmdate(dateformat, timestamp, timeoffset); } return result; } public static boolean matches(String content, String regex) { boolean flag = false; try { flag = new Perl5Matcher().contains(content, new Perl5Compiler().compile(regex)); } catch (MalformedPatternException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return flag; } public static String getRandStr(int length, boolean isOnlyNum) { int size = isOnlyNum ? 10 : 62; StringBuffer hash = new StringBuffer(length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { hash.append(randChars.charAt(random.nextInt(size))); } return hash.toString(); } public static String stripTags(String content) { return content == null ? "" : content.replaceAll("<[\\s\\S]*?>", ""); } public static String htmlSpecialChars(String string) { return htmlSpecialChars(string, 1); } public static String htmlSpecialChars(String text, int quotestyle) { if (text == null || text.equals("")) { return ""; } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(text.length() * 2); StringCharacterIterator iterator = new StringCharacterIterator(text); char character = iterator.current(); while (character != StringCharacterIterator.DONE) { switch (character) { case '&': sb.append("&"); break; case '<': sb.append("<"); break; case '>': sb.append(">"); break; case '"': if (quotestyle == 1 || quotestyle == 2) { sb.append("""); } else { sb.append(character); } break; case '\'': if (quotestyle == 2) { sb.append("'"); } else { sb.append(character); } break; default: sb.append(character); break; } character =; } return sb.toString(); } public static String addSlashes(String text) { if (text == null || text.equals("")) { return ""; } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(text.length() * 2); StringCharacterIterator iterator = new StringCharacterIterator(text); char character = iterator.current(); while (character != StringCharacterIterator.DONE) { switch (character) { case '\'': case '"': case '\\': sb.append("\\"); default: sb.append(character); break; } character =; } return sb.toString(); } public static String addCSlashes(String text, char[] characters) { if (text == null || text.equals("")) { return ""; } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(text.length() * 2); StringCharacterIterator iterator = new StringCharacterIterator(text); char character = iterator.current(); while (character != StringCharacterIterator.DONE) { for (char c : characters) { if (character == c) { sb.append("\\"); break; } } sb.append(character); character =; } return sb.toString(); } public static String stripSlashes(String text) { if (text == null || text.equals("")) { return ""; } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(text.length()); StringCharacterIterator iterator = new StringCharacterIterator(text); char character = iterator.current(); while (character != StringCharacterIterator.DONE) { switch (character) { case '\'': sb.append("'"); break; case '"': sb.append('"'); break; case '\\': sb.append(; break; default: sb.append(character); break; } character =; } return sb.toString(); } public static String stripCSlashes(String text) { if (text == null || text.equals("")) { return ""; } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(text.length()); StringCharacterIterator iterator = new StringCharacterIterator(text); char character = iterator.current(); boolean flag = true; while (character != StringCharacterIterator.DONE) { if (character == '\\' && flag) { flag = false; } else { flag = true; sb.append(character); } character =; } return sb.toString(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Object sAddSlashes(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof String) { return addSlashes((String) obj); } else if (obj instanceof Map) { Map temp = (Map) obj; Set<Object> keys = temp.keySet(); for (Object key : keys) { temp.put(key, sAddSlashes(temp.get(key))); } return temp; } else if (obj instanceof List) { List temp = new ArrayList(); for (Object str : (List) obj) { temp.add(sAddSlashes(str)); } return temp; } else if (obj instanceof Object[]) { Object[] temp = (Object[]) obj; for (int i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) { temp[i] = sAddSlashes(temp[i]); } return temp; } else { return obj; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Object sStripSlashes(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof String) { return stripSlashes((String) obj); } else if (obj instanceof Map) { Map temp = (Map) obj; Set<Object> keys = temp.keySet(); for (Object key : keys) { temp.put(key, sStripSlashes(temp.get(key))); } return temp; } else if (obj instanceof List) { List temp = new ArrayList(); for (Object str : (List) obj) { temp.add(sStripSlashes(str)); } return temp; } else if (obj instanceof Set) { Set temp = new HashSet(); for (Object str : (Set) obj) { temp.add(sStripSlashes(str)); } return temp; } else if (obj instanceof Object[]) { Object[] temp = (Object[]) obj; for (int i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) { temp[i] = sStripSlashes(temp[i]); } return temp; } else { return obj; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Object sHtmlSpecialChars(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof String) { return htmlSpecialChars((String) obj).replaceAll( "&((#(\\d{3,5}|x[a-fA-F0-9]{4})|[a-zA-Z][a-z0-9]{2,5});)", "&$1"); } else if (obj instanceof Map) { Map temp = (Map) obj; Set<Object> keys = temp.keySet(); for (Object key : keys) { temp.put(key, sHtmlSpecialChars(temp.get(key))); } return temp; } else if (obj instanceof List) { List temp = new ArrayList(); for (Object str : (List) obj) { temp.add(sHtmlSpecialChars(str)); } return temp; } else if (obj instanceof Object[]) { Object[] temp = (Object[]) obj; for (int i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) { temp[i] = sHtmlSpecialChars(temp[i]); } return temp; } else { return obj; } } public static boolean isArray(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof Object[]) { return true; } else if (obj instanceof Collection) { return true; } else if (obj instanceof Map) { return true; } else { return false; } } public static int strlen(String text) { return strlen(text, JavaCenterHome.JCH_CHARSET); } public static int strlen(String text, String charsetName) { if (text == null || text.length() == 0) { return 0; } int length = 0; try { length = text.getBytes(charsetName).length; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return length; } public static String cutstr(String text, int length) { return cutstr(text, length, " ..."); } public static String cutstr(String text, int length, String dot) { int strBLen = strlen(text); if (strBLen <= length) { return text; } int temp = 0; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(length); char[] ch = text.toCharArray(); for (char c : ch) { sb.append(c); if (c > 256) { temp += 2; } else { temp += 1; } if (temp >= length) { if (dot != null) { sb.append(dot); } break; } } return sb.toString(); } public static boolean isNumeric(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof String && !obj.equals("")) { String temp = (String) obj; if (temp.endsWith("d") || temp.endsWith("f")) { return false; } else { try { Double.parseDouble(temp); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } return true; } else if (obj instanceof Number) { return true; } else { return false; } } public static boolean isEmail(String email) { return Common.strlen(email) > 6 && email.matches("^[\\w\\-\\.]+@[\\w\\-\\.]+(\\.\\w+)+$"); } public static String pregQuote(String text, char... delimiter) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(text.length() * 2); StringCharacterIterator iterator = new StringCharacterIterator(text); char character = iterator.current(); while (character != StringCharacterIterator.DONE) { boolean flag = false; for (char c : pregChars) { if (character == c) { flag = true; break; } } if (!flag && delimiter != null) { for (char d : delimiter) { if (character == d) { flag = true; break; } } } if (flag) { sb.append('\\'); } sb.append(character); character =; } return sb.toString(); } public static String nl2br(String text) { if (text == null || text.length() == 0) { return text; } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(text.length() * 2); StringCharacterIterator iterator = new StringCharacterIterator(text); char character = iterator.current(); while (character != StringCharacterIterator.DONE) { switch (character) { case '\r': sb.append("<br/>"); sb.append(character); character =; if (character == '\n') { character =; } break; case '\n': sb.append("<br/>"); sb.append(character); character =; if (character == '\r') { sb.append(character); character =; } break; default: sb.append(character); character =; break; } } return sb.toString(); } public static String sprintf(String format, double number) { return new DecimalFormat(format).format(number); } public static String formatSize(long dataSize) { dataSize = Math.abs(dataSize); if (dataSize >= 1099511627776d) { return (Math.round(dataSize / 1099511627776d * 100) / 100d) + " TB"; } else if (dataSize >= 1073741824) { return (Math.round(dataSize / 1073741824d * 100) / 100d) + " GB"; } else if (dataSize >= 1048576) { return (Math.round(dataSize / 1048576d * 100) / 100d) + " MB"; } else if (dataSize >= 1024) { return (Math.round(dataSize / 1024d * 100) / 100d) + " KB"; } else if (dataSize > 0) { return dataSize + " B "; } else { return " 0 B "; } } public static String getOnlineIP(HttpServletRequest request) { return getOnlineIP(request, false); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static String getOnlineIP(HttpServletRequest request, boolean format) { Map<String, Object> sGlobal = (Map<String, Object>) request.getAttribute("sGlobal"); String onlineip = (String) sGlobal.get("onlineip"); if (onlineip == null) { onlineip = request.getHeader("x-forwarded-for"); if (Common.empty(onlineip) || "unknown".equalsIgnoreCase(onlineip)) { onlineip = request.getHeader("X-Real-IP"); } if (Common.empty(onlineip) || "unknown".equalsIgnoreCase(onlineip)) { onlineip = request.getRemoteAddr(); } onlineip = onlineip != null && onlineip.matches("^[\\d\\.]