/* * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright (c) 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development * and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License"). You * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can * obtain a copy of the License at * https://glassfish.dev.java.net/public/CDDL+GPL_1_1.html * or packager/legal/LICENSE.txt. See the License for the specific * language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each * file and include the License file at packager/legal/LICENSE.txt. * * GPL Classpath Exception: * Oracle designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath" * exception as provided by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License * file that accompanied this code. * * Modifications: * If applicable, add the following below the License Header, with the fields * enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying information: * "Portions Copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]" * * Contributor(s): * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL or * only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding "[Contributor] * elects to include this software in this distribution under the [CDDL or GPL * Version 2] license." If you don't indicate a single choice of license, a * recipient has the option to distribute your version of this file under * either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or to extend the choice of license to * its licensees as provided above. However, if you add GPL Version 2 code * and therefore, elected the GPL Version 2 license, then the option applies * only if the new code is made subject to such option by the copyright * holder. */ package com.sun.enterprise.config.util; import org.glassfish.logging.annotation.LogMessageInfo; import org.glassfish.logging.annotation.LogMessagesResourceBundle; import org.glassfish.logging.annotation.LoggerInfo; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * Logger information for the config-api module. * * @author Masoud Kalali */ /* Module private */ public class ConfigApiLoggerInfo { public static final String LOGMSG_PREFIX = "NCLS-CFGAPI"; @LogMessagesResourceBundle public static final String SHARED_LOGMESSAGE_RESOURCE = "com.sun.enterprise.config.util.LogMessages"; @LoggerInfo(subsystem = "CONFIG-API", description = "Configuration API", publish = true) public static final String ADMIN_LOGGER = "javax.enterprise.config.api"; private static final Logger adminLogger = Logger.getLogger( ADMIN_LOGGER, SHARED_LOGMESSAGE_RESOURCE); public static Logger getLogger() { return adminLogger; } public static String getString(String message, Object[] parameters) { return MessageFormat.format(message, parameters); } @LogMessageInfo( message = "No default config found, using config {0} as the default config for the cluster {1}", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", level = "WARNING") public static final String noDefaultConfigFound = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00001"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "cluster property GMS_DISCOVERY_URI_LIST={0}", level = "FINE") public static final String clusterGSMBroadCast = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00002"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "cluster attribute gms broadcast={0}", level = "FINE") public final static String clusterGSMDeliveryURI = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00003"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Cluster {0} contains server instances {1} and must not contain any instances", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String clusterMustNotContainInstance = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00004"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Unable to remove config {0}", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String deleteConfigFailed = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00005"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "CopyConfig error caused by {0}", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "WARNING") public final static String copyConfigError = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00006"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Error when getting clusters on node dues to: {0}", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "WARNING") public final static String errorGettingCluster = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00007"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Error when getting servers due to: {0}", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "WARNING") public final static String errorGettingServers = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00008"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Unable to create default Http service configuration", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "INFO") public final static String unableToCreateHttpServiceConfig = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00009"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Cannot remove Node {0}.", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String cannotRemoveNode = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00010"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Node {0} referenced in server instance(s): {1}. Remove instances before removing node.", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String referencedByInstance = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00011"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Can''t find the default config (an element named \"default-config\") " + "in domain.xml. You may specify the name of an existing config element next time.", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String noDefaultConfig = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00012"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Unable to remove server-ref {0} from cluster {1}", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String deleteServerRefFailed = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00013"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "The default configuration template (named default-config) " + "cannot be referenced by a server.", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "WARNING") public final static String configRefDefaultconfig = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00014"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "The configuration of the Domain Administration Server " + "cannot be changed from server-config.", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "WARNING") public final static String configRefDASconfig = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00015"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "The configuration of the Domain Administration Server " + "(named server-config) cannot be referenced by a server.", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "WARNING") public final static String configRefServerconfig = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00016"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "The configuration of the Domain Administration Server " + "(named server-config) cannot be referenced by a server.", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "WARNING") public final static String configRefClusteredInstance = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00017"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "A configuration that doesn't exist cannot be referenced by a server.", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "WARNING") public final static String configRefNonexistent = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00018"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Port= {0}", publish = true, level = "FINER") public final static String portBaseHelperPort = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00019"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "removing default instance index for {0}", publish = true, level = "FINE") public final static String removingDefaultInstanceIndexFor = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00020"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "adding default instance index for {0}", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "FINE") public final static String AddingDefaultInstanceIndexFor = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00021"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Existing default-config detected during upgrade. No need to create default-config.", publish = true, level = "INFO") public final static String existingDefaultConfig = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00022"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "System Property com.sun.aas.installRoot is null. We could be running in unit tests." + "Exiting DefaultConfigUpgrade", publish = true, level = "INFO") public final static String installRootIsNull = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00023"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "default-config not detected during upgrade. Running DefaultConfigUpgrade to create default-config.", publish = true, level = "INFO") public final static String runningDefaultConfigUpgrade = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00024"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Failure during upgrade - could not create default-config", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String defaultConfigUpgradeFailure = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00025"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Failure creating SecurityService Config", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String failureCreatingSecurityServiceConfig = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00027"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Problem parsing security-service", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String problemParsingSecurityServiceConfig = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00028"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Failed to create HttpService VirtualService config object", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String failureCreatingHttpServiceVS = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00029"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Problem parsing http-service virtual-server in domain.xml template", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String problemParsingHttpServiceVs = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00030"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Failed to create AdminService Property config object", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String failedToCreateAdminService = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00031"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Problem parsing asadmin-service property element in domain.xml template", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String problemParsingAdminService = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00032"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Failure creating LogService config object", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "WARNING") public final static String failureCreatingLogService = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00033"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Failure creating ModuleLogLevel config object", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String failureCreateModuleLogLevel = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00034"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Problem parsing module-log-levels in domain.xml template", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String problemParsingModuleLogLevel = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00035"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Failure creating SecurityService config object", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String failureCreatingSecurityService = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00036"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Failure creating AuthRealm", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String failureCreatingAuthRealm = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00037"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Problem parsing auth-realm", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String failureParsingAuthRealm = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00038"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Create AuthRealm Property failed. Attr = {0} and Val = {1}", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String failureCreatingAuthRealmProperty = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00039"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Problem parsing auth-realm property", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String failureParsingAuthRealmProperty = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00040"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Failure creating JaccProvider", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String failureCreatingJaccProvider = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00041"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Problem parsing jacc-provider", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String problemParsingJaacProvider = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00042"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Create JaccProvider Property failed. Attr = {0} and Val = {1}", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String failureCreatingJaccProviderAttr = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00043"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Problem parsing jacc-provider property", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String problemParsingJaacProviderAttr = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00044"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Failure creating AuditModule config object", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String failureCreatingAuditModule = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00045"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Create AuditModule Property failed.", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String failureCreatingAuditModuleAttr = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00046"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Problem parsing audit-module property", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String failureParsingAuditModuleProp = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00047"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Failure creating