/** * Copyright (C) 2014 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies * * Please see distribution for license. */ package com.opengamma.analytics.financial.credit.index; import static com.opengamma.analytics.financial.credit.options.CDSIndexPrvider.CDX_NA_HY_20140213_PRICES; import static com.opengamma.analytics.financial.credit.options.CDSIndexPrvider.CDX_NA_HY_20140213_RECOVERY_RATES; import static com.opengamma.analytics.financial.credit.options.CDSIndexPrvider.CDX_NA_HY_21_COUPON; import static com.opengamma.analytics.financial.credit.options.CDSIndexPrvider.CDX_NA_HY_21_RECOVERY_RATE; import static com.opengamma.analytics.financial.credit.options.CDSIndexPrvider.INDEX_TENORS; import static com.opengamma.analytics.financial.credit.options.CDSIndexPrvider.getCDX_NA_HY_20140213_CreditCurves; import static com.opengamma.analytics.financial.credit.options.YieldCurveProvider.ISDA_USD_20140213; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertEquals; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.BitSet; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import org.threeten.bp.LocalDate; import org.threeten.bp.Period; import com.opengamma.analytics.financial.credit.isdastandardmodel.AnalyticCDSPricer; import com.opengamma.analytics.financial.credit.isdastandardmodel.CDSAnalytic; import com.opengamma.analytics.financial.credit.isdastandardmodel.CDSAnalyticFactory; import com.opengamma.analytics.financial.credit.isdastandardmodel.ISDABaseTest; import com.opengamma.analytics.financial.credit.isdastandardmodel.ISDACompliantCreditCurve; import com.opengamma.analytics.financial.credit.isdastandardmodel.ISDACompliantYieldCurve; import com.opengamma.analytics.financial.credit.isdastandardmodel.PointsUpFront; import com.opengamma.analytics.financial.credit.isdastandardmodel.PriceType; import com.opengamma.financial.convention.businessday.BusinessDayDateUtils; import com.opengamma.financial.convention.daycount.DayCounts; import com.opengamma.util.test.TestGroup; /** * */ @Test(groups = TestGroup.UNIT) public class CDSIndexCalculatorTest extends ISDABaseTest { private static final LocalDate TRADE_DATE = LocalDate.of(2014, 2, 13); private static final Period[] INDEX_PILLARS = INDEX_TENORS; private static final double INDEX_RR = CDX_NA_HY_21_RECOVERY_RATE; private static final ISDACompliantCreditCurve[] CREDIT_CURVES = getCDX_NA_HY_20140213_CreditCurves(); private static final double[] RECOVERY_RATES = CDX_NA_HY_20140213_RECOVERY_RATES; private static final IntrinsicIndexDataBundle INTRINSIC_DATA = new IntrinsicIndexDataBundle(CREDIT_CURVES, RECOVERY_RATES); private static ISDACompliantYieldCurve YIELD_CURVE = ISDA_USD_20140213; private static CDSIndexCalculator INDEX_CAL = new CDSIndexCalculator(); private static CDSAnalyticFactory FACTORY = new CDSAnalyticFactory(INDEX_RR); private static final LocalDate EXPIRY = LocalDate.of(2014, 3, 19); private static final LocalDate MATURITY = LocalDate.of(2018, 12, 20); private static final PortfolioSwapAdjustment PSA = new PortfolioSwapAdjustment(); private static final PointsUpFront[] PILLAR_PUF; private static double[] PRICES = CDX_NA_HY_20140213_PRICES; private static final double INDEX_COUPON = CDX_NA_HY_21_COUPON; private static final CDSAnalytic FWD_START_CDX = FACTORY.makeForwardStartingCDS(TRADE_DATE, EXPIRY, MATURITY); private static final CDSAnalytic[] PILLAR_CDX = FACTORY.makeCDX(TRADE_DATE, INDEX_TENORS); static { final int