/* * Copyright 2003-2016 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package jetbrains.mps.nodeEditor.cellMenu; import jetbrains.mps.openapi.actions.descriptor.ActionAspectDescriptor; import jetbrains.mps.project.AbstractModule; import jetbrains.mps.project.structure.modules.ModuleDescriptor; import jetbrains.mps.smodel.Language; import jetbrains.mps.smodel.adapter.structure.MetaAdapterFactory; import jetbrains.mps.smodel.language.LanguageRegistry; import jetbrains.mps.smodel.language.LanguageRuntime; import jetbrains.mps.util.annotation.Hack; import jetbrains.mps.util.annotation.ToRemove; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.jetbrains.mps.openapi.language.SAbstractConcept; import org.jetbrains.mps.openapi.language.SLanguage; import org.jetbrains.mps.openapi.model.SModel; import org.jetbrains.mps.openapi.model.SNode; import org.jetbrains.mps.openapi.model.SNodeReference; import org.jetbrains.mps.openapi.module.SModule; import org.jetbrains.mps.openapi.module.SRepository; /** * @author simon * @deprecated since 2017.1 actions from the actions aspect are not supported */ @Deprecated public class OldNewSubstituteUtil { private static final String ACTIONS_LANG = "jetbrains.mps.lang.actions"; public static boolean areOldActionsApplicableToNode(SNode node, SRepository repository) { return areOldActionsApplicableToConcept(node.getConcept(), repository); } public static boolean areOldActionsApplicableToConcept(SAbstractConcept concept, SRepository repository) { SNodeReference sourceRef = concept.getSourceNode(); if (sourceRef == null) { return false; } SNode sourceNode = sourceRef.resolve(repository); if (sourceNode == null) { return false; } return areOldActionsApplicableToConcept(sourceNode, repository); } public static boolean areOldActionsApplicableToConcept(@Nullable SNode concept, @NotNull SRepository repository) { if (concept == null) { return false; } final SModel model = concept.getModel(); if (model == null) { return false; } final SModule module = model.getModule(); final SLanguage actionsLanguage = getActionsLanguage(repository); if (actionsLanguage == null) { return false; } if (module.getUsedLanguages().contains(actionsLanguage) && getUsedLangVersion(module, actionsLanguage) <= 0) { // Languages using version 0 of j.m.l.actions always use builders. return true; } // For languages using a higher version of j.m.l.actions we check ActionAspectDescriptor#hasBuilders(). ActionAspectDescriptor aspect = getActionsAspect(repository, module); return aspect != null && aspect.hasBuilders(); } @Nullable private static SLanguage getActionsLanguage(@NotNull SRepository repository) { final LanguageRuntime actionsLanguageRuntime = LanguageRegistry.getInstance(repository).getLanguage(ACTIONS_LANG); if (actionsLanguageRuntime == null) { return null; } return MetaAdapterFactory.getLanguage(actionsLanguageRuntime.getId(), ACTIONS_LANG); } @Nullable private static ActionAspectDescriptor getActionsAspect(@NotNull SRepository repository, @NotNull SModule module) { if (!(module instanceof Language)) { return null; } Language conceptLanguage = (Language) module; LanguageRuntime languageRuntime = LanguageRegistry.getInstance(repository).getLanguage(conceptLanguage); if (languageRuntime == null) { return null; } return languageRuntime.getAspect(ActionAspectDescriptor.class); } /** * temp hack to provide correct language versions */ @ToRemove(version = 3.4) @Hack public static int getUsedLangVersion(@NotNull SModule module, @NotNull SLanguage lang) { if (module instanceof AbstractModule) { return ((AbstractModule) module).getUsedLanguageVersion(lang, false); } throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Cannot calculate used language version for %s; used lang: %s", module, lang)); } }