/* * Copyright 2003-2016 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package jetbrains.mps.vfs.path; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.jetbrains.mps.annotations.Immutable; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.stream.Collectors; /** * Universal path work either with usual files and folders and also with archives (jar/zip) * Archives might be inside other archives /foo/bar/a.jar!/b.jar!/abc.xml * Assuming no escape characters are passed to the constructor. * * Created by apyshkin on 6/17/16. */ @Immutable public class UniPath extends AbstractPath { @NotNull private final CommonPath myPath;// path to file (might be an archive as well) @NotNull private final List<CommonPath> myArchivePaths = new ArrayList<>(); // always independent and relative!!! private static String[] splitArchive(String path) { String[] paths = path.split(ARCHIVE_SEPARATOR); if (path.endsWith(ARCHIVE_SEPARATOR)) { String[] result = Arrays.copyOf(paths, paths.length + 1); result[paths.length] = ""; return result; } return paths; } /** * @param path might contain {@link #ARCHIVE_SEPARATOR} symbolS (!) */ private UniPath(@NotNull String path) { String[] archiveStrings = splitArchive(path); if (archiveStrings.length == 0) { myPath = CommonPath.fromString(path); return; } myPath = CommonPath.fromString(archiveStrings[0]); int index = 0; while (++index < archiveStrings.length) { CommonPath archivePart = CommonPath.fromString(trim(archiveStrings[index])); myArchivePaths.add(archivePart.toIndependentPath()); } } private UniPath(@NotNull CommonPath path, @Nullable CommonPath... pathsInArchive) { myPath = path.copy(); if (pathsInArchive != null) { for (CommonPath commonPath : pathsInArchive) { assert commonPath.isRelative(); myArchivePaths.add(commonPath.toIndependentPath()); } } } private static String trim(String path) { for (int i = 0; i < path.length(); ++i) { if (path.charAt(i) != UNIX_SEPARATOR_CHAR && path.charAt(i) != WIN_SEPARATOR_CHAR) { return path.substring(i); } } return path; } /** * the path within the archive might be system-dependent -- it will be converted to the system-independent path automatically */ public static UniPath fromString(@NotNull String path) { validate(path); return new UniPath(path); } private static void validate(String path) { if (path.isEmpty()) { return; } if (path.startsWith(ARCHIVE_SEPARATOR)) { path = path.substring(ARCHIVE_SEPARATOR.length()); } for (String part : path.split(ARCHIVE_SEPARATOR)) { if (part.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path `" + path + "' contains two archive separators one after another."); } } } /** * the path is pathToFile + ARCHIVE_SEPARATOR + pathsInArchive[0] + ARCHIVE_SEPARATOR + pathsInArchive[1] + ... * if it is archive or just pathToFile in the case it is not * the paths within the archive might be system-dependent -- it will be converted to the system-independent path automatically */ public static UniPath fromParts(CommonPath pathToFile, @Nullable CommonPath... pathsInArchive) { validate(pathsInArchive); return new UniPath(pathToFile, pathsInArchive); } private static void validate(CommonPath... pathsInArchive) { for (CommonPath path : pathsInArchive) { if (!path.isRelative()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given path within the archive must be relative `" + path); } } } private static UniPath fromParts(CommonPath pathToFile, @Nullable List<CommonPath> pathsInArchive) { if (pathsInArchive == null) { return new UniPath(pathToFile, null); } return UniPath.fromParts(pathToFile, pathsInArchive.toArray(new CommonPath[pathsInArchive.size()])); } public boolean isJar() { return getFileName().endsWith(DOT_JAR); } public boolean isZip() { return getFileName().endsWith(DOT_ZIP); } public boolean isInArchive() { return myArchivePaths.size() > 0; } /** * Points exactly to jar */ public boolean isArchive() { return myArchivePaths.size() == 0 && myPath.endsWith(DOT_JAR); } @Override @NotNull public UniPath toIndependentPath() { return convertPath(CommonPath::toIndependentPath, UNIX_SEPARATOR_CHAR); } @Override @NotNull public UniPath toSystemPath() { return convertPath(CommonPath::toSystemPath, SYSTEM_SEPARATOR_CHAR); } @Override public boolean endsWith(@NotNull String other) { return endsWith(UniPath.fromString(other)); } @Override public boolean startsWith(@NotNull String other) { return startsWith(UniPath.fromString(other)); } @NotNull @Override public Path relativize(@NotNull Path other) { return null; } @NotNull @Override public UniPath toAbsolute() { if (!isRelative()) { return copy(); } else { return new UniPath(myPath.toAbsolute()); } } @NotNull @Override public UniPath toNormal() { return UniPath.fromParts(myPath.toNormal(), myArchivePaths.stream().map(CommonPath::toNormal).collect(Collectors.toList())); } @NotNull @Override public UniPath toCanonical() throws IOException { List<CommonPath> newArchivePaths = new ArrayList<>(); for (CommonPath path : myArchivePaths) { newArchivePaths.add(path.toCanonical()); } return UniPath.fromParts(myPath.toCanonical(), newArchivePaths); } @NotNull @Override public Path resolve(@NotNull Path other) { return null; } @NotNull @Override public Path resolve(@NotNull String other) { return null; } private UniPath convertPath(Function<CommonPath, CommonPath> converter, char correctSeparator) { if (myPath.getSeparatorChar() == correctSeparator) { return this.copy(); } List<CommonPath> newArchivePaths = new ArrayList<>(myArchivePaths.size()); newArchivePaths.addAll(myArchivePaths.stream().map(converter).collect(Collectors.toList())); return UniPath.fromParts(converter.apply(myPath), newArchivePaths); } @Override public boolean isRelative() { return myPath.isRelative(); } @Override public char getSeparator() { return myPath.getSeparatorChar(); } @Nullable @Override public Path getParent() { if (myArchivePaths.isEmpty()) { return myPath.getParent(); } int lastIndex = myArchivePaths.size() - 1; CommonPath lastParent = myArchivePaths.get(lastIndex).getParent(); List<CommonPath> newArchivePaths = myArchivePaths.subList(0, lastIndex); if (lastParent != null) { newArchivePaths.add(lastParent); return UniPath.fromParts(myPath, newArchivePaths); } else { return UniPath.fromParts(myPath, newArchivePaths); } } @NotNull @Override public List<String> getNames() { List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(myPath.getNames()); for (CommonPath path : myArchivePaths) { result.addAll(path.getNames()); } return result; } @Nullable @Override public Path getRoot() { return myPath.getRoot(); } @Override public String toString() { String res = myPath.toString(); for (Path path : myArchivePaths) { res += ARCHIVE_SEPARATOR + path.toString(); } return res; } @NotNull @Override public UniPath copy() { return UniPath.fromParts(myPath, myArchivePaths); } // public Path toRealPath(LinkOption... options) throws IOException { // return null; // } // // public File toFile() { // return null; // } // // public WatchKey register(WatchService watcher, Kind<?>[] events, Modifier... modifiers) throws IOException { // fixme // throw new NotImplementedException(); // } // // public WatchKey register(WatchService watcher, Kind<?>... events) throws IOException { // fixme // throw new NotImplementedException(); // } }