/** * Copyright (C) 2011 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies * * Please see distribution for license. */ package com.opengamma.analytics.financial.interestrate.future.provider; import org.apache.commons.math.stat.descriptive.rank.Min; import com.opengamma.analytics.financial.interestrate.bond.provider.BondSecurityDiscountingMethod; import com.opengamma.analytics.financial.interestrate.future.derivative.BondFuturesSecurity; import com.opengamma.analytics.financial.provider.description.interestrate.IssuerProviderInterface; import com.opengamma.util.ArgumentChecker; /** * Method to compute the bond futures security results with the price computed as the cheapest forward. */ public final class BondFuturesSecurityDiscountingMethod extends FuturesSecurityIssuerMethod { /** * Creates the method unique instance. */ private static final BondFuturesSecurityDiscountingMethod INSTANCE = new BondFuturesSecurityDiscountingMethod(); /** * Return the method unique instance. * @return The instance. */ public static BondFuturesSecurityDiscountingMethod getInstance() { return INSTANCE; } /** * Constructor. */ private BondFuturesSecurityDiscountingMethod() { } /** * The method to compute bond security figures. */ private static final BondSecurityDiscountingMethod BOND_METHOD = BondSecurityDiscountingMethod.getInstance(); /** * Method used to compute the minimum of an array. */ private static final Min MIN_FUNCTION = new Min(); /** * Computes the futures price from the curves used to price the underlying bonds and the net basis. * @param futures The future security. * @param issuerMulticurves The issuer and multi-curves provider. * @param netBasis The net basis associated to the future. * @return The future price. */ public double priceFromNetBasis(final BondFuturesSecurity futures, final IssuerProviderInterface issuerMulticurves, final double netBasis) { ArgumentChecker.notNull(futures, "Future"); ArgumentChecker.notNull(issuerMulticurves, "Issuer and multi-curves provider"); final double[] priceFromBond = new double[futures.getDeliveryBasketAtDeliveryDate().length]; for (int loopbasket = 0; loopbasket < futures.getDeliveryBasketAtDeliveryDate().length; loopbasket++) { priceFromBond[loopbasket] = (BOND_METHOD.cleanPriceFromCurves(futures.getDeliveryBasketAtDeliveryDate()[loopbasket], issuerMulticurves) - netBasis) / futures.getConversionFactor()[loopbasket]; } final double priceFuture = MIN_FUNCTION.evaluate(priceFromBond); return priceFuture; } /** * Computes the gross basis of the bonds in the underlying basket from their clean prices. * @param futures The future security. * @param cleanPrices The clean prices (at standard bond market spot date) of the bond in the basket. * @param futurePrice The future price. * @return The gross basis for each bond in the basket. */ public double[] grossBasisFromPrices(final BondFuturesSecurity futures, final double[] cleanPrices, final double futurePrice) { ArgumentChecker.notNull(futures, "futures"); ArgumentChecker.notNull(cleanPrices, "cleanPrices"); final int nbBasket = futures.getDeliveryBasketAtDeliveryDate().length; ArgumentChecker.isTrue(cleanPrices.length == nbBasket, "Number of clean prices"); final double[] grossBasis = new double[nbBasket]; for (int loopbasket = 0; loopbasket < futures.getDeliveryBasketAtDeliveryDate().length; loopbasket++) { grossBasis[loopbasket] = cleanPrices[loopbasket] - futurePrice * futures.getConversionFactor()[loopbasket]; } return grossBasis; } /** * Computes the gross basis of the bonds in the underlying basket from the curves. * @param futures The future security. * @param issuerMulticurves The issuer and multi-curves provider. * @param futurePrice The future price. * @return The gross basis for each bond in the basket. */ public double[] grossBasisFromCurves(final BondFuturesSecurity futures, final IssuerProviderInterface issuerMulticurves, final double futurePrice) { ArgumentChecker.notNull(futures, "future"); ArgumentChecker.notNull(issuerMulticurves, "issuerMulticurves"); final int nbBasket = futures.getDeliveryBasketAtDeliveryDate().length; final double[] grossBasis = new double[nbBasket]; for (int loopbasket = 0; loopbasket < futures.getDeliveryBasketAtDeliveryDate().length; loopbasket++) { final double cleanPrice = BOND_METHOD.cleanPriceFromCurves(futures.getDeliveryBasketAtSpotDate()[loopbasket], issuerMulticurves); grossBasis[loopbasket] = cleanPrice - futurePrice * futures.getConversionFactor()[loopbasket]; } return grossBasis; } /** * Computes the net basis of all the bonds in the underlying basket from the curves and the future price. * @param futures The future security. * @param issuerMulticurves The issuer and multi-curves provider. * @param futurePrice The future price. * @return The net basis for each bond in the basket. */ public double[] netBasisAllBonds(final BondFuturesSecurity futures, final IssuerProviderInterface issuerMulticurves, final double futurePrice) { ArgumentChecker.notNull(futures, "Future"); ArgumentChecker.notNull(issuerMulticurves, "Issuer and multi-curves provider"); final int nbBasket = futures.getDeliveryBasketAtDeliveryDate().length; final double[] netBasis = new double[nbBasket]; for (int loopbasket = 0; loopbasket < futures.getDeliveryBasketAtDeliveryDate().length; loopbasket++) { final double cleanPrice = BOND_METHOD.cleanPriceFromCurves(futures.getDeliveryBasketAtDeliveryDate()[loopbasket], issuerMulticurves); netBasis[loopbasket] = cleanPrice - futurePrice * futures.getConversionFactor()[loopbasket]; } return netBasis; } /** * Computes the net basis of associated to the cheapest to deliver bonds in the underlying basket from the curves and the future price. * @param futures The future security. * @param issuerMulticurves The issuer and multi-curves provider. * @param futurePrice The future price. * @return The net basis. */ public double netBasisCheapest(final BondFuturesSecurity futures, final IssuerProviderInterface issuerMulticurves, final double futurePrice) { ArgumentChecker.notNull(futures, "Future"); ArgumentChecker.notNull(issuerMulticurves, "Issuer and multi-curves provider"); final int nbBasket = futures.getDeliveryBasketAtDeliveryDate().length; final double[] netBasis = new double[nbBasket]; for (int loopbasket = 0; loopbasket < futures.getDeliveryBasketAtDeliveryDate().length; loopbasket++) { netBasis[loopbasket] = BOND_METHOD.cleanPriceFromCurves(futures.getDeliveryBasketAtDeliveryDate()[loopbasket], issuerMulticurves) - futurePrice * futures.getConversionFactor()[loopbasket]; } return MIN_FUNCTION.evaluate(netBasis); } }