package plume; import static plume.Options.ArgException; import junit.framework.*; import*; import java.text.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.*; // run like this: // java plume.TestPlume // Files to test: // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // /** Test code for the plume package. */ @SuppressWarnings({"nullness","interning"}) // interning is due to apparent bugs, nullness because this is test code not worth checking public final class TestPlume extends TestCase { // If true, do 100 instead of 100000 iterations when testing randomElements. // This saves only a little time. However, it is significant when running // under instrumentation such as that of Chicory. static boolean short_run = false; public static void main(String[] args) { if ((args.length > 0) && args[0].equals("--shortrun")) { short_run = true; } TestResult tr = TestSuite(TestPlume.class)); if (tr.errorCount() > 0 || tr.failureCount() > 0) { System.exit(1); } } public static void mainFake(String[] args) { testTimeLimitProcess(); } public TestPlume(String name) { super(name); } // public static void main(String[] args) { // testUtilMDE(); // testArraysMDE(); // testHasher(); // testIntern(); // testMathMDE(); // testOrderedPairIterator(); // testPlume(); // testWeakHasherMap(); // System.out.println("All plume tests succeeded."); // } public static final void assert_arrays_equals(int /*@Nullable*/ [] a1, int /*@Nullable*/ [] a2) { boolean result = Arrays.equals(a1, a2); if (! result) System.out.println("Arrays differ: " + ArraysMDE.toString(a1) + ", " + ArraysMDE.toString(a2)); assert result; // assert(Arrays.equals(a1, a2), // "Arrays differ: " + ArraysMDE.toString(a1) + ", " + ArraysMDE.toString(a2)); } public static final void assert_arrays_equals(double[] a1, double[] a2) { boolean result = Arrays.equals(a1, a2); if (! result) System.out.println("Arrays differ: " + ArraysMDE.toString(a1) + ", " + ArraysMDE.toString(a2)); assert result; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Utility functions /// public static Iterator<Integer> int_array_iterator(int[] nums) { List<Integer> asList = new ArrayList<Integer>(nums.length); for (int i=0; i<nums.length; i++) asList.add(nums[i]); return asList.iterator(); } public static int[] int_iterator_array(Iterator<Integer> itor) { Vector<Integer> v = new Vector<Integer>(); while (itor.hasNext()) v.add(; int[] a = new int[v.size()]; for (int i=0; i<a.length; i++) a[i] = v.elementAt(i).intValue(); return a; } public static <T> Vector<T> toVector(Iterator<T> itor) { Vector<T> v = new Vector<T>(); for ( ; itor.hasNext() ; ) { v.add(; } return v; } public static <T> Vector<T> toVector(Enumeration<T> e) { Vector<T> v = new Vector<T>(); for ( ; e.hasMoreElements() ; ) { v.add(e.nextElement()); } return v; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Now the actual testing /// public static void testArraysMDE() { // public static int min(int[] a) assert ArraysMDE.min(new int[] { 1,2,3 }) == 1; assert ArraysMDE.min(new int[] { 2,33,1 }) == 1; assert ArraysMDE.min(new int[] { 3,-2,1 }) == -2; assert ArraysMDE.min(new int[] { 3 }) == 3; // public static int max(int[] a) assert ArraysMDE.max(new int[] { 1,2,3 }) == 3; assert ArraysMDE.max(new int[] { 2,33,1 }) == 33; assert ArraysMDE.max(new int[] { 3,-2,1 }) == 3; assert ArraysMDE.max(new int[] { 3 }) == 3; // public static int[] min_max(int[] a) assert_arrays_equals(ArraysMDE.min_max(new int[] { 1,2,3 }), new int[] { 1,3 }); assert_arrays_equals(ArraysMDE.min_max(new int[] { 2,33,1 }), new int[] { 1,33 }); assert_arrays_equals(ArraysMDE.min_max(new int[] { 3,-2,1 }), new int[] { -2,3 }); assert_arrays_equals(ArraysMDE.min_max(new int[] { 3 }), new int[] { 3,3 }); try { ArraysMDE.min_max(new int[] { }); throw new Error("Didn't throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException"); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } try { ArraysMDE.min_max(new long[] { }); throw new Error("Didn't throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException"); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } // public