/** * Copyright (C) 2009 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies * * Please see distribution for license. */ package com.opengamma.master.region; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.joda.beans.Bean; import org.joda.beans.BeanBuilder; import org.joda.beans.BeanDefinition; import org.joda.beans.JodaBeanUtils; import org.joda.beans.MetaProperty; import org.joda.beans.Property; import org.joda.beans.PropertyDefinition; import org.joda.beans.impl.direct.DirectBeanBuilder; import org.joda.beans.impl.direct.DirectMetaProperty; import org.joda.beans.impl.direct.DirectMetaPropertyMap; import org.threeten.bp.ZoneId; import com.opengamma.core.id.ExternalSchemes; import com.opengamma.core.region.RegionClassification; import com.opengamma.id.ExternalId; import com.opengamma.id.ExternalIdBundle; import com.opengamma.id.ExternalIdSearch; import com.opengamma.id.ExternalIdSearchType; import com.opengamma.id.ObjectId; import com.opengamma.id.ObjectIdentifiable; import com.opengamma.id.UniqueId; import com.opengamma.master.AbstractDocument; import com.opengamma.master.AbstractSearchRequest; import com.opengamma.util.ArgumentChecker; import com.opengamma.util.PublicSPI; import com.opengamma.util.RegexUtils; import com.opengamma.util.i18n.Country; import com.opengamma.util.money.Currency; /** * Request for searching for regions. * <p> * Documents will be returned that match the search criteria. * This class provides the ability to page the results and to search * as at a specific version and correction instant. * See {@link RegionHistoryRequest} for more details on how history works. */ @PublicSPI @BeanDefinition public class RegionSearchRequest extends AbstractSearchRequest implements Serializable { /** Serialization version. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * The set of region object identifiers, null to not limit by region object identifiers. * Note that an empty set will return no regions. */ @PropertyDefinition(set = "manual") private List<ObjectId> _objectIds; /** * The region external identifiers to match, null to not match on region identifiers. */ @PropertyDefinition private ExternalIdSearch _externalIdSearch; /** * The region name, wildcards allowed, null to not match on name. */ @PropertyDefinition private String _name; /** * The region classification, null to not match on classification. */ @PropertyDefinition private RegionClassification _classification; /** * The data provider identifier to match, null to not match on provider. * This field is useful when receiving updates from the same provider. */ @PropertyDefinition private ExternalId _providerId; /** * The unique identifier to get children of, null to not retrieve based on children. * Only the immediate children of the identifier will be matched. */ @PropertyDefinition private UniqueId _childrenOfId; /** * Creates an instance. */ public RegionSearchRequest() { } /** * Creates an instance using a single search identifier. * * @param regionId the region external identifier to search for, not null */ public RegionSearchRequest(ExternalId regionId) { addExternalId(regionId); } /** * Creates an instance using a bundle of identifiers. * * @param regionBundle the region bundle to search for, not null */ public RegionSearchRequest(ExternalIdBundle regionBundle) { addExternalIds(regionBundle); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Adds a single region object identifier to the set. * * @param regionId the region object identifier to add, not null */ public void addObjectId(ObjectIdentifiable regionId) { ArgumentChecker.notNull(regionId, "regionId"); if (_objectIds == null) { _objectIds = new ArrayList<ObjectId>(); } _objectIds.add(regionId.getObjectId()); } /** * Sets the set of region object identifiers, null to not limit by region object identifiers. * Note that an empty set will return no regions. * * @param regionIds the new region identifiers, null clears the region id search */ public void setObjectIds(Iterable<? extends ObjectIdentifiable> regionIds) { if (regionIds == null) { _objectIds = null; } else { _objectIds = new ArrayList<ObjectId>(); for (ObjectIdentifiable regionId : regionIds) { _objectIds.add(regionId.getObjectId()); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Adds a single region external identifier to the collection to search for. * Unless customized, the search will match * {@link ExternalIdSearchType#ANY any} of the identifiers. * * @param regionId the region key identifier to add, not null */ public void addExternalId(ExternalId regionId) { ArgumentChecker.notNull(regionId, "regionId"); addExternalIds(Arrays.asList(regionId)); } /** * Adds a collection of region external identifiers to the collection to search for. * Unless customized, the search will match * {@link ExternalIdSearchType#ANY any} of the identifiers. * * @param regionIds the region key identifiers to add, not null */ public void addExternalIds(ExternalId... regionIds) { ArgumentChecker.notNull(regionIds, "regionIds"); if (getExternalIdSearch() == null) { setExternalIdSearch(ExternalIdSearch.of(regionIds)); } else { setExternalIdSearch(getExternalIdSearch().withExternalIdsAdded(regionIds)); } } /** * Adds a collection of region external identifiers to the collection to search for. * Unless customized, the search will match * {@link ExternalIdSearchType#ANY any} of the identifiers. * * @param regionIds the region key identifiers to add, not null */ public void addExternalIds(Iterable<ExternalId> regionIds) { ArgumentChecker.notNull(regionIds, "regionIds"); if (getExternalIdSearch() == null) { setExternalIdSearch(ExternalIdSearch.of(regionIds)); } else { setExternalIdSearch(getExternalIdSearch().withExternalIdsAdded(regionIds)); } } /** * Sets the search type to use in {@code ExternalIdSearch}. * * @param type the type to set, not null */ public void setExternalIdSearchType(ExternalIdSearchType type) { if (getExternalIdSearch() == null) { setExternalIdSearch(ExternalIdSearch.of(type)); } else { setExternalIdSearch(getExternalIdSearch().withSearchType(type)); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Adds a search for a currency by adding the matching bundle. * * @param country the country to search for, not null */ public void addCountry(Country country) { ArgumentChecker.notNull(country, "country"); addExternalId(ExternalSchemes.countryRegionId(country)); } /** * Adds a search for a currency by adding the matching bundle. * * @param currency the currency to search for, not null */ public void addCurrency(Currency currency) { ArgumentChecker.notNull(currency, "currency"); addExternalId(ExternalSchemes.currencyRegionId(currency)); } /** * Adds a search for a time-zone by adding the matching bundle. * * @param timeZone the time-zone to search for, not null */ public void addTimeZone(ZoneId timeZone) { ArgumentChecker.notNull(timeZone, "timeZone"); addExternalId(ExternalSchemes.timeZoneRegionId(timeZone)); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public boolean matches(final AbstractDocument obj) { if (obj instanceof RegionDocument == false) { return false; } final RegionDocument document = (RegionDocument) obj; final ManageableRegion region = document.getRegion(); if (getObjectIds() != null && getObjectIds().contains(document.getObjectId()) == false) { return false; } if (getExternalIdSearch() != null && getExternalIdSearch().matches(region.getExternalIdBundle()) == false) { return false; } if (getName() != null && RegexUtils.wildcardMatch(getName(), region.getName()) == false) { return false; } if (getClassification() != null && getClassification() != region.getClassification()) { return false; } if (getProviderId() != null && getProviderId().equals(document.getProviderId()) == false) { return false; } if (getChildrenOfId() != null && region.getParentRegionIds().contains(getChildrenOfId()) == false) { return false; } return true; } //------------------------- AUTOGENERATED START ------------------------- ///CLOVER:OFF /** * The meta-bean for {@code RegionSearchRequest}. * @return the meta-bean, not null */ public static RegionSearchRequest.Meta meta() { return RegionSearchRequest.Meta.INSTANCE; } static { JodaBeanUtils.registerMetaBean(RegionSearchRequest.Meta.INSTANCE); } @Override public RegionSearchRequest.Meta metaBean() { return RegionSearchRequest.Meta.INSTANCE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Gets the set of region object identifiers, null to not limit by region object identifiers. * Note that an empty set will return no regions. * @return the value of the property */ public List<ObjectId> getObjectIds() { return _objectIds; } /** * Gets the the {@code objectIds} property. * Note that an empty set will return no regions. * @return the property, not null */ public final Property<List<ObjectId>> objectIds() { return metaBean().objectIds().createProperty(this); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Gets the region external identifiers to match, null to not match on region identifiers. * @return the value of the property */ public ExternalIdSearch getExternalIdSearch() { return _externalIdSearch; } /** * Sets the region external identifiers to match, null to not match on region identifiers. * @param externalIdSearch the new value of the property */ public void setExternalIdSearch(ExternalIdSearch externalIdSearch) { this._externalIdSearch = externalIdSearch; } /** * Gets the the {@code externalIdSearch} property. * @return the property, not null */ public final Property<ExternalIdSearch> externalIdSearch() { return metaBean().externalIdSearch().createProperty(this); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Gets the region name, wildcards allowed, null to not match on name. * @return the value of the property */ public String getName() { return _name; } /** * Sets the region name, wildcards allowed, null to not match on name. * @param name the new value of the property */ public void setName(String name) { this._name = name; } /** * Gets the the {@code name} property. * @return the property, not null */ public final Property<String> name() { return metaBean().name().createProperty(this); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Gets