package com.opengamma.sesame.engine; import static com.opengamma.sesame.config.ConfigBuilder.argument; import static com.opengamma.sesame.config.ConfigBuilder.arguments; import static com.opengamma.sesame.config.ConfigBuilder.column; import static com.opengamma.sesame.config.ConfigBuilder.config; import static com.opengamma.sesame.config.ConfigBuilder.configureView; import static com.opengamma.sesame.config.ConfigBuilder.function; import static com.opengamma.sesame.config.ConfigBuilder.implementations; import static org.testng.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.testng.Assert.assertNotSame; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertEquals; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertFalse; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertSame; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import org.threeten.bp.ZonedDateTime; import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry; import; import; import; import com.opengamma.core.position.Trade; import; import com.opengamma.service.ServiceContext; import com.opengamma.service.ThreadLocalServiceContext; import com.opengamma.sesame.DirectExecutorService; import com.opengamma.sesame.EngineTestUtils; import com.opengamma.sesame.cache.CacheKey; import com.opengamma.sesame.cache.Cacheable; import com.opengamma.sesame.cache.FunctionCache; import com.opengamma.sesame.cache.NoOpCacheInvalidator; import com.opengamma.sesame.config.FunctionModelConfig; import com.opengamma.sesame.config.ViewConfig; import com.opengamma.sesame.function.AvailableImplementations; import com.opengamma.sesame.function.AvailableImplementationsImpl; import com.opengamma.sesame.function.AvailableOutputs; import com.opengamma.sesame.function.AvailableOutputsImpl; import com.opengamma.sesame.function.Output; import com.opengamma.sesame.marketdata.MarketDataEnvironment; import com.opengamma.sesame.marketdata.MarketDataEnvironmentBuilder; import com.opengamma.util.test.TestGroup; /** * Tests the behaviour of {@link ViewFactory} WRT cache behaviour. */ @Test(groups = TestGroup.UNIT) public class ViewFactoryCacheTest { /** * checks that cached values created by a view are available next time it's run. */ private void cacheIsSharedBetweenRuns(Class<?> implClass) { ViewConfig viewConfig = configureView( "view name", column( "Foo", config( implementations(TestFn.class, implClass), arguments(function(implClass, argument("s", "s")))))); ViewFactory viewFactory = createViewFactory(TestFn.class); View view = viewFactory.createView(viewConfig, String.class); CalculationArguments calculationArguments = CalculationArguments.builder().build(); MarketDataEnvironment marketDataEnvironment = MarketDataEnvironmentBuilder.empty(); Results results1 =, marketDataEnvironment, ImmutableList.of("bar")); Results results2 =, marketDataEnvironment, ImmutableList.of("bar")); assertSame(results1.get(0, 0).getResult().getValue(), results2.get(0, 0).getResult().getValue()); } /** * checks that cached values created by a view are available next time it's run. */ @Test public void cacheIsSharedBetweenRuns() { cacheIsSharedBetweenRuns(AutomaticCaching.class); } /** * checks that values cached by user code in a {@link FunctionCache} are available next time it's run. */ @Test public void functionCacheIsSharedBetweenRuns() { cacheIsSharedBetweenRuns(ExplicitCaching.class); } /** * checks that no caching is done when the function services don't include caching. */ private void noCachingWhenCacheServiceNotIncluded(Class<?> implClass) { ViewConfig viewConfig = configureView( "view name", column( "Foo", config( implementations(TestFn.class, implClass), arguments(function(implClass, argument("s", "s")))))); ViewFactory viewFactory = createViewFactory(TestFn.class); View view = viewFactory.createView(viewConfig, FunctionService.NONE, String.class); CalculationArguments calculationArguments = CalculationArguments.builder().build(); MarketDataEnvironment marketDataEnvironment = MarketDataEnvironmentBuilder.empty(); Results results1 =, marketDataEnvironment, ImmutableList.of("bar")); Results results2 =, marketDataEnvironment, ImmutableList.of("bar")); assertNotSame(results1.get(0, 0).getResult().getValue(), results2.get(0, 0).getResult().getValue()); } @Test public void noCachingWhenCacheServiceNotIncluded() { noCachingWhenCacheServiceNotIncluded(AutomaticCaching.class); } @Test public void noFunctionCachingWhenCacheServiceNotIncluded() { noCachingWhenCacheServiceNotIncluded(ExplicitCaching.class); } /** * Checks that whe we are capturing the cycle we do not use cached * values. (If we did we would not be able to intercept calls to the * sources as they would not be called.) */ private void cacheIsNotSharedBetweenRunsWhenCapturingCycle(Class<?