{7,15}$") ? onlineip : "unknown"; sGlobal.put("onlineip", onlineip); } if (format) { String[] ips = onlineip.split("\\."); String stip = "000"; StringBuffer temp = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int ip = 0; if (i < ips.length) { ip = intval(ips[i]); } temp.append(Common.sprintf(stip, ip)); } return temp.toString(); } else { return onlineip; } } public static String authCode(String string, String operation, String key, int expiry) { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); int time = (int) (currentTime / 1000); try { int ckey_length = 4; key = md5((key == null ? JavaCenterHome.jchConfig.get("JC_KEY") : key)); String keya = md5(key.substring(0, 16)); String keyb = md5(key.substring(16, 32)); String keyc = ckey_length > 0 ? ("DECODE".equals(operation) ? string.substring(0, ckey_length) : md5(String.valueOf(currentTime)).substring(32 - ckey_length)) : ""; String cryptkey = keya + md5(keya + keyc); int key_length = cryptkey.length(); string = "DECODE".equals(operation) ? Base64.decode(string.substring(ckey_length), JavaCenterHome.JCH_CHARSET) : (expiry > 0 ? expiry + time : "0000000000") + md5(string + keyb).substring(0, 16) + string; int string_length = string.length(); StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(string_length); int range = 128; int[] rndkey = new int[range]; for (int i = 0; i < range; i++) { rndkey[i] = cryptkey.charAt(i % key_length); } int tmp; int[] box = new int[range]; for (int i = 0; i < range; i++) { box[i] = i; } for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < range; i++) { j = (j + box[i] + rndkey[i]) % range; tmp = box[i]; box[i] = box[j]; box[j] = tmp; } for (int a = 0, i = 0, j = 0; i < string_length; i++) { a = (a + 1) % range; j = (j + box[a]) % range; tmp = box[a]; box[a] = box[j]; box[j] = tmp; result.append((char) ((int) string.charAt(i) ^ (box[(box[a] + box[j]) % range]))); } if ("DECODE".equals(operation)) { int resulttime = Common.intval(result.substring(0, 10)); if ((resulttime == 0 || resulttime - time > 0) && result.substring(10, 26).equals(md5(result.substring(26) + keyb).substring(0, 16))) { return result.substring(26); } else { return ""; } } else { return keyc + (Base64.encode(result.toString(), JavaCenterHome.JCH_CHARSET)).replaceAll("=", ""); } } catch (Exception e) { return ""; } } public static boolean censoruser(String content, String censoruser) { if (content != null && content.length() > 0) { String censorexp = censoruser.replaceAll("\\*", ".*"); censorexp = censorexp.replaceAll("(\r\n|\r|\n)", "|"); censorexp = censorexp.replaceAll("\\s", ""); censorexp = "^(" + censorexp + ")"; String guestexp = "\\xA1\\xA1|^Guest|^\\xD3\\xCE\\xBF\\xCD|\\xB9\\x43\\xAB\\xC8"; if (Common.matches(content, "^\\s*$|^c:\\con\\con$|[%,\\\\'\\*\"\\s\\t\\<\\>\\&]|" + guestexp) || (censoruser.length() > 0 && Common.matches(content, censorexp))) { return true; } } return false; } public static String getSiteUrl(HttpServletRequest request) { Map<String, Object> sConfig = (Map<String, Object>) request.getAttribute("sConfig"); Object siteAllURL = null; if (sConfig != null) { siteAllURL = sConfig.get("siteallurl"); } if (Common.empty(siteAllURL)) { int port = request.getServerPort(); return request.getScheme() + "://" + request.getServerName() + (port == 80 ? "" : ":" + port) + request.getContextPath() + "/"; } else { return siteAllURL.toString(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static String checkClose(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, int supe_uid) { Map<String, Object> sConfig = (Map<String, Object>) request.getAttribute("sConfig"); if ((Integer) sConfig.get("close") > 0 && !ckFounder(supe_uid) && !checkPerm(request, response, "closeignore")) { String closereason = (String) sConfig.get("closereason"); if (empty(closereason)) { return "site_temporarily_closed"; } else { return closereason; } } String customerIP = getOnlineIP(request); if ((!ipAccess(customerIP, sConfig.get("ipaccess")) || ipBanned(customerIP, sConfig.get("ipbanned"))) && !ckFounder(supe_uid) && !checkPerm(request, response, "closeignore")) { return "ip_is_not_allowed_to_visit"; } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static boolean ckFounder(int uid) { Map<String, String> jchConfig = JavaCenterHome.jchConfig; String founder = jchConfig.get("founder"); if (uid > 0 && !empty(founder)) { return in_array(founder.split(","), uid); } else { return false; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static boolean checkPerm(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String permType) { Map<String, Object> sGlobal = (Map<String, Object>) request.getAttribute("sGlobal"); return !empty(checkPerm(request, response, sGlobal, permType)); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Object checkPerm(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Map<String, Object> sGlobal, String permType) { if ("admin".equals(permType)) { permType = "manageconfig"; } String var = "checkperm_" + permType; Object perm = sGlobal.get(var); if (perm == null) { int supe_uid = (Integer) sGlobal.get("supe_uid"); if (supe_uid == 0) { perm = 0; } else { Map<String, Object> member = (Map<String, Object>) sGlobal.get("member"); if (member == null) { member = getMember(request); } int groupid = (Integer) member.get("groupid"); int gid = getGroupid(request, response, (Integer) member.get("experience"), groupid); Map<String, Object> usergroup = getCacheDate(request, response, "/data/cache/usergroup_" + gid + ".jsp", "usergroup" + gid); if (gid != groupid) { Map<String, Object> space = (Map<String, Object>) request.getAttribute("space"); if (space != null) { space.put("groupid", gid); } dataBaseService.executeUpdate("UPDATE " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("space") + " SET groupid = " + gid + " WHERE uid = " + supe_uid); Object magicawardOb = usergroup.get("magicaward"); if (!Common.empty(magicawardOb)) { List<Map<String, Object>> query = dataBaseService.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("magicinlog") + " WHERE uid='" + supe_uid + "' AND type='3' AND fromid='" + gid + "'"); Map<String, Object> value = query.size() > 0 ? query.get(0) : null; if (empty(value)) { Map<String, Map<String, Object>> magicaward = (Map<String, Map<String, Object>>) magicawardOb; List<String> inserts_magicinlog = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> note_award = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> inserts_mymagic = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Entry<String, Map<String, Object>> entry : magicaward.entrySet()) { value = entry.getValue(); ids.add((String) value.get("mid")); } query = dataBaseService.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("usermagic") + " WHERE uid='" + supe_uid + "' AND mid IN (" + sImplode(ids) + ")"); Map<String, Map<String, Object>> mymagics = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>(); for (int i = 0; i < query.size(); i++) { value = query.get(i); mymagics.put((String) value.get("mid"), value); } Map<String, Object> globalMagic = getCacheDate(request, response, "/data/cache/cache_magic.jsp", "globalMagic"); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); String mid; int num; String supe_username = (String) sGlobal.get("supe_username"); int timestamp = (Integer) sGlobal.get("timestamp"); Map<String, Object> userMaigc; for (Entry<String, Map<String, Object>> entry : magicaward.entrySet()) { value = entry.getValue(); mid = (String) value.get("mid"); num = (Integer) value.get("num"); builder.append("('"); builder.append(supe_uid); builder.append("', '"); builder.append(supe_username); builder.append("', '"); builder.append(mid); builder.append("', '"); builder.append(num); builder.append("', '3', '"); builder.append(gid); builder.append("', '0', '"); builder.append(timestamp); builder.append("')"); inserts_magicinlog.add(builder.toString()); builder.delete(0, builder.length()); builder.append("<a href=\"cp.jsp?ac=magic&view=me&mid="); builder.append(value.get("mid")); builder.append("\" target=\"_blank\">"); builder.append(globalMagic.get(mid)); builder.append("</a>("); builder.append(num); builder.append(getMessage(request, "magicunit")); builder.append(")"); note_award.add(builder.toString()); builder.delete(0, builder.length()); builder.append("('"); builder.append(supe_uid); builder.append("', '"); builder.append(supe_username); builder.append("', '"); builder.append(mid); builder.append("', '"); userMaigc = mymagics.get(mid); builder.append((num + (userMaigc == null ? 0 : (Integer) (userMaigc .get("count"))))); builder.append("')"); inserts_mymagic.add(builder.toString()); builder.delete(0, builder.length()); } dataBaseService.execute("REPLACE INTO " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("usermagic") + "(uid, username, mid, count) VALUES " + implode(inserts_mymagic, ",")); dataBaseService.execute("INSERT INTO " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("magicinlog") + "(uid, username, mid, count, type, fromid, credit, dateline) VALUES " + implode(inserts_magicinlog, ",")); String noteAward = Common.implode(note_award, "; "); CpService cpService = (CpService) BeanFactory.getBean("cpService"); sGlobal.put("supe_uid", 0); Map<String, Object> sConfig = (Map<String, Object>) request .getAttribute("sConfig"); cpService.addNotification(request, sGlobal, sConfig, supe_uid, "", getMessage( request, "cp_upgrade_magic_award", (String) usergroup.get("grouptitle"), noteAward), false); sGlobal.put("supe_uid", supe_uid); } } } perm = usergroup.get(permType); if (permType.startsWith("manage") && empty(perm)) { perm = usergroup.get("manageconfig"); if (empty(perm)) { perm = ckFounder(supe_uid) ? 1 : 0; } } } sGlobal.put(var, perm); } return perm; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static MessageVO ckSpaceLog(HttpServletRequest request) { Map<String, Object> sGlobal = (Map<String, Object>) request.getAttribute("sGlobal"); int supe_uid = (Integer) sGlobal.get("supe_uid"); if (supe_uid > 0) { List<Map<String, Object>> spaceLogs = dataBaseService.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("spacelog") + " WHERE uid=" + supe_uid); if (spaceLogs.size() > 0) { Map<String, Object> spaceLog = spaceLogs.get(0); int expiration = (Integer) spaceLog.get("expiration"); if (expiration > 0 && expiration <= (Integer) sGlobal.get("timestamp")) { dataBaseService.