package jetbrains.mps.util; /*Generated by MPS */ import org.jetbrains.mps.openapi.model.SNode; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import jetbrains.mps.lang.smodel.generator.smodelAdapter.AttributeOperations; import org.jetbrains.mps.util.Condition; import java.util.Map; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import org.jetbrains.mps.openapi.language.SProperty; import jetbrains.mps.internal.collections.runtime.Sequence; import java.util.Set; import jetbrains.mps.internal.collections.runtime.SetSequence; import java.util.HashSet; import org.jetbrains.mps.openapi.model.SReference; import java.util.LinkedList; import jetbrains.mps.smodel.SNodeUtil; import org.jetbrains.mps.openapi.model.SNodeAccessUtil; import org.jetbrains.mps.openapi.model.SModel; import org.jetbrains.mps.openapi.language.SContainmentLink; import jetbrains.mps.smodel.adapter.structure.MetaAdapterFactory; import jetbrains.mps.lang.smodel.generator.smodelAdapter.SPropertyOperations; import jetbrains.mps.smodel.Language; import org.jetbrains.mps.openapi.language.SLanguage; import jetbrains.mps.smodel.ModuleRepositoryFacade; import jetbrains.mps.smodel.SModelStereotype; import jetbrains.mps.smodel.SModelInternal; import jetbrains.mps.extapi.model.GeneratableSModel; public class SNodeOperations { public SNodeOperations() { } /** * * @deprecated use .ancestors.contains() in smodel language */ @Deprecated public static boolean isAncestor(SNode ancestor, SNode node) { if (ancestor == node) { return true; } SNode parentOfChild = node.getParent(); if (parentOfChild == null) { return false; } return isAncestor(ancestor, parentOfChild); } /** * * @deprecated there is no full equivalent to this, use SNode.getChildren or node/../.children operations if possible */ @Deprecated public static List<SNode> getChildren(SNode node, boolean includeAttributes) { List<SNode> res = new ArrayList<SNode>(); for (SNode child : node.getChildren()) { if (child != null && (includeAttributes || !(AttributeOperations.isAttribute(child)))) { res.add(((SNode) child)); } } return res; } /** * * @deprecated use node/../.ancestors.where */ @Deprecated public static SNode findParent(SNode node, Condition<SNode> condition) { SNode parent = ((SNode) node.getParent()); while (parent != null) { if (condition.met(parent)) { return ((SNode) parent); } parent = ((SNode) parent.getParent()); } return null; } /** * * @deprecated rewrite to SProperty, don't use strings */ @Deprecated public static Map<String, String> getProperties(SNode node) { Map<String, String> result = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); for (SProperty p : Sequence.fromIterable(node.getProperties())) { result.put(p.getName(), node.getProperty(p)); } return result; } /** * todo rewrite the code using this * * @deprecated rewrite to SContainmentLink, don't use by-name roles, use SNode methods */ @Deprecated public static Set<String> getChildRoles(SNode n) { Set<String> res = SetSequence.fromSet(new HashSet<String>()); for (SNode child : Sequence.fromIterable(n.getChildren())) { SetSequence.fromSet(res).addElement(child.getRoleInParent()); } return res; } /** * todo rewrite the code using this * * @deprecated use SNode.getReferences */ @Deprecated public static List<SReference> getReferences(SNode n) { List<SReference> res = new LinkedList<SReference>(); for (SReference ref : Sequence.fromIterable(n.getReferences())) { res.add(ref); } return res; } /** * todo rewrite the code using this * * @deprecated use SNode.getChildren */ @Deprecated public static List<SNode> getChildren(SNode n) { return IterableUtil.asList(n.getChildren()); } /** * todo rewrite the code using this * * @deprecated use either>it.role) or SNode.getConcept.getReferenceLinks depending on what you want to get */ @Deprecated public static Set<String> getReferenceRoles(SNode n) { Set<String> res = SetSequence.fromSet(new HashSet<String>()); for (SReference ref : Sequence.fromIterable(n.getReferences())) { SetSequence.fromSet(res).addElement(ref.getRole()); } return res; } /** * todo rewrite the code using this * * @deprecated SNode.getParent!=null mostly (if done in "user" code which operates with nodes inside models) */ @Deprecated public static boolean isRoot(SNode n) { return n.getModel() != null && n.getParent() == null; } /** * this is an utility method common to all nodes but needed only for our debug purposes, so we don't put it into SNode * * @deprecated use SNode.getName, SNode.getModel or whatever info you really need. */ @Deprecated public static String getDebugText(SNode node) { String roleText = ""; if (node.getModel() != null) { SNode parent = node.getParent(); roleText = (parent == null ? "[root]" : "[" + node.getContainmentLink().getRoleName() + "]"); } String nameText = null; String modelName; try { if (node.getConcept().isSubConceptOf(SNodeUtil.concept_LinkDeclaration)) { String role = SNodeAccessUtil.getProperty(node, SNodeUtil.property_LinkDeclaration_role); if ((role != null && role.length() > 0)) { nameText = '\"' + role + '\"'; } else { nameText = "<no ref>"; } } else if (node.getConcept().isSubConceptOf(SNodeUtil.concept_INamedConcept)) { String name = SNodeAccessUtil.getProperty(node, SNodeUtil.property_INamedConcept_name); if ((name != null && name.length() > 0)) { nameText = '\"' + name + '\"'; } else { nameText = "<no name>"; } } nameText = nameText + "[" + node.getNodeId() + "]"; SModel model = node.getModel(); modelName = (model != null ? model.getModelName() : "<no model>"); } catch (Exception e) { nameText = "<??name??