static int sum(int[] a) assert 0 == ArraysMDE.sum(new int[0]); assert 10 == ArraysMDE.sum(new int[] {10}); assert 10 == ArraysMDE.sum(new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4}); // public static int sum(int[][] a) assert 0 == ArraysMDE.sum(new int[0][0]); assert 78 == ArraysMDE.sum (new int[][] {{1, 2, 3, 4}, {5, 6, 7, 8}, {9, 10, 11, 12}}); // public static double sum(double[] a) assert 0 == ArraysMDE.sum(new double[0]); assert 3.14 == ArraysMDE.sum(new double[] {3.14}); assert 8.624 == ArraysMDE.sum(new double[] {3.14, 2.718, -1.234, 4}); // public static double sum(double[][] a) assert 0 == ArraysMDE.sum(new double[0][0]); assert 79.5 == ArraysMDE.sum(new double[][] {{1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4}, {5.5, 6, 7, 8}, {9, 10, 11, 12}}); // public static int element_range(int[] a) assert ArraysMDE.element_range(new int[] { 1,2,3 }) == 2; assert ArraysMDE.element_range(new int[] { 2,33,1 }) == 32; assert ArraysMDE.element_range(new int[] { 3,-2,1 }) == 5; assert ArraysMDE.element_range(new int[] { 3 }) == 0; // public static int indexOf(Object[] a, Object elt) // public static int indexOfEq(Object[] a, Object elt) { Integer[] a = new Integer[10]; for (int i=0; i<a.length; i++) a[i] = new Integer(i); assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, new Integer(-1)) == -1; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, new Integer(0)) == 0; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, new Integer(7)) == 7; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, new Integer(9)) == 9; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, new Integer(10)) == -1; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, new Integer(20)) == -1; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, (Object) null) == -1; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, (Object) null, 1, 5) == -1; assert ArraysMDE.indexOfEq(a, new Integer(-1)) == -1; assert ArraysMDE.indexOfEq(a, new Integer(0)) == -1; assert ArraysMDE.indexOfEq(a, new Integer(7)) == -1; assert ArraysMDE.indexOfEq(a, new Integer(9)) == -1; assert ArraysMDE.indexOfEq(a, new Integer(10)) == -1; assert ArraysMDE.indexOfEq(a, new Integer(20)) == -1; assert ArraysMDE.indexOfEq(a, (Object) null) == -1; assert ArraysMDE.indexOfEq(a, (Object) null, 1, 5) == -1; assert ArraysMDE.indexOfEq(a, a[0]) == 0; assert ArraysMDE.indexOfEq(a, a[7]) == 7; assert ArraysMDE.indexOfEq(a, a[9]) == 9; } // public static int indexOf(List<?> a, Object elt) // public static int indexOf(List<?> a, Object elt, int minindex, int indexlimit) // public static int indexOfEq(List<?> a, Object elt, int minindex, int indexlimit) // public static int indexOfEq(List<?> a, Object elt) { assert ArraysMDE.indexOf((List<?>) new ArrayList<Object>(), (Object) null) == -1; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf((List<?>) new ArrayList<Object>(), (Object) null, 0, -1) == -1; assert ArraysMDE.indexOfEq((List<?>) new ArrayList<Object>(), (Object) null) == -1; assert ArraysMDE.indexOfEq((List<?>) new ArrayList<Object>(), (Object) null, 0, -1) == -1; } // public static int indexOf(int[] a, int elt) { int[] a = new int[10]; for (int i=0; i<a.length; i++) a[i] = i; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, -1) == -1; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, 0) == 0; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, 7) == 7; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, 9) == 9; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, 10) == -1; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, 20) == -1; } // public static int indexOf(boolean[] a, boolean elt) { boolean[] a = new boolean[10]; for (int i=0; i<a.length; i++) a[i] = false; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, true) == -1; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, false) == 0; a[9] = true; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, true) == 9; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, false) == 