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("spacelog") + " WHERE uid=" + supe_uid); } MessageVO msgVO = new MessageVO(); String expir = Common.sgmdate(request, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", expiration); msgVO.setMsgKey("no_authority_expiration" + (expiration > 0 ? "_date" : "")); msgVO.setArgs(expir); return msgVO; } } return null; } public static int getGroupid(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, int experience, int gid) { boolean needFind = false; if (gid > 0) { Map<String, Object> usergroup = getCacheDate(request, response, "/data/cache/usergroup_" + gid + ".jsp", "usergroup" + gid); if ((Integer) usergroup.get("system") == 0) { if ((Integer) usergroup.get("exphigher") < experience || (Integer) usergroup.get("explower") > experience) { needFind = true; } } } else { needFind = true; } if (needFind) { List<Map<String, Object>> usergroups = dataBaseService.executeQuery("SELECT gid FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("usergroup") + " WHERE explower<=" + experience + " AND system=0 ORDER BY explower DESC LIMIT 1"); if (usergroups.size() > 0) { gid = (Integer) usergroups.get(0).get("gid"); } } return gid; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Map getCacheDate(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String path, String var) { Map cacheValue = (Map) request.getAttribute(var); if (cacheValue == null) { try { String jchRoot = JavaCenterHome.jchRoot; File configFile = new File(jchRoot + path); if (!configFile.exists()) { CacheService cacheService = (CacheService) BeanFactory.getBean("cacheService"); cacheService.updateCache(); } request.getRequestDispatcher(path).include(request, response); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } cacheValue = (Map) request.getAttribute(var); } if (cacheValue == null) { cacheValue = new HashMap(); } return cacheValue; } public static Map<String, Object> getMember(HttpServletRequest request) { Map<String, Object> sGlobal = (Map<String, Object>) request.getAttribute("sGlobal"); Map<String, Object> space = (Map<String, Object>) request.getAttribute("space"); Map<String, Object> sConfig = (Map<String, Object>) request.getAttribute("sConfig"); int supe_uid = (Integer) sGlobal.get("supe_uid"); int uid = space.get("uid") != null ? (Integer) space.get("uid") : 0; if (supe_uid > 0 && empty(sGlobal.get("member"))) { if (supe_uid != uid) { space = getSpace(request, sGlobal, sConfig, supe_uid); } sGlobal.put("member", space); } return space; } public static Map<String, Object> getSpace(HttpServletRequest request, Map<String, Object> sGlobal, Map<String, Object> sConfig, Object key) { return getSpace(request, sGlobal, sConfig, key, "uid", false); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Map<String, Object> getSpace(HttpServletRequest request, Map<String, Object> sGlobal, Map<String, Object> sConfig, Object key, String indexType, boolean autoOpen) { String var = "space_" + key + "_" + indexType; Map<String, Object> space = (Map<String, Object>) sGlobal.get(var); if (space == null) { List<Map<String, Object>> spaces = dataBaseService.executeQuery("SELECT sf.*, s.* FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("space") + " s LEFT JOIN " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("spacefield") + " sf ON sf.uid=s.uid WHERE s." + indexType + "='" + key + "'"); if (spaces.size() > 0) { space = spaces.get(0); int uid = (Integer) space.get("uid"); String name = (String) space.get("name"); String username = (String) space.get("username"); Map<Integer, String> sNames = (Map<Integer, String>) request.getAttribute("sNames"); sNames.put(uid, (Integer) sConfig.get("realname") > 0 && name.length() > 0 && (Integer) space.get("namestatus") > 0 ? name : username); boolean self = uid == (Integer) sGlobal.get("supe_uid") ? true : false; space.put("self", self); String friend = (String) space.get("friend"); if (empty(friend)) { if ((Integer) space.get("friendnum") > 0) { StringBuffer friendTemp = new StringBuffer(); List<Map<String, Object>> values = dataBaseService.executeQuery("SELECT fuid FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("friend") + " WHERE uid=" + uid + " AND status=1"); int size = values.size(); String[] friends = new String[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Map<String, Object> value = values.get(i); String fuid = value.get("fuid").toString(); friends[i] = fuid; if (i > 0) { friendTemp.append(','); } friendTemp.append(fuid); } space.put("friends", friends); space.put("friend", friendTemp.toString()); } } else { space.put("friends", friend.split(",")); } space.put("username", Common.addSlashes(username)); space.put("name", Common.addSlashes(name)); String privacy = (String) space.get("privacy"); space.put("privacy", empty(privacy) ? sConfig.get("privacy") : Serializer.unserialize( privacy, false)); int allnotenum = 0; for (String note : notes) { allnotenum += (Integer) space.get(note); } space.put("allnotenum", allnotenum); if (self) { sGlobal.put("member", space); } } sGlobal.put(var, space); } return space; } public static void showMySQLMessage(HttpServletResponse response, String message, String sql, SQLException e) { String dbError = e.getMessage(); int dbErrno = e.getErrorCode(); try { PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); out .write("<div style=\"position:absolute;font-size:11px;font-family:verdana,arial;background:#BFBFBF;padding:0.5em;\">"); out.write("<b>MySQL Error</b><br>"); out.write("<b>Message</b>: <font color=\"red\">" + message + "</font><br>"); if (sql != null) { out.write("<b>SQL</b>: " + sql + "<br>"); } out.write("<b>Error</b>: <font color=\"red\">" + dbError + "<br></font>"); out.write("<b>Errno.</b>: <font color=\"red\">" + dbErrno + "<br></font>"); out.write("</div>"); out.flush(); out.close(); } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static String template(Map<String, Object> sConfig, Map<String, Object> sGlobal, String pageName) { String tpl = null; if (empty(sGlobal.get("mobile"))) { if (pageName.startsWith("/")) { tpl = pageName; } else { tpl = "/template/" + sConfig.get("template") + "/" + pageName; } File file = new File(JavaCenterHome.jchRoot + tpl); if (!file.exists()) { tpl = "/template/default/" + pageName; } } else { tpl = "/api/mobile/tpl_" + pageName; } return tpl; } public static void main(String[] args) { } public static String getCount(String tableName, Map<String, Object> whereArr, String get) { StringBuffer whereSql = new StringBuffer(); if (empty(get)) { get = "COUNT(*)"; } if (empty(whereArr)) { whereSql.append("1"); } else { String key = null, mod = ""; for (Iterator<String> it = whereArr.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { key =; whereSql.append(mod + "`" + key + "`='" + whereArr.get(key) + "'"); mod = " AND "; } } return dataBaseService.findFirst("SELECT " + get + " FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName(tableName) + " WHERE " + whereSql + " LIMIT 1", 1); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static String myCheckUpdate(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { Map<String, Object> sGlobal = (Map<String, Object>) request.getAttribute("sGlobal"); Map<String, Object> sConfig = (Map<String, Object>) request.getAttribute("sConfig"); if (!Common.empty(sConfig.get("my_status")) && Common.empty(sConfig.get("my_closecheckupdate")) && checkPerm(request, response, "admin")) { String sid = (String) sConfig.get("my_siteid"); int ts = (Integer) sGlobal.get("timestamp"); String key = md5(sid + ts + sConfig.get("my_sitekey")); return "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" + sid + "&ts=" + ts + "&key=" + key + "\" charset=\"UTF-8\"></script>"; } return null; } public static void setData(String var, Object dataValue, boolean clean) { if (clean) { dataBaseService.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("data") + " WHERE var='" + var + "'"); } else { if (dataValue instanceof Map || dataValue instanceof List) { dataValue = Serializer.serialize(sStripSlashes(dataValue)); } dataBaseService.executeUpdate("REPLACE INTO " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("data") + " (var,datavalue,dateline) VALUES ('" + var + "','" + addSlashes((String) dataValue) + "','" + time() + "')"); } } public static String getData(String var) { return (String) getData(var, false); } public static Object getData(String var, boolean isArray) { List<Map<String, Object>> values = dataBaseService.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("data") + " WHERE var='" + var + "' LIMIT 1"); if (values.size() > 0) { Map<String, Object> value = values.get(0); return isArray ? value : value.get("datavalue"); } return null; } public static boolean ipAccess(String ip, Object ipAccess) { return empty(ipAccess) ? true : ip.matches("^(" + pregQuote(String.valueOf(ipAccess), '/').replaceAll("\r\n", "|").replaceAll(" ", "") + ").*"); } public static boolean ipBanned(String ip, Object ipBanned) { return empty(ipBanned) ? false : ip.matches("^(" + pregQuote(String.valueOf(ipBanned), '/').replaceAll("\r\n", "|").replaceAll(" ", "") + ").*"); } public static Object[] reNum(Map<Integer, Integer> array) { Map<Integer, List<Integer>> newnums = new HashMap<Integer, List<Integer>>(); List<Integer> nums = new ArrayList<Integer>(); Set<Integer> keys = array.keySet(); for (Integer key : keys) { int num = array.get(key); List<Integer> newnum = newnums.get(num); if (newnum == null) { newnum = new ArrayList<Integer>(); newnums.put(num, newnum); } newnum.add(key); nums.add(num); } Object[] arrayObject = new Object[] {nums, newnums}; return arrayObject; } public static String stripSearchKey(String string) { if (string == null || "".equals(string)) { return ""; } string = string.trim(); string = Common.addSlashes(string).replace("*", "%"); string = string.replace("_", "\\_"); return string; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static String ckStart(int start, int perPage, int maxPage) { int maxStart = perPage * maxPage; if (start < 0 || (maxStart > 0 && start >= maxStart)) { return "length_is_not_within_the_scope_of"; } return null; } public static int strToTime(String string, String timeoffset) { return strToTime(string, timeoffset, "yyyy-MM-dd"); } public static int strToTime(String string, String timeoffset, String format) { if (string == null || string.length() == 0) { return 0; } SimpleDateFormat sdf = getSimpleDateFormat(format, timeoffset); try { Date ndate = sdf.parse(string); if (sdf.format(ndate).equals(string)) { return (int) (ndate.getTime() / 1000); } else { return 0; } } catch (Exception e) { return 0; } } public static String pic_get(Map<String, Object> sConfig, String filePath, int thumb, int remote, boolean return_thumb) { String url = null; if (empty(filePath)) { url = "image/nopic.gif"; } else { url = filePath; if (return_thumb && thumb > 0) { url += ".thumb.jpg"; } if (remote > 0) { url = sConfig.get("ftpurl") + url; } else { Map<String, String> jchConfig = JavaCenterHome.jchConfig; url = jchConfig.get("attachUrl") + url; } } return url; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static String pic_cover_get(Map<String, Object> sConfig, String pic, int picFlag) { String url = null; if (empty(pic)) { url = "image/nopic.gif"; } else { if (picFlag == 1) { Map<String, String> jchConfig = JavaCenterHome.jchConfig; url = jchConfig.get("attachUrl") + pic; } else if (picFlag == 2) { url = sConfig.get("ftpurl") + pic; } else { url = pic; } } return url; } public static Map<String, Integer> getReward(String action, boolean update, int uid, String needle, boolean setcookie, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { Map<String, Integer> reward = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); reward.put("credit", 0); reward.put("experience", 0); Map<String, Object> sGlobal = (Map<String, Object>) request.getAttribute("sGlobal"); int supe_uid = (Integer) sGlobal.get("supe_uid"); int timestamp = (Integer) sGlobal.get("timestamp"); Map<String, Map<String, Object>> creditRule = Common.getCacheDate(request, response, "/data/cache/cache_creditrule.jsp", "globalCreditrule"); Map<String, Object> rule = creditRule.get(action); int credit = (Integer) rule.get("credit"); int experience = (Integer) rule.get("experience"); if (credit != 0 || experience != 0) { uid = uid > 0 ? uid : supe_uid; int norepeat = (Integer) rule.get("norepeat"); if ((Integer) rule.get("rewardtype") > 0) { List<Map<String, Object>> creditlogList = dataBaseService.