/* * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright (c) 1997-2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development * and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License"). You * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can * obtain a copy of the License at * https://glassfish.dev.java.net/public/CDDL+GPL_1_1.html * or packager/legal/LICENSE.txt. See the License for the specific * language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each * file and include the License file at packager/legal/LICENSE.txt. * * GPL Classpath Exception: * Oracle designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath" * exception as provided by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License * file that accompanied this code. * * Modifications: * If applicable, add the following below the License Header, with the fields * enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying information: * "Portions Copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]" * * Contributor(s): * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL or * only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding "[Contributor] * elects to include this software in this distribution under the [CDDL or GPL * Version 2] license." If you don't indicate a single choice of license, a * recipient has the option to distribute your version of this file under * either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or to extend the choice of license to * its licensees as provided above. However, if you add GPL Version 2 code * and therefore, elected the GPL Version 2 license, then the option applies * only if the new code is made subject to such option by the copyright * holder. */ package com.sun.enterprise.connectors; import com.sun.appserv.connectors.internal.api.ConnectorConstants; import com.sun.appserv.connectors.internal.api.ConnectorRuntimeException; import com.sun.appserv.connectors.internal.api.WorkContextHandler; import com.sun.enterprise.connectors.util.ConnectorDDTransformUtils; import com.sun.enterprise.connectors.util.ConnectorJavaBeanValidator; import com.sun.enterprise.connectors.util.SetMethodAction; import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.AdminObject; import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.ConnectorConfigProperty; import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.ConnectorDescriptor; import com.sun.enterprise.resource.beans.AdministeredObjectResource; import com.sun.enterprise.util.i18n.StringManager; import com.sun.logging.LogDomains; import org.glassfish.connectors.config.ResourceAdapterConfig; import org.glassfish.hk2.api.PerLookup; import org.glassfish.resourcebase.resources.api.ResourceInfo; import org.jvnet.hk2.annotations.Service; import org.jvnet.hk2.config.types.Property; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.naming.Reference; import javax.resource.ResourceException; import javax.resource.spi.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * This class represents a live outbound resource adapter (1.5 compliant) i.e. * <p/> * A resource adapter is considered active after start() * and before stop() is called. * * @author Binod P G, Sivakumar Thyagarajan */ @Service(name= ConnectorConstants.AORA) @PerLookup public class ActiveOutboundResourceAdapter extends ActiveResourceAdapterImpl { @Inject private ConnectorJavaBeanValidator beanValidator; protected ResourceAdapter resourceadapter_; //runtime instance protected static final Logger _logger = LogDomains.getLogger(ActiveOutboundResourceAdapter.class, LogDomains.RSR_LOGGER); private StringManager localStrings = StringManager.getManager(ActiveOutboundResourceAdapter.class); protected BootstrapContext bootStrapContextImpl; public ActiveOutboundResourceAdapter() { } /** * Creates an active inbound resource adapter. Sets all RA java bean * properties and issues a start. * * @param ra <code>ResourceAdapter<code> java bean. * @param desc <code>ConnectorDescriptor</code> object. * @param moduleName Resource adapter module name. * @param jcl <code>ClassLoader</code> instance. * @throws ConnectorRuntimeException If there is a failure in loading * or starting the resource adapter. */ public void init( ResourceAdapter ra, ConnectorDescriptor desc, String moduleName, ClassLoader jcl) throws ConnectorRuntimeException { super.init(ra, desc, moduleName, jcl); this.resourceadapter_ = ra; if (resourceadapter_ != null) { try { loadRAConfiguration(); // now the RA bean would have been fully configured (taking into account, resource-adapter-config), // validate the RA bean now. beanValidator.validateJavaBean(ra, moduleName); ConnectorRegistry registry = ConnectorRegistry.getInstance(); String poolId = null; ResourceAdapterConfig raConfig = registry.getResourceAdapterConfig(moduleName_); if (raConfig != null) { poolId = raConfig.getThreadPoolIds(); } this.bootStrapContextImpl = new BootstrapContextImpl(poolId, moduleName_, jcl); validateWorkContextSupport(desc); startResourceAdapter(bootStrapContextImpl); } catch (ResourceAdapterInternalException ex) { _logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "rardeployment.start_failed", ex); String i18nMsg = localStrings.getString("rardeployment.start_failed", ex.getMessage()); ConnectorRuntimeException cre = new ConnectorRuntimeException(i18nMsg); cre.initCause(ex); throw