the region classification, null to not match on classification. * @return the value of the property */ public RegionClassification getClassification() { return _classification; } /** * Sets the region classification, null to not match on classification. * @param classification the new value of the property */ public void setClassification(RegionClassification classification) { this._classification = classification; } /** * Gets the the {@code classification} property. * @return the property, not null */ public final Property<RegionClassification> classification() { return metaBean().classification().createProperty(this); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Gets the data provider identifier to match, null to not match on provider. * This field is useful when receiving updates from the same provider. * @return the value of the property */ public ExternalId getProviderId() { return _providerId; } /** * Sets the data provider identifier to match, null to not match on provider. * This field is useful when receiving updates from the same provider. * @param providerId the new value of the property */ public void setProviderId(ExternalId providerId) { this._providerId = providerId; } /** * Gets the the {@code providerId} property. * This field is useful when receiving updates from the same provider. * @return the property, not null */ public final Property<ExternalId> providerId() { return metaBean().providerId().createProperty(this); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Gets the unique identifier to get children of, null to not retrieve based on children. * Only the immediate children of the identifier will be matched. * @return the value of the property */ public UniqueId getChildrenOfId() { return _childrenOfId; } /** * Sets the unique identifier to get children of, null to not retrieve based on children. * Only the immediate children of the identifier will be matched. * @param childrenOfId the new value of the property */ public void setChildrenOfId(UniqueId childrenOfId) { this._childrenOfId = childrenOfId; } /** * Gets the the {@code childrenOfId} property. * Only the immediate children of the identifier will be matched. * @return the property, not null */ public final Property<UniqueId> childrenOfId() { return metaBean().childrenOfId().createProperty(this); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public RegionSearchRequest clone() { return JodaBeanUtils.cloneAlways(this); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (obj != null && obj.getClass() == this.getClass()) { RegionSearchRequest other = (RegionSearchRequest) obj; return JodaBeanUtils.equal(getObjectIds(), other.getObjectIds()) && JodaBeanUtils.equal(getExternalIdSearch(), other.getExternalIdSearch()) && JodaBeanUtils.equal(getName(), other.getName()) && JodaBeanUtils.equal(getClassification(), other.getClassification()) && JodaBeanUtils.equal(getProviderId(), other.getProviderId()) && JodaBeanUtils.equal(getChildrenOfId(), other.getChildrenOfId()) && super.equals(obj); } return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { int hash = 7; hash = hash * 31 + JodaBeanUtils.hashCode(getObjectIds()); hash = hash * 31 + JodaBeanUtils.hashCode(getExternalIdSearch()); hash = hash * 31 + JodaBeanUtils.hashCode(getName()); hash = hash * 31 + JodaBeanUtils.hashCode(getClassification()); hash = hash * 31 + JodaBeanUtils.hashCode(getProviderId()); hash = hash * 31 + JodaBeanUtils.hashCode(getChildrenOfId()); return hash ^ super.hashCode(); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(224); buf.append("RegionSearchRequest{"); int len = buf.length(); toString(buf); if (buf.length() > len) { buf.setLength(buf.length() - 2); } buf.append('}'); return buf.toString(); } @Override protected void toString(StringBuilder buf) { super.toString(buf); buf.append("objectIds").append('=').append(JodaBeanUtils.toString(getObjectIds())).append(',').append(' '); buf.append("externalIdSearch").append('=').append(JodaBeanUtils.toString(getExternalIdSearch())).append(',').append(' '); buf.append("name").append('=').append(JodaBeanUtils.toString(getName())).append(',').append(' '); buf.append("classification").append('=').append(JodaBeanUtils.toString(getClassification())).append(',').append(' '); buf.append("providerId").append('=').append(JodaBeanUtils.toString(getProviderId())).append(',').append(' '); buf.append("childrenOfId").append('=').append(JodaBeanUtils.toString(getChildrenOfId())).append(',').append(' '); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * The meta-bean for {@code RegionSearchRequest}. */ public static class Meta extends AbstractSearchRequest.Meta { /** * The singleton instance of the meta-bean. */ static final Meta INSTANCE = new Meta(); /** * The meta-property for the {@code objectIds} property. */ @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes" }) private final MetaProperty<List<ObjectId>> _objectIds = DirectMetaProperty.ofReadWrite( this, "objectIds", RegionSearchRequest.class, (Class) List.class); /** * The meta-property for the {@code externalIdSearch} property. */ private final MetaProperty<ExternalIdSearch> _externalIdSearch = DirectMetaProperty.ofReadWrite( this, "externalIdSearch", RegionSearchRequest.class, ExternalIdSearch.class); /** * The meta-property for the {@code name} property. */ private final MetaProperty<String> _name = DirectMetaProperty.ofReadWrite( this, "name", RegionSearchRequest.class, String.class); /** * The meta-property for the {@code classification} property. */ private final MetaProperty<RegionClassification> _classification = DirectMetaProperty.ofReadWrite( this, "classification", RegionSearchRequest.class, RegionClassification.class); /** * The meta-property for the {@code providerId} property. */ private final MetaProperty<ExternalId> _providerId = DirectMetaProperty.ofReadWrite( this, "providerId", RegionSearchRequest.class, ExternalId.class); /** * The meta-property for the {@code childrenOfId} property. */ private final MetaProperty<UniqueId> _childrenOfId = DirectMetaProperty.ofReadWrite( this, "childrenOfId", RegionSearchRequest.class, UniqueId.class); /** * The meta-properties. */ private final Map<String, MetaProperty<?>> _metaPropertyMap$ = new DirectMetaPropertyMap( this, (DirectMetaPropertyMap) super.metaPropertyMap(), "objectIds", "externalIdSearch", "name", "classification", "providerId", "childrenOfId"); /** * Restricted constructor. */ protected Meta() { } @Override protected MetaProperty<?> metaPropertyGet(String propertyName) { switch (propertyName.hashCode()) { case -1489617159: // objectIds return _objectIds; case -265376882: // externalIdSearch return _externalIdSearch; case 3373707: // name return _name; case 382350310: // classification return _classification; case 205149932: // providerId return _providerId; case 178436081: // childrenOfId return _childrenOfId; } return super.metaPropertyGet(propertyName); } @Override public BeanBuilder<? extends RegionSearchRequest> builder() { return new DirectBeanBuilder<RegionSearchRequest>(new RegionSearchRequest()); } @Override public Class<? extends RegionSearchRequest> beanType() { return RegionSearchRequest.class; } @Override public Map<String, MetaProperty<?>> metaPropertyMap() { return _metaPropertyMap$; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * The meta-property for the {@code objectIds} property. * @return the meta-property, not null */ public final MetaProperty<List<ObjectId>> objectIds() { return _objectIds; } /** * The meta-property for the {@code externalIdSearch} property. * @return the meta-property, not null */ public final MetaProperty<ExternalIdSearch> externalIdSearch() { return _externalIdSearch; } /** * The meta-property for the {@code name} property. * @return the meta-property, not null */ public final MetaProperty<String> name() { return _name; } /** * The meta-property for the {@code classification} property. * @return the meta-property, not null */ public final MetaProperty<RegionClassification> classification() { return _classification; } /** * The meta-property for the {@code providerId} property. * @return the meta-property, not null */ public final MetaProperty<ExternalId> providerId() { return _providerId; } /** * The meta-property for the {@code childrenOfId} property. * @return the meta-property, not null */ public final MetaProperty<UniqueId> childrenOfId() { return _childrenOfId; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override protected Object propertyGet(Bean bean, String propertyName, boolean quiet) { switch (propertyName.hashCode()) { case -1489617159: // objectIds return ((RegionSearchRequest) bean).getObjectIds(); case -265376882: // externalIdSearch return ((RegionSearchRequest) bean).getExternalIdSearch(); case 3373707: // name return ((RegionSearchRequest) bean).getName(); case 382350310: // classification return ((RegionSearchRequest) bean).getClassification(); case 205149932: // providerId return ((RegionSearchRequest) bean).getProviderId(); case 178436081: // childrenOfId return ((RegionSearchRequest) bean).getChildrenOfId(); } return super.propertyGet(bean, propertyName, quiet); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override protected void propertySet(Bean bean, String propertyName, Object newValue, boolean quiet) { switch (propertyName.hashCode()) { case -1489617159: // objectIds ((RegionSearchRequest) bean).setObjectIds((List<ObjectId>) newValue); return; case -265376882: // externalIdSearch ((RegionSearchRequest) bean).setExternalIdSearch((ExternalIdSearch) newValue); return; case 3373707: // name ((RegionSearchRequest) bean).setName((String) newValue); return; case 382350310: // classification ((RegionSearchRequest) bean).setClassification((RegionClassification) newValue); return; case 205149932: // providerId ((RegionSearchRequest) bean).setProviderId((ExternalId) newValue); return; case 178436081: // childrenOfId ((RegionSearchRequest) bean).setChildrenOfId((UniqueId) newValue); return; } super.propertySet(bean, propertyName, newValue, quiet); } } ///CLOVER:ON //-------------------------- AUTOGENERATED END -------------------------- }