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("creditlog") + " WHERE uid=" + uid + " AND rid=" + rule.get("rid")); int clid = 0; int cycletype = (Integer) rule.get("cycletype"); if (creditlogList.size() == 0) { reward.put("credit", credit); reward.put("experience", experience); Map<String, Object> setarr = new HashMap<String, Object>(); setarr.put("uid", uid); setarr.put("rid", rule.get("rid")); setarr.put("total", 1); setarr.put("cyclenum", 1); setarr.put("credit", credit); setarr.put("experience", experience); setarr.put("dateline", timestamp); String info = "", user = "", app = ""; switch (norepeat) { case 1: info = needle; break; case 2: user = needle; break; case 3: app = needle; break; } setarr.put("info", info); setarr.put("user", user); setarr.put("app", app); if (in_array(new Integer[] {2, 3}, cycletype)) { setarr.put("starttime", timestamp); } Set<String> keys = setarr.keySet(); StringBuffer insertkeysql = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer insertvaluesql = new StringBuffer(); for (String key : keys) { insertkeysql.append(key + ","); insertvaluesql.append("'" + setarr.get(key) + "',"); } String sql = "INSERT INTO " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("creditlog") + " (" + insertkeysql.substring(0, insertkeysql.length() - 1) + ") VALUES (" + insertvaluesql.substring(0, insertvaluesql.length() - 1) + ")"; clid = dataBaseService.insert(sql); } else { boolean newcycle = false; Map<String, String> setarr = new HashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, Object> creditlog = creditlogList.get(0); clid = (Integer) creditlog.get("clid"); Map<String, Object> sConfig = (Map<String, Object>) request.getAttribute("sConfig"); String timeoffset = Common.getTimeOffset(sGlobal, sConfig); int rewardnum = (Integer) rule.get("rewardnum"); switch (cycletype) { case 0: break; case 1: case 4: String sql = "cyclenum+1"; if (cycletype == 1) { int today = strToTime(gmdate("yyyy-MM-dd", timestamp, timeoffset), timeoffset, "yyyy-MM-dd"); if ((Integer) creditlog.get("dateline") < today && rewardnum > 0) { creditlog.put("cyclenum", 0); sql = "1"; newcycle = true; } } if (rewardnum == 0 || (Integer) creditlog.get("cyclenum") < rewardnum) { if (norepeat > 0) { if (!newcycle && checkCheating(creditlog, needle, norepeat)) { return reward; } } reward.put("credit", credit); reward.put("experience", experience); setarr.put("cyclenum", "cyclenum=" + sql); setarr.put("total", "total=total+1"); setarr.put("dateline", "dateline=" + timestamp); setarr.put("credit", "credit=" + credit); setarr.put("experience", "experience=" + experience); } break; case 2: case 3: int nextcycle = 0; int starttime = (Integer) creditlog.get("starttime"); if (starttime > 0) { int cycletime = (Integer) rule.get("cycletime"); if (cycletype == 2) { int start = strToTime( gmdate("yyyy-MM-dd HH:00:00", starttime, timeoffset), timeoffset, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:00:00"); nextcycle = start + cycletime * 3600; } else { nextcycle = starttime + cycletime * 60; } } if (timestamp <= nextcycle && (Integer) creditlog.get("cyclenum") < rewardnum) { if (norepeat > 0) { if (!newcycle && checkCheating(creditlog, needle, norepeat)) { return reward; } reward.put("credit", credit); reward.put("experience", experience); setarr.put("cyclenum", "cyclenum=+1"); setarr.put("total", "total=total+1"); setarr.put("dateline", "dateline=" + timestamp); setarr.put("credit", "credit=" + credit); setarr.put("experience", "experience=" + experience); } } else if (timestamp >= nextcycle) { newcycle = true; reward.put("credit", credit); reward.put("experience", experience); setarr.put("cyclenum", "cyclenum=1"); setarr.put("total", "total=total+1"); setarr.put("dateline", "dateline=" + timestamp); setarr.put("credit", "credit=" + credit); setarr.put("starttime", "starttime=" + timestamp); setarr.put("experience", "experience=" + experience); } break; } if (norepeat > 0 && !empty(needle)) { switch (norepeat) { case 1: String info = empty(creditlog.get("info")) || newcycle ? needle : creditlog .get("info") + "," + needle; setarr.put("info", "info='" + info + "'"); break; case 2: String user = empty(creditlog.get("user")) || newcycle ? needle : creditlog .get("user") + "," + needle; setarr.put("user", "user='" + user + "'"); break; case 3: String app = empty(creditlog.get("app")) || newcycle ? needle : creditlog .get("app") + "," + needle; setarr.put("app", "app='" + app + "'"); break; } } if (setarr.size() > 0) { dataBaseService.executeUpdate("UPDATE " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("creditlog") + " SET " + implode(setarr, ",") + " WHERE clid=" + creditlog.get("clid")); } } if (setcookie && uid == supe_uid) { if ((Integer) reward.get("credit") != 0 || (Integer) reward.get("experience") != 0) { String logstr = action + "," + clid; CookieHelper.setCookie(request, response, "reward_log", logstr); Map<String, String> sCookie = (Map<String, String>) request.getAttribute("sCookie"); sCookie.put("reward_log", logstr); } } } else { reward.put("credit", -credit); reward.put("experience", -experience); } credit = reward.get("credit"); experience = reward.get("experience"); if (update && (credit != 0 || experience != 0)) { Map<String, String> setarr = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (credit != 0) { setarr.put("credit", "credit=credit+" + credit); } if (experience != 0) { setarr.put("experience", "experience=experience+" + experience); } dataBaseService.executeUpdate("UPDATE " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("space") + " SET " + implode(setarr, ",") + " WHERE uid=" + uid); } } Map<String, Integer> returnMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); returnMap.put("credit", Math.abs(reward.get("credit"))); returnMap.put("experience", Math.abs(reward.get("experience"))); return returnMap; } public static boolean checkCheating(Map<String, Object> creditlog, String needle, int norepeat) { String var = null; switch (norepeat) { case 0: break; case 1: var = "info"; break; case 2: var = "user"; break; case 3: var = "app"; break; } boolean repeat = false; if (var != null) { String[] values = ((String) creditlog.get(var)).split(","); if (in_array(values, needle)) { repeat = true; } } return repeat; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static String getColor(Map<String, Object> userGroup) { Object color = userGroup.get("color"); if (empty(color)) { return null; } else { return " style=\"color:" + color + ";\""; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static String getColor(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, int gid) { Map<Integer, Map> userGroups = Common.getCacheDate(request, response, "/data/cache/usergroup.jsp", "globalGroupTitle"); Map userGroup = userGroups.get(gid); if (empty(userGroup)) { return null; } else { return getColor(userGroup); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static String getIcon(Map<String, Object> userGroup) { Object icon = userGroup.get("icon"); if (empty(icon)) { return null; } else { return " <img src=\"" + icon + "\" align=\"absmiddle\"> "; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static String getIcon(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, int gid) { Map<Integer, Map> userGroups = Common.getCacheDate(request, response, "/data/cache/usergroup.jsp", "globalGroupTitle"); Map userGroup = userGroups.get(gid); if (empty(userGroup)) { return null; } else { return getIcon(userGroup); } } public static File[] readDir(String dir, final String... extarr) { File supDir = new File(dir); if (supDir.isDirectory()) { if (extarr == null || extarr.length == 0) { return supDir.listFiles(); } else { FilenameFilter filenameFilter = new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { int tempI = name.lastIndexOf("."); String postfix = null; if (tempI >= 0) { postfix = name.substring(tempI + 1); } else { postfix = name; } return in_array(extarr, postfix); } }; return supDir.listFiles(filenameFilter); } } return null; } public static String multi(HttpServletRequest request, int num, int perPage, int currPage, int maxPage, String url, String ajaxDiv, String toDiv) { Map<String, Object> sGlobal = (Map<String, Object>) request.getAttribute("sGlobal"); StringBuffer multiPage = new StringBuffer(); int inAjax = (Integer) sGlobal.get("inajax"); if (empty(ajaxDiv) && inAjax > 0) { ajaxDiv = request.getParameter("ajaxdiv"); } int page = 5; if (!empty(sGlobal.get("showpage"))) { page = (Integer) sGlobal.get("showpage"); } int realPages = 1; if (num > perPage) { int offset = 2; realPages = (int) Math.ceil((float) num / (float) perPage); int pages = maxPage > 0 && maxPage < realPages ? maxPage : realPages; int from = 0, to = 0; if (page > pages) { from = 1; to = pages; } else { from = currPage - offset; to = from + page - 1; if (from < 1) { to = currPage + 1 - from; from = 1; if (to - from < page) { to = page; } } else if (to > pages) { from = pages - page + 1; to = pages; } } url += url.indexOf("?") == -1 ? "?" : "&"; String urlPlus = !empty(toDiv) ? "#" + toDiv : ""; if (currPage - offset > 1 && pages > page) { if (inAjax > 0) { multiPage.append("<a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"ajaxget('"); multiPage.append(url); multiPage.append("page=1&ajaxdiv="); multiPage.append(ajaxDiv); multiPage.append("','"); multiPage.append(ajaxDiv); multiPage.append("')\" class=\"first\">1 ...