n = PRICES.length; PILLAR_PUF = new PointsUpFront[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { PILLAR_PUF[i] = new PointsUpFront(INDEX_COUPON, 1 - PRICES[i]); } } /** * Test IR01, JTD, recovery01 */ @Test public void sensitivitiesTest() { AnalyticCDSPricer pricer = new AnalyticCDSPricer(); double tol = 1.0e-12; CDSAnalytic cdx = FACTORY.makeCDX(TRADE_DATE, Period.ofYears(5)); double indexCoupon = 300 * ONE_BP; int[] defaultedNames = new int[] {2, 15, 37, 51 }; IntrinsicIndexDataBundle intrinsicDataWithDefaulted = INTRINSIC_DATA.withDefault(defaultedNames); double pv = INDEX_CAL.indexPV(cdx, indexCoupon, YIELD_CURVE, intrinsicDataWithDefaulted); double parallelIR01 = INDEX_CAL.parallelIR01(cdx, indexCoupon, YIELD_CURVE, intrinsicDataWithDefaulted); double[] bucketedIR01 = INDEX_CAL.bucketedIR01(cdx, indexCoupon, YIELD_CURVE, intrinsicDataWithDefaulted); double[] jumpToDefault = INDEX_CAL.jumpToDefault(cdx, indexCoupon, YIELD_CURVE, intrinsicDataWithDefaulted); double[] recovery01 = INDEX_CAL.recovery01(cdx, indexCoupon, YIELD_CURVE, intrinsicDataWithDefaulted); double[] rates = YIELD_CURVE.getKnotZeroRates(); int nRates = rates.length; double[] bumpedRatesParallel = new double[nRates]; double[][] bumpedRatesBucket = new double[nRates][nRates]; for (int i = 0; i < nRates; ++i) { bumpedRatesBucket[i] = Arrays.copyOf(rates, nRates); bumpedRatesBucket[i][i] += ONE_BP; bumpedRatesParallel[i] = rates[i] + ONE_BP; } ISDACompliantYieldCurve ycParallelBump = YIELD_CURVE.withRates(bumpedRatesParallel); double pvParallelBump = INDEX_CAL.indexPV(cdx, indexCoupon, ycParallelBump, intrinsicDataWithDefaulted); assertEquals(pvParallelBump - pv, parallelIR01, tol); for (int i = 0; i < nRates; ++i) { ISDACompliantYieldCurve ycBump = YIELD_CURVE.withRates(bumpedRatesBucket[i]); double pvBump = INDEX_CAL.indexPV(cdx, indexCoupon, ycBump, intrinsicDataWithDefaulted); assertEquals(pvBump - pv, bucketedIR01[i], tol); } int size = intrinsicDataWithDefaulted.getIndexSize(); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { double ref; if (intrinsicDataWithDefaulted.isDefaulted(i)) { ref = 0.0; } else { double weight = intrinsicDataWithDefaulted.getWeight(i); ref = intrinsicDataWithDefaulted.getLGD(i) * weight - pricer.pv(cdx, YIELD_CURVE, intrinsicDataWithDefaulted.getCreditCurves()[i], indexCoupon) * weight; } assertEquals(ref, jumpToDefault[i], tol); } double[] zeroRecoveryRates = new double[size]; Arrays.fill(zeroRecoveryRates, 0.0); double[] weights = new double[size]; double sum = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { weights[i] = intrinsicDataWithDefaulted.getWeight(i); sum += recovery01[i]; } IntrinsicIndexDataBundle bundleZeroRecoveryRates = new IntrinsicIndexDataBundle( intrinsicDataWithDefaulted.getCreditCurves(), zeroRecoveryRates, weights).withDefault(defaultedNames); double ref = -INDEX_CAL.indexProtLeg(cdx, YIELD_CURVE, bundleZeroRecoveryRates); assertEquals(sum, ref, Math.abs(ref) * tol); } /** * */ @Test public void pvAndPufTest() { final double tol = 1.0e-12; final CDSAnalytic cdx = FACTORY.makeCDX(TRADE_DATE, Period.ofYears(3).plusMonths(5)); final double indexCoupon = 300 * 1.0e-4; final CDSAnalytic[] pillarCdx = FACTORY.makeCDX(TRADE_DATE, INDEX_PILLARS); /* * No defaulted names */ final double res = INDEX_CAL.indexPUF(cdx, indexCoupon, YIELD_CURVE, INTRINSIC_DATA); final double resDirty = INDEX_CAL.indexPV(cdx, indexCoupon, YIELD_CURVE, INTRINSIC_DATA, PriceType.DIRTY); final