/* * Copyright 2003-2016 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package jetbrains.mps.persistence; import jetbrains.mps.extapi.persistence.SourceRoot; import jetbrains.mps.util.FileUtil; import jetbrains.mps.util.NameUtil; import jetbrains.mps.vfs.IFile; import jetbrains.mps.vfs.path.Path; import org.apache.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.mps.annotations.Immutable; import org.jetbrains.mps.openapi.persistence.ModelFactory; import org.jetbrains.mps.openapi.persistence.ModelRoot; import static jetbrains.mps.project.MPSExtentions.DOT; /** * In the case when we have some models on the disk (under a source root) * and try to collect them by traversing a file system tree * we need to be able to construct model name from the path to the model file. * * Created by apyshkin on 12/20/16. */ @Immutable public final class ModelNameCalculator { private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(ModelNameCalculator.class); @NotNull private final ModelRoot myModelRoot; @NotNull private final SourceRoot mySourceRoot; @NotNull private final IFile myModelFile; // always a file (not directory!) public ModelNameCalculator(@NotNull ModelRoot modelRoot, @NotNull SourceRoot sourceRoot, @NotNull IFile modelFile) { myModelRoot = modelRoot; mySourceRoot = sourceRoot; myModelFile = modelFile; } @NotNull private String calcRelPathFromSourceRootToModelFile() { String pathToModelDir = myModelFile.getParent().getPath(); String sourceRootPath = mySourceRoot.getAbsolutePath().getPath(); assert FileUtil.isAncestor(sourceRootPath, pathToModelDir); return FileUtil.getRelativePath(pathToModelDir, sourceRootPath, Path.UNIX_SEPARATOR); } /** * For example sometimes the path to the model file is 'models/org/my/package/a.mps' with 'models' as a source root. * Then the model fq name is 'org.my.package.a'. * Sometimes the path (per-root) is 'models/org.my.package.a/.model' with 'models' as a source root * In this case the model fq name is 'org.my.package.a' as well. */ @NotNull public String calcModelFqName() { String relPathFromSourceRoot = calcRelPathFromSourceRootToModelFile(); String fileNameWE = FileUtil.getNameWithoutExtension(myModelFile.getName()); String prefixPackage = NameUtil.namespaceFromPath(relPathFromSourceRoot); String result = join(prefixPackage, fileNameWE); return appendModuleFqNameIfNeeded(result); } /** * we allow both full fq name expanded into file directories like 'jetbrains.mps.my.own.model' model name * corresponds to the '<<SOURCE_ROOT>>/jetbrains/mps/my/own/model.mps' path in the default model persistence * AND * short-style file system storage where the same model would correspond to the * simple '<<SOURCE_ROOT>>/model.mps' path in the default model persistence * * We force the package prefix to be the same as the module package. */ @NotNull private String appendModuleFqNameIfNeeded(@NotNull String modelFqName) { String moduleFqName = myModelRoot.getModule().getModuleName(); if (!modelFqName.contains(DOT)) { modelFqName = moduleFqName + DOT + modelFqName; } else { if (!modelFqName.startsWith(moduleFqName + DOT)) { LOG.error(String.format("Model fq namespace '%s' conflicts with the module fq namespace '%s'", modelFqName, moduleFqName)); } } return modelFqName; } @NotNull private static String join(@NotNull String prefixPackage, @NotNull String suffixPackage) { if (prefixPackage.isEmpty()) { return suffixPackage; } if (suffixPackage.isEmpty()) { return prefixPackage; } return prefixPackage + DOT + suffixPackage; } }