</a>"); } else { multiPage.append("<a href=\""); multiPage.append(url); multiPage.append("page=1"); multiPage.append(urlPlus); multiPage.append("\" class=\"first\">1 ...</a>"); } } if (currPage > 1) { if (inAjax > 0) { multiPage.append("<a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"ajaxget('"); multiPage.append(url); multiPage.append("page="); multiPage.append(currPage - 1); multiPage.append("&ajaxdiv="); multiPage.append(ajaxDiv); multiPage.append("','"); multiPage.append(ajaxDiv); multiPage.append("')\" class=\"prev\">‹‹</a>"); } else { multiPage.append("<a href=\""); multiPage.append(url); multiPage.append("page="); multiPage.append(currPage - 1); multiPage.append(urlPlus); multiPage.append("\" class=\"prev\">‹‹</a>"); } } for (int i = from; i <= to; i++) { if (i == currPage) { multiPage.append("<strong>"); multiPage.append(i); multiPage.append("</strong>"); } else { if (inAjax > 0) { multiPage.append("<a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"ajaxget('"); multiPage.append(url); multiPage.append("page="); multiPage.append(i); multiPage.append("&ajaxdiv="); multiPage.append(ajaxDiv); multiPage.append("','"); multiPage.append(ajaxDiv); multiPage.append("')\">"); } else { multiPage.append("<a href=\""); multiPage.append(url); multiPage.append("page="); multiPage.append(i); multiPage.append(urlPlus); multiPage.append("\">"); } multiPage.append(i); multiPage.append("</a>"); } } if (currPage < pages) { if (inAjax > 0) { multiPage.append("<a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"ajaxget('"); multiPage.append(url); multiPage.append("page="); multiPage.append(currPage + 1); multiPage.append("&ajaxdiv="); multiPage.append(ajaxDiv); multiPage.append("','"); multiPage.append(ajaxDiv); multiPage.append("')\" class=\"next\">››</a>"); } else { multiPage.append("<a href=\""); multiPage.append(url); multiPage.append("page="); multiPage.append(currPage + 1); multiPage.append(urlPlus); multiPage.append("\" class=\"next\">››</a>"); } } if (to < pages) { if (inAjax > 0) { multiPage.append("<a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"ajaxget('"); multiPage.append(url); multiPage.append("page="); multiPage.append(pages); multiPage.append("&ajaxdiv="); multiPage.append(ajaxDiv); multiPage.append("','"); multiPage.append(ajaxDiv); multiPage.append("')\" class=\"last\">... "); } else { multiPage.append("<a href=\""); multiPage.append(url); multiPage.append("page="); multiPage.append(pages); multiPage.append(urlPlus); multiPage.append("\" class=\"last\">... "); } multiPage.append(realPages); multiPage.append("</a>"); } if (multiPage.length() > 0) { multiPage.insert(0, "<em> " + num + " </em>"); } } return multiPage.toString(); } public static String fileext(String filePath) { int sl = filePath.length(); if (sl < 2) { return ""; } int lastPoint = filePath.lastIndexOf("."); if (lastPoint < 0) { return ""; } return filePath.substring(lastPoint + 1, filePath.length()); } public static String getStr(String string, int length, boolean in_slashes, boolean out_slashes, boolean censor, int bbcode, int html, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { string = Common.trim(string); if (in_slashes) { string = stripSlashes(string); } if (html < 0) { string = string.replaceAll("(?is)(\\<[^\\<]*\\>|\\r|\\n|\\s|\\[.+?\\])", " "); string = (String) sHtmlSpecialChars(string); } else if (html == 0) { string = (String) sHtmlSpecialChars(string); } if (censor) { Map<String, Object> globalCensor = getCacheDate(request, response, "/data/cache/cache_censor.jsp", "globalCensor"); if (!empty(globalCensor.get("banned")) && matches(string, (String) globalCensor.get("banned"))) { throw new Exception("information_contains_the_shielding_text"); } else if (!empty(globalCensor.get("filter"))) { Map<String, LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>> filter = (Map<String, LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>>) globalCensor .get("filter"); LinkedHashMap<Integer, String> find = filter.get("find"); LinkedHashMap<Integer, String> replace = filter.get("replace"); int size = find.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { string = string.replaceAll(find.get(i), replace.get(i)); } } } if (length > 0) { string = cutstr(string, length, ""); } if (bbcode > 0) { string = BBCode.bbCode(string, bbcode); } if (out_slashes) { string = (String) sAddSlashes(string); } return string.trim(); } public static void realname_set(Map<String, Object> sGlobal, Map<String, Object> sConfig, Map<Integer, String> sNames, int uid, String username, String name, int namestatus) { if (!empty(name)) { sNames.put(uid, (Integer) sConfig.get("realname") > 0 && namestatus > 0 ? name : username); } else if (empty(sNames.get(uid))) { sNames.put(uid, username); Map<Integer, Integer> select_realname = (Map<Integer, Integer>) sGlobal.get("select_realname"); if (select_realname == null) { select_realname = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); } select_realname.put(uid, uid); sGlobal.put("select_realname", select_realname); } } public static void realname_get(Map<String, Object> sGlobal, Map<String, Object> sConfig, Map<Integer, String> sNames, Map<String, Object> space) { if (empty(sGlobal.get("_realname_get")) && !empty(sConfig.get("realname")) && !empty(sGlobal.get("select_realname"))) { sGlobal.put("_realname_get", 1); Map<Integer, Integer> select_realname = (Map<Integer, Integer>) sGlobal.get("select_realname"); if (space != null && select_realname != null && select_realname.get(space.get("uid")) != null) { select_realname.remove(space.get("uid")); } Map<String, Object> member = (Map<String, Object>) sGlobal.get("member"); if (member != null) { if (!empty(member.get("uid")) && select_realname != null && select_realname.get(member.get("uid")) != null) { select_realname.remove(member.get("uid")); } } Set<Integer> uids = empty(select_realname) ? null : select_realname.keySet(); if (!empty(uids)) { List<Map<String, Object>> spaceList = dataBaseService .executeQuery("SELECT uid, name, namestatus FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("space") + " WHERE uid IN (" + sImplode(uids) + ")"); for (Map<String, Object> value : spaceList) { if (!empty(value.get("name")) && (Integer) value.get("namestatus") > 0) { sNames.put((Integer) value.get("uid"), (String) value.get("name")); } } } } } public static Map<String, Object> getMtag(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, int supe_uid, int id) throws Exception { List<Map<String, Object>> mtagList = dataBaseService.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("mtag") + " WHERE tagid=" + id); if (mtagList.size() == 0) { throw new Exception("designated_election_it_does_not_exist"); } Map<String, Object> mtag = mtagList.get(0); int joinPerm = (Integer) mtag.get("joinperm"); int viewPerm = (Integer) mtag.get("viewperm"); if ((Integer) mtag.get("membernum") < 1 && (joinPerm > 0 || viewPerm > 0)) { joinPerm = viewPerm = 0; mtag.put("joinperm", joinPerm); mtag.put("viewperm", viewPerm); dataBaseService.executeUpdate("UPDATE " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("mtag") + " SET joinperm='0', viewperm='0' WHERE tagid=" + id); } Map<Integer, Map<String, Object>> globalProfield = Common.getCacheDate(request, response, "/data/cache/cache_profield.jsp", "globalProfield"); Map<String, Object> profield = globalProfield.get(mtag.get("fieldid")); mtag.put("field", profield); mtag.put("title", profield.get("title")); if (empty(mtag.get("pic"))) { mtag.put("pic", "image/nologo.jpg"); } int grade = -9; int ismember = 0; List<String> grades = dataBaseService.executeQuery("SELECT grade FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("tagspace") + " WHERE tagid=" + id + " AND uid=" + supe_uid + " LIMIT 1", 1); if (grades.size() > 0) { grade = Integer.parseInt(grades.get(0)); ismember = 1; } if (grade < 9 && checkPerm(request, response, "managemtag")) { grade = 9; } if (joinPerm > 0 && grade < 8) { mtag.put("allowinvite", 0); } else { mtag.put("allowinvite", grade >= 0 ? 1 : 0); } if ((Integer) mtag.get("close") > 0) { mtag.put("allowthread", 0); mtag.put("allowpost", 0); } else { mtag.put("allowthread", grade >= 0 ? 1 : mtag.get("threadperm")); mtag.put("allowpost", grade >= 0 ? 1 : mtag.get("postperm")); } mtag.put("allowview", (viewPerm > 0 && grade < -1) ? 0 : 1); mtag.put("grade", grade); mtag.put("ismember", ismember); return mtag; } public static void mkShare(Map<String, Object> share) { if (share != null && share.size() > 0) { Map<String, String> bodyData = Serializer.unserialize((String) share.get("body_data"), false); if (!empty(bodyData)) { Set<String> keys = bodyData.keySet(); for (String key : keys) { share.put("body_template", ((String) share.get("body_template")).replace("{" + key + "}", bodyData.get(key))); } } share.put("body_data", bodyData); } } public static String getMessage(HttpServletRequest request, String key, Object... args) { if (key == null || key.length() == 0) { return key; } HttpSession session = request.getSession(); if (mr == null) { mr = (MessageResources) session.getServletContext().getAttribute(Globals.MESSAGES_KEY); } Locale locale = (Locale) session.getAttribute(Globals.LOCALE_KEY); if (locale == null) { locale = request.getLocale(); } String message = null; if (args == null || args.length == 0) { message = mr.getMessage(locale, key); } else { message = mr.getMessage(locale, key, args); } return message == null ? key : message; } public static String lang_replace(String text, Map vars) { if (text == null || text.length() == 0) { return text; } if (vars != null && vars.size() > 0) { int rk = 0; Set key = vars.keySet(); for (Object k : key) { rk = Common.intval(k + "") + 1; text = text.replace("\\" + rk, vars.get(k) + ""); } } return text; } public static String avatar(Integer uid, Map<String, Object> sGlobal, Map<String, Object> sConfig) { return avatar(uid, "small", false, sGlobal, sConfig); } public static String avatar(Integer uid, String sizeType, boolean returnUrl, Map<String, Object> sGlobal, Map<String, Object> sConfig) { String type = empty(sConfig.get("avatarreal")) ? "virtual" : "real"; String avatarPath = "data/avatar/" + avatar_file(sGlobal, uid, sizeType, type); return