/** * Copyright (C) 2011 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies * * Please see distribution for license. */ package com.opengamma.analytics.financial.interestrate.swaption.method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; import com.opengamma.analytics.financial.interestrate.CashFlowEquivalentCalculator; import com.opengamma.analytics.financial.interestrate.CashFlowEquivalentCurveSensitivityCalculator; import com.opengamma.analytics.financial.interestrate.InstrumentDerivative; import com.opengamma.analytics.financial.interestrate.InterestRateCurveSensitivity; import com.opengamma.analytics.financial.interestrate.YieldCurveBundle; import com.opengamma.analytics.financial.interestrate.annuity.derivative.AnnuityPaymentFixed; import com.opengamma.analytics.financial.interestrate.method.PricingMethod; import com.opengamma.analytics.financial.interestrate.swaption.derivative.SwaptionCashFixedIbor; import com.opengamma.analytics.financial.model.interestrate.HullWhiteOneFactorPiecewiseConstantInterestRateModel; import com.opengamma.analytics.financial.model.interestrate.definition.HullWhiteOneFactorPiecewiseConstantDataBundle; import com.opengamma.analytics.math.statistics.distribution.NormalDistribution; import com.opengamma.analytics.math.statistics.distribution.ProbabilityDistribution; import com.opengamma.util.money.CurrencyAmount; import com.opengamma.util.tuple.DoublesPair; /** * Method to compute the present value of cash-settled European swaptions with the Hull-White one factor model by a third order approximation. * Reference: Henrard, M., Cash-Settled Swaptions: How Wrong are We? (November 2010). Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1703846 * @deprecated Use {@link com.opengamma.analytics.financial.interestrate.swaption.provider.SwaptionCashFixedIborHullWhiteApproximationMethod} */ @Deprecated public class SwaptionCashFixedIborHullWhiteApproximationMethod implements PricingMethod { /** * The model used in computations. */ private static final HullWhiteOneFactorPiecewiseConstantInterestRateModel MODEL = new HullWhiteOneFactorPiecewiseConstantInterestRateModel(); /** * The cash flow equivalent calculator used in computations. */ private static final CashFlowEquivalentCalculator CFEC = CashFlowEquivalentCalculator.getInstance(); /** * The cash flow equivalent sensitivity calculator used in computations. */ private static final CashFlowEquivalentCurveSensitivityCalculator CFECSC = CashFlowEquivalentCurveSensitivityCalculator.getInstance(); /** * The normal distribution implementation. */ private static final ProbabilityDistribution<Double> NORMAL = new NormalDistribution(0, 1); /** * Present value method using a third order approximation. * @param swaption The cash-settled swaption. * @param hwData The Hull-White parameters and the curves. * @return The present value. */ public CurrencyAmount presentValue(final SwaptionCashFixedIbor swaption, final HullWhiteOneFactorPiecewiseConstantDataBundle hwData) { final double expiryTime = swaption.getTimeToExpiry(); final int nbFixed = swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().getNumberOfPayments(); final double[] alphaFixed = new double[nbFixed]; final double[] dfFixed = new double[nbFixed]; final double[] discountedCashFlowFixed = new double[nbFixed]; for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < nbFixed; loopcf++) { alphaFixed[loopcf] = MODEL.alpha(hwData.getHullWhiteParameter(), 0.0, expiryTime, expiryTime, swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().getNthPayment(loopcf).getPaymentTime()); dfFixed[loopcf] = hwData.getCurve(swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().getNthPayment(loopcf).getFundingCurveName()).getDiscountFactor( swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().getNthPayment(loopcf).getPaymentTime()); discountedCashFlowFixed[loopcf] = dfFixed[loopcf] * swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().getNthPayment(loopcf).getPaymentYearFraction() * swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().getNthPayment(loopcf).getNotional(); } final AnnuityPaymentFixed cfeIbor = swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getSecondLeg().accept(CFEC, hwData); final double[] alphaIbor = new double[cfeIbor.getNumberOfPayments()]; final double[] dfIbor = new double[cfeIbor.getNumberOfPayments()]; final double[] discountedCashFlowIbor = new double[cfeIbor.getNumberOfPayments()]; for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < cfeIbor.getNumberOfPayments(); loopcf++) { alphaIbor[loopcf] = MODEL.alpha(hwData.getHullWhiteParameter(), 0.0, expiryTime, expiryTime, cfeIbor.getNthPayment(loopcf).getPaymentTime()); dfIbor[loopcf] = hwData.getCurve(cfeIbor.getDiscountCurve()).getDiscountFactor(cfeIbor.getNthPayment(loopcf).getPaymentTime()); discountedCashFlowIbor[loopcf] = dfIbor[loopcf] * cfeIbor.getNthPayment(loopcf).getAmount(); } final AnnuityPaymentFixed cfe = swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().accept(CFEC, hwData); final double[] alpha = new double[cfe.getNumberOfPayments()]; final double[] df = new double[cfe.getNumberOfPayments()]; final double[] discountedCashFlow = new double[cfe.getNumberOfPayments()]; for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < cfe.getNumberOfPayments(); loopcf++) { alpha[loopcf] = MODEL.alpha(hwData.getHullWhiteParameter(), 