/* * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development * and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License"). You * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can * obtain a copy of the License at * https://glassfish.dev.java.net/public/CDDL+GPL_1_1.html * or packager/legal/LICENSE.txt. See the License for the specific * language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each * file and include the License file at packager/legal/LICENSE.txt. * * GPL Classpath Exception: * Oracle designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath" * exception as provided by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License * file that accompanied this code. * * Modifications: * If applicable, add the following below the License Header, with the fields * enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying information: * "Portions Copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]" * * Contributor(s): * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL or * only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding "[Contributor] * elects to include this software in this distribution under the [CDDL or GPL * Version 2] license." If you don't indicate a single choice of license, a * recipient has the option to distribute your version of this file under * either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or to extend the choice of license to * its licensees as provided above. However, if you add GPL Version 2 code * and therefore, elected the GPL Version 2 license, then the option applies * only if the new code is made subject to such option by the copyright * holder. */ package org.glassfish.admingui.devtests; import org.junit.Test; import java.io.File; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * User: jasonlee * Date: Mar 22, 2010 * Time: 4:31:08 PM * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ public class ApplicationTest extends BaseSeleniumTestClass { private static final String TRIGGER_APPLICATIONS = "Applications can be enterprise or web applications, or various kinds of modules."; private static final String TRIGGER_APPLICATIONS_DEPLOY = "Packaged File to Be Uploaded to the Server"; private static final String TRIGGER_APPLICATION_DISABLED = "Selected application(s) has been disabled."; private static final String TRIGGER_EDIT_APPLICATION = "Edit Application"; private static final String TRIGGER_APPLICATION_ENABLED = "Selected application(s) has been enabled."; private static final String ELEMENT_STATUS = "propertyForm:propertySheet:propertSectionTextField:statusProp:status"; private static final String ELEMENT_APP_NAME = "form:war:psection:nameProp:appName"; private static final String ELEMENT_CONTEXT_ROOT = "form:war:psection:cxp:ctx"; private static final String ELEMENT_UNDEPLOY_BUTTON = "propertyForm:deployTable:topActionsGroup1:button1"; private static final String ELEMENT_DEPLOY_TABLE = "propertyForm:deployTable"; private static final String ELEMENT_ENABLE_BUTTON = "propertyForm:deployTable:topActionsGroup1:button2"; private static final String ELEMENT_CANCEL_BUTTON = "propertyForm:propertyContentPage:topButtons:cancelButton"; private static final String ELEMENT_DISABLE_BUTTON = "propertyForm:deployTable:topActionsGroup1:button3"; private static final String ELEMENT_UPLOAD_BUTTON = "form:title:topButtons:uploadButton"; private static final String ELEMENT_FILE_FIELD = "form:sheet1:section1:prop1:fileupload"; private static final String ELEMENT_DEPLOY_BUTTON = "propertyForm:deployTable:topActionsGroup1:deployButton"; private static final String TRIGGER_SUCCESS = "New values successfully saved"; private static final String TRIGGER_DOMAIN_ATTRIBUTES = "Domain Attributes"; private static final String TRIGGER_DOMAIN_LOGS = "i18nc.domainLogs.PageHelp"; private static final String TRIGGER_APPLICATION_CONFIGURATION = "Enable reloading so that changes to deployed applications"; //The following test will pass ONLY if there is no cluster or standalone