ProviderConfig", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String failureCreatingProviderConfig = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00048"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Problem parsing provider-config", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String ProblemParsingProviderConfig = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00049"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Create ProviderConfig RequestPolicy failed.", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String createProviderConfigRequestPolicyFailed = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00050"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Problem parsing request-policy property", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String problemParsingRequestPolicyProp = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00051"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Create ProviderConfig Property failed", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String createProviderConfigPropertyFailed = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00052"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Problem parsing provider-config property", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String problemParsingProviderConfigProp = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00053"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Failure creating JavaConfig config object", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String failureCreatingJavaConfigObject = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00054"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Problem parsing jvm-options", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String problemParsingJvmOptions = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00055"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Failure creating AvailabilityService config object", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String failureCreatingAvailabilityServiceConfig = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00056"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Failure creating NetworkConfig config object", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String failureCreatingNetworkConfig = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00057"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Failure creating Protocols config object", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String failureCreatingProtocolsConfig = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00058"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Problem parsing protocols element in domain.xml template", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String problemParsingProtocolsConfig = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00059"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Failure creating Protocol config object", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String failureCreatingProtocolConfig = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00060"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Problem parsing protocol element in domain.xml template", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String problemParsingProtocolElement = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00091"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Failure creating Http config object", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String failureCreatingHttpConfig = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00061"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Failure creating FileCache config object", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String failureCreatingFileCacheConfig = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00062"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Problem parsing file-cache element in domain.xml template", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String problemParsingFileCacheElement = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00063"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Failure creating Ssl config object", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String failureCreatingSSLConfig = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00064"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Problem parsing ssl element in domain.xml template", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String problemParsingSSlElement = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00065"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Failure creating HttpRedirect config object", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String failureCreatingHttpRedirect = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00066"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Failure creating PortUnification config object", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String failureCreatingPortUnification = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00067"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Failure creating ProtocolFinder config object", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String failureCreatingProtocolFinder = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00068"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Problem parsing protocol-finder element in domain.xml template", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String problemParsingProtocolFinder = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00069"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Failure creating NetworkListeners config object", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String failureCreatingNetworkListeners = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00070"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Problem parsing network-listeners element in domain.xml template", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String problemParsingNetworkListeners = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00071"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Failure creating NetworkListener config object", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String failureCreatingNetworkListener = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00072"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Problem parsing network-listener element in domain.xml template", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String ProblemParsingNetworkListener = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00073"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Failure creating Transports config object", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String failureCreatingTransportsConfig = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00074"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Problem parsing transports element in domain.xml template", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String failureParsingTransportsConfig = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00075"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Failure creating Transport config object", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String failureCreatingTransportConfig = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00076"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Problem parsing transport element