/** * Copyright (C) 2009 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies * * Please see distribution for license. */ package com.opengamma.analytics.math.function.special; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; import org.apache.commons.math.special.Beta; import com.opengamma.analytics.math.MathException; import com.opengamma.analytics.math.function.Function1D; /** * * The incomplete beta function is defined as: * $$ * \begin{equation*} * I_x(a, b)=\frac{B_x(a, b)}{B(a, b)}\int_0^x t^{a-1}(1-t)^{b-1}dt * \end{equation*} * $$ * where $a,b>0$. * <p> * This class uses the <a href="http://commons.apache.org/math/api-2.1/org/apache/commons/math/special/Beta.html">Commons Math library implementation</a> of the Beta function. * */ public class IncompleteBetaFunction extends Function1D<Double, Double> { private final double _a; private final double _b; private final double _eps; private final int _maxIter; /** * Uses the default values for the accuracy ($10^{-12}$) and number of iterations ($10000$). * @param a a, $a > 0$ * @param b b, $b > 0$ */ public IncompleteBetaFunction(final double a, final double b) { this(a, b, 1e-12, 10000); } /** * * @param a a, $a > 0$ * @param b b, $b > 0$ * @param eps Approximation accuracy, $\epsilon \geq 0$ * @param maxIter Maximum number of iterations, $\iter \geq 1$ */ public IncompleteBetaFunction(final double a, final double b, final double eps, final int maxIter) { Validate.isTrue(a > 0, "a must be > 0"); Validate.isTrue(b > 0, "b must be > 0"); Validate.isTrue(eps >= 0, "eps must not be negative"); Validate.isTrue(maxIter >= 1, "maximum number of iterations must be greater than zero"); _a = a; _b = b; _eps = eps; _maxIter = maxIter; } /** * @param x x * @return the value of the function * @throws IllegalArgumentException If $x < 0$ or $x > 1$ */ @Override public Double evaluate(final Double x) { Validate.isTrue(x >= 0 && x <= 1, "x must be in the range 0 to 1"); try { return Beta.regularizedBeta(x, _a, _b, _eps, _maxIter); } catch (final org.apache.commons.math.MathException e) { throw new MathException(e); } } }