0.0, expiryTime, expiryTime, cfe.getNthPayment(loopcf).getPaymentTime()); df[loopcf] = hwData.getCurve(cfe.getDiscountCurve()).getDiscountFactor(cfe.getNthPayment(loopcf).getPaymentTime()); discountedCashFlow[loopcf] = df[loopcf] * cfe.getNthPayment(loopcf).getAmount(); } final double kappa = MODEL.kappa(discountedCashFlow, alpha); final int nbFixedPaymentYear = (int) Math.round(1.0 / swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().getNthPayment(0).getPaymentYearFraction()); final double[] derivativesRate = new double[3]; final double[] derivativesAnnuity = new double[3]; final double x0 = 0.0; // (swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().isPayer()) ? Math.max(kappa, 0) : Math.min(kappa, 0); final double rate = swapRate(x0, discountedCashFlowFixed, alphaFixed, discountedCashFlowIbor, alphaIbor, derivativesRate); final double annuity = annuityCash(rate, nbFixedPaymentYear, swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().getNumberOfPayments(), derivativesAnnuity); final double[] u = new double[4]; u[0] = annuity * (swaption.getStrike() - rate); u[1] = (swaption.getStrike() - rate) * derivativesAnnuity[0] * derivativesRate[0] - derivativesRate[0] * annuity; u[2] = (swaption.getStrike() - rate) * (derivativesAnnuity[0] * derivativesRate[1] + derivativesAnnuity[1] * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[0]) - 2 * derivativesAnnuity[0] * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[0] - annuity * derivativesRate[1]; u[3] = -3 * derivativesRate[0] * (derivativesAnnuity[0] * derivativesRate[1] + derivativesAnnuity[1] * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[0]) - 2 * derivativesAnnuity[0] * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[1] + (swaption.getStrike() - rate) * (derivativesAnnuity[0] * derivativesRate[2] + 3 * derivativesAnnuity[1] * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[1] + derivativesAnnuity[2] * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[0]) - rate * derivativesRate[2]; final double kappatilde = kappa + alphaIbor[0]; final double alpha0tilde = alphaIbor[0] + x0; double pv; if (!swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().isPayer()) { pv = (u[0] - u[1] * alpha0tilde + u[2] * (1 + alpha[0] * alpha[0]) / 2.0 - u[3] * (alpha0tilde * alpha0tilde * alpha0tilde + 3.0 * alpha0tilde) / 6.0) * NORMAL.getCDF(kappatilde) + (-u[1] - u[2] * (-2.0 * alpha0tilde + kappatilde) / 2.0 + u[3] * (-3 * alpha0tilde * alpha0tilde + 3.0 * kappatilde * alpha0tilde - kappatilde * kappatilde - 2.0) / 6.0) * NORMAL.getPDF(kappatilde); } else { pv = -(u[0] - u[1] * alpha0tilde + u[2] * (1 + alpha[0] * alpha[0]) / 2.0 - u[3] * (alpha0tilde * alpha0tilde * alpha0tilde + 3.0 * alpha0tilde) / 6.0) * NORMAL.getCDF(-kappatilde) + (-u[1] - u[2] * (-2.0 * alpha0tilde + kappatilde) / 2.0 + u[3] * (-3 * alpha0tilde * alpha0tilde + 3.0 * kappatilde * alpha0tilde - kappatilde * kappatilde - 2.0) / 6.0) * NORMAL.getPDF(kappatilde); } final double notional = Math.abs(swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().getNthPayment(0).getNotional()); return CurrencyAmount.of(swaption.getCurrency(), pv * notional * dfIbor[0] * (swaption.isLong() ? 1.0 : -1.0)); } @Override public CurrencyAmount presentValue(final InstrumentDerivative instrument, final YieldCurveBundle curves) { Validate.isTrue(instrument instanceof SwaptionCashFixedIbor, "Cash delivery swaption"); Validate.isTrue(curves instanceof HullWhiteOneFactorPiecewiseConstantDataBundle, "Bundle should contain Hull-White data"); return presentValue((SwaptionCashFixedIbor) instrument, (HullWhiteOneFactorPiecewiseConstantDataBundle) curves); } /** * Present value sensitivity to Hull-White volatility parameters. The present value is computed using a third order approximation. * @param swaption The cash-settled swaption. * @param hwData The Hull-White parameters and the curves. * @return The present value HullWhite parameters sensitivity. */ public double[] presentValueHullWhiteSensitivity(final SwaptionCashFixedIbor swaption, final HullWhiteOneFactorPiecewiseConstantDataBundle hwData) { // Forward sweep final double expiryTime = swaption.getTimeToExpiry(); final int nbFixed = swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().getNumberOfPayments(); final double[] alphaFixed = new double[nbFixed]; final double[] dfFixed = new double[nbFixed]; final double[] discountedCashFlowFixed = new double[nbFixed]; for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < nbFixed; loopcf++) { alphaFixed[loopcf] = MODEL.alpha(hwData.getHullWhiteParameter(), 0.0, expiryTime, expiryTime, swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().getNthPayment(loopcf).getPaymentTime()); dfFixed[loopcf] = hwData.getCurve(swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().getNthPayment(loopcf).getFundingCurveName()).getDiscountFactor( swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().getNthPayment(loopcf).getPaymentTime()); discountedCashFlowFixed[loopcf] = dfFixed[loopcf] * swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().getNthPayment(loopcf).getPaymentYearFraction() * swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().getNthPayment(loopcf).getNotional(); } final AnnuityPaymentFixed cfeIbor = swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getSecondLeg().accept(CFEC, hwData); final double[] alphaIbor = new double[cfeIbor.getNumberOfPayments()]; final double[] dfIbor = new double[cfeIbor.getNumberOfPayments()]; final double[] discountedCashFlowIbor = new