in domain.xml template", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String problemParsingTransportConfig = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00077"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Failure to create ThreadPools config object", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String failureToCreateThreadPoolsObject = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00078"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Failure creating ThreadPool config object", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String failureToCreateThreadpoolObject = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00079"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Problem parsing thread-pool element in domain.xml template", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String problemParsingThreadPoolElement = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00080"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Failure creating SystemProperty config object", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String failureCreatingSystemProperty = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00081"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Problem parsing system-property element in domain.xml template", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String problemParsingSystemProperty = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00082"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Startup class : ", level = "FINE") public final static String startupClass = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00083"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Successful cleaned domain.xml with ", level = "FINE") public final static String successfulCleanupWith = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00084"; @LogMessageInfo( message = " cleaning domain.xml failed ", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String cleaningDomainXmlFailed = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00085"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Instance {0} from environment not found in domain.xml", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String badEnv = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00086"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Successful Upgrade domain.xml with ", publish = true, level = "FINE") public final static String successfulUpgrade = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00087"; @LogMessageInfo( message = " upgrading domain.xml failed ", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String failedUpgrade = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00088"; @LogMessageInfo( message = " does not exist or is empty, will use backup", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String noConfigFile = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00089"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Problem parsing system-property element in domain.xml template", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String noBackupFile = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00090"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Total time to parse domain.xml: ", level = "FINE") public final static String totalTimeToParseDomain = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00092"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Exception while creating the command model for the generic command {0} : {1}", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String commandModelException = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00093"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "The CrudResolver {0} could not find the configuration object of type {1} where instances of {2} should be added", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String targetObjectNotFound = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00094"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "A {0} instance with a {1} name already exist in the configuration", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String alreadyExistingInstance = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00095"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Exception while invoking {0} method : {1}", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String methodInvocationException = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00096"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "The CreationDecorator {0} could not be found in the habitat, is it annotated with @Service?", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String decoratorNotFound = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00097"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Exception while adding the new configuration : {0}", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String transactionException = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00098"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Exception while persisting domain.xml, changes will not be available on server restart.", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String glassFishDocumentIOException = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00099"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Exception while persisting domain.xml, file a bug at http://glassfish.java.net", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String glassFishDocumentXmlException = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00100"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "config.getHttpService() null for config '{0}'", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String nullHttpService = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00101"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Failure while upgrading domain.xml", cause = "unknown", action = "unknown", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String failUpgradeDomain = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00102"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Cannot get default configuration for: {0}", publish = true, level = "INFO") public final static String cannotGetDefaultConfig = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00103"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Cannot parse default module configuration", cause = "Parsing for the default module configuration failed. ", action = "Take appropriate action based on the exception stack trace in the log message.", publish = true, level = "SEVERE") public final static String cannotParseDefaultDefaultConfig = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00104"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Failed to find the suitable method in returnException: {0} : {1}.", publish = true, level = "INFO") public final static String noMethodInReturnException = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00105"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Cannot get parent config bean for: {0}", publish = true, level = "INFO") public final static String cannotGetParentConfigBean = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00106"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "The provided path is not valid: {0} resolved to component name: {1}", publish = true, level = "INFO") public final static String invalidPath = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00107"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Cannot