> implClass) { ThreadLocalServiceContext.init(ServiceContext.of(ImmutableMap.<Class<?>, Object>of())); ViewConfig viewConfig = configureView( "view name", column( "Foo", config( implementations(TestFn.class, implClass), arguments(function(implClass, argument("s", "s")))))); ViewFactory viewFactory = createViewFactory(TestFn.class); View view = viewFactory.createView(viewConfig, String.class); CalculationArguments calculationArguments = CalculationArguments.builder() .valuationTime( .captureInputs(true).build(); MarketDataEnvironment marketDataEnvironment = MarketDataEnvironmentBuilder.empty(); Results results1 =, marketDataEnvironment, ImmutableList.of("bar")); Results results2 =, marketDataEnvironment, ImmutableList.of("bar")); assertNotSame(results1.get(0, 0).getResult().getValue(), results2.get(0, 0).getResult().getValue()); assertNotNull(results2.getViewInputs()); assertNotNull(results1.getViewInputs()); } /** * Checks that whe we are capturing the cycle we do not use cached * values. (If we did we would not be able to intercept calls to the * sources as they would not be called.) */ @Test public void cacheIsNotSharedBetweenRunsWhenCapturingCycle() { cacheIsNotSharedBetweenRunsWhenCapturingCycle(AutomaticCaching.class); } /** * Checks that whe we are capturing the cycle we do not use cached * values. (If we did we would not be able to intercept calls to the * sources as they would not be called.) */ @Test public void functionCacheIsNotSharedBetweenRunsWhenCapturingCycle() { cacheIsNotSharedBetweenRunsWhenCapturingCycle(ExplicitCaching.class); } /** * checks that cached values created by a view are available to other views built by the same view factory. */ private void cacheIsSharedBetweenViews(Class<?> implClass) { ViewConfig viewConfig = configureView( "view name", column( "Foo", config( implementations(TestFn.class, implClass), arguments(function(implClass, argument("s", "s")))))); ViewFactory viewFactory = createViewFactory(TestFn.class); View view1 = viewFactory.createView(viewConfig, String.class); View view2 = viewFactory.createView(viewConfig, String.class); CalculationArguments calculationArguments = CalculationArguments.builder().build(); MarketDataEnvironment marketDataEnvironment = MarketDataEnvironmentBuilder.empty(); Results results1 =, marketDataEnvironment, ImmutableList.of("bar")); Results results2 =, marketDataEnvironment, ImmutableList.of("bar")); assertSame(results1.get(0, 0).getResult().getValue(), results2.get(0, 0).getResult().getValue()); } /** * checks that cached values created by a view are available to other views built by the same view factory. */ @Test public void cacheIsSharedBetweenViews() { cacheIsSharedBetweenViews(AutomaticCaching.class); } /** * checks that cached values created by a view are available to other views built by the same view factory. */ @Test public void functionCacheIsSharedBetweenViews() { cacheIsSharedBetweenViews(ExplicitCaching.class); } /** * tests clearing the cache causes a value to be recalculated in the next cycle in a single view. */ @Test public void clearCacheSameView() { ViewConfig viewConfig = configureView( "test view", config(implementations(CacheFn1.class, Impl1.class, CacheFn2.class, Impl2.class, RootFn.class, RootImpl.class)), column("Foo")); ViewFactory viewFactory = createViewFactory(RootFn.class); View view = viewFactory.createView(viewConfig, EquitySecurity.class); CalculationArguments calculationArguments = CalculationArguments.builder().build(); MarketDataEnvironment marketDataEnvironment = MarketDataEnvironmentBuilder.empty(); Trade equityTrade = EngineTestUtils.createEquityTrade(); Results results1 =, marketDataEnvironment, ImmutableList.of(equityTrade)); Object value1 = results1.get(0, 0).getResult().getValue(); Results results2 =, marketDataEnvironment, ImmutableList.of(equityTrade)); Object value2 = results2.get(0, 0).getResult().getValue(); assertEquals(value1, value2); viewFactory.clearCache(); Results results3 =, marketDataEnvironment, ImmutableList.of(equityTrade)); Object value3 = results3.get(0, 0).getResult().getValue(); assertFalse(value1.equals(value3)); } /** * tests clearing the cache causes a value to be recalculated in the next cycle when the value is shared * between two views. */ @Test public void clearCacheDifferentView() { ViewConfig viewConfig = configureView( "test view", config(implementations(CacheFn1.class, Impl1.class, CacheFn2.class, Impl2.class, RootFn.class, RootImpl.class)), column("Foo")); ViewFactory viewFactory = createViewFactory(RootFn.class); View view1 = viewFactory.createView(viewConfig, EquitySecurity.class); View view2 = viewFactory.createView(viewConfig, EquitySecurity.class); CalculationArguments calculationArguments = CalculationArguments.builder().build(); MarketDataEnvironment