double sp = INDEX_CAL.intrinsicIndexSpread(cdx, YIELD_CURVE, INTRINSIC_DATA); final double resSpread = INDEX_CAL.indexPUF(cdx, sp, YIELD_CURVE, INTRINSIC_DATA); assertEquals(0.0, resSpread, tol); final double resAvgSpread = INDEX_CAL.averageSpread(cdx, YIELD_CURVE, INTRINSIC_DATA); final double resAnnuity = INDEX_CAL.indexAnnuity(cdx, YIELD_CURVE, INTRINSIC_DATA, cdx.getCashSettleTime() + 0.01); final int indexSize = CREDIT_CURVES.length; double ref = 0.0; double refDirty = 0.0; double refAvgSpread = 0.0; double refAnnuity = 0.0; final AnalyticCDSPricer cdsPricer = new AnalyticCDSPricer(); for (int i = 0; i < indexSize; ++i) { final CDSAnalytic cds = cdx.withRecoveryRate(1.0 - INTRINSIC_DATA.getLGD(i)); ref += INTRINSIC_DATA.getWeight(i) * cdsPricer.pv(cds, YIELD_CURVE, CREDIT_CURVES[i], indexCoupon); refDirty += INTRINSIC_DATA.getWeight(i) * cdsPricer.pv(cds, YIELD_CURVE, CREDIT_CURVES[i], indexCoupon, PriceType.DIRTY); refAvgSpread += INTRINSIC_DATA.getWeight(i) * cdsPricer.parSpread(cds, YIELD_CURVE, CREDIT_CURVES[i]); refAnnuity += INTRINSIC_DATA.getWeight(i) * cdsPricer.annuity(cds, YIELD_CURVE, CREDIT_CURVES[i], PriceType.CLEAN, cdx.getCashSettleTime() + 0.01); } ref /= INTRINSIC_DATA.getIndexFactor(); assertEquals(ref, res, tol); assertEquals(refDirty, resDirty, tol); assertEquals(refAvgSpread, resAvgSpread, tol); assertEquals(refAnnuity, resAnnuity, tol); final ISDACompliantCreditCurve impliedCurve = INDEX_CAL.impliedIndexCurve(pillarCdx, indexCoupon, YIELD_CURVE, INTRINSIC_DATA); final int nPillars = INDEX_PILLARS.length; for (int i = 0; i < nPillars; ++i) { final double puf = cdsPricer.pv(pillarCdx[i], YIELD_CURVE, impliedCurve, indexCoupon); final double pufFullCurve = INDEX_CAL.indexPV(pillarCdx[i], indexCoupon, YIELD_CURVE, INTRINSIC_DATA); assertEquals(pufFullCurve, puf, tol); } /* * Defaulted names */ final int[] defaultedNames = new int[] {2, 15, 37, 51 }; final IntrinsicIndexDataBundle intrinsicDataWithDefaulted = INTRINSIC_DATA.withDefault(defaultedNames); final double resDefaulted = INDEX_CAL.indexPUF(cdx, indexCoupon, YIELD_CURVE, intrinsicDataWithDefaulted); final double resDefaultedDirty = INDEX_CAL.indexPV(cdx, indexCoupon, YIELD_CURVE, intrinsicDataWithDefaulted, PriceType.DIRTY); final double resDefaultedAvgSpread = INDEX_CAL.averageSpread(cdx, YIELD_CURVE, intrinsicDataWithDefaulted); ref = 0.0; refDirty = 0.0; refAvgSpread = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < indexSize; ++i) { if (!intrinsicDataWithDefaulted.isDefaulted(i)) { final CDSAnalytic cds = cdx.withRecoveryRate(1.0 - intrinsicDataWithDefaulted.getLGD(i)); ref += intrinsicDataWithDefaulted.getWeight(i) * cdsPricer.pv(cds, YIELD_CURVE, CREDIT_CURVES[i], indexCoupon); refDirty += intrinsicDataWithDefaulted.getWeight(i) * cdsPricer.pv(cds, YIELD_CURVE, CREDIT_CURVES[i], indexCoupon, PriceType.DIRTY); refAvgSpread += intrinsicDataWithDefaulted.getWeight(i) * cdsPricer.parSpread(cds, YIELD_CURVE, CREDIT_CURVES[i]); } } ref /= intrinsicDataWithDefaulted.getIndexFactor(); assertEquals(ref, resDefaulted, tol); assertEquals(refDirty, resDefaultedDirty, tol); refAvgSpread /= intrinsicDataWithDefaulted.getIndexFactor(); assertEquals(refAvgSpread, resDefaultedAvgSpread, tol); final double valTime = (DayCounts.ACT_365).getDayCountFraction(TRADE_DATE, BusinessDayDateUtils.addWorkDays(TRADE_DATE, 3, DEFAULT_CALENDAR)); final double resWithValTime = INDEX_CAL.indexPV(cdx, indexCoupon, YIELD_CURVE, INTRINSIC_DATA, PriceType.CLEAN, valTime); assertEquals(res * INTRINSIC_DATA.getIndexFactor(), resWithValTime, tol); final ISDACompliantCreditCurve impliedCurveDefaulted = INDEX_CAL.impliedIndexCurve(pillarCdx, indexCoupon, YIELD_CURVE, intrinsicDataWithDefaulted); for (int i = 0; i < nPillars; ++i) { final double puf = cdsPricer.pv(pillarCdx[i], YIELD_CURVE, impliedCurveDefaulted, indexCoupon); final double pufFullCurve = INDEX_CAL.indexPV(pillarCdx[i], indexCoupon, YIELD_CURVE, intrinsicDataWithDefaulted) / intrinsicDataWithDefaulted.getIndexFactor(); assertEquals(pufFullCurve, puf, tol); } /* * IllegalArgument exception thrown */ final int[] defInd = new int[indexSize]; for (int i = 0; i < indexSize; ++i) { defInd[i] = i; } final IntrinsicIndexDataBundle allDefaulted = INTRINSIC_DATA.withDefault(defInd); try { INDEX_CAL.indexPUF(cdx, indexCoupon, YIELD_CURVE, allDefaulted); throw new RuntimeException(); } catch (final Exception e) { assertEquals("Index completely defaulted - not possible to rescale for PUF", e.getMessage()); } try { INDEX_CAL.intrinsicIndexSpread(cdx, YIELD_CURVE, allDefaulted); throw new RuntimeException(); } catch (final Exception e) { assertEquals("Every name in the index is defaulted - cannot calculate a spread", e.getMessage()); } try { INDEX_CAL.averageSpread(cdx, YIELD_CURVE, allDefaulted); throw new RuntimeException(); } catch (final Exception e) { assertEquals("Every name in the index is defaulted - cannot calculate a spread", e.getMessage()); } try { INDEX_CAL.impliedIndexCurve(pillarCdx, indexCoupon, YIELD_CURVE, allDefaulted); throw new RuntimeException(); } catch (final Exception e) { assertEquals("Every name in the index is defaulted - cannot calculate implied index curve", e.getMessage()); } } /** * Default adjusted index with intrinsic data */ public void forwardIntrinsicTest() { final double timeToExpiry = ACT365F.getDayCountFraction(TRADE_DATE, EXPIRY); /** * Test expected default settlement */ final int miniIndexSize = 3; final ISDACompliantCreditCurve[] ccs = Arrays.copyOf(INTRINSIC_DATA.getCreditCurves(), miniIndexSize); final ISDACompliantCreditCurve[] ccsDefault = Arrays.copyOf(INTRINSIC_DATA.getCreditCurves(), miniIndexSize); final double[] rrs = new double[miniIndexSize]; final BitSet bitset = new BitSet(miniIndexSize); for (int i = 0; i < miniIndexSize; ++i) { rrs[i] = 1.0 - INTRINSIC_DATA.getLGD(i); } final IntrinsicIndexDataBundle dataNoDefault = new IntrinsicIndexDataBundle(ccs, rrs); final int defaultedName = 1; bitset.set(defaultedName); ccsDefault[defaultedName] = null; final IntrinsicIndexDataBundle dataDefault = new IntrinsicIndexDataBundle(ccsDefault, rrs, bitset); final double expectedDefaultSettlement = INDEX_CAL.expectedDefaultSettlementValue(timeToExpiry, dataDefault); final double expectedDefaultSettlementNo = INDEX_CAL.expectedDefaultSettlementValue(timeToExpiry, dataNoDefault); double ref = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < miniIndexSize; ++i) { ref += (1.0 - ccs[i].getSurvivalProbability(timeToExpiry)) * (1.0 - rrs[i]) / miniIndexSize; } assertEquals(ref, expectedDefaultSettlementNo, 1.0e-12); final double refDiff = ccs[defaultedName].getSurvivalProbability(timeToExpiry) * (1.0 - rrs[defaultedName]) / miniIndexSize; assertEquals(expectedDefaultSettlementNo + refDiff, expectedDefaultSettlement, 1.0e-12); /** * Test indexProtLeg with forward starting CDS index */ final double prot = INDEX_CAL.indexProtLeg(FWD_START_CDX, YIELD_CURVE, dataNoDefault); final double protDefault = INDEX_CAL.indexProtLeg(FWD_START_CDX, YIELD_CURVE, dataDefault); final AnalyticCDSPricer defaultPricer = new AnalyticCDSPricer(); final CDSAnalytic zeroRecCDX = FWD_START_CDX.withRecoveryRate(0.0); final double baseTime = 0.0; final double refProtDiff = defaultPricer.protectionLeg(zeroRecCDX, YIELD_CURVE, dataNoDefault.getCreditCurve(defaultedName), baseTime) * (1.0 - rrs[defaultedName]) / miniIndexSize / YIELD_CURVE.getDiscountFactor(FWD_START_CDX.getCashSettleTime()); ref = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < miniIndexSize; ++i) { ref += defaultPricer.protectionLeg(zeroRecCDX, YIELD_CURVE, ccs[i], baseTime) * (1.0 - rrs[i]) / miniIndexSize / YIELD_CURVE.getDiscountFactor(FWD_START_CDX.getCashSettleTime()); } assertEquals(ref, prot, 1.0e-12); assertEquals(prot - refProtDiff, protDefault, 1.0e-12); /** * Test indexAnnuity with forward starting CDS index */ final double annuity = INDEX_CAL.indexAnnuity(FWD_START_CDX, YIELD_CURVE, dataNoDefault); final double annuityDefault = INDEX_CAL.indexAnnuity(FWD_START_CDX, YIELD_CURVE, dataDefault); final double refAnnuityDiff = defaultPricer.annuity(FWD_START_CDX, YIELD_CURVE, dataNoDefault.getCreditCurve(defaultedName), PriceType.CLEAN, baseTime) / miniIndexSize / YIELD_CURVE.getDiscountFactor(FWD_START_CDX.getCashSettleTime()); ref = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < miniIndexSize; ++i) { ref += defaultPricer.annuity(zeroRecCDX, YIELD_CURVE, ccs[i], PriceType.CLEAN, baseTime) / miniIndexSize / YIELD_CURVE.getDiscountFactor(FWD_START_CDX.getCashSettleTime()); } assertEquals(ref, annuity, 1.0e-12); assertEquals(annuity - refAnnuityDiff, annuityDefault, 1.0e-12); /** * defaultAdjustedForwardIndexValue and defaultAdjustedForwardSpread from computation above */ final double atmFwd = INDEX_CAL.defaultAdjustedForwardIndexValue(FWD_START_CDX, timeToExpiry, YIELD_CURVE, INDEX_COUPON, dataNoDefault); final double atmFwdDefault = INDEX_CAL.defaultAdjustedForwardIndexValue(FWD_START_CDX, timeToExpiry, YIELD_CURVE, INDEX_COUPON, dataDefault); assertEquals(prot - INDEX_COUPON * annuity + expectedDefaultSettlementNo, atmFwd, 1.0e-12); assertEquals((protDefault - INDEX_COUPON * annuityDefault) + expectedDefaultSettlement, atmFwdDefault, 1.0e-12); final double atmFwdSp = INDEX_CAL.defaultAdjustedForwardSpread(FWD_START_CDX, timeToExpiry, YIELD_CURVE, dataNoDefault); final double atmFwdSpDefault = INDEX_CAL.defaultAdjustedForwardSpread(FWD_START_CDX, timeToExpiry, YIELD_CURVE, dataDefault); assertEquals((prot + expectedDefaultSettlementNo) / annuity, atmFwdSp, 1.0e-12); assertEquals((protDefault + expectedDefaultSettlement) / annuityDefault, atmFwdSpDefault, 1.0e-12); /** * Exception expected */ final double negativeTime = -timeToExpiry; try { INDEX_CAL.defaultAdjustedForwardIndexValue(FWD_START_CDX, negativeTime, YIELD_CURVE, INDEX_COUPON, INTRINSIC_DATA); throw new RuntimeException(); } catch (final Exception e) { assertEquals("timeToExpiry given as " + negativeTime, e.getMessage()); } final double longTime = FWD_START_CDX.getEffectiveProtectionStart() * 1.5; try { INDEX_CAL.defaultAdjustedForwardIndexValue(FWD_START_CDX, longTime, YIELD_CURVE, INDEX_COUPON, INTRINSIC_DATA); throw new RuntimeException(); } catch (final Exception e) { assertEquals("effective protection start of " + FWD_START_CDX.getEffectiveProtectionStart() + " is less