0; a[7] = true; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, true) == 7; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, false) == 0; a[0] = true; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, true) == 0; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, false) == 1; for (int i=0; i<a.length; i++) a[i] = true; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, true) == 0; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, false) == -1; } // public static int indexOf(Object[] a, Object[] sub) // public static int indexOfEq(Object[] a, Object[] sub) { Integer[] a = new Integer[10]; for (int i=0; i<a.length; i++) a[i] = new Integer(i); Integer[] b = new Integer[] { }; Integer[] c = new Integer[] { a[0], a[1], a[2] }; Integer[] d = new Integer[] { a[1], a[2] }; Integer[] e = new Integer[] { a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5] }; Integer[] f = new Integer[] { a[7], a[8], a[9] }; Integer[] g = new Integer[] { a[7], new Integer(8), a[9] }; Integer[] h = new Integer[] { a[7], a[8], a[9], new Integer(10) }; Integer[] c2 = new Integer[] { new Integer(0), new Integer(1), new Integer(2) }; Integer[] d2 = new Integer[] { new Integer(1), new Integer(2) }; Integer[] e2 = new Integer[] { new Integer(2), new Integer(3), new Integer(4), new Integer(5) }; Integer[] f2 = new Integer[] { new Integer(7), new Integer(8), new Integer(9) }; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, b) == 0; assert ArraysMDE.indexOfEq(a, b) == 0; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, c) == 0; assert ArraysMDE.indexOfEq(a, c) == 0; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, c2) == 0; assert ArraysMDE.indexOfEq(a, c2) == -1; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, d) == 1; assert ArraysMDE.indexOfEq(a, d) == 1; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, d2) == 1; assert ArraysMDE.indexOfEq(a, d2) == -1; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, e) == 2; assert ArraysMDE.indexOfEq(a, e) == 2; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, e2) == 2; assert ArraysMDE.indexOfEq(a, e2) == -1; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, f) == 7; assert ArraysMDE.indexOfEq(a, f) == 7; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, f2) == 7; assert ArraysMDE.indexOfEq(a, f2) == -1; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, g) == 7; assert ArraysMDE.indexOfEq(a, g) == -1; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, h) == -1; assert ArraysMDE.indexOfEq(a, h) == -1; } // public static int indexOf(int[] a, int[] sub) { int[] a = new int[10]; for (int i=0; i<a.length; i++) a[i] = i; int[] b = new int[] { }; int[] c = new int[] { a[0], a[1], a[2] }; int[] d = new int[] { a[1], a[2] }; int[] e = new int[] { a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5] }; int[] f = new int[] { a[7], a[8], a[9] }; int[] g = new int[] { a[7], 22, a[9] }; int[] h = new int[] { a[7], a[8], a[9], 10 }; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, b) == 0; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, c) == 0; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, d) == 1; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, e) == 2; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, f) == 7; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, g) == -1; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(a, h) == -1; // Tests pulled from actual StackAr data int[] origTheArray = new int[] {1267757, 1267757, 1267757, 1267757, 1267757, 1267757, 1267757, 1267757, 1267757, 1267757, 1267757, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; int[] postTheArray = new int[] {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(postTheArray, origTheArray) == -1; assert ArraysMDE.indexOf(origTheArray, postTheArray) == -1; } // public static int indexOf(boolean[] a, boolean[] sub) // [I'm punting on this for now; deal with it later...] // public static Object[] subarray(Object[] a, int startindex, int length) // public static byte[] subarray(byte[] a, int