returnUrl ? avatarPath : "<img src=\"" + avatarPath + "\" onerror=\"this.onerror=null;this.src=\'data/avatar/noavatar_" + sizeType + ".gif\'\">"; } public static String checkInput(HttpServletRequest request) { String input = request.getParameter("input"); if (Common.empty(input)) { return "Invalid input"; } input = authCode(input, "DECODE", null, 0); System.out.println(input); return null; } public static Object avatar(HttpServletRequest request, int uid, String type, boolean returnHtml) { String agent = Common.md5(request.getHeader("User-Agent")); String avatarFlash = "image/camera.swf?inajax=1&appid=" + JavaCenterHome.jchConfig.get("JC_APPID") + "&uid=" + uid + "&hash=" + md5(uid + JavaCenterHome.jchConfig.get("JC_KEY")) + "&agent=" + agent + "&jcapi=" + Common.urlEncode(JavaCenterHome.jchConfig.get("siteUrl").replace("http://", "")) + "&avatartype=" + type; if (returnHtml) { return "<object classid=\"clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000\" codebase=\",0,0,0\" width=\"447\" height=\"477\" id=\"mycamera\" align=\"middle\">" + "<param name=\"allowScriptAccess\" value=\"always\" />" + "<param name=\"scale\" value=\"exactfit\" />" + "<param name=\"wmode\" value=\"transparent\" />" + "<param name=\"quality\" value=\"high\" />" + "<param name=\"bgcolor\" value=\"#ffffff\" />" + "<param name=\"movie\" value=\"" + avatarFlash + "\" />" + "<param name=\"menu\" value=\"false\" />" + "<embed src=\"" + avatarFlash + "\" quality=\"high\" bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" width=\"447\" height=\"477\" name=\"mycamera\" align=\"middle\" allowScriptAccess=\"always\" allowFullScreen=\"false\" scale=\"exactfit\" wmode=\"transparent\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" pluginspage=\"\" />" + "</object>"; } else { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put("width", "447"); map.put("height", "477"); map.put("scale", "exactfit"); map.put("src", avatarFlash); map.put("id", "mycamera"); map.put("name", "mycamera"); map.put("quality", "high"); map.put("bgcolor", "#ffffff"); map.put("wmode", "transparent"); map.put("menu", "false"); map.put("swLiveConnect", "true"); map.put("allowScriptAccess", "always"); return map; } } public static String avatar_file(Map<String, Object> sGlobal, int uid, String sizeType, String type) { String var = "avatarfile_" + uid + "_" + sizeType + "_" + type; String avatarPath = (String) sGlobal.get(var); if (empty(avatarPath)) { uid = Math.abs(uid); String struid = sprintf("000000000", uid); String dir1 = struid.substring(0, 3); String dir2 = struid.substring(3, 5); String dir3 = struid.substring(5, 7); StringBuffer avater = new StringBuffer(); avater.append(dir1 + "/" + dir2 + "/" + dir3 + "/" + struid.substring(struid.length() - 2)); avater.append("real".equals(type) ? "_real_avatar_" : "_avatar_"); avater.append(sizeType + ".jpg"); avatarPath = avater.toString(); sGlobal.put(var, avatarPath); } return avatarPath; } public static Map<String, Object> mkFeed(Map<Integer, String> sNames, Map<String, Object> sConfig, HttpServletRequest request, Map<String, Object> feed, Object actors) { if (feed == null || feed.size() == 0) { return feed; } feed.put("title_data", Serializer.unserialize((String) feed.get("title_data"), false)); feed.put("body_data", Serializer.unserialize((String) feed.get("body_data"), false)); List<String> searchs = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> replaces = new ArrayList<String>(); if (feed.get("title_data") != null && isArray(feed.get("title_data"))) { Map title_data = (Map) feed.get("title_data"); Set keys = title_data.keySet(); for (Object key : keys) { searchs.add("{" + key + "}"); replaces.add(title_data.get(key) + ""); } } searchs.add("{actor}"); replaces.add(empty(actors) ? "<a href=\"space.jsp?uid=" + feed.get("uid") + "\">" + sNames.get(feed.get("uid")) + "</a>" : implode(actors, "��")); searchs.add("{app}"); Map globalApp=(Map) request.getAttribute("globalApp"); Map app = globalApp==null ? null : (Map)globalApp.get(feed.get("appid")); if (empty(app)) { replaces.add(""); } else { replaces.add("<a href=\"" + app.get("url") + "\">" + app.get("name") + "</a>"); } String title_template = (String) feed.get("title_template"); title_template = title_template == null ? "" : title_template; for (int i = 0; i < replaces.size(); i++) { title_template = title_template.replace(searchs.get(i), replaces.get(i)); } feed.put("title_template", mkTarget(title_template, sConfig)); searchs.clear(); replaces.clear(); if (feed.get("body_data") != null && isArray(feed.get("body_data"))) { Map body_data = (Map) feed.get("body_data"); Set keys = body_data.keySet(); for (Object key : keys) { searchs.add("{" + key + "}"); replaces.add(body_data.get(key) + ""); } } feed.put("magic_class", ""); if (feed.get("appid") != null && (Integer) feed.get("appid") > 0) { Map body_data = (Map) feed.get("body_data"); if (body_data != null) { if (!empty(body_data.get("magic_color"))) { feed.put("magic_class", "magiccolor" + body_data.get("magic_color")); } if (!empty(body_data.get("magic_thunder"))) { feed.put("magic_class", "magicthunder"); } } } searchs.add("{actor}"); replaces.add("<a href=\"space.jsp?uid=" + feed.get("uid") + "\">" + feed.get("username") + "</a>"); String body_template = (String) feed.get("body_template"); body_template = body_template == null ? "" : body_template; for (int i = 0; i < replaces.size(); i++) { body_template = body_template.replace(searchs.get(i), replaces.get(i)); } feed.put("body_template", mkTarget(body_template, sConfig)); feed.put("body_general", mkTarget((String) feed.get("body_general"), sConfig)); feed.put("icon_image", "image/icon/" + feed.get("icon") + ".gif"); if (!Common.empty(sConfig.get("feedread")) && empty(feed.get("id"))) { Map<String, String> sCookie = (Map<String, String>) request.getAttribute("sCookie"); String[] read_feed_ids = empty(sCookie.get("read_feed_ids")) ? null : sCookie .get("read_feed_ids").split(","); if (read_feed_ids != null && in_array(read_feed_ids, feed.get("feedid"))) { feed.put("style", " class=\"feedread\""); } else { feed.put("style", " onclick=\"readfeed(this, " + feed.get("feedid") + ");\""); } } else { feed.put("style", ""); } if ((Integer) sConfig.get("feedtargetblank") > 0) { feed.put("target", " target=\"_blank\""); } else { feed.put("target", ""); } if (in_array(new String[] {"blogid", "picid", "sid", "pid", "eventid"}, feed.get("idtype"))) { feed.put("showmanage", 1); } feed.put("thisapp", 0); if (feed.get("appid") != null && (Integer) feed.get("appid") == intval(JavaCenterHome.jchConfig.get("JC_APPID"))) { feed.put("thisapp", 1); } return feed; } public static String mkTarget(String html, Map<String, Object> sConfig) { if (empty(html)) { return html; } if ((Integer) sConfig.get("feedtargetblank") > 0) { html = html.replaceAll("<a(.+?)href=([\\'\"]?)([^>\\s]+)\\2([^>]*)>", "<a target=\"_blank\" $1 href=\"$3\" $4>"); } return html; } public static void setResponseHeader(HttpServletResponse response) { setResponseHeader(response, "text/html"); } public static void setResponseHeader(HttpServletResponse response, String type) { response.setContentType(type + "; charset=" + JavaCenterHome.JCH_CHARSET); response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-store"); response.setHeader("Program", "no-cache"); response.setDateHeader("Expirse", 0); } public static void deleteAvatar(Map<String, Object> sGlobal, Integer... uids) { if (uids != null) { File file = null; String avatarRoot = JavaCenterHome.jchRoot + "/data/avatar/"; String[] sizeTypes = {"big", "middle", "small"}; String[] types = {"", "real"}; for (int uid : uids) { for (String sizeType : sizeTypes) { for (String type : types) { file = new File(avatarRoot + Common.avatar_file(sGlobal, uid, sizeType, type)); if (file.exists()) { file.delete(); } } } } } } public static Calendar getCalendar(String timeoffset) { return Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone(timeZoneIDs.get(timeoffset)[0])); } public static String getTimeOffset(Map<String, Object> sGlobal, Map<String, Object> sConfig) { Map<String, Object> member = (Map<String, Object>) sGlobal.get("member"); String timeoffset = null; if (member != null) { timeoffset = (String) member.get("timeoffset"); } if (Common.empty(timeoffset)) { timeoffset = sConfig.get("timeoffset").toString(); } return timeoffset; } public static String spaceKey(Map<String, Object> space, Map<String, Object> sConfig, int appId) { return md5( sConfig.get("sitekey") + "|" + (space == null ? "" : space.get("uid")) + (appId == 0 ? "" : "|" + appId)).substring(8, 24); } public static boolean ckPrivacy(Map<String, Object> sGlobal, Map<String, Object> sConfig, Map<String, Object> space, String type, int feedMode) { String var = "ckprivacy_" + type + "_" + feedMode; if (sGlobal.get(var) != null) { return (Boolean) sGlobal.get(var); } boolean result = false; if (feedMode != 0) { if ("spaceopen".equals(type)) { Map feed = (Map) ((Map) sConfig.get("privacy")).get("feed"); if (!Common.empty(feed.get(type))) { result = true; } } else { Map privacy = (Map) space.get("privacy"); Map feed = privacy != null ? (Map) privacy.get("feed") : null; if (feed != null && !Common.empty(feed.get(type))) { result = true; } } } else if ((Boolean) space.get("self")) { result = true; } else { Map view = (Map) ((Map) space.get("privacy")).get("view"); if (empty(view.get(type))) { result = true; } if (!result && (Integer) view.get(type) == 1) { if (space.get("isfriend") == null) { space.put("isfriend", space.get("self")); if (!empty(space.get("friends")) && in_array((String[]) space.get("friends"), sGlobal.get("supe_uid"))) { space.put("isfriend", true); } } if ((Boolean) space.get("isfriend")) { result = true; } } } sGlobal.put(var, result); return result; } public static boolean ckAppPrivacy(Map<String, Object> sGlobal, Map<String, Object> space, int privacy) { String var = "app_ckprivacy_" + privacy; if (sGlobal.get(var) != null) { return (Boolean) sGlobal.get(var); } boolean result = false; switch (privacy) { case 0: result = true; break; case 1: if (space.get("isfriend") == null) { space.put("isfriend", space.get("self")); if (in_array((String[]) space.get("friends"), sGlobal.get("supe_uid"))) { space.put("isfriend", true); } } if ((Boolean) space.get("isfriend")) { result = true; } break; case 2: break; case 3: if ((Boolean) space.get("self")) { result = true; } break; case 4: break; case 5: break; default: result = true; break; } sGlobal.put(var, result); return result; } public