/* * Copyright 2003-2016 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package jetbrains.mps.generator.impl.plan; import jetbrains.mps.generator.impl.plan.PriorityGraph.Cycle; import jetbrains.mps.generator.runtime.TemplateModule; import jetbrains.mps.project.structure.modules.mappingpriorities.MappingPriorityRule; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.mps.openapi.module.SModuleReference; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * @author Artem Tikhomirov */ final class PriorityConflicts { /*package*/enum Kind { SelfLock, PastTopPri, LoPriLocksHiPri, CoherentWithStrict, CoherentPrioMix, Invalid, Cycle} private final Collection<TemplateModule> myGenerators; private final Map<Kind, List<Conflict>> myConflictingRules; PriorityConflicts(Collection<TemplateModule> generators) { myGenerators = generators; myConflictingRules = new HashMap<>(); for (Kind k : Kind.values()) { myConflictingRules.put(k, new ArrayList<>()); } } void registerSelfLock(Group g1, Group g2, Collection<MappingPriorityRule> rules) { SModuleReference origin = getOrigin(rules); String msg = String.format("Same mapping configurations on the both sides of strict rule: %s and %s", g1.toString(), g2.toString()); register(Kind.SelfLock, new Conflict(origin, msg, rules)); } void registerCoherentPriorityMix(Group g1, Group g2, MappingPriorityRule rule) { final Set<MappingPriorityRule> rules = Collections.singleton(rule); SModuleReference origin = getOrigin(rules); String msg = String.format("Coherent configurations with different 'top priority' setting: %s and %s", g1.toString(), g2.toString()); register(Kind.CoherentPrioMix, new Conflict(origin, msg, rules)); } void registerCoherentWithStrict(Group coherent, Group g, Collection<MappingPriorityRule> rules) { SModuleReference origin = getOrigin(rules); String msg = String.format("Coherent configurations on both sides of strict rule: %s and %s", coherent.toString(), g.toString()); register(Kind.CoherentWithStrict, new Conflict(origin, msg, rules)); } void registerLoPriLocksHiPri(Group hiPri, Group lowPri, Collection<MappingPriorityRule> rules) { SModuleReference origin = getOrigin(rules); String msg = String.format("Configuration with lower priority %s blocks high-priority configuration %s", lowPri.toString(), hiPri.toString()); register(Kind.LoPriLocksHiPri, new Conflict(origin, msg, rules)); } void registerLeftovers(Collection<MappingPriorityRule> rules) { SModuleReference origin = getOrigin(rules); String msg = "Rules left after all top-priority rules were consumed"; register(Kind.PastTopPri, new Conflict(origin, msg, rules)); } void registerCycle(Cycle c) { ArrayList<String> cycleElements = new ArrayList<>(); for (Group g : c.elements) { cycleElements.add(g.toString()); } String msg = String.format("Cycle detected: %s", describeCollection(cycleElements)); final Collection<MappingPriorityRule> rules = c.getRules(); register(Kind.Cycle, new Conflict(getOrigin(rules), msg, rules)); } void registerInvalid(SModuleReference origin, @NotNull String message, MappingPriorityRule badRule) { register(Kind.Invalid, new Conflict(origin, message, Collections.singleton(badRule))); } private void register(Kind kind, Conflict conflict) { myConflictingRules.get(kind).add(conflict); } public boolean hasConflicts() { return hasConflicts(Arrays.asList(Kind.values())); } public boolean hasConflicts(Collection<Kind> kinds) { for (Kind k : kinds) { if (!myConflictingRules.get(k).isEmpty()) { return true; } } return false; } public List<Conflict> getConflicts() { return getConflicts(Arrays.asList(Kind.values())); } public List<Conflict> getConflicts(Collection<Kind> kinds) { ArrayList<Conflict> rv = new ArrayList<>(); for (Kind k : kinds) { rv.addAll(myConflictingRules.get(k)); } return rv; } /*package*/ Collection<Conflict> get(Kind kind) { return myConflictingRules.get(kind); } private static String describeCollection(Collection<String> coll) { if (coll.isEmpty()) { return ""; } if (coll.size() == 1) { return coll.iterator().next(); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append('\n'); for (Object r : coll) { sb.append('\t'); sb.append(r); sb.append('\n'); } return sb.toString(); } private SModuleReference getOrigin(Collection<MappingPriorityRule> rules) { for (MappingPriorityRule r : rules) { for (TemplateModule tm : myGenerators) { if (tm.getPriorities().contains(r)) { return tm.getModuleReference(); } } } return null; } }