cre; } catch (Throwable t) { _logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "rardeployment.start_failed", t); String i18nMsg = localStrings.getString("rardeployment.start_failed", t.getMessage()); ConnectorRuntimeException cre = new ConnectorRuntimeException(i18nMsg); if (t.getCause() != null) { cre.initCause(t.getCause()); } else { cre.initCause(t); } throw cre; } } } /** * check whether the <i>required-work-context</i> list mandated by the resource-adapter * is supported by the application server * @param desc ConnectorDescriptor * @throws ConnectorRuntimeException when unable to support any of the requested work-context type. */ private void validateWorkContextSupport(ConnectorDescriptor desc) throws ConnectorRuntimeException { Set workContexts = desc.getRequiredWorkContexts(); Iterator workContextsIterator = workContexts.iterator(); WorkContextHandler workContextHandler = connectorRuntime_.getWorkContextHandler(); workContextHandler.init(moduleName_, jcl_); while(workContextsIterator.hasNext()){ String ic = (String)workContextsIterator.next(); boolean supported = workContextHandler.isContextSupported(true, ic ); if(!supported){ String errorMsg = "Unsupported work context [ "+ ic + " ] "; Object params[] = new Object[]{ic, desc.getName()}; _logger.log(Level.WARNING,"unsupported.work.context", params); throw new ConnectorRuntimeException(errorMsg); } } } /** * called by connector runtime to start the resource-adapter java bean * @param bootstrapContext BootstrapContext * @throws ResourceAdapterInternalException */ protected void startResourceAdapter(BootstrapContext bootstrapContext) throws ResourceAdapterInternalException { resourceadapter_.start(bootstrapContext); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean handles(ConnectorDescriptor cd, String moduleName) { boolean adminObjectsDefined = false; Set adminObjects = cd.getAdminObjects(); if (adminObjects != null && adminObjects.size() > 0) { adminObjectsDefined = true; } /* this class can handle Connector 1.5 Spec. compliant RAR that has no inbound artifacts criteria for 1.5 RAR : * No inbound artifacts * Any one of the following conditions hold true : * -> admin object is defined or * -> resource-adapter-class is defined or * -> more than one connection-definition is defined. */ boolean canHandle = false; if(!cd.getInBoundDefined()){ if(cd.getOutBoundDefined() && cd.getOutboundResourceAdapter().getConnectionDefs().size() > 1){ canHandle = true; }else if (adminObjectsDefined){ canHandle = true; }else if(!cd.getResourceAdapterClass().equals("")){ canHandle = true; } } return canHandle; } /** * Retrieves the resource adapter java bean. * * @return <code>ResourceAdapter</code> */ public ResourceAdapter getResourceAdapter() { return this.resourceadapter_; } /** * Does the necessary initial setup. Creates the default pool and * resource. * * @throws ConnectorRuntimeException If there is a failure */ public void setup() throws ConnectorRuntimeException { if (connectionDefs_ == null || connectionDefs_.length == 0) { return; } if (isServer() && !isSystemRar(moduleName_)) { createAllConnectorResources(); } if(_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { _logger.log(Level.FINE, "Completed Active Resource adapter setup", moduleName_); } } /** * Destroys default pools and resources. Stops the Resource adapter * java bean. */ public void destroy() { //it is possible that a 1.5 ra may not have connection-definition at all if ((connectionDefs_ != null) && (connectionDefs_.length != 0)) { super.destroy(); } stopResourceAdapter(); } private void stopResourceAdapter() { if (resourceadapter_ != null) { try { if(_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { _logger.fine("Calling Resource Adapter stop" + this.getModuleName()); } resourceadapter_.stop(); if(_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){ _logger.fine("Resource Adapter stop call of " + this.getModuleName() + " returned successfully"); _logger.fine("rar_stop_call_successful"); } } catch (Throwable t) { _logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "rardeployment.stop_warning", t); } finally { //not needed when there is no ResourceAdapter instance (implementation) removeProxiesFromRegistry(moduleName_); } } } /** * Remove all the proxy objects (Work-Manager) from connector registry * * @param moduleName_ resource-adapter name */ private void removeProxiesFromRegistry(String moduleName_) { ConnectorRuntime.getRuntime().removeWorkManagerProxy(moduleName_); } /** * Creates an instance of <code>ManagedConnectionFactory</code> * object using the connection pool properties. Also set the * <code>ResourceAdapterAssociation</code> * * @param pool <code>ConnectorConnectionPool</code> properties. * @param jcl <code>ClassLoader</code> */ public ManagedConnectionFactory createManagedConnectionFactory( ConnectorConnectionPool pool, ClassLoader jcl) { ManagedConnectionFactory mcf; mcf = super.createManagedConnectionFactory(pool, jcl); if (mcf instanceof ResourceAdapterAssociation) { try { ((ResourceAdapterAssociation) mcf).setResourceAdapter(this.resourceadapter_); } catch (ResourceException ex) { _logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "rardeployment.assoc_failed", ex); } } return mcf; } /** * Loads RA javabean. This method is protected, so that any system * resource adapter can have specific configuration