than time to expiry of " + longTime + ". Must provide a forward starting CDS", e.getMessage()); } try { INDEX_CAL.defaultAdjustedForwardSpread(FWD_START_CDX, negativeTime, YIELD_CURVE, INTRINSIC_DATA); throw new RuntimeException(); } catch (final Exception e) { assertEquals("timeToExpiry given as " + negativeTime, e.getMessage()); } try { INDEX_CAL.defaultAdjustedForwardSpread(FWD_START_CDX, longTime, YIELD_CURVE, INTRINSIC_DATA); throw new RuntimeException(); } catch (final Exception e) { assertEquals("effective protection start of " + FWD_START_CDX.getEffectiveProtectionStart() + " is less than time to expiry of " + longTime + ". Must provide a forward starting CDS", e.getMessage()); } } /** * Default adjusted index with homogeneous pool */ public void forwardHomogeneousTest() { final double timeToExpiry = ACT365F.getDayCountFraction(TRADE_DATE, EXPIRY); final ISDACompliantCreditCurve indexCurve = CREDIT_CURVE_BUILDER.calibrateCreditCurve(PILLAR_CDX, PILLAR_PUF, YIELD_CURVE); final double res = INDEX_CAL.defaultAdjustedForwardIndexValue(FWD_START_CDX, timeToExpiry, YIELD_CURVE, INDEX_COUPON, indexCurve); final int nPillars = PILLAR_PUF.length; final double[] pillarPufValues = new double[nPillars]; for (int i = 0; i < nPillars; ++i) { pillarPufValues[i] = PILLAR_PUF[i].getPointsUpFront(); } final int size = INTRINSIC_DATA.getIndexSize(); final ISDACompliantCreditCurve[] ccs = new ISDACompliantCreditCurve[size]; final double[] rrs = new double[size]; /** * Use copies of the single credit curve, indexCurve */ Arrays.fill(ccs, indexCurve.clone()); Arrays.fill(rrs, 1. - FWD_START_CDX.getLGD()); final IntrinsicIndexDataBundle homData = new IntrinsicIndexDataBundle(ccs, rrs); final double ref = INDEX_CAL.defaultAdjustedForwardIndexValue(FWD_START_CDX, timeToExpiry, YIELD_CURVE, INDEX_COUPON, homData); assertEquals(ref, res, 1.0e-12); /** * Fwd spread */ final double FwdSpread = INDEX_CAL.defaultAdjustedForwardSpread(FWD_START_CDX, timeToExpiry, YIELD_CURVE, indexCurve); final double zeroPuf = INDEX_CAL.defaultAdjustedForwardIndexValue(FWD_START_CDX, timeToExpiry, YIELD_CURVE, FwdSpread, indexCurve); final double FwdSpreadRef = INDEX_CAL.defaultAdjustedForwardSpread(FWD_START_CDX, timeToExpiry, YIELD_CURVE, homData); assertEquals(0.0, zeroPuf, 1.0e-12); assertEquals(FwdSpreadRef, FwdSpread, 1.0e-12); /** * Start with another but identical credit curves, still close atm forward */ Arrays.fill(ccs, INTRINSIC_DATA.getCreditCurve(3).clone()); final IntrinsicIndexDataBundle homData1 = new IntrinsicIndexDataBundle(ccs, rrs); final IntrinsicIndexDataBundle homData1Adj = PSA.adjustCurves(pillarPufValues, PILLAR_CDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, homData1); final double ref1 = INDEX_CAL.defaultAdjustedForwardIndexValue(FWD_START_CDX, timeToExpiry, YIELD_CURVE, INDEX_COUPON, homData1Adj); assertEquals(ref1, res, 1.0e-5); /** * Exception expected */ final double negativeTime = -timeToExpiry; try { INDEX_CAL.defaultAdjustedForwardIndexValue(FWD_START_CDX, negativeTime, YIELD_CURVE, INDEX_COUPON, indexCurve); throw new RuntimeException(); } catch (final Exception e) { assertEquals("timeToExpiry given as " + negativeTime, e.getMessage()); } final double longTime = FWD_START_CDX.getEffectiveProtectionStart() * 1.5; try { INDEX_CAL.defaultAdjustedForwardIndexValue(FWD_START_CDX, longTime, YIELD_CURVE, INDEX_COUPON, indexCurve); throw new RuntimeException(); } catch (final Exception