static int mobPerpage(HttpServletRequest request, int perPage) { int newPerPage = intval(request.getParameter("perpage")); Map<String, Object> sGlobal = (Map<String, Object>) request.getAttribute("sGlobal"); if (!empty(sGlobal.get("mobile")) && newPerPage > 0 && newPerPage < 500) { perPage = newPerPage; } return perPage; } public static boolean ckFriend(Map<String, Object> sGlobal, Map<String, Object> space, int toUid, int friend, String target_ids) { Integer supe_uid = (Integer) sGlobal.get("supe_uid"); if (empty(supe_uid)) { return friend > 0 ? false : true; } if (toUid == supe_uid) { return true; } String var = "ckfriend_" + md5(toUid + "_" + friend + "_" + target_ids); if (sGlobal.get(var) != null) { return (Boolean) sGlobal.get(var); } sGlobal.put(var, false); switch (friend) { case 0: sGlobal.put(var, true); break; case 1: if ((Integer) space.get("uid") == toUid) { if (!empty(space.get("friends")) && in_array((String[]) space.get("friends"), supe_uid)) { sGlobal.put(var, true); } } else { sGlobal.put(var, getFriendStatus(supe_uid, toUid) == 1 ? true : false); } break; case 2: if (!empty(target_ids)) { String[] targetIds = target_ids.split(","); if (in_array(targetIds, supe_uid)) { sGlobal.put(var, true); } } break; case 3: break; case 4: sGlobal.put(var, true); break; default: break; } return (Boolean) sGlobal.get(var); } public static int getFriendStatus(int uid, int fuid) { List<String> values = dataBaseService.executeQuery("SELECT status FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("friend") + " WHERE uid=" + uid + " AND fuid=" + fuid + " LIMIT 1", 1); if (values.size() > 0) { return Integer.parseInt(values.get(0)); } else { return -1; } } public static String getStar(Map<String, Object> sConfig, int experience) { StringBuffer starImg = new StringBuffer(); int starCredit = (Integer) sConfig.get("starcredit"); if (starCredit > 1) { int starlevelnum = (Integer) sConfig.get("starlevelnum"); int starNum = (experience / starCredit) + 1; if (starlevelnum < 2) { if (starNum > 10) { starNum = 10; } for (int i = 0; i < starNum; i++) { starImg.append("<img src=\"image/star_level10.gif\" align=\"absmiddle\" />"); } } else { for (int i = 10; i > 0; i--) { int numLevel = (int) (starNum / Math.pow(starlevelnum, i - 1)); if (numLevel > 10) { starNum = 10; } if (numLevel > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < numLevel; j++) { starImg.append("<img src=\"image/star_level" + i + ".gif\" align=\"absmiddle\" />"); } break; } } } } return starImg.length() == 0 ? "<img src=\"image/credit.gif\" align=\"absmiddle\" alt=\"" + experience + "\" title=\"" + experience + "\" />" : starImg.toString(); } public static String spaceDomain(HttpServletRequest request, Map<String, Object> space, Map<String, Object> sConfig) { if (!empty(space.get("domain")) && !empty(sConfig.get("allowdomain")) && !empty(sConfig.get("domainroot"))) { space.put("domainurl", "http://" + space.get("domain") + "." + sConfig.get("domainroot")); } else { space.put("domainurl", Common.getSiteUrl(request) + "?" + space.get("uid")); } return (String) space.get("domainurl"); } public static Map<Integer, String> getFriendGroup(HttpServletRequest request) { Map<String, Object> sConfig = (Map<String, Object>) request.getAttribute("sConfig"); Map<String, Object> space = (Map<String, Object>) request.getAttribute("space"); Map<String, Object> privacy = (Map<String, Object>) space.get("privacy"); Map<Integer, String> spaceGroup = null; if (privacy != null) { spaceGroup = (Map<Integer, String>) privacy.get("groupname"); } int groupNum = (Integer) sConfig.get("groupnum"); Map<Integer, String> groups = new TreeMap<Integer, String>(); for (int i = 0; i < groupNum; i++) { if (i == 0) { groups.put(0, Common.getMessage(request, "friend_group_default")); } else { if (spaceGroup != null && !Common.empty(spaceGroup.get(i))) { groups.put(i, spaceGroup.get(i)); } else { if (i < 8) { groups.put(i, Common.getMessage(request, "friend_group_" + i)); } else { groups.put(i, Common.getMessage(request, "friend_group") + i); } } } } return groups; } public static Map<String, Object> getTopic(HttpServletRequest request, int topicId) { Map<String, Object> topic = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (topicId > 0) { String[] types = new String[] {"blog", "pic", "thread", "poll", "event", "share"}; List<Map<String, Object>> topicList = dataBaseService.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("topic") + " WHERE topicid='" + topicId + "'"); if (!topicList.isEmpty()) { Map<String, Object> sGlobal = (Map<String, Object>) request.getAttribute("sGlobal"); Map<String, Object> sConfig = (Map<String, Object>) request.getAttribute("sConfig"); topic = topicList.get(0); topic.put("pic", !empty(topic.get("pic")) ? pic_get(sConfig, (String) topic.get("pic"), (Integer) topic.get("thumb"), (Integer) topic.get("remote"), false) : ""); topic.put("joingid", empty(topic.get("joingid")) ? null : topic.get("joingid").toString() .split(",")); topic.put("jointype", empty(topic.get("jointype")) ? types : topic.get("jointype").toString() .split(",")); topic.put("lastpost", sgmdate(request, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", (Integer) topic.get("lastpost"))); topic.put("dateline", sgmdate(request, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", (Integer) topic.get("dateline"))); topic .put("allowjoin", !empty(topic.get("endtime")) && (Integer) sGlobal.get("timestamp") > (Integer) topic .get("endtime") ? false : true); topic.put("endtime", !empty(topic.get("endtime")) ? sgmdate(request, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", (Integer) topic.get("endtime")) : ""); topic.put("message", BBCode.bbCode((String) topic.get("message"), 1)); topic.put("joinurl", ""); for (String value : types) { if (in_array((String[]) topic.get("jointype"), value)) { if ("pic".equals(value)) { value = "upload"; } topic.put("joinurl", "cp.jsp?ac=" + value + "&topicid=" + topicId); break; } } } } return topic; } public static int getUid(Map<String, Object> sConfig, String name) { name = name == null ? "" : name.trim(); List<String> wheres = new ArrayList<String>(); wheres.add("(username='" + name + "')"); if (!empty(sConfig.get("realname"))) { wheres.add("(name='" + name + "' AND namestatus = 1)"); } int uid = 0; List<Map<String, Object>> spaceList = dataBaseService .executeQuery("SELECT uid,username,name,namestatus FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("space") + " WHERE " + implode(wheres, " OR ") + " LIMIT 1"); if (!spaceList.isEmpty()) { uid = (Integer) spaceList.get(0).get("uid"); } return uid; } public static Map<String, Object> ckSearch(String theURL, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { theURL = stripSlashes(theURL) + "&page=" + intval(request.getParameter("page")); Map<String, Object> sGlobal = (Map<String, Object>) request.getAttribute("sGlobal"); Map<String, Object> space = (Map<String, Object>) request.getAttribute("space"); int searchInterVal = (Integer) checkPerm(request, response, sGlobal, "searchinterval"); if (searchInterVal > 0) { int waitTime = searchInterVal - ((Integer) sGlobal.get("timestamp") - (Integer) space.get("lastsearch")); if (waitTime > 0) { Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); result.put("msgkey", "search_short_interval"); result.put("url_forward", null); result.put("second", 1); result.put("args", new String[] {waitTime + "", theURL}); return result; } } if (!checkPerm(request, response, "searchignore")) { Map<String, Integer> reward = getReward("search", false, 0, "", true, request, response); int credit = reward.get("credit"); int experience = reward.get("experience"); if (credit > 0 || experience > 0) { if (empty(request.getParameter("confirm"))) { theURL += "&confirm=yes"; Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); result.put("msgkey", "points_deducted_yes_or_no"); result.put("url_forward", null); result.put("second", 1); result.put("args", new String[] {credit + "", experience + "", theURL}); return result; } else { if (space.get("credit") == null || (Integer) space.get("credit") < credit || space.get("experience") == null || (Integer) space.get("experience") < experience) { Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); result.put("msgkey", "points_search_error"); result.put("url_forward", null); result.put("second", 1); result.put("args", null); return result; } else { dataBaseService.executeUpdate("UPDATE " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("space") + " SET lastsearch='" + sGlobal.get("timestamp") + "', credit=credit-" + credit + ", experience=experience-" + experience + " WHERE uid='" + sGlobal.get("supe_uid") + "'"); } } } } return null; } public static String question(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { Map<String, Map<Integer, Object>> globalSpam = getCacheDate(request, response, "/data/cache/cache_spam.jsp", "globalSpam"); if (!empty(globalSpam.get("question"))) { Map<Integer, Object> question = globalSpam.get("question"); int count = question.size(); int key = count > 1 ? rand(0, count - 1) : 0; request.getSession().setAttribute("seccode", key); return question.get(key).toString(); } return null; } public static Object[] uniqueArray(Object[] array) { List<Object> list = new LinkedList<Object>(); for (Object obj : array) { if (!list.contains(obj)) { list.add(obj); } } return list.toArray(new Object[list.size()]); } public static List<String> pregMatch(String content, String regex) { List<String> strList = new ArrayList<String>(); try { Perl5Matcher patternMatcher = new Perl5Matcher(); if (patternMatcher.contains(content, new Perl5Compiler().compile(regex))) { MatchResult result = patternMatcher.getMatch(); for (int i = 0; i < result.groups(); i++) { strList.add(; } result = null; } } catch (MalformedPatternException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return strList; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static String formHash(Map<String, Object> sGlobal, Map<String, Object> sConfig, boolean in_admincp) { String formhash = (String) sGlobal.get("formhash"); if (Common.empty(formhash)) { String timestamp = sGlobal.get("timestamp").toString(); char split = '|'; StringBuffer temp = new StringBuffer(); temp.append(timestamp.substring(0, timestamp.length() - 7)); temp.append(split); temp.append(sGlobal.get("supe_uid")); temp.append(split); temp.append(Common.md5((String) sConfig.get("sitekey"))); temp.append(split); if (in_admincp) { temp.append("Only For JavaCenter Home AdminCP"); } formhash = Common.md5(temp.toString()).substring(8, 16); sGlobal.put("formhash", formhash); } return formhash; } public static String debugInfo(Map<String, Object> sGlobal, Map<String, Object> sConfig) { int debuginfo = (Integer) sConfig.get("debuginfo"); if (debuginfo > 0) { long startTime = (Long) sGlobal.get("starttime"); long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); String totalTime = sprintf("0.0000", (endTime - startTime) / 1000f); String gzipCompress = Common.intval(JavaCenterHome.jchConfig.get("gzipCompress")) > 0 ? ", Gzip enabled" : ""; return "Processed in " + totalTime + " second(s) " + gzipCompress + "."; } else { return null; } } public static String getImageType(File imgFile) { String imageType = null; try { ImageInputStream iis = ImageIO.createImageInputStream(imgFile); Iterator<ImageReader> iter = ImageIO.getImageReaders(iis); if (iter.hasNext()) { ImageReader reader =; imageType = reader.getFormatName().toLowerCase(); } iis.