startindex, int length) // public static boolean[] subarray(boolean[] a, int startindex, int length) // public static char[] subarray(char[] a, int startindex, int length) // public static double[] subarray(double[] a, int startindex, int length) // public static float[] subarray(float[] a, int startindex, int length) // public static int[] subarray(int[] a, int startindex, int length) // public static long[] subarray(long[] a, int startindex, int length) // public static short[] subarray(short[] a, int startindex, int length) // public static boolean isSubarray(Object[] a, Object[] sub, int a_offset) // public static boolean isSubarrayEq(Object[] a, Object[] sub, int a_offset) // public static boolean isSubarray(int[] a, int[] sub, int a_offset) // public static boolean isSubarray(boolean[] a, boolean[] sub, int a_offset) // (The subarray tests are missing; I hope that the array indexOf // operations above test them sufficiently.) // public static String toString(Object /*@Nullable*/ [] a) // public static String toStringQuoted(Object /*@Nullable*/ [] a) // public static String toString(Object /*@Nullable*/ [] a, boolean quoted) // public static String toString(List<?> a) // public static String toStringQuoted(List<?> a) // public static String toString(List<?> a, boolean quoted) { assert ArraysMDE.toString((Object[]) null).equals("null"); assert ArraysMDE.toStringQuoted((Object[]) null).equals("null"); assert ArraysMDE.toString((List<?>) null).equals("null"); assert ArraysMDE.toStringQuoted((List<?>) null).equals("null"); } // static String toString(int[] a) assert ArraysMDE.toString(new int[] { }).equals("[]"); assert ArraysMDE.toString(new int[] { 0 }).equals("[0]"); assert ArraysMDE.toString(new int[] { 0,1,2 }).equals("[0, 1, 2]"); // public static boolean sorted(int[] a) assert ArraysMDE.sorted(new int[] { 0,1,2 }); assert ArraysMDE.sorted(new int[] { 0,1,2,2,3,3 }); assert ArraysMDE.sorted(new int[] { }); assert ArraysMDE.sorted(new int[] { 0 }); assert ArraysMDE.sorted(new int[] { 0,1 }); assert !ArraysMDE.sorted(new int[] { 1,0 }); assert !ArraysMDE.sorted(new int[] { 0,1,2,1,2,3 }); // public static int noDuplicates(int[] a) assert ArraysMDE.noDuplicates(new int[] {1, 2, 3, 5, 4,0}) == true; assert ArraysMDE.noDuplicates(new int[] {1, 2, 3, 5, 4,100}) == true; assert ArraysMDE.noDuplicates(new int[] {2, 2, 3, 5, 4,0}) == false; assert ArraysMDE.noDuplicates(new int[] {1, 2, 3, 5, 4,1}) == false; assert ArraysMDE.noDuplicates(new int[] {1, 2, -3, -5, 4,0}) == true; assert ArraysMDE.noDuplicates(new int[] {1, 2, -2, -2, 4,100}) == false; assert ArraysMDE.noDuplicates(new int[] {}) == true; assert ArraysMDE.noDuplicates(new int[] {42}) == true; // public static int noDuplicates(long[] a) assert ArraysMDE.noDuplicates(new long[] {1, 2, 3, 5, 4,0}) == true; assert ArraysMDE.noDuplicates(new long[] {1, 2, 3, 5, 4,100}) == true; assert ArraysMDE.noDuplicates(new long[] {2, 2, 3, 5, 4,0}) == false; assert ArraysMDE.noDuplicates(new long[] {1, 2, 3, 5, 4,1}) == false; assert ArraysMDE.noDuplicates(new long[] {1, 2, -3, -5, 4,0}) == true; assert ArraysMDE.noDuplicates(new long[] {1, 2, -2, -2, 4,100}) == false; assert ArraysMDE.noDuplicates(new long[] {}) == true; assert ArraysMDE.noDuplicates(new long[] {42}) == true; // public static int noDuplicates(double[] a) assert ArraysMDE.noDuplicates(new double[] {1, 2, 3, 5, 4,0}) == true; assert ArraysMDE.noDuplicates(new double[] {1, 2, 3, 5, 4,100}) == true; assert ArraysMDE.noDuplicates(new double[] {2, 2, 3, 5, 4,0}) == false; assert ArraysMDE.noDuplicates(new double[] {1, 2, 3, 5, 4,1}) == false; assert ArraysMDE.noDuplicates(new double[] {1., 1.001, -3, -5, 4,0}) == true; assert ArraysMDE.noDuplicates(new double[] {1., 2, -2.00, -2, 4,100}) == false; assert ArraysMDE.noDuplicates(new double[] {}) == true; assert ArraysMDE.noDuplicates(new double[] {42}) == true; // public static int noDuplicates(String[] a) assert ArraysMDE.noDuplicates(new String[] {"1", "2", "3", "5", "4","0"}) == true; assert ArraysMDE.noDuplicates(new