set config bean due to exception thrown.", publish = true, level = "INFO") public final static String cannotSetConfigBean = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00108"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Cannot set config bean for {0}", publish = true, level = "INFO") public final static String cannotSetConfigBeanFor = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00109"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Cannot remove config bean named {0} as it does not exist.", publish = true, level = "INFO") public final static String cannotRemoveConfigBean = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00110"; @LogMessageInfo( message = "Cannot get extension type {0} for {1}.", publish = true, level = "INFO") public final static String cannotGetExtnType = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00111"; @LogMessageInfo(message = "Failed to execute the command create-module-config", publish = true, level = "INFO") public final static String CREATE_MODULE_CONFIG_FAILURE = "NCLS-CFGAPI-00112"; @LogMessageInfo(message = "Failed to show all default configurations not merged with domain configuration under target {0}.", publish = true, level = "INFO") public final static String CREATE_MODULE_CONFIG_SHOW_ALL_FAILED = "NCLS-CFGAPI-00113"; @LogMessageInfo(message = "Failed to create all default configuration elements that are not present in the domain.xml under target {0}.", publish = true, level = "INFO") public final static String CREATE_MODULE_CONFIG_CREATING_ALL_FAILED = "NCLS-CFGAPI-00114"; @LogMessageInfo(message = "Failed to create module configuration for {0} under the target {1}", publish = true, level = "INFO") public final static String CREATE_MODULE_CONFIG_CREATING_FOR_SERVICE_NAME_FAILED = "NCLS-CFGAPI-00119"; @LogMessageInfo(message = "Failed to remove all configuration elements related to your service form domain.xml. You can use create-module-config --dryRun with your module name to see all relevant configurations and try removing the config elements.", publish = true, level = "INFO") public final static String DELETE_MODULE_CONFIG_FAILED_DELETING_DEPENDENT = "NCLS-CFGAPI-00120"; @LogMessageInfo(message = "Failed to get active configuration for {0} under the target {1}", publish = true, level = "INFO") public final static String GET_ACTIVE_CONFIG_FOR_SERVICE_FAILED = "NCLS-CFGAPI-00121"; @LogMessageInfo(message = "Failed to create a ClassLoader for modules directory.", publish = true, level = "SEVERE", cause="The modules directory ClassLoader could not be created due to an I/O error.", action="Take appropriate action based on the error stack trace reported.") public final static String MODULES_CL_FAILED = "NCLS-CFGAPI-00122"; @LogMessageInfo(message = "Cannot add new configuration extension to the extension point.", publish = true, level = "SEVERE", cause="An I/O error occurred during configuration extension addition.", action="Take appropriate action based on the error stack trace reported.") public final static String CFG_EXT_ADD_FAILED = "NCLS-CFGAPI-00123"; @LogMessageInfo(message = "Can not read default configuration.", publish = true, level = "SEVERE", cause="An I/O error occurred.", action="Take appropriate action based on the error stack trace reported.") public final static String DEFAULT_CFG_READ_FAILED = "NCLS-CFGAPI-00124"; @LogMessageInfo(message = "Exception while creating the command model for the generic command {0}.", publish = true, level = "SEVERE", cause="An error occurred.", action="Take appropriate action based on the error details in the log.") public final static String GENERIC_CREATE_CMD_FAILED = "NCLS-CFGAPI-00125"; @LogMessageInfo(message = "The Config Bean {0} cannot be loaded by the generic command implementation.", publish = true, level = "SEVERE", cause="The config bean class could not be loaded.", action="Take appropriate action based on the error stack trace reported.") public final static String CFG_BEAN_CL_FAILED = "NCLS-CFGAPI-00126"; @LogMessageInfo(message = "Invalid annotated type {0} passed to InjectionResolver:getValue()", publish = true, level = "SEVERE", cause="Invalid annotated type.", action="Take appropriate action based on the error message details in the log.") public final static String INVALID_ANNO_TYPE = "NCLS-CFGAPI-00127"; @LogMessageInfo(message = "Failure while getting List<?> values from component", publish = true, level = "SEVERE", cause="Generic CRUD command invocation failure", action="Take appropriate action based on the error message details in the log.") public final static String INVOKE_FAILURE = "NCLS-CFGAPI-00128"; @LogMessageInfo(message = "The List type returned by {0} must be a generic type.", publish = true, level = "SEVERE", cause="Generic CRUD command invocation failure", action="Take appropriate action based on the error message details in the log.") public final static String LIST_NOT_GENERIC_TYPE = "NCLS-CFGAPI-00129"; @LogMessageInfo(message = "The generic type {0} is not supported, only List<? extends ConfigBeanProxy> is supported.", publish = true, level = "SEVERE", cause="Generic CRUD command invocation failure", action="Provide a supported generic type.") public final static String GENERIC_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED = "NCLS-CFGAPI-00130"; @LogMessageInfo(message = "Failure while instrospecting {0} to find all getters and setters.", publish = true, level = "SEVERE", cause="Generic CRUD command invocation failure", action="Provide a supported generic type.") public final static String INTROSPECTION_FAILED = "NCLS-CFGAPI-00131"; @LogMessageInfo(message = "Transaction exception while injecting {1}.", publish = true, level = "SEVERE", cause="Generic CRUD command invocation failure", action="Take appropriate action based on the error message details in the log.") public final static String TX_FAILED = "NCLS-CFGAPI-00132"; @LogMessageInfo(message = "The CrudResolver {0} could not find the configuration object of type {1} where instances of {2} should be removed.", publish = true, level = "SEVERE", cause="Generic delete command invocation failure", action="Take appropriate action based on the error message details in the log.") public final static String TARGET_OBJ_NOT_FOUND = "NCLS-CFGAPI-00133"; @LogMessageInfo(message = "Exception while creating access checks for generic command {0}.", publish = true, level = "SEVERE", cause="An error occurred.", action="Take appropriate action based on the error details in the log.") public final static String ACCESS_CHK_CREATE_FAILED = "NCLS-CFGAPI-00134"; @LogMessageInfo(message = "Cannot identify getter method for ListingColumn", publish = true, level = "SEVERE", cause="An error occurred.", action="Take appropriate action based on the error details in the log.") public final static String CANNOT_IDENTIFY_LIST_COL_GETTER = "NCLS-CFGAPI-00135"; @LogMessageInfo(message = "An error occurred while invoking getter {0} on ConfigBeanProxy.", publish = true, level = "SEVERE", cause="An error occurred.", action="Take appropriate action based on the error details in the log.") public final static String ERR_INVOKE_GETTER = "NCLS-CFGAPI-00136"; @LogMessageInfo(message = "Failure while upgrading http-service properties.", publish = true, level = "SEVERE", cause="An error occurred.", action="Take appropriate action based on the error details in the log.") public final static String ERR_UPGRADE_HTTP_SVC_PROPS = "NCLS-CFGAPI-00137"; }