double[cfeIbor.getNumberOfPayments()]; for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < cfeIbor.getNumberOfPayments(); loopcf++) { alphaIbor[loopcf] = MODEL.alpha(hwData.getHullWhiteParameter(), 0.0, expiryTime, expiryTime, cfeIbor.getNthPayment(loopcf).getPaymentTime()); dfIbor[loopcf] = hwData.getCurve(cfeIbor.getDiscountCurve()).getDiscountFactor(cfeIbor.getNthPayment(loopcf).getPaymentTime()); discountedCashFlowIbor[loopcf] = dfIbor[loopcf] * cfeIbor.getNthPayment(loopcf).getAmount(); } final AnnuityPaymentFixed cfe = swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().accept(CFEC, hwData); final double[] alpha = new double[cfe.getNumberOfPayments()]; final double[] df = new double[cfe.getNumberOfPayments()]; final double[] discountedCashFlow = new double[cfe.getNumberOfPayments()]; for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < cfe.getNumberOfPayments(); loopcf++) { alpha[loopcf] = MODEL.alpha(hwData.getHullWhiteParameter(), 0.0, expiryTime, expiryTime, cfe.getNthPayment(loopcf).getPaymentTime()); df[loopcf] = hwData.getCurve(cfe.getDiscountCurve()).getDiscountFactor(cfe.getNthPayment(loopcf).getPaymentTime()); discountedCashFlow[loopcf] = df[loopcf] * cfe.getNthPayment(loopcf).getAmount(); } final double kappa = MODEL.kappa(discountedCashFlow, alpha); final int nbFixedPaymentYear = (int) Math.round(1.0 / swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().getNthPayment(0).getPaymentYearFraction()); final double[] derivativesRate = new double[3]; final double[] derivativesAnnuity = new double[3]; final double x0 = 0.0; // (swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().isPayer()) ? Math.max(kappa, 0) : Math.min(kappa, 0); final double rate = swapRate(x0, discountedCashFlowFixed, alphaFixed, discountedCashFlowIbor, alphaIbor, derivativesRate); final double annuity = annuityCash(rate, nbFixedPaymentYear, swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().getNumberOfPayments(), derivativesAnnuity); final double[] u = new double[4]; u[0] = annuity * (swaption.getStrike() - rate); u[1] = (swaption.getStrike() - rate) * derivativesAnnuity[0] * derivativesRate[0] - derivativesRate[0] * annuity; u[2] = (swaption.getStrike() - rate) * (derivativesAnnuity[0] * derivativesRate[1] + derivativesAnnuity[1] * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[0]) - 2 * derivativesAnnuity[0] * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[0] - annuity * derivativesRate[1]; u[3] = (-3 * derivativesRate[0] * (derivativesAnnuity[0] * derivativesRate[1] + derivativesAnnuity[1] * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[0])) - (2 * derivativesAnnuity[0] * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[1]) + ((swaption.getStrike() - rate) * (derivativesAnnuity[0] * derivativesRate[2] + 3 * derivativesAnnuity[1] * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[1] + derivativesAnnuity[2] * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[0])) - (rate * derivativesRate[2]); final double kappatilde = kappa + alphaIbor[0]; final double alpha0tilde = alphaIbor[0] + x0; double ncdf; final double npdf = NORMAL.getPDF(kappatilde); if (!swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().isPayer()) { ncdf = NORMAL.getCDF(kappatilde); } else { ncdf = NORMAL.getCDF(-kappatilde); } final double notional = Math.abs(swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().getNthPayment(0).getNotional()); // Backward sweep final double pvTotalBar = 1.0; final double pvBar = notional * dfIbor[0] * (swaption.isLong() ? 1.0 : -1.0) * pvTotalBar; double alpha0tildeBar = 0.0; double kappatildeBar = 0.0; final double[] uBar = new double[4]; if (!swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().isPayer()) { alpha0tildeBar = ((-u[1] - u[3] * (3 * alpha0tilde * alpha0tilde + 3.0) / 6.0) * ncdf + (u[2] + u[3] * (-6.0 * alpha0tilde + 3.0 * kappatilde) / 6.0) * npdf) * pvBar; kappatildeBar = ((u[0] - u[1] * alpha0tilde + u[2] * (1 + alpha[0] * alpha[0]) / 2.0 - u[3] * (alpha0tilde * alpha0tilde * alpha0tilde + 3.0 * alpha0tilde) / 6.0) * npdf + (-u[2] / 2.0 + u[3] * (3.0 * alpha0tilde - 2.0 * kappatilde) / 6.0) * npdf + (-u[1] - u[2] * (-2.0 * alpha0tilde + kappatilde) / 2.0 + u[3] * (-3 * alpha0tilde * alpha0tilde + 3.0 * kappatilde * alpha0tilde - kappatilde * kappatilde - 2.0) / 6.0) * npdf * -kappatilde) * pvBar; uBar[0] = ncdf * pvBar; uBar[1] = (-alpha0tilde * ncdf - npdf) * pvBar; uBar[2] = ((1 + alpha[0] * alpha[0]) / 2.0 * ncdf - (-2.0 * alpha0tilde + kappatilde) / 2.0 * npdf) * pvBar; uBar[3] = (-(alpha0tilde * alpha0tilde * alpha0tilde + 3.0 * alpha0tilde) / 6.0 * ncdf + (-3 * alpha0tilde * alpha0tilde + 3.0 * kappatilde * alpha0tilde - kappatilde * kappatilde - 2.0) / 6.0 * npdf) * pvBar; } else { alpha0tildeBar = (-(-u[1] - u[3] * (3 * alpha0tilde * alpha0tilde + 3.0) / 6.0) * ncdf + (u[2] + u[3] * (-6.0 * alpha0tilde + 3.0 * kappatilde) / 6.0) * npdf) * pvBar; kappatildeBar = ((u[0] - u[1] * alpha0tilde + u[2] * (1 + alpha[0] * alpha[0]) / 2.0 - u[3] * (alpha0tilde * alpha0tilde * alpha0tilde + 3.0 * alpha0tilde) / 6.0) * npdf + (-u[2] / 2.0 + u[3] * (3.0 * alpha0tilde - 2 * kappatilde) / 6.0) * npdf + (-u[1] - u[2] * (-2.0 * alpha0tilde + kappatilde) / 2.0 + u[3] * (-3 * alpha0tilde * alpha0tilde + 3.0 * kappatilde * alpha0tilde - kappatilde * kappatilde - 2.0) / 6.0) * npdf * -kappatilde) * pvBar; uBar[0] = -ncdf * pvBar; uBar[1] = (+alpha0tilde * ncdf - npdf) * pvBar; uBar[2] = (-(1 + alpha[0] * alpha[0]) / 2.0 * ncdf - (-2.0 * alpha0tilde + kappatilde) / 2.0 * npdf) * pvBar; uBar[3] = ((alpha0tilde * alpha0tilde * alpha0tilde + 3.0 * alpha0tilde) / 6.0 * ncdf + (-3 * alpha0tilde * alpha0tilde + 3.0 * kappatilde * alpha0tilde - kappatilde * kappatilde - 2.0) / 6.0 * npdf) * pvBar; } final double annuityBar = (swaption.getStrike() - rate) * uBar[0] - derivativesRate[0] * uBar[1] + -derivativesRate[1] * uBar[2]; final double[] derivativesAnnuityBar = new double[3]; derivativesAnnuityBar[0] = (swaption.getStrike() - rate) * derivativesRate[0] * uBar[1] + ((swaption.getStrike() - rate) * derivativesRate[1] - 2.0 * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[0]) * uBar[2] + (-3 * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[1] - 2 * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[1] + (swaption.getStrike() - rate) * derivativesRate[2]) * uBar[3]; derivativesAnnuityBar[1] = (swaption.getStrike() - rate) * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[0] * uBar[2] + (-3 * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[0] + (swaption.getStrike() - rate) * 3 * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[1]) * uBar[3]; derivativesAnnuityBar[2] = (swaption.getStrike() - rate) * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[0] * uBar[3]; final double rateBar = (derivativesAnnuity[1] * derivativesAnnuityBar[0]) + (derivativesAnnuity[2] * derivativesAnnuityBar[1]) + (derivativesAnnuity[0] * annuityBar) - (annuity * uBar[0]) - (derivativesAnnuity[0] * derivativesRate[0] * uBar[1]) - ((derivativesAnnuity[0] * derivativesRate[1] + derivativesAnnuity[1] * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[0]) * uBar[2]) - (((derivativesAnnuity[0] * derivativesRate[2] + 3 * derivativesAnnuity[1] * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[1] + derivativesAnnuity[2] * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[0]) + derivativesRate[2]) * uBar[3]); final double[] derivativesRateBar = new double[3]; derivativesRateBar[0] = ((swaption.getStrike() - rate) * derivativesAnnuity[0] - annuity) * uBar[1] + ((swaption.getStrike() - rate) * (2.0 * derivativesAnnuity[1] * derivativesRate[0]) - 4 * derivativesAnnuity[0] * derivativesRate[0]) * uBar[2] + (-3 * (derivativesAnnuity[0] * derivativesRate[1] + 3.0 * derivativesAnnuity[1] * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[0]) - 2 * derivativesAnnuity[0] * derivativesRate[1] + (swaption .getStrike() - rate) * (3 * derivativesAnnuity[1] * derivativesRate[1] + derivativesAnnuity[2] * 3.0 * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[0])) * uBar[3]; derivativesRateBar[1] = ((swaption.getStrike() - rate) * (derivativesAnnuity[0]) - annuity) * uBar[2] + (-3 * derivativesRate[0] * (derivativesAnnuity[0]) - 2 * derivativesAnnuity[0] * derivativesRate[0] + (swaption.getStrike() - rate) * (3 * derivativesAnnuity[1] * derivativesRate[0])) * uBar[3]; derivativesRateBar[2] = ((swaption.getStrike() - rate) * derivativesAnnuity[0] - rate) * uBar[3]; // double kappaBar = 0.0; final double[] alphaFixedBar = new double[nbFixed]; final double[] alphaIborBar = new double[cfeIbor.getNumberOfPayments()]; swapRateAdjointAlpha(x0, discountedCashFlowFixed, alphaFixed, discountedCashFlowIbor, alphaIbor, rateBar, derivativesRateBar, derivativesRate, alphaFixedBar, alphaIborBar); alphaIborBar[0] += kappatildeBar + alpha0tildeBar; final double[] pvsensi = new double[hwData.getHullWhiteParameter().getVolatility().length]; final double[] partialDerivatives = new double[hwData.getHullWhiteParameter().getVolatility().length]; for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < nbFixed; loopcf++) { MODEL.alpha(hwData.getHullWhiteParameter(), 0.0, expiryTime, expiryTime, swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().getNthPayment(loopcf).getPaymentTime(), partialDerivatives); for (int loopsigma = 0; loopsigma < hwData.getHullWhiteParameter().getVolatility().length; loopsigma++) { pvsensi[loopsigma] += alphaFixedBar[loopcf] * partialDerivatives[loopsigma]; } } for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < cfe.getNumberOfPayments(); loopcf++) { MODEL.alpha(hwData.getHullWhiteParameter(), 0.0, expiryTime, expiryTime, cfeIbor.getNthPayment(loopcf).getPaymentTime(), partialDerivatives); for (int loopsigma = 0; loopsigma < hwData.getHullWhiteParameter().getVolatility().length; loopsigma++) { pvsensi[loopsigma] += alphaIborBar[loopcf] * partialDerivatives[loopsigma]; } } return pvsensi; } /** * Present value curve sensitivity. The present value is computed using a third order approximation. * @param swaption The cash-settled swaption. * @param hwData The Hull-White parameters and the curves. * @return The present value curve sensitivity. */ public InterestRateCurveSensitivity presentValueCurveSensitivity(final SwaptionCashFixedIbor swaption, final HullWhiteOneFactorPiecewiseConstantDataBundle hwData) { // Forward sweep final String fundingCurveName = swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().getNthPayment(0).getFundingCurveName(); final double expiryTime = swaption.getTimeToExpiry(); final int nbFixed = swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().getNumberOfPayments(); final double[] alphaFixed = new double[nbFixed]; final double[] dfFixed = new double[nbFixed]; final double[] discountedCashFlowFixed = new double[nbFixed]; final double[] testdiscountedCashFlowFixed = new double[nbFixed]; for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < nbFixed; loopcf++) { alphaFixed[loopcf] = MODEL.alpha(hwData.getHullWhiteParameter(), 