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0 : args.length; Method testMethod = null; for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; ++i) { final Method method = methods[i]; if (method.getName().equals(methodName) && method.getParameterTypes().length == numArgs) { testMethod = method; break; } } if (testMethod == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't find method: " + methodName); } return (testMethod); } private String getMethodString( final Method m, final Object[] args) { String result = null; if (args == null || args.length == 0) { result = m.getName() + "()"; } else { result = m.getName() + "(" + ArrayStringifier.stringify(args, ", ") + ")"; } return result; } private void testMethod( final AMX target, final String methodName, final Object[] args, final int additionalIterations) throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException { final String interfaceName = ClassUtil.stripPackagePrefix(Util.getExtra(target).getInterfaceName()); final Method testMethod = findMethod(target, methodName, args); final long start = now(); final Object resultFirst = testMethod.invoke(target, args); final long elapsedFirst = now() - start; String msg = interfaceName + "." + getMethodString(testMethod, args) + ": " + elapsedFirst + "ms"; if (additionalIterations != 0) { final long iterStart = now(); for (int i = 0; i < additionalIterations - 1; ++i) { final Object result = testMethod.invoke(target, args); } final long iterElapsed = now() - iterStart; msg = msg + ", " + additionalIterations + " additional iterations: " + iterElapsed + "ms"; } printPerf(msg); } public synchronized void xtestQueryMgr() throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException { final DomainRoot domainRoot = getDomainRoot(); final QueryMgr queryMgr = domainRoot.getQueryMgr(); final String domain = Util.getObjectName(queryMgr).getDomain(); printPerf("-- QueryMgr --- "); testMethod(domainRoot, "getQueryMgr", null, 1000); final int ITER = 20; testMethod(queryMgr, "queryAllSet", null, ITER); testMethod(queryMgr, "querySingletonJ2EEType", new Object[]{XTypes.BULK_ACCESS}, ITER); testMethod(queryMgr, "queryJ2EETypeSet", new Object[]{XTypes.SSL_CONFIG}, ITER); testMethod(queryMgr, "queryJ2EENameSet", new Object[]{"server"}, ITER); testMethod(queryMgr, "queryJ2EETypeNames", new Object[]{XTypes.CONFIG_CONFIG}, ITER); testMethod(queryMgr, "queryPatternSet", new Object[]{domain, "j2eeType=" + XTypes.SERVLET_MONITOR}, ITER); testMethod(queryMgr, "queryInterfaceSet", new Object[]{SSLConfig.class.getName(), null}, ITER); } /* public synchronized void testTargets() throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException { DomainConfig domainConfig = getDomainRoot().getDomainConfig(); final long start = now(); final int ITER = 100; for( int i = 0; i < ITER; ++i ) { final Mapxxx servers = domainConfig.getStandaloneServerConfigMap(); final Mapxxx clusters = domainConfig.getClusterConfigMap(); final String[] serverNames = GSetUtil.toStringArray( servers.keySet() ); final String[] clusterNames = GSetUtil.toStringArray( clusters.keySet() ); } final long elapsed = now() - start; printPerf( "testTargets: " + ITER + " iterations: " + elapsed); } */ public synchronized void xtestDomainConfig() throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException { final DomainRoot domainRoot = getDomainRoot(); final DomainConfig domainConfig = domainRoot.getDomainConfig(); printPerf("-- DomainConfig --- "); final int ITER = 20; testMethod(domainConfig, "getNodeAgentConfigMap", null, ITER); testMethod(domainConfig, "getConfigConfigMap", null, ITER); testMethod(domainConfig, "getStandaloneServerConfigMap", null, ITER); testMethod(domainConfig, "getClusteredServerConfigMap", null, ITER); testMethod(domainConfig, "getServerConfigMap", null, ITER); testMethod(domainConfig, "getClusterConfigMap", null, ITER); testMethod(domainConfig, "getCustomResourceConfigMap", null, ITER); testMethod(domainConfig, "getJNDIResourceConfigMap", null, ITER); testMethod(domainConfig, "getPersistenceManagerFactoryResourceConfigMap", null, ITER); testMethod(domainConfig, "getJDBCResourceConfigMap", null, ITER); testMethod(domainConfig, "getJDBCConnectionPoolConfigMap", null, ITER); testMethod(domainConfig, "getConnectorResourceConfigMap", null, ITER); testMethod(domainConfig, "getConnectorConnectionPoolConfigMap", null, ITER); testMethod(domainConfig, "getAdminObjectResourceConfigMap", null, ITER); testMethod(domainConfig, "getResourceAdapterConfigMap", null, ITER); testMethod(domainConfig, "getMailResourceConfigMap", null, ITER); testMethod(domainConfig, "getJ2EEApplicationConfigMap", null, ITER); testMethod(domainConfig, "getEJBModuleConfigMap", null, ITER); testMethod(domainConfig, "getWebModuleConfigMap", null, ITER); testMethod(domainConfig, "getRARModuleConfigMap", null, ITER); testMethod(domainConfig, "getAppClientModuleConfigMap", null, ITER); testMethod(domainConfig, "getLifecycleModuleConfigMap", null, ITER); } }