e) { assertEquals("effective protection start of " + FWD_START_CDX.getEffectiveProtectionStart() + " is less than time to expiry of " + longTime + ". Must provide a forward starting CDS", e.getMessage()); } try { INDEX_CAL.defaultAdjustedForwardSpread(FWD_START_CDX, negativeTime, YIELD_CURVE, indexCurve); throw new RuntimeException(); } catch (final Exception e) { assertEquals("timeToExpiry given as " + negativeTime, e.getMessage()); } try { INDEX_CAL.defaultAdjustedForwardSpread(FWD_START_CDX, longTime, YIELD_CURVE, indexCurve); throw new RuntimeException(); } catch (final Exception e) { assertEquals("effective protection start of " + FWD_START_CDX.getEffectiveProtectionStart() + " is less than time to expiry of " + longTime + ". Must provide a forward starting CDS", e.getMessage()); } } /** * */ public void forwardHomogeneousDefaultTest() { final double timeToExpiry = ACT365F.getDayCountFraction(TRADE_DATE, EXPIRY); final int initialIndexSize = INTRINSIC_DATA.getIndexSize(); final ISDACompliantCreditCurve indexCurve = CREDIT_CURVE_BUILDER.calibrateCreditCurve(PILLAR_CDX, PILLAR_PUF, YIELD_CURVE); double initialDefaultSettlement = 0.0; int numDefaults = 0; /** * No default */ final double noDefault = INDEX_CAL.defaultAdjustedForwardIndexValue(FWD_START_CDX, timeToExpiry, initialIndexSize, YIELD_CURVE, INDEX_COUPON, indexCurve, initialDefaultSettlement, numDefaults); final double noDefaultRef = INDEX_CAL.defaultAdjustedForwardIndexValue(FWD_START_CDX, timeToExpiry, YIELD_CURVE, INDEX_COUPON, indexCurve); assertEquals(noDefaultRef, noDefault, 1.0e-12); final ISDACompliantCreditCurve[] ccs = new ISDACompliantCreditCurve[initialIndexSize]; final double[] rrs = new double[initialIndexSize]; Arrays.fill(ccs, indexCurve.clone()); Arrays.fill(rrs, 1.0 - FWD_START_CDX.getLGD()); /** * With default */ final int[] defaulted = new int[] {2, 42, 55, 56, 82, 81 }; final IntrinsicIndexDataBundle dataDefaulted = (new IntrinsicIndexDataBundle(ccs, rrs)).withDefault(defaulted); initialDefaultSettlement = initialDefaultSettlementCalculator(dataDefaulted); numDefaults = defaulted.length; final double atmFwd = INDEX_CAL.defaultAdjustedForwardIndexValue(FWD_START_CDX, timeToExpiry, initialIndexSize, YIELD_CURVE, INDEX_COUPON, indexCurve, initialDefaultSettlement, numDefaults); final double atmFwdRef = INDEX_CAL.defaultAdjustedForwardIndexValue(FWD_START_CDX, timeToExpiry, YIELD_CURVE, INDEX_COUPON, dataDefaulted); assertEquals(atmFwdRef, atmFwd, 1.0e-12); /** * Fwd spread */ final double FwdSpread = INDEX_CAL.defaultAdjustedForwardSpread(FWD_START_CDX, timeToExpiry, initialIndexSize, YIELD_CURVE, indexCurve, initialDefaultSettlement, numDefaults); final double zeroPuf = INDEX_CAL.defaultAdjustedForwardIndexValue(FWD_START_CDX, timeToExpiry, initialIndexSize, YIELD_CURVE, FwdSpread, indexCurve, initialDefaultSettlement, numDefaults); final double FwdSpreadRef = INDEX_CAL.defaultAdjustedForwardSpread(FWD_START_CDX, timeToExpiry, YIELD_CURVE, dataDefaulted); assertEquals(0.0, zeroPuf, 1.0e-12); assertEquals(FwdSpreadRef, FwdSpread, 1.0e-12); /** * With default using another but identical credit curves, close atm value returned */ final ISDACompliantCreditCurve sampleCC = INTRINSIC_DATA.getCreditCurve(22).clone(); Arrays.fill(ccs, sampleCC); final IntrinsicIndexDataBundle dataDefaulted1 = (new IntrinsicIndexDataBundle(ccs, rrs)).withDefault(defaulted); initialDefaultSettlement = initialDefaultSettlementCalculator(dataDefaulted1); final