package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.sql.DataSource; import schemacrawler.schema.Database; import schemacrawler.schema.Schema; import schemacrawler.schema.Table; import schemacrawler.schemacrawler.DatabaseConnectionOptions; import schemacrawler.schemacrawler.InclusionRule; import schemacrawler.schemacrawler.SchemaCrawlerOptions; import schemacrawler.schemacrawler.SchemaInfoLevel; import schemacrawler.utility.SchemaCrawlerUtility; /** * Uses sql-tools properties to retrieve schema information from SchemaCrawler. * * @author Jane Eisenstein */ public class SchemaCrawlerUtils { /** * Retrieves an alphabetical list of the schemas the user requested. * @param jdbcProps * @param dbms * @param dataSource * @param targetSchemas * @param excludeTargetSchemas * @param sortColumns * @param debug TODO * @param out * @return List<Schema> */ public List<Schema> getSchemas( JdbcProperties jdbcProps, DbmsInfo.Product dbms, DataSource dataSource, Set<String> targetSchemas, boolean excludeTargetSchemas, boolean sortColumns, boolean debug, PrintStream out) { List<Schema> schemaList = new ArrayList<Schema>(); try { String driver = jdbcProps.getDriverClassName(); String url = jdbcProps.getJdbcUrl().getUrl(); String user = jdbcProps.getUserId(); String password = jdbcProps.getPassword(); // Create database connection options final DatabaseConnectionOptions connectionOptions = new DatabaseConnectionOptions(driver, url); connectionOptions.setUser(user); connectionOptions.setPassword(password); // Create the schema retrieval options final SchemaCrawlerOptions options = new SchemaCrawlerOptions(); // Set what details are required in the schema - this affects the // time taken to crawl the schema options.setSchemaInfoLevel(SchemaInfoLevel.standard()); // don't retrieve procedure information options.setProcedureInclusionRule(InclusionRule.EXCLUDE_ALL); // don't retrieve view information options.setTableTypes("TABLE"); // empty targetSchemas => target is all Alineo schemas // always exclude system schemas if (DbmsInfo.Product.ORACLE.equals(dbms)) { String includedSchemasPattern = OracleUtils.getSchemaNamesPattern(dataSource, targetSchemas , excludeTargetSchemas); options.setSchemaInclusionRule( new InclusionRule(includedSchemasPattern, InclusionRule.NONE)); } else if (DbmsInfo.Product.MSSQL.equals(dbms)) { if (!excludeTargetSchemas) { // include only target schemas if (!targetSchemas.isEmpty()) { String includedSchemasPattern = MSSqlUtils.getSchemaNamesPattern(targetSchemas); options.setSchemaInclusionRule( new InclusionRule(includedSchemasPattern, InclusionRule.NONE)); } else { // include all non-system schemas String mssqlSchemaNames = MSSqlUtils.getMSSqlSchemaNamesPattern(); options.setSchemaInclusionRule( new InclusionRule("alineo_mssql_db.*", mssqlSchemaNames)); } } else { // exclude target schemas and system schemas if (!targetSchemas.isEmpty()) { String targetSchemasPattern = MSSqlUtils.getSchemaNamesPattern(targetSchemas); String mssqlSchemaNames = MSSqlUtils.getMSSqlSchemaNamesPattern(); String excludedSchemasPattern = targetSchemasPattern+"|"+mssqlSchemaNames; options.setSchemaInclusionRule( new InclusionRule("alineo_mssql_db.*", excludedSchemasPattern)); } else { // some whacky user wants to exclude all schemas options.setSchemaInclusionRule(InclusionRule.EXCLUDE_ALL); } } } InclusionRule inclusionRule = options.getSchemaInclusionRule(); if (debug) { if (null == out) out = System.out; out.println(inclusionRule.toString()); } // Sorting options options.setAlphabeticalSortForTableColumns(sortColumns); // Get the schema definition final Database database = SchemaCrawlerUtility.getDatabase( connectionOptions.createConnection(), options); final Schema[] schemas = database.getSchemas(); schemaList = Arrays.asList(schemas); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); schemaList = null; } return schemaList; } /** * Returns a list of all the tables in the schemas * @param schemas * @return List<Table> */ public List<Table> getTableList(List<Schema> schemas) { ArrayList<Table> tableList = new ArrayList<Table>(); if (schemas != null) { for (Schema schema : schemas) { final Table[] tables = schema.getTables(); int tableCount = tables.length; for (int i = 0; i < tableCount; i++) { final Table table = tables[i]; tableList.add(table); } } } return tableList; } }