0.0, expiryTime, expiryTime, swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().getNthPayment(loopcf).getPaymentTime()); dfFixed[loopcf] = hwData.getCurve(fundingCurveName).getDiscountFactor(swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().getNthPayment(loopcf).getPaymentTime()); discountedCashFlowFixed[loopcf] = dfFixed[loopcf] * swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().getNthPayment(loopcf).getPaymentYearFraction() * swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().getNthPayment(loopcf).getNotional(); testdiscountedCashFlowFixed[loopcf] = discountedCashFlowFixed[loopcf]; } testdiscountedCashFlowFixed[0] += 1.0; final AnnuityPaymentFixed cfeIbor = swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getSecondLeg().accept(CFEC, hwData); final double[] alphaIbor = new double[cfeIbor.getNumberOfPayments()]; final double[] dfIbor = new double[cfeIbor.getNumberOfPayments()]; final double[] discountedCashFlowIbor = new double[cfeIbor.getNumberOfPayments()]; for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < cfeIbor.getNumberOfPayments(); loopcf++) { alphaIbor[loopcf] = MODEL.alpha(hwData.getHullWhiteParameter(), 0.0, expiryTime, expiryTime, cfeIbor.getNthPayment(loopcf).getPaymentTime()); dfIbor[loopcf] = hwData.getCurve(cfeIbor.getDiscountCurve()).getDiscountFactor(cfeIbor.getNthPayment(loopcf).getPaymentTime()); discountedCashFlowIbor[loopcf] = dfIbor[loopcf] * cfeIbor.getNthPayment(loopcf).getAmount(); } final AnnuityPaymentFixed cfe = swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().accept(CFEC, hwData); final double[] alpha = new double[cfe.getNumberOfPayments()]; final double[] df = new double[cfe.getNumberOfPayments()]; final double[] discountedCashFlow = new double[cfe.getNumberOfPayments()]; for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < cfe.getNumberOfPayments(); loopcf++) { alpha[loopcf] = MODEL.alpha(hwData.getHullWhiteParameter(), 0.0, expiryTime, expiryTime, cfe.getNthPayment(loopcf).getPaymentTime()); df[loopcf] = hwData.getCurve(cfe.getDiscountCurve()).getDiscountFactor(cfe.getNthPayment(loopcf).getPaymentTime()); discountedCashFlow[loopcf] = df[loopcf] * cfe.getNthPayment(loopcf).getAmount(); } final double kappa = MODEL.kappa(discountedCashFlow, alpha); final int nbFixedPaymentYear = (int) Math.round(1.0 / swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().getNthPayment(0).getPaymentYearFraction()); final double[] derivativesRate = new double[3]; final double[] derivativesAnnuity = new double[3]; final double x0 = 0.0; // (swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().isPayer()) ? Math.max(kappa, 0) : Math.min(kappa, 0); final double rate = swapRate(x0, discountedCashFlowFixed, alphaFixed, discountedCashFlowIbor, alphaIbor, derivativesRate); final double annuity = annuityCash(rate, nbFixedPaymentYear, swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().getNumberOfPayments(), derivativesAnnuity); final double[] u = new double[4]; u[0] = annuity * (swaption.getStrike() - rate); u[1] = (swaption.getStrike() - rate) * derivativesAnnuity[0] * derivativesRate[0] - derivativesRate[0] * annuity; u[2] = (swaption.getStrike() - rate) * (derivativesAnnuity[0] * derivativesRate[1] + derivativesAnnuity[1] * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[0]) - 2 * derivativesAnnuity[0] * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[0] - annuity * derivativesRate[1]; u[3] = (-3 * derivativesRate[0] * (derivativesAnnuity[0] * derivativesRate[1] + derivativesAnnuity[1] * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[0])) - (2 * derivativesAnnuity[0] * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[1]) + ((swaption.getStrike() - rate) * (derivativesAnnuity[0] * derivativesRate[2] + 3 * derivativesAnnuity[1] * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[1] + derivativesAnnuity[2] * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[0])) - (rate * derivativesRate[2]); final double kappatilde = kappa + alphaIbor[0]; final double alpha0tilde = alphaIbor[0] + x0; double ncdf; final double npdf = NORMAL.getPDF(kappatilde); double pv; if (!swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().isPayer()) { ncdf = NORMAL.getCDF(kappatilde); pv = (u[0] - u[1] * alpha0tilde + u[2] * (1 + alpha[0] * alpha[0]) / 2.0 - u[3] * (alpha0tilde * alpha0tilde * alpha0tilde + 3.0 * alpha0tilde) / 6.0) * ncdf + (-u[1] - u[2] * (-2.0 * alpha0tilde + kappatilde) / 2.0 + u[3] * (-3 * alpha0tilde * alpha0tilde + 3.0 * kappatilde * alpha0tilde - kappatilde * kappatilde - 2.0) / 6.0) * npdf; } else { ncdf = NORMAL.getCDF(-kappatilde); pv = -(u[0] - u[1] * alpha0tilde + u[2] * (1 + alpha[0] * alpha[0]) / 2.0 - u[3] * (alpha0tilde * alpha0tilde * alpha0tilde + 3.0 * alpha0tilde) / 6.0) * ncdf + (-u[1] - u[2] * (-2.0 * alpha0tilde + kappatilde) / 2.0 + u[3] * (-3 * alpha0tilde * alpha0tilde + 3.0 * kappatilde * alpha0tilde - kappatilde * kappatilde - 2.0) / 6.0) * npdf; } final double notional = Math.abs(swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().getNthPayment(0).getNotional()); // Backward sweep final double pvTotalBar = 1.0; final double pvBar = notional * dfIbor[0] * (swaption.isLong() ? 