int nPillars = PILLAR_CDX.length; final double[] pufValues = new double[nPillars]; for (int i = 0; i < nPillars; ++i) { pufValues[i] = PILLAR_PUF[i].getPointsUpFront(); } final IntrinsicIndexDataBundle dataDefaulted1Adj = PSA.adjustCurves(pufValues, PILLAR_CDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, dataDefaulted1); final double atmFwdRef1 = INDEX_CAL.defaultAdjustedForwardIndexValue(FWD_START_CDX, timeToExpiry, YIELD_CURVE, INDEX_COUPON, dataDefaulted1Adj); assertEquals(atmFwdRef1, atmFwd, 1.0e-5); /** * Exception expected */ final double negativeTime = -timeToExpiry; try { INDEX_CAL.defaultAdjustedForwardIndexValue(FWD_START_CDX, negativeTime, initialIndexSize, YIELD_CURVE, INDEX_COUPON, indexCurve, initialDefaultSettlement, numDefaults); throw new RuntimeException(); } catch (final Exception e) { assertEquals("timeToExpiry given as " + negativeTime, e.getMessage()); } final double longTime = FWD_START_CDX.getEffectiveProtectionStart() * 1.5; try { INDEX_CAL.defaultAdjustedForwardIndexValue(FWD_START_CDX, longTime, initialIndexSize, YIELD_CURVE, INDEX_COUPON, indexCurve, initialDefaultSettlement, numDefaults); throw new RuntimeException(); } catch (final Exception e) { assertEquals("effective protection start of " + FWD_START_CDX.getEffectiveProtectionStart() + " is less than time to expiry of " + longTime + ". Must provide a forward starting CDS", e.getMessage()); } try { INDEX_CAL.defaultAdjustedForwardSpread(FWD_START_CDX, negativeTime, initialIndexSize, YIELD_CURVE, indexCurve, initialDefaultSettlement, numDefaults); throw new RuntimeException(); } catch (final Exception e) { assertEquals("timeToExpiry given as " + negativeTime, e.getMessage()); } try { INDEX_CAL.defaultAdjustedForwardSpread(FWD_START_CDX, longTime, initialIndexSize, YIELD_CURVE, indexCurve, initialDefaultSettlement, numDefaults); throw new RuntimeException(); } catch (final Exception e) { assertEquals("effective protection start of " + FWD_START_CDX.getEffectiveProtectionStart() + " is less than time to expiry of " + longTime + ". Must provide a forward starting CDS", e.getMessage()); } final int smallInitialSize = 0; try { INDEX_CAL.expectedDefaultSettlementValue(smallInitialSize, timeToExpiry, indexCurve, FWD_START_CDX.getLGD(), initialDefaultSettlement, smallInitialSize); throw new RuntimeException(); } catch (final Exception e) { assertEquals("initialIndexSize is " + smallInitialSize, e.getMessage()); } final int negativeDefault = -5; try { INDEX_CAL.expectedDefaultSettlementValue(initialIndexSize, timeToExpiry, indexCurve, FWD_START_CDX.getLGD(), initialDefaultSettlement, negativeDefault); throw new RuntimeException(); } catch (final Exception e) { assertEquals("negative numDefaults", e.getMessage()); } final int largeDefault = initialIndexSize + 1; try { INDEX_CAL.expectedDefaultSettlementValue(initialIndexSize, timeToExpiry, indexCurve, FWD_START_CDX.getLGD(), initialDefaultSettlement, largeDefault); throw new RuntimeException(); } catch (final Exception e) { assertEquals("More defaults (" + largeDefault + ") than size of index (" + initialIndexSize + ")", e.getMessage()); } } private double initialDefaultSettlementCalculator(final IntrinsicIndexDataBundle intrinsicData) { final int size = intrinsicData.getIndexSize(); double res = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (intrinsicData.isDefaulted(i)) { res += intrinsicData.getLGD(i); } } return res / size; } }