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } return imageType; } public static int checkInterval(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String type) { Map<String, Object> sGlobal = (Map<String, Object>) request.getAttribute("sGlobal"); Map<String, Object> space = (Map<String, Object>) request.getAttribute("space"); String intervalName = type + "interval"; String lastName = "last" + type; int waitTime = 0; int interval = (Integer) checkPerm(request, response, sGlobal, intervalName); if (interval != 0) { Map<String, Object> whereArr = new HashMap<String, Object>(); whereArr.put("uid", sGlobal.get("supe_uid")); int lastTime = space.get("lastname") != null ? (Integer) space.get("lastname") : Common .intval(getCount("space", whereArr, lastName)); waitTime = interval - ((Integer) sGlobal.get("timestamp") - lastTime); } return waitTime; } public static Object sarrayRand(Object arr, int num) { if (Common.empty(arr)) { return arr; } if (arr instanceof Object[]) { Object[] temp = (Object[]) arr; if (temp.length > num) { Object[] r_values = new Object[num]; if (num > 1) { Integer[] r_keys = (Integer[]) arrayRand(temp, num); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { r_values[i] = temp[r_keys[i]]; } } else { Integer[] r_keys = (Integer[]) arrayRand(temp, 1); r_values[0] = temp[r_keys[0]]; } return r_values; } } else if (arr instanceof List) { List temp = (List) arr; if (temp.size() > num) { try { List r_values = new ArrayList(); if (num > 1) { Integer[] r_keys = (Integer[]) arrayRand(temp, num); for (Integer key : r_keys) { r_values.add(temp.get(key)); } } else { Integer[] r_keys = (Integer[]) arrayRand(temp, 1); r_values.add(temp.get(r_keys[0])); } return r_values; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } else if (arr instanceof Map) { Map temp = (Map) arr; if (temp.size() > num) { Map r_values = new LinkedHashMap(); if (num > 1) { Object[] r_keys = (Object[]) arrayRand(temp, num); for (Object key : r_keys) { r_values.put(key, temp.get(key)); } } else { Object[] r_keys = (Object[]) arrayRand(temp, 1); r_values.put(r_keys[0], temp.get(r_keys[0])); } return r_values; } } return arr; } public static Object[] arrayRand(Object input, int num) { if (input == null) { return new Object[] {}; } num = num <= 0 ? 1 : num; int max = 0; Object[] objs = null; if (input instanceof Object[]) { objs = (Object[]) input; max = objs.length; if (num == 1) { return new Integer[] {Common.rand(0, max - 1)}; } if (max <= num) { Integer[] returnKeys = new Integer[max]; for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { returnKeys[i] = i; } return returnKeys; } } else if (input instanceof Collection) { Collection<Object> temp = (Collection<Object>) input; max = temp.size(); if (num == 1) { return new Integer[] {Common.rand(0, max - 1)}; } if (max <= num) { Integer[] returnKeys = new Integer[max]; for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { returnKeys[i] = i; } return returnKeys; } } else if (input instanceof Map) { Map<Object, Object> temp = (Map<Object, Object>) input; Set<Object> keys = temp.keySet(); max = keys.size(); objs = keys.toArray(); if (num == 1) { return new Object[] {objs[Common.rand(0, max - 1)]}; } if (max <= num) { return objs; } } else { return new Object[] {}; } int i = 0; Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<Integer>(); while (i < num) { set.add(Common.rand(0, max - 1)); i = set.size(); } if (input instanceof Object[] || input instanceof Collection) { return set.toArray(new Integer[num]); } else { Object[] returnKeys = new Object[num]; int j = 0; for (Integer randKey : set) { returnKeys[j] = objs[randKey]; j++; } return returnKeys; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List getRandList(List list, int num) { int size = list == null ? 0 : list.size(); if (num > 0 && num <= size) { List temp = new ArrayList(num); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { int rand = rand(size - 1); if (temp.indexOf(rand) == -1) { temp.add(list.get(rand)); } else { i--; } } return temp; } return null; } public static int mkTime(int hour, int min, int sec, int mon, int day, int year) { if (0 >= (mon -= 2)) { mon += 12; year -= 1; } int y = (year - 1) * 365 + year / 4 - year / 100 + year / 400; int m = 367 * mon / 12 - 30 + 59; int d = day - 1; int x = y + m + d - 719162; int t = ((x * 24 + hour) * 60 + min) * 60 + sec; return t; } public static String smulti(Map<String, Object> sGlobal, int start, int perPage, int count, String url, String ajaxDiv) throws Exception { Map<String, Integer> multi = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); multi.put("last", -1); multi.put("next", -1); multi.put("begin", -1); multi.put("end", -1); String html = null; if (start > 0) { if (count == 0) { throw new Exception("no_data_pages"); } else { multi.put("last", start - perPage); } } ajaxDiv = ajaxDiv == null ? "" : ajaxDiv; boolean showHtml = false; if (count == perPage) { multi.put("next", start + perPage); } multi.put("begin", start + 1); multi.put("end", start + count); if (multi.get("begin") >= 0) { if (multi.get("last") >= 0) { showHtml = true; if (!empty(sGlobal.get("inajax"))) { html = "<a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"ajaxget('" + url + "&ajaxdiv=" + ajaxDiv + "', '" + ajaxDiv + "')\">|<</a> <a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"ajaxget('" + url + "&start=" + multi.get("last") + "&ajaxdiv=" + ajaxDiv + "', '" + ajaxDiv + "')\"><</a> "; } else { html = "<a href=\"" + url + "\">|<</a> <a href=\"" + url + "&start=" + multi.get("last") + "\"><</a> "; } } else { html = "<"; } html += " " + multi.get("begin") + "~" + multi.get("end") + " "; if (multi.get("next") >= 0) { showHtml = true; if (!empty(sGlobal.get("inajax"))) { html += " <a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"ajaxget('" + url + "&start=" + multi.get("next") + "&ajaxdiv=" + ajaxDiv + "', '" + ajaxDiv + "')\">></a> "; } else { html += " <a href=\"" + url + "&start=" + multi.get("next") + "\">></a>"; } } else { html += " >"; } } return showHtml ? html : ""; } public static Object siconv(String str, String outCharset, String inCharset, String jchConfigCharset) { return str; } public static boolean isHoldDomain(Map<String, Object> sConfig, String domain) { domain = domain.toLowerCase(); if (Common.matches(domain, "(?i)^[^a-z]")) { return true; } String[] holdMainArr = null; if (Common.empty(sConfig.get("holddomain"))) { holdMainArr = new String[] {"www"}; } else { holdMainArr = ((String) sConfig.get("holddomain")).split("|"); } boolean isHold = false; for (String value : holdMainArr) { if (value.indexOf("*") == -1) { if (value.toLowerCase().equals(domain)) { isHold = true; break; } } else { value = value.replace("*", ""); if (domain.matches("(?i)" + value)) { isHold = true; break; } } } return isHold; } public static long getByteSizeByBKMG(String unitSize) { long maxSize = 0; String maxFileSize = unitSize; Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("\\d+([bkmg]?)").matcher(maxFileSize.toLowerCase()); if (matcher.matches()) { String ch = matcher.replaceAll("$1"); if (ch.equals("k")) { maxSize = Common.intval(maxFileSize) * 1024; } else if (ch.equals("m")) { maxSize = Common.intval(maxFileSize) * 1024 * 1024; } else if (ch.equals("g")) { maxSize = Common.intval(maxFileSize) * 1024 * 1024; } else { maxSize = Common.intval(maxFileSize); } } return maxSize; } public static String sub_url(String url, int length) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { if (url == null) { return ""; } if (url.length() > length) { url = URLEncoder.encode(url, JavaCenterHome.JCH_CHARSET); url = url.replace("%3A", ":").replace("%2F", "/"); url = url.substring(0, length / 2) + " ... " + url.substring(url.length() - (int) (length * 0.3F)); } return url; } public static String showAdById(Object id) { String filePath = JavaCenterHome.jchRoot + "data/adtpl/" + id + ".htm"; return FileHelper.readFile(filePath); } public static String showAd(Map ids) { if (Common.empty(ids)) { return null; } int key = Common.rand(0, ids.size() - 1); Object id = ids.get(key); return showAdById(id); } public static void showData(HttpServletRequest request, String param) { BlockService bs = new BlockService(); bs.block_batch(request, param); } public static void set_home(int uid, String dir) { String struid = String.format("%09d", uid); String dir1 = struid.substring(0, 3); String dir2 = struid.substring(3, 5); String dir3 = struid.substring(5, 7); File file = new File(dir + "/" + dir1); if (!file.exists()) { file.mkdirs(); } file = new File(dir + "/" + dir1 + "/" + dir2); if (!file.exists()) { file.mkdirs(); } file = new File(dir + "/" + dir1 + "/" + dir2 + "/" + dir3); if (!file.exists()) { file.mkdirs(); } } public static String get_home(int uid) { String struid = String.format("%09d", uid); String dir1 = struid.substring(0, 3); String dir2 = struid.substring(3, 5); String dir3 = struid.substring(5, 7); return dir1 + "/" + dir2 + "/" + dir3; } public static Map<String,Object> getPassPort(String userName,String passWord) { Map<String,Object> passPort=new HashMap<String, Object>(); List<Map<String, Object>> members = dataBaseService.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("member") + " WHERE username = '" + userName + "'"); if (!members.isEmpty()) { Map<String, Object> member = members.get(0); passWord = Common.md5(Common.md5(passWord) + member.get("salt")); if (passWord.equals(member.get("password"))) { passPort.put("uid", member.get("uid")); passPort.put("username", member.get("username")); } } return passPort; } }