1.0 : -1.0) * pvTotalBar; final double[] uBar = new double[4]; if (!swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().isPayer()) { uBar[0] = ncdf * pvBar; uBar[1] = (-alpha0tilde * ncdf - npdf) * pvBar; uBar[2] = ((1 + alpha[0] * alpha[0]) / 2.0 * ncdf - (-2.0 * alpha0tilde + kappatilde) / 2.0 * npdf) * pvBar; uBar[3] = (-(alpha0tilde * alpha0tilde * alpha0tilde + 3.0 * alpha0tilde) / 6.0 * ncdf + (-3 * alpha0tilde * alpha0tilde + 3.0 * kappatilde * alpha0tilde - kappatilde * kappatilde - 2.0) / 6.0 * npdf) * pvBar; } else { uBar[0] = -ncdf * pvBar; uBar[1] = (+alpha0tilde * ncdf - npdf) * pvBar; uBar[2] = (-(1 + alpha[0] * alpha[0]) / 2.0 * ncdf - (-2.0 * alpha0tilde + kappatilde) / 2.0 * npdf) * pvBar; uBar[3] = ((alpha0tilde * alpha0tilde * alpha0tilde + 3.0 * alpha0tilde) / 6.0 * ncdf + (-3 * alpha0tilde * alpha0tilde + 3.0 * kappatilde * alpha0tilde - kappatilde * kappatilde - 2.0) / 6.0 * npdf) * pvBar; } final double annuityBar = (swaption.getStrike() - rate) * uBar[0] - derivativesRate[0] * uBar[1] + -derivativesRate[1] * uBar[2]; final double[] derivativesAnnuityBar = new double[3]; derivativesAnnuityBar[0] = (swaption.getStrike() - rate) * derivativesRate[0] * uBar[1] + ((swaption.getStrike() - rate) * derivativesRate[1] - 2.0 * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[0]) * uBar[2] + (-3 * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[1] - 2 * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[1] + (swaption.getStrike() - rate) * derivativesRate[2]) * uBar[3]; derivativesAnnuityBar[1] = (swaption.getStrike() - rate) * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[0] * uBar[2] + (-3 * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[0] + (swaption.getStrike() - rate) * 3 * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[1]) * uBar[3]; derivativesAnnuityBar[2] = (swaption.getStrike() - rate) * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[0] * uBar[3]; final double rateBar = (derivativesAnnuity[1] * derivativesAnnuityBar[0]) + (derivativesAnnuity[2] * derivativesAnnuityBar[1]) + (derivativesAnnuity[0] * annuityBar) - (annuity * uBar[0]) - (derivativesAnnuity[0] * derivativesRate[0] * uBar[1]) - ((derivativesAnnuity[0] * derivativesRate[1] + derivativesAnnuity[1] * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[0]) * uBar[2]) - (((derivativesAnnuity[0] * derivativesRate[2] + 3 * derivativesAnnuity[1] * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[1] + derivativesAnnuity[2] * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[0]) + derivativesRate[2]) * uBar[3]); final double[] derivativesRateBar = new double[3]; derivativesRateBar[0] = ((swaption.getStrike() - rate) * derivativesAnnuity[0] - annuity) * uBar[1] + ((swaption.getStrike() - rate) * (2.0 * derivativesAnnuity[1] * derivativesRate[0]) - 4 * derivativesAnnuity[0] * derivativesRate[0]) * uBar[2] + (-3 * (derivativesAnnuity[0] * derivativesRate[1] + 3.0 * derivativesAnnuity[1] * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[0]) - 2 * derivativesAnnuity[0] * derivativesRate[1] + (swaption .getStrike() - rate) * (3 * derivativesAnnuity[1] * derivativesRate[1] + derivativesAnnuity[2] * 3.0 * derivativesRate[0] * derivativesRate[0])) * uBar[3]; derivativesRateBar[1] = ((swaption.getStrike() - rate) * (derivativesAnnuity[0]) - annuity) * uBar[2] + (-3 * derivativesRate[0] * (derivativesAnnuity[0]) - 2 * derivativesAnnuity[0] * derivativesRate[0] + (swaption.getStrike() - rate) * (3 * derivativesAnnuity[1] * derivativesRate[0])) * uBar[3]; derivativesRateBar[2] = ((swaption.getStrike() - rate) * derivativesAnnuity[0] - rate) * uBar[3]; // double kappaBar = 0.0; final double[] discountedCashFlowFixedBar = new double[nbFixed]; final double[] discountedCashFlowIborBar = new double[cfeIbor.getNumberOfPayments()]; swapRateAdjointDiscountedCF(x0, discountedCashFlowFixed, alphaFixed, discountedCashFlowIbor, alphaIbor, rateBar, derivativesRateBar, derivativesRate, discountedCashFlowFixedBar, discountedCashFlowIborBar); final double[] dfFixedBar = new double[nbFixed]; final List<DoublesPair> listDf = new ArrayList<>(); for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < nbFixed; loopcf++) { dfFixedBar[loopcf] = swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().getNthPayment(loopcf).getPaymentYearFraction() * swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().getNthPayment(loopcf).getNotional() * discountedCashFlowFixedBar[loopcf]; final DoublesPair dfSensi = DoublesPair.of(swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().getNthPayment(loopcf).getPaymentTime(), -swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getFixedLeg().getNthPayment(loopcf) .getPaymentTime() * dfFixed[loopcf] * dfFixedBar[loopcf]); listDf.add(dfSensi); } final double[] dfIborBar = new double[cfeIbor.getNumberOfPayments()]; final double[] cfeAmountIborBar = new double[cfeIbor.getNumberOfPayments()]; dfIborBar[0] = pv * notional * (swaption.isLong() ? 1.0 : -1.0); for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < cfe.getNumberOfPayments(); loopcf++) { dfIborBar[loopcf] += cfeIbor.getNthPayment(loopcf).getAmount() * discountedCashFlowIborBar[loopcf]; final DoublesPair dfSensi = DoublesPair.of(cfeIbor.getNthPayment(loopcf).getPaymentTime(), -cfeIbor.getNthPayment(loopcf).getPaymentTime() * dfIbor[loopcf] * dfIborBar[loopcf]); listDf.add(dfSensi); cfeAmountIborBar[loopcf] = dfIbor[loopcf] * discountedCashFlowIborBar[loopcf]; } final Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> pvsDF = new HashMap<>(); pvsDF.put(fundingCurveName, listDf); InterestRateCurveSensitivity sensitivity = new InterestRateCurveSensitivity(pvsDF); final Map<Double, InterestRateCurveSensitivity> cfeIborCurveSensi = swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getSecondLeg().accept(CFECSC, hwData); for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < cfeIbor.getNumberOfPayments(); loopcf++) { final InterestRateCurveSensitivity sensiCfe = cfeIborCurveSensi.get(cfeIbor.getNthPayment(loopcf).getPaymentTime()); if (!