package Kaja.sandbox.sandbox; /*Generated by MPS */ import JavaKaja.runtime.KajaFrame; public class Karel extends KajaFrame { public Karel() { } protected void perform() { turnRight_routine(); while (!(isMark())) { traceStep_routine(); } // Routine definitions } public void traceStep_routine() { if (!(isFull())) { addMark(); pause(); } else { reportError("Cannot drop. The cell is already full."); } safeStep_routine(); } public void safeStep_routine() { while (isWall()) { try { turnLeft(); pause(); } finally { } } if (canMove()) { moveKaja(); pause(); } else { reportError("Oops, There's a wall in front of me. I can't make a step forward."); } } public void turnRight_routine() { for (int indexVariable_ligmp_a0c = 0; indexVariable_ligmp_a0c < 3; indexVariable_ligmp_a0c++) { try { turnLeft(); pause(); } finally { } } } public void turnAround_routine() { try { turnLeft(); pause(); } finally { } try { turnLeft(); pause(); } finally { } } public static void main(String[] args) { Karel script = new Karel(); script.initializeComponents();; } }