String[] {"A","a", "foo", "Foo",""}) == true; assert ArraysMDE.noDuplicates(new String[] {" ", " "}) == false; assert ArraysMDE.noDuplicates(new String[] {" ", " "}) == true; // public static boolean fn_is_permutation(int[] a) assert ArraysMDE.fn_is_permutation(new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 }) == true; assert ArraysMDE.fn_is_permutation(new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 0 }) == true; assert ArraysMDE.fn_is_permutation(new int[] { 3, 2, 1, 0 }) == true; assert ArraysMDE.fn_is_permutation(new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 2 }) == false; assert ArraysMDE.fn_is_permutation(new int[] { 0, -1, 2, 3 }) == false; assert ArraysMDE.fn_is_permutation(new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 4 }) == false; assert ArraysMDE.fn_is_permutation(new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 }) == false; // public static boolean fn_is_total(int[] a) assert ArraysMDE.fn_is_total(new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 }) == true; assert ArraysMDE.fn_is_total(new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 0 }) == true; assert ArraysMDE.fn_is_total(new int[] { 3, 2, 1, 0 }) == true; assert ArraysMDE.fn_is_total(new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 2 }) == true; assert ArraysMDE.fn_is_total(new int[] { -1, 0, 2, 3 }) == false; assert ArraysMDE.fn_is_total(new int[] { 0, -1, 2, 3 }) == false; assert ArraysMDE.fn_is_total(new int[] { 0, -2, 1, 3 }) == true; // weird assert ArraysMDE.fn_is_total(new int[] { 0, 2, 3, -1 }) == false; assert ArraysMDE.fn_is_total(new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 4 }) == true; assert ArraysMDE.fn_is_total(new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 }) == true; // public static int[] fn_identity(int length) assert_arrays_equals(ArraysMDE.fn_identity(0), new int[] { }); assert_arrays_equals(ArraysMDE.fn_identity(1), new int[] { 0 }); assert_arrays_equals(ArraysMDE.fn_identity(2), new int[] { 0, 1 }); assert_arrays_equals(ArraysMDE.fn_identity(3), new int[] { 0, 1, 2 }); // public static int[] fn_inverse_permutation(int[] a) assert_arrays_equals(ArraysMDE.fn_inverse_permutation( new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 }), new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 }); assert_arrays_equals(ArraysMDE.fn_inverse_permutation( new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 0 }), new int[] { 3, 0, 1, 2 }); assert_arrays_equals(ArraysMDE.fn_inverse_permutation( new int[] { 3, 2, 1, 0 }), new int[] { 3, 2, 1, 0 }); // public static int[] fn_inverse(int[] a, int arange) assert_arrays_equals(ArraysMDE.fn_inverse( new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 }, 4), new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 }); assert_arrays_equals(ArraysMDE.fn_inverse( new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 0 }, 4), new int[] { 3, 0, 1, 2 }); assert_arrays_equals(ArraysMDE.fn_inverse( new int[] { 3, 2, 1, 0 }, 4), new int[] { 3, 2, 1, 0 }); try { ArraysMDE.fn_inverse(new int[] { 0, 0, 2, 3 }, 4); throw new Error(); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { assert e.getMessage().equals("Not invertible"); } assert_arrays_equals(ArraysMDE.fn_inverse( new int[] { 5 }, 6), new int[] { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0 }); assert_arrays_equals(ArraysMDE.fn_inverse( new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 5 }, 6), new int[] { -1, 0, 1, 2, -1, 3 }); // public static int[] fn_compose(int[] a, int[] b) assert_arrays_equals(ArraysMDE.fn_compose( new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 }, new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 }), new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 }); assert_arrays_equals(ArraysMDE.fn_compose( new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 0 }, new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 0 }), new int[] { 2, 3, 0, 1 }); assert_arrays_equals(ArraysMDE.fn_compose( new int[] { 3, 2, 1, 0 }, new