instance. This is for "PE" profile //TODO: We may need to DELETE all cluster and standalone instance in the beginning of this test. //@Test public void testDeployWar() { final String applicationName = generateRandomString(); clickAndWait("treeForm:tree:applications:applications_link", TRIGGER_APPLICATIONS); int preCount = this.getTableRowCount(ELEMENT_DEPLOY_TABLE); // hrm clickAndWaitForElement(ELEMENT_DEPLOY_BUTTON, ELEMENT_FILE_FIELD); File war = new File("src/test/resources/test.war"); try { selectFile(ELEMENT_FILE_FIELD, war.toURL().toString()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates. } assertEquals("test", getFieldValue(ELEMENT_CONTEXT_ROOT)); assertEquals("test", getFieldValue(ELEMENT_APP_NAME)); setFieldValue(ELEMENT_CONTEXT_ROOT, applicationName); setFieldValue(ELEMENT_APP_NAME, applicationName); clickAndWait(ELEMENT_UPLOAD_BUTTON, TRIGGER_APPLICATIONS); String conf = ""; if (isAlertPresent()) { conf = getAlertText(); } int postCount = this.getTableRowCount(ELEMENT_DEPLOY_TABLE); assertTrue (preCount < postCount); clickAndWait("propertyForm:deployTable:rowGroup1:0:col4:link", applicationName); // Disable application selectTableRowByValue(ELEMENT_DEPLOY_TABLE, applicationName); clickAndWait(ELEMENT_DISABLE_BUTTON, TRIGGER_APPLICATION_DISABLED); clickAndWait(getLinkIdByLinkText(ELEMENT_DEPLOY_TABLE, applicationName), TRIGGER_EDIT_APPLICATION); assertEquals("off", getFieldValue(ELEMENT_STATUS)); clickAndWait(ELEMENT_CANCEL_BUTTON, TRIGGER_APPLICATIONS); // testDisableButton(applicationName, ELEMENT_DEPLOY_TABLE, ELEMENT_DISABLE_BUTTON, ELEMENT_STATUS, ELEMENT_CANCEL_BUTTON, TRIGGER_APPLICATIONS, TRIGGER_EDIT_APPLICATION); // Enable Application selectTableRowByValue(ELEMENT_DEPLOY_TABLE, applicationName); clickAndWait(ELEMENT_ENABLE_BUTTON, TRIGGER_APPLICATION_ENABLED, 300); clickAndWait(getLinkIdByLinkText(ELEMENT_DEPLOY_TABLE, applicationName), TRIGGER_EDIT_APPLICATION); assertEquals("on", getFieldValue(ELEMENT_STATUS)); clickAndWait(ELEMENT_CANCEL_BUTTON, TRIGGER_APPLICATIONS); // testEnableButton(applicationName, ELEMENT_DEPLOY_TABLE, ELEMENT_ENABLE_BUTTON, ELEMENT_STATUS, ELEMENT_CANCEL_BUTTON, TRIGGER_APPLICATIONS, TRIGGER_EDIT_APPLICATION); // Undeploy application chooseOkOnNextConfirmation(); selectTableRowByValue(ELEMENT_DEPLOY_TABLE, applicationName); pressButton(ELEMENT_UNDEPLOY_BUTTON); getConfirmation(); waitForPageLoad(applicationName, true); int postUndeployCount = this.getTableRowCount(ELEMENT_DEPLOY_TABLE); assertTrue (preCount == postUndeployCount); } @Test public void testApplicationConfiguration() { final String adminTimeout = Integer.toString(generateRandomNumber(100)); clickAndWait("treeForm:tree:nodes:nodes_link", TRIGGER_DOMAIN_ATTRIBUTES); clickAndWait("propertyForm:domainTabs:appConfig", TRIGGER_APPLICATION_CONFIGURATION); setFieldValue("propertyForm:propertySheet:propertSectionTextField:AdminTimeoutProp:AdminTimeout", adminTimeout); clickAndWait("propertyForm:propertyContentPage:topButtons:saveButton", TRIGGER_SUCCESS); assertEquals(adminTimeout, getFieldValue("propertyForm:propertySheet:propertSectionTextField:AdminTimeoutProp:AdminTimeout")); } @Test public void testDomainAttributes() { clickAndWait("treeForm:tree:nodes:nodes_link", TRIGGER_DOMAIN_ATTRIBUTES); setFieldValue("propertyForm:propertySheet:propertSectionTextField:localeProp:Locale", "en_UK"); clickAndWait("propertyForm:propertyContentPage:topButtons:saveButton", TRIGGER_SUCCESS); assertEquals("en_UK", getFieldValue("propertyForm:propertySheet:propertSectionTextField:localeProp:Locale")); } @Test public void testDomainLogs() { clickAndWait("treeForm:tree:nodes:nodes_link", TRIGGER_DOMAIN_ATTRIBUTES); clickAndWait("propertyForm:domainTabs:domainLogs", resolveTriggerText(TRIGGER_DOMAIN_LOGS)); // click download, but ignore it (selenium can't interect with Save File dialog pressButton("form:propertyContentPage:topButtons:collectLogFiles"); // if above is broken, assertion will fail assertTrue(isTextPresent(TRIGGER_DOMAIN_LOGS)); } }