(sensiCfe == null)) { // There is some sensitivity to that cfe. sensitivity = sensitivity.plus(sensiCfe.multipliedBy(cfeAmountIborBar[loopcf])); } } return sensitivity; } /** * Computation of the swap rate for a given random variable in the Hull-White one factor model. * @param x The random variable. * @param discountedCashFlowFixed The discounted cash flows. * @param alphaFixed The bond volatilities. * @param discountedCashFlowIbor The discounted cash flows. * @param alphaIbor The bond volatilities. * @param derivatives Array used to return the derivatives of the swap rate with respect to the random variable. The array is changed by the method. * The values are [0] the first order derivative and [1] the second order derivative. * @return The swap rate. */ private double swapRate(final double x, final double[] discountedCashFlowFixed, final double[] alphaFixed, final double[] discountedCashFlowIbor, final double[] alphaIbor, final double[] derivatives) { final double[] f = new double[3]; double y1; for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < discountedCashFlowIbor.length; loopcf++) { y1 = -discountedCashFlowIbor[loopcf] * Math.exp(-alphaIbor[loopcf] * x - alphaIbor[loopcf] * alphaIbor[loopcf] / 2.0); f[0] += y1; f[1] += -alphaIbor[loopcf] * y1; f[2] += alphaIbor[loopcf] * alphaIbor[loopcf] * y1; } final double[] g = new double[3]; double y2; for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < discountedCashFlowFixed.length; loopcf++) { y2 = discountedCashFlowFixed[loopcf] * Math.exp(-alphaFixed[loopcf] * x - alphaFixed[loopcf] * alphaFixed[loopcf] / 2.0); g[0] += y2; g[1] += -alphaFixed[loopcf] * y2; g[2] += alphaFixed[loopcf] * alphaFixed[loopcf] * y2; } final double swapRate = f[0] / g[0]; derivatives[0] = (f[1] * g[0] - f[0] * g[1]) / (g[0] * g[0]); derivatives[1] = (f[2] * g[0] - f[0] * g[2]) / (g[0] * g[0]) - (f[1] * g[0] - f[0] * g[1]) * 2 * g[1] / (g[0] * g[0] * g[0]); return swapRate; } /** * Computation of the swap rate and its derivative with respect to the input parameters for a given random variable in the Hull-White one factor model. * @param x The random variable. * @param discountedCashFlowFixed The discounted cash flows. * @param alphaFixed The bond volatilities. * @param discountedCashFlowIbor The discounted cash flows. * @param alphaIbor The bond volatilities. * @param swapRateBar The sensitivity to the swap rate in the rest of the computation. * @param derivativesBar The sensitivity to the swap rate derivatives in the rest of the computation. * @param derivatives Array used to return the derivatives of the swap rate with respect to the random variable. The array is changed by the method. * The values are [0] the first order derivative and [1] the second order derivative. * @param alphaFixedBar Array used to return the derivatives of the result with respect to the alphaFixed variables. * @param alphaIborBar Array used to return the derivatives of the result with respect to the alphaIbor variables. * @return The swap rate. */ private double swapRateAdjointAlpha(final double x, final double[] discountedCashFlowFixed, final double[] alphaFixed, final double[] discountedCashFlowIbor, final double[] alphaIbor, final double swapRateBar, final double[] derivativesBar, final double[] derivatives, final double[] alphaFixedBar, final double[] alphaIborBar) { final double[] f = new double[3]; final double[] y1 = new double[discountedCashFlowIbor.length]; for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < discountedCashFlowIbor.length; loopcf++) { y1[loopcf] = -discountedCashFlowIbor[loopcf] * Math.exp(-alphaIbor[loopcf] * x - alphaIbor[loopcf] * alphaIbor[loopcf] / 2.0); f[0] += y1[loopcf]; f[1] += -alphaIbor[loopcf] * y1[loopcf]; f[2] += alphaIbor[loopcf] * alphaIbor[loopcf] * y1[loopcf]; } final double[] g = new double[3]; final double[] y2 = new double[discountedCashFlowFixed.length]; for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < discountedCashFlowFixed.length; loopcf++) { y2[loopcf] = discountedCashFlowFixed[loopcf] * Math.exp(-alphaFixed[loopcf] * x - alphaFixed[loopcf] * alphaFixed[loopcf] / 2.0); g[0] += y2[loopcf]; g[1] += -alphaFixed[loopcf] * y2[loopcf]; g[2] += alphaFixed[loopcf] * alphaFixed[loopcf] * y2[loopcf]; } final double swapRate = f[0] / g[0]; derivatives[0] = (f[1] * g[0] - f[0] * g[1]) / (g[0] * g[0]); derivatives[1] = (f[2] * g[0] - f[0] * g[2]) / (g[0] * g[0]) - (f[1] * g[0] - f[0] * g[1]) * 2 * g[1] / (g[0] * g[0] * g[0]); // Backward sweep final double[] gBar = new double[3]; gBar[0] = -f[0] / (g[0] * g[0]) * swapRateBar + (-f[1] / (g[0] * g[0]) + f[0] * g[1] / (g[0] * g[0] * g[0])) * derivativesBar[0] + (-f[2] / (g[0] * g[0]) + 2.0 * (f[0] * g[2] + 2 * g[1] * f[1]) / (g[0] * g[0] * g[0]) - 6.0 * f[0] * g[1] * g[1] / (g[0] * g[0] * g[0] * g[0])) * derivativesBar[1]; gBar[1] = -f[0] / (g[0] * g[0]) * derivativesBar[0] + (-2 * f[1] / (g[0] * g[0]) + 4 * f[0] * g[1] / (g[0] * g[0] * g[0])) * derivativesBar[1]; gBar[2] = -f[0] / (g[0] * g[0]) * derivativesBar[1]; double