>"; modelName = "<??model??>"; } return roleText + " " + node.getConcept().getName() + " " + nameText + " in " + modelName; } /** * * @deprecated use either>it.role) or SNode.getConcept.getContainmentLinks depending on what you want to get */ @Deprecated public static Set<SContainmentLink> getChildRoles(SNode n, boolean includeAttributeRoles) { final Set<SContainmentLink> augend = new HashSet<SContainmentLink>(); for (SNode child : n.getChildren()) { if (includeAttributeRoles || !((AttributeOperations.isAttribute(child)))) { augend.add(child.getContainmentLink()); } } return augend; } /** * * @deprecated use node/../.child or SNode.getChildren */ @Deprecated public static SNode getChild(SNode node, SContainmentLink role) { Iterable<? extends SNode> children = node.getChildren(role); if (!(children.iterator().hasNext())) { return null; } return children.iterator().next(); } /** * * @deprecated rewrite using SContainmentLink, don't use by-string roles */ @Deprecated public static SNode getChild(SNode node, String role) { Iterable<? extends SNode> children = node.getChildren(role); if (!(children.iterator().hasNext())) { return null; } return children.iterator().next(); } /** * This will be replaced by getting resolve info from a reference in a context containing it * * @deprecated use SNodeUtil.getResolveInfo (note it does not return name in case of !isInstanceOf(IResolveInfo)) */ @Deprecated public static String getResolveInfo(SNode n) { String resolveInfo = SNodeUtil.getResolveInfo(, MetaAdapterFactory.getInterfaceConcept(0xceab519525ea4f22L, 0x9b92103b95ca8c0cL, 0x116b17c6e46L, "jetbrains.mps.lang.core.structure.IResolveInfo"))); if (resolveInfo != null) { return resolveInfo; } return SPropertyOperations.getString(, MetaAdapterFactory.getInterfaceConcept(0xceab519525ea4f22L, 0x9b92103b95ca8c0cL, 0x110396eaaa4L, "jetbrains.mps.lang.core.structure.INamedConcept")), MetaAdapterFactory.getProperty(0xceab519525ea4f22L, 0x9b92103b95ca8c0cL, 0x110396eaaa4L, 0x110396ec041L, "name")); } /** * * @deprecated use node/../.copy or copy manually */ @Deprecated public static void copyProperties(SNode from, final SNode to) { for (SProperty p : Sequence.fromIterable(from.getProperties())) { to.setProperty(p, from.getProperty(p)); } } /** * * @deprecated use SNode.getConcept.getLanguage (+.getSourceModule?) */ @Deprecated public static Language getLanguage(SNode node) { final SLanguage language = node.getConcept().getLanguage(); if (language == null) { return null; } return ModuleRepositoryFacade.getInstance().getModule(language.getQualifiedName(), Language.class); } /** * * @deprecated don't use user objects, store them separately */ @Deprecated public static void copyUserObjects(SNode from, final SNode to) { for (Object key : from.getUserObjectKeys()) { to.putUserObject(key, from.getUserObject(key)); } } /** * * @deprecated not supposed to be used not in MPS core. Use ref.getTargetNode */ @Deprecated public static SNode getTargetNodeSilently(SReference ref) { boolean needToEnableLogging = false; try { needToEnableLogging = jetbrains.mps.smodel.SReference.disableLogging(); return ref.getTargetNode(); } finally { if (needToEnableLogging) { jetbrains.mps.smodel.SReference.enableLogging(); } } } /** * * @deprecated inline */ @Deprecated public static String getModelStereotype(SModel model) { return (model != null ? SModelStereotype.getStereotype(model) : null); } /** * * @deprecated inline */ @Deprecated public static String getModelLongName(SModel model) { return NameUtil.getModelLongName(model); } /** * * @deprecated use model.getRepository!=null. AP: I tried and it is not the same. Why? */ @Deprecated public static boolean isModelDisposed(SModel model) { return ((SModelInternal) model).getDisposedStacktrace() != null; } /** * * @deprecated inline */ @Deprecated public static int nodesCount(SModel model) { return IterableUtil.asCollection(org.jetbrains.mps.openapi.model.SNodeUtil.getDescendants(model)).size(); } /** * * @deprecated use model.getRepository!=null */ @Deprecated public static boolean isRegistered(SModel model) { return model.getRepository() != null; } /** * * @deprecated not supposed to be used outside of MPS core, inline if you use it */ @Deprecated public static boolean isGeneratable(SModel model) { // I wonder why this method doesn't reside in SModelOperations return model instanceof GeneratableSModel && ((GeneratableSModel) model).isGeneratable(); } }