package jetbrains.mps.closures.test; /*Generated by MPS */ import junit.framework.TestCase; import jetbrains.mps.baseLanguage.closures.util.Constants; import jetbrains.mps.baseLanguage.closures.runtime._FunctionTypes; import junit.framework.Assert; import java.util.Iterator; import jetbrains.mps.baseLanguage.closures.runtime.YieldingIterator; import java.util.List; import jetbrains.mps.internal.collections.runtime.ListSequence; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import jetbrains.mps.baseLanguage.closures.runtime.Wrappers; import jetbrains.mps.baseLanguage.closures.runtime._UnrestrictedFunctionTypes; import jetbrains.mps.baseLanguage.closures.runtime.Result; import jetbrains.mps.internal.collections.runtime.Sequence; import jetbrains.mps.internal.collections.runtime.ISequenceClosure; import jetbrains.mps.internal.collections.runtime.ITranslator2; public class ClassifierAdapters_Test extends TestCase { public void test_interfaceAsFunctionType() throws Exception { Worker wrk = new Worker() { @Override public String doWork(Integer d) { return "Done: " + Integer.valueOf(d); } }; if (!(Constants.ONLY_CLOSURE_LITERAL_AS_FUNCTION_TYPE)) { assert false : "Fix the test"; } } public void test_functionTypeAsInterface() throws Exception { _FunctionTypes._return_P1_E0<? extends String, ? super Integer> cls = new _FunctionTypes._return_P1_E0<String, Integer>() { public String invoke(Integer foo) { return "Done: " + foo; } }; if (!(Constants.ONLY_CLOSURE_LITERAL_AS_FUNCTION_TYPE)) { assert false : "Fix the test"; } } public void test_closureLiteralAsInterface() throws Exception { Worker wrk = new Worker() { public String doWork(Integer foo) { return "Done: " + foo; } }; Assert.assertEquals("Done: 4321", wrk.doWork(4321)); } public void test_yieldClosureLiteralAsInterface() throws Exception { NumberGenerator ng = new NumberGenerator() { public Iterable<Integer> generate() { return new Iterable<Integer>() { public Iterator<Integer> iterator() { return new YieldingIterator<Integer>() { private int __CP__ = 0; protected boolean moveToNext() { __loop__: do { __switch__: switch (this.__CP__) { case -1: assert false : "Internal error"; return false; case 2: this.__CP__ = 3; this.yield(1); return true; case 3: this.__CP__ = 4; this.yield(2); return true; case 4: this.__CP__ = 1; this.yield(3); return true; case 0: this.__CP__ = 2; break; default: break __loop__; } } while (true); return false; } }; } }; } }; Integer[] exp = new Integer[]{1, 2, 3}; int i = 0; for (Integer in : ng.generate()) { Assert.assertEquals(exp[i], in); i++; } } public void test_genericInterfaceAdapter() throws Exception { Generator<Integer> g = new Generator<Integer>() { public Iterable<Integer> generate() { return new Iterable<Integer>() { public Iterator<Integer> iterator() { return new YieldingIterator<Integer>() { private int __CP__ = 0; protected boolean moveToNext() { __loop__: do { __switch__: switch (this.__CP__) { case -1: assert false : "Internal error"; return false; case 2: this.__CP__ = 3; this.yield(1); return true; case 3: this.__CP__ = 4; this.yield(2); return true; case 4: this.__CP__ = 1; this.yield(3); return true; case 0: this.__CP__ = 2; break; default: break __loop__; } } while (true); return false; } }; } }; } }; Integer exp = 1; for (Integer i : g.generate()) { Assert.assertEquals(exp, i); exp++; } Assert.assertEquals(exp, (Integer) 4); } public void test_instanceMethodCall() throws Exception { Assert.assertEquals("1234", this.makeWork(new Worker() { public String doWork(Integer i) { return String.valueOf(i); } }, 1234)); Assert.assertEquals("4321", this.makeWork(new Worker() { public String doWork(Integer i) { return String.valueOf(i); } }, 4321)); } public void test_exceptions() throws Exception { try { this.process(new Processor() { public int process(String instr) throws ProcessingException { if (Integer.parseInt(instr) < 0) { throw new ProcessingException(); } return 1; } }, "-1");; } catch (ProcessingException e) { // expected exception } } public void test_closureLiteralAsComparator() throws Exception { List<Integer> list = ListSequence.fromList(new ArrayList<Integer>()); ListSequence.fromList(list).addSequence(ListSequence.fromList(Arrays.asList(new Integer[]{4, 3, 5, 1, 2}))); // =================================================================== // The following is a hack! // In reality we could only substitute an interface that has a single method. // This example works only because java.util.Comparator defines compare() before equals() // Why declare equals() in an interface escapes me: it's already there and declaring it in an interface doesn't change anything // Besides, overriding only equals() without overriding also hashCode() is simply plain wrong. // =================================================================== Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<Object>() { public int compare(Object a, Object b) { return a.hashCode() - b.hashCode(); } }); Assert.assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new Integer[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}), list); } public void test_closureLiteralAsParameterToConstructor() throws Exception { final Wrappers._int foo = new Wrappers._int(-1); Thread trd = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { foo.value = 42; } }); trd.start(); try { trd.join(); } finally { Assert.assertEquals(42, foo.value); } } public void test_closureLiteralAsParameterToAnonymousClass() throws Exception { final Wrappers._int foo = new Wrappers._int(-1); Thread trd = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { foo.value = 42; } }); trd.start(); try { trd.join(); } finally { Assert.assertEquals(42, foo.value); } } public void test_wrongParametersNumber() throws Exception { this.acceptWorker(new Worker() { public String doWork(Integer i) { return String.valueOf(i); } }); } public void test__returnWorker() throws Exception { Worker wrk = this.returnWorker(); } public void test__returnProcessor() throws Exception { Processor prc = this.returnProcessor(); try { prc.process("foobar");; } catch (ProcessingException e) { // expected exception } } public void test_mps5315() throws Exception { } public void test_mps5316() throws Exception { } public void test_compactInvoke() throws Exception { final Wrappers._int count = new Wrappers._int(0); _FunctionTypes._return_P0_E0<? extends Integer> cl = new _FunctionTypes._return_P0_E0<Integer>() { public Integer invoke() { return count.value++; } }; cl.invoke(); Assert.assertSame(1, count.value); new _FunctionTypes._return_P0_E0<Integer>() { public Integer invoke() { return count.value++; } }.invoke(); Assert.assertSame(2, count.value); _UnrestrictedFunctionTypes._return_terminate_P0_E0<? extends Integer, ? extends Integer> ucl = new _UnrestrictedFunctionTypes._return_terminate_P0_E0<Integer, Integer>() { public Result<Integer, Integer> invokeUnrestricted() { return Result.TERMINATE(count.value++); } }; { Result<? extends Integer, ?> __result__ = ucl.invokeUnrestricted(); switch (__result__.getOutcome()) { case RETURN_VALUE: // fall through case RETURN_VOID: return; case BREAK: break; case TERMINATE_VALUE: break; default: break; } } Assert.assertSame(3, count.value); { Result<? extends Integer, ?> __result__ = new _UnrestrictedFunctionTypes._return_terminate_P0_E0<Integer, Integer>() { public Result<Integer, Integer> invokeUnrestricted() { return Result.TERMINATE(count.value++); } }.invokeUnrestricted(); switch (__result__.getOutcome()) { case RETURN_VALUE: // fall through case RETURN_VOID: return; case BREAK: break; case TERMINATE_VALUE: break; default: break; } } Assert.assertSame(4, count.value); // testing compilation new _FunctionTypes._return_P0_E0<Object>() { public Object invoke() { return null; } }.invoke(); new _FunctionTypes._return_P0_E0<Object>() { public Object invoke() { return null; } }.invoke(); new _FunctionTypes._return_P0_E0<Iterable<Object>>() { public Iterable<Object> invoke() { return new Iterable<Object>() { public Iterator<Object> iterator() { return new YieldingIterator<Object>() { private int __CP__ = 0; protected boolean moveToNext() { __loop__: do { __switch__: switch (this.__CP__) { case -1: assert false : "Internal error"; return false; case 2: this.__CP__ = 1; this.yield(null); return true; case 0: this.__CP__ = 2; break; default: break __loop__; } } while (true); return false; } }; } }; } }.invoke(); } public void test_mps7619() throws Exception { IFilter flt = this.filter(); Assert.assertFalse(flt.filter(null)); } public void test_translate() throws Exception { Iterable<_FunctionTypes._return_P0_E0<? extends String>> seq = Sequence.fromClosure(new ISequenceClosure<_FunctionTypes._return_P0_E0<? extends String>>() { public Iterable<_FunctionTypes._return_P0_E0<? extends String>> iterable() { return new Iterable<_FunctionTypes._return_P0_E0<? extends String>>() { public Iterator<_FunctionTypes._return_P0_E0<? extends String>> iterator() { return new YieldingIterator<_FunctionTypes._return_P0_E0<? extends String>>() { private int __CP__ = 0; protected boolean moveToNext() { __loop__: do { __switch__: switch (this.__CP__) { case -1: assert false : "Internal error"; return false; case 2: this.__CP__ = 1; this.yield(new _FunctionTypes._return_P0_E0<String>() { public String invoke() { return "ABC"; } }); return true; case 0: this.__CP__ = 2; break; default: break __loop__; } } while (true); return false; } }; } }; } }); Iterable<String> res = Sequence.fromIterable(seq).translate(new ITranslator2<_FunctionTypes._return_P0_E0<? extends String>, String>() { public Iterable<String> translate(_FunctionTypes._return_P0_E0<? extends String> s) { return Sequence.<String>singleton(s.invoke()); } }); Assert.assertSame(1, Sequence.fromIterable(res).count()); Assert.assertEquals("ABC", Sequence.fromIterable(res).first()); } public void test_mps9190() throws Exception { try { this.acceptFunction(new _FunctionTypes._return_P1_E0<Object, String>() { public Object invoke(String s) { if (s.length() == 3) { throw new RuntimeException(); } return null; } });; } catch (RuntimeException e) { // expected exception } } public ClassifierAdapters_Test() { } public void acceptWorker(Worker one, Worker two) { } public void acceptWorker(Worker one) { } public String makeWork(Worker wrk, Integer i) { return wrk.doWork(i); } public int process(Processor prc, String instr) throws ProcessingException { return prc.process(instr); } public Worker returnWorker() { return new Worker() { public String doWork(Integer i) { return String.valueOf(i); } }; } public Processor returnProcessor() { return new Processor() { public int process(String str) throws ProcessingException { throw new ProcessingException(str); } }; } public IFilter filter() { return new IFilter() { public boolean filter(String name) { return false; } }; } public Object acceptFunction(_FunctionTypes._return_P1_E0<? extends Object, ? super String> fff) { return fff.invoke("foo"); } }