marketDataEnvironment = MarketDataEnvironmentBuilder.empty(); Trade equityTrade = EngineTestUtils.createEquityTrade(); Results results1 =, marketDataEnvironment, ImmutableList.of(equityTrade)); Object value1 = results1.get(0, 0).getResult().getValue(); Results results2 =, marketDataEnvironment, ImmutableList.of(equityTrade)); Object value2 = results2.get(0, 0).getResult().getValue(); assertEquals(value1, value2); viewFactory.clearCache(); Results results3 =, marketDataEnvironment, ImmutableList.of(equityTrade)); Object value3 = results3.get(0, 0).getResult().getValue(); assertFalse(value1.equals(value3)); } /** * tests that clearing the cache doesn't affect a running calculation cycle */ @Test public void clearCacheDuringCycle() { ViewFactory viewFactory = createViewFactory(CacheClearingFn.class); ViewConfig viewConfig = configureView( "test view", config(implementations(CacheFn1.class, Impl1.class, CacheFn2.class, Impl2.class, RootFn.class, RootImpl.class), arguments(function(CacheClearingFn.class, argument("viewFactory", viewFactory)))), column("Bar")); View view = viewFactory.createView(viewConfig, EquitySecurity.class); CalculationArguments calculationArguments = CalculationArguments.builder().build(); MarketDataEnvironment marketDataEnvironment = MarketDataEnvironmentBuilder.empty(); Trade equityTrade = EngineTestUtils.createEquityTrade(); // check that the same result is return from 2 calls to even if the cache is cleared between Results results1 =, marketDataEnvironment, ImmutableList.of(equityTrade)); List<?> values1 = (List<?>) results1.get(0, 0).getResult().getValue(); assertEquals(values1.get(0), values1.get(1)); // check that the result is different on the second run as a result of the cache being cleared on the first Results results2 =, marketDataEnvironment, ImmutableList.of(equityTrade)); List<?> values2 = (List<?>) results2.get(0, 0).getResult().getValue(); assertFalse(values1.get(0).equals(values2.get(0))); } private ViewFactory createViewFactory(Class<?> function) { AvailableOutputs availableOutputs = new AvailableOutputsImpl(String.class, EquitySecurity.class); AvailableImplementations availableImplementations = new AvailableImplementationsImpl(); availableOutputs.register(function); availableImplementations.register(AutomaticCaching.class); return new ViewFactory(new DirectExecutorService(), ComponentMap.EMPTY, availableOutputs, availableImplementations, FunctionModelConfig.EMPTY, EnumSet.of(FunctionService.CACHING), EngineTestUtils.createCacheBuilder(), new NoOpCacheInvalidator(), Optional.<MetricRegistry>absent()); } public interface TestFn { @Output("Foo") Object foo(String arg); } public static class AutomaticCaching implements TestFn { private final String _s; public AutomaticCaching(String s) { _s = s; } @Cacheable @Override public Object foo(String arg) { return _s + new Object(); } } public static class ExplicitCaching implements TestFn { private final String _s; private final FunctionCache _cache; public ExplicitCaching(String s, FunctionCache cache) { _s = s; _cache = cache; } @Override public Object foo(String arg) { CacheKey key = CacheKey.of(this, "the cache key"); return _cache.get(key, new Callable<Object>() { @Override public Object call() throws Exception { return _s + new Object(); } }); } } public interface CacheFn1 { @Cacheable int bar(EquitySecurity arg); } public static class Impl1 implements CacheFn1 { private final CacheFn2 _cacheFn2; public Impl1(CacheFn2 cacheFn2) { _cacheFn2 = cacheFn2; } @Override public int bar(EquitySecurity arg) { return; } } public interface CacheFn2 { @Cacheable int bar(EquitySecurity arg); } public static class Impl2 implements CacheFn2 { private static int i = 0; @Override public int bar(EquitySecurity arg) { return i++; } } public static class CacheClearingFn { private final ViewFactory _viewFactory; private final RootFn _rootFn; public CacheClearingFn(ViewFactory viewFactory, RootFn rootFn) { _viewFactory = viewFactory; _rootFn = rootFn; } /** * Calls {@link CacheFn1#bar} twice, clearing the cache between the calls, and returns a list of the return values. * {@code foo()} returns a different value on each call, so the values will only be equal if the second one * is retrieved from the cache. This confirms that clearing the cache has no effect on a running cycle. */ @Output("Bar") public List<Integer> getValues(EquitySecurity arg) { List<Integer> values = new ArrayList<>(); values.add(; _viewFactory.clearCache(); values.add(; return values; } } public interface RootFn { @Output("Foo") int foo(EquitySecurity arg); } public static class RootImpl implements RootFn { private final CacheFn1 _cacheFn1; public RootImpl(CacheFn1 cacheFn1) { _cacheFn1 = cacheFn1; } @Override public int foo(EquitySecurity arg) { return; } } }