y2p; for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < discountedCashFlowFixed.length; loopcf++) { y2p = y2[loopcf] * (-x - alphaFixed[loopcf]); alphaFixedBar[loopcf] = y2p * gBar[0] + (-y2[loopcf] - alphaFixed[loopcf] * y2p) * gBar[1] + (2.0 * alphaFixed[loopcf] * y2[loopcf] + alphaFixed[loopcf] * alphaFixed[loopcf] * y2p) * gBar[2]; } final double[] fBar = new double[3]; fBar[0] = 1.0 / g[0] * swapRateBar - g[1] / (g[0] * g[0]) * derivativesBar[0] + (-g[2] / (g[0] * g[0]) + 2 * g[1] * g[1] / (g[0] * g[0] * g[0])) * derivativesBar[1]; fBar[1] = 1.0 / g[0] * derivativesBar[0] + -2 * g[1] / (g[0] * g[0]) * derivativesBar[1]; fBar[2] = 1.0 / g[0] * derivativesBar[1]; double y1p; for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < discountedCashFlowIbor.length; loopcf++) { y1p = y1[loopcf] * (-x - alphaIbor[loopcf]); alphaIborBar[loopcf] = y1p * fBar[0] + (-y1[loopcf] - alphaIbor[loopcf] * y1p) * fBar[1] + (2 * alphaIbor[loopcf] * y1[loopcf] + alphaIbor[loopcf] * alphaIbor[loopcf] * y1p) * fBar[2]; } return swapRate; } private double swapRateAdjointDiscountedCF(final double x, final double[] discountedCashFlowFixed, final double[] alphaFixed, final double[] discountedCashFlowIbor, final double[] alphaIbor, final double swapRateBar, final double[] derivativesBar, final double[] derivatives, final double[] discountedCashFlowFixedBar, final double[] discountedCashFlowIborBar) { final double[] f = new double[3]; final double[] y1 = new double[discountedCashFlowIbor.length]; for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < discountedCashFlowIbor.length; loopcf++) { y1[loopcf] = -Math.exp(-alphaIbor[loopcf] * x - alphaIbor[loopcf] * alphaIbor[loopcf] / 2.0); f[0] += discountedCashFlowIbor[loopcf] * y1[loopcf]; f[1] += -alphaIbor[loopcf] * discountedCashFlowIbor[loopcf] * y1[loopcf]; f[2] += alphaIbor[loopcf] * alphaIbor[loopcf] * discountedCashFlowIbor[loopcf] * y1[loopcf]; } final double[] g = new double[3]; final double[] y2 = new double[discountedCashFlowFixed.length]; for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < discountedCashFlowFixed.length; loopcf++) { y2[loopcf] = Math.exp(-alphaFixed[loopcf] * x - alphaFixed[loopcf] * alphaFixed[loopcf] / 2.0); g[0] += discountedCashFlowFixed[loopcf] * y2[loopcf]; g[1] += -alphaFixed[loopcf] * discountedCashFlowFixed[loopcf] * y2[loopcf]; g[2] += alphaFixed[loopcf] * alphaFixed[loopcf] * discountedCashFlowFixed[loopcf] * y2[loopcf]; } final double swapRate = f[0] / g[0]; derivatives[0] = (f[1] * g[0] - f[0] * g[1]) / (g[0] * g[0]); derivatives[1] = (f[2] * g[0] - f[0] * g[2]) / (g[0] * g[0]) - (f[1] * g[0] - f[0] * g[1]) * 2 * g[1] / (g[0] * g[0] * g[0]); // Backward sweep final double[] gBar = new double[3]; gBar[0] = -f[0] / (g[0] * g[0]) * swapRateBar + (-f[1] / (g[0] * g[0]) + 2 * f[0] * g[1] / (g[0] * g[0] * g[0])) * derivativesBar[0] + (-f[2] / (g[0] * g[0]) + 2.0 * (f[0] * g[2] + 2 * g[1] * f[1]) / (g[0] * g[0] * g[0]) - 6.0 * f[0] * g[1] * g[1] / (g[0] * g[0] * g[0] * g[0])) * derivativesBar[1]; gBar[1] = -f[0] / (g[0] * g[0]) * derivativesBar[0] + (-2 * f[1] / (g[0] * g[0]) + 4 * f[0] * g[1] / (g[0] * g[0] * g[0])) * derivativesBar[1]; gBar[2] = -f[0] / (g[0] * g[0]) * derivativesBar[1]; for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < discountedCashFlowFixed.length; loopcf++) { discountedCashFlowFixedBar[loopcf] = y2[loopcf] * gBar[0] + -alphaFixed[loopcf] * y2[loopcf] * gBar[1] + alphaFixed[loopcf] * alphaFixed[loopcf] * y2[loopcf] * gBar[2]; } final double[] fBar = new double[3]; fBar[0] = 1.0 / g[0] * swapRateBar - g[1] / (g[0] * g[0]) * derivativesBar[0] + (-g[2] / (g[0] * g[0]) + 2 * g[1] * g[1] / (g[0] * g[0] * g[0])) * derivativesBar[1]; fBar[1] = 1.0 / g[0] * derivativesBar[0] + -2 * g[1] / (g[0] * g[0]) * derivativesBar[1]; fBar[2] = 1.0 / g[0] * derivativesBar[1]; for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < discountedCashFlowIbor.length; loopcf++) { discountedCashFlowIborBar[loopcf] = y1[loopcf] * fBar[0] + -alphaIbor[loopcf] * y1[loopcf] * fBar[1] + alphaIbor[loopcf] * alphaIbor[loopcf] * y1[loopcf] * fBar[2]; } return swapRate; } /** * Computes the cash annuity from the swap rate and its derivatives. * @param swapRate The swap rate. * @param nbFixedPaymentYear The number of fixed payment per year. * @param nbFixedPeriod The total number of payments. * @param derivatives Array used to return the derivatives of the annuity with respect to the swap rate. The array is changed by the method. * The values are [0] the first order derivative, [1] the second order derivative and [2] the third order derivative. * @return The cash annuity */ private double annuityCash(final double swapRate, final int nbFixedPaymentYear, final int nbFixedPeriod, final double[] derivatives) { final double invfact = 1 + swapRate / nbFixedPaymentYear; final double annuity = 1.0 / swapRate * (1.0 - 1.0 / Math.pow(invfact, nbFixedPeriod)); derivatives[0] = 0.0; derivatives[1] = 0.0; derivatives[2] = 0.0; for (int looppay = 0; looppay < nbFixedPeriod; looppay++) { derivatives[0] += -(looppay + 1) * Math.pow(invfact, -looppay - 2) / (nbFixedPaymentYear * nbFixedPaymentYear); derivatives[1] += (looppay + 1) * (looppay + 2) * Math.pow(invfact, -looppay - 3) / (nbFixedPaymentYear * nbFixedPaymentYear * nbFixedPaymentYear); derivatives[2] += -(looppay + 1) * (looppay + 2) * (looppay + 3) * Math.pow(invfact, -looppay - 4) / (nbFixedPaymentYear * nbFixedPaymentYear * nbFixedPaymentYear * nbFixedPaymentYear); } return annuity; } }