done during the * loading. * * @throws ConnectorRuntimeException if there is a failure. */ protected void loadRAConfiguration() throws ConnectorRuntimeException { try { Set mergedProps; ConnectorRegistry registry = ConnectorRegistry.getInstance(); ResourceAdapterConfig raConfig = registry.getResourceAdapterConfig(moduleName_); List<Property> raConfigProps = new ArrayList<Property>(); mergedProps = mergeRAConfiguration(raConfig, raConfigProps); logMergedProperties(mergedProps); SetMethodAction setMethodAction = new SetMethodAction(this.resourceadapter_, mergedProps); setMethodAction.run(); } catch (Exception e) { String i18nMsg = localStrings.getString("ccp_adm.wrong_params_for_create", e.getMessage()); ConnectorRuntimeException cre = new ConnectorRuntimeException(i18nMsg); cre.initCause(e); throw cre; } } /** * merge RA bean configuration with resource-adapter-config properties * Union of both. * resource-adapter-config properties will override the values of resource-adapter bean's config * @param raConfig resource-adapter-config * @param raConfigProps resource-adapter bean configuration * @return merged set of config properties */ protected Set mergeRAConfiguration(ResourceAdapterConfig raConfig, List<Property> raConfigProps) { Set mergedProps; if (raConfig != null) { raConfigProps = raConfig.getProperty(); } mergedProps = ConnectorDDTransformUtils.mergeProps(raConfigProps, getDescriptor().getConfigProperties()); return mergedProps; } private void logMergedProperties(Set mergedProps) { if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { _logger.fine("Passing in the following properties " + "before calling RA.start of " + this.moduleName_); StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer(); for (Iterator iter = mergedProps.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { ConnectorConfigProperty element = (ConnectorConfigProperty ) iter.next(); b.append("\nName: " + element.getName() + " Value: " + element.getValue()); } _logger.fine(b.toString()); } } public BootstrapContext getBootStrapContext() { return this.bootStrapContextImpl; } /** * Creates an admin object. * * @param appName Name of application, in case of embedded rar. * @param connectorName Module name of the resource adapter. * @param jndiName JNDI name to be registered. * @param adminObjectType Interface name of the admin object. * @param props <code>Properties</code> object containing name/value * pairs of properties. */ public void addAdminObject( String appName, String connectorName, ResourceInfo resourceInfo, String adminObjectType, String adminObjectClassName, Properties props) throws ConnectorRuntimeException { if (props == null) { // empty properties props = new Properties(); } ConnectorRegistry registry = ConnectorRegistry.getInstance(); ConnectorDescriptor desc = registry.getDescriptor(connectorName); AdminObject aoDesc = null; // The admin-object can be identified by interface name, class name // or the combination of the both names. if(adminObjectClassName == null || adminObjectClassName.trim().equals("")){ // get AO through interface name List<AdminObject> adminObjects = desc.getAdminObjectsByType(adminObjectType); if(adminObjects.size() > 1){ String msg = localStrings.getString("aor.could_not_determine_aor_type", adminObjectType); throw new ConnectorRuntimeException(msg); }else{ aoDesc = adminObjects.get(0); } }else if(adminObjectType == null || adminObjectType.trim().equals("")){ // get AO through class name List<AdminObject> adminObjects = desc.getAdminObjectsByClass(adminObjectClassName); if(adminObjects.size() > 1){ String msg = localStrings.getString("aor.could_not_determine_aor_class", adminObjectClassName); throw new ConnectorRuntimeException(msg); }else{ aoDesc = adminObjects.get(0); } }else{ // get AO through interface name and class name aoDesc = desc.getAdminObject(adminObjectType, adminObjectClassName); } if(aoDesc==null){ String msg = localStrings.getString("aor.could_not_determine_aor", adminObjectType, adminObjectClassName); throw new ConnectorRuntimeException(msg); } AdministeredObjectResource aor = new AdministeredObjectResource(resourceInfo); aor.initialize(aoDesc); aor.setResourceAdapter(connectorName); Object[] envProps = aoDesc.getConfigProperties().toArray(); //Add default config properties to aor //Override them if same config properties are provided by the user for (int i = 0; i < envProps.length; i++) { ConnectorConfigProperty envProp = (ConnectorConfigProperty ) envProps[i]; String name = envProp.getName(); String userValue = (String) props.remove(name); if (userValue != null) aor.addConfigProperty(new ConnectorConfigProperty ( name, userValue, userValue, envProp.getType())); else aor.addConfigProperty(envProp); } //Add non-default config properties provided by the user to aor Iterator iter = props.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String name = (String) iter.next(); String userValue = props.getProperty(name); if (userValue != null) aor.addConfigProperty(new ConnectorConfigProperty ( name, userValue, userValue)); } // bind to JNDI namespace try { Reference ref = aor.createAdminObjectReference(); connectorRuntime_.getResourceNamingService().publishObject(resourceInfo, ref, true); } catch (NamingException ex) { String i18nMsg = localStrings.getString( "aira.cannot_bind_admin_obj"); throw new ConnectorRuntimeException(i18nMsg, ex); } } }