int[] { 3, 2, 1, 0 }), new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 }); assert_arrays_equals(ArraysMDE.fn_compose( new int[] { 0, 1, 0, 3 }, new int[] { 0, 5, 2, 1 }), new int[] { 0, 5, 0, 1 }); assert_arrays_equals(ArraysMDE.fn_compose( new int[] { 0 }, new int[] { 5 }), new int[] { 5 }); assert_arrays_equals(ArraysMDE.fn_compose( new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 5 }, new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 5, -1, -1 }), new int[] { 2, 3, 5, -1 }); // public static boolean isSubset(long[] smaller, long[] bigger) // public static boolean isSubset(double[] smaller, double[] bigger) // public static boolean isSubset(String[] smaller, String[] bigger) { double[] f1 = new double[10]; double[] f2 = new double[20]; for (int j = 0; j < f2.length; j++) f2[j] = j; for (int i = 0; i < f2.length - f1.length; i++) { //fill up f1 with elements of f2 for (int j = 0; j < f1.length; j++) f1[j] = f2[i+j]; f1[5] = f2[i]; double[] f1_copy = f1.clone(); double[] f2_copy = f2.clone(); assert ArraysMDE.isSubset (f1, f2); assert_arrays_equals (f1, f1_copy); assert_arrays_equals (f2, f2_copy); } double [] a1 = new double [] {1, 5, 10}; double [] a2 = new double [] {}; double [] a3 = new double [] {1}; double [] a4 = new double [] {10}; double [] a5 = new double [] {1, 10, 15, 20}; double [] a6 = new double [] {10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 1}; assert ArraysMDE.isSubset (a2, a1); assert !ArraysMDE.isSubset (a1, a2); assert !ArraysMDE.isSubset (a1, a5); assert ArraysMDE.isSubset (a3, a1); assert ArraysMDE.isSubset (a4, a1); assert ArraysMDE.isSubset (a6, a1); assert !ArraysMDE.isSubset (a1, a6); } // public static class IntArrayComparatorLexical implements Comparator // public static class IntArrayComparatorLengthFirst implements Comparator { Comparator<int[]> iacl = new ArraysMDE.IntArrayComparatorLexical(); Comparator<int[]> iaclf = new ArraysMDE.IntArrayComparatorLengthFirst(); int[] a0 = new int[] { }; int[] a1 = new int[] { }; int[] a2 = new int[] { 0,1,2,3 }; int[] a3 = new int[] { 0,1,2,3,0 }; int[] a4 = new int[] { 0,1,2,3,4 }; int[] a5 = new int[] { 0,1,2,3,4 }; int[] a6 = new int[] { 0,1,5,3,4 }; int[] a7 = new int[] { 1,2,3,4 }; int[] a8 = new int[] { -5 }; int[] a9 = new int[] { Integer.MAX_VALUE }; int[] a10= new int[] { Integer.MIN_VALUE }; assert, a1) == 0; assert, a1) == 0; assert, a0) == 0; assert, a0) == 0; assert, a2) < 0; assert, a2) < 0; assert, a1) > 0; assert, a1) > 0; assert, a3) < 0; assert, a3) < 0; assert, a2) > 0; assert, a2) > 0; assert, a4) < 0; assert, a4) < 0; assert, a3) > 0; assert, a3) > 0; assert, a5) == 0; assert, a5) == 0; assert, a4) == 0; assert, a4) == 0; assert, a6) < 0; assert, a6) < 0; assert, a5) > 0; assert, a5) > 0; assert, a7) < 0; assert, a7) > 0; assert, a6) > 0; assert, a6) < 0; assert, a4) < 0; assert, a4) < 0; assert, a1) > 0; assert, a1) > 0; assert, a4) < 0; assert, a4) < 0; assert, a2) > 0; assert, a2) > 0; assert, a4) > 0; assert, a4) > 0; assert, a6) < 0; assert, a6) < 0; assert, a4) > 0; assert, a4) < 0; assert, a7) < 0; assert, a7) > 0; assert (a8, a9) < 0; assert (a8, a9) < 0; assert, a7) < 0; } // public static class LongArrayComparatorLexical implements Comparator // public static class LongArrayComparatorLengthFirst implements Comparator { Comparator<long[]> lacl = new ArraysMDE.LongArrayComparatorLexical(); Comparator<long[]> laclf = new ArraysMDE.LongArrayComparatorLengthFirst(); long[] a0 = new long[] { }; long[] a1 = new long[] { }; long[] a2 = new long[] { 0,1,2,3 }; long[] a3 = new long[] { 0,1,2,3,0 }; long[] a4 = new long[] { 0,1,2,3,4 }; long[] a5 = new long[] { 0,1,2,3,4 }; long[] a6 = new long[] { 0,1,5,3,4 }; long[] a7 = new long[] { 1,2,3,4 }; long[] a8 = new long[] { -5 }; long[] a9 = new long[] { Long.MAX_VALUE }; long[] a10= new long[] { Long.MIN_VALUE }; assert, a1) == 0; assert, a1) == 0; assert, a0) == 0; assert, a0) == 0; assert, a2) < 0; assert, a2) < 0; assert, a1) > 0; assert, a1) > 0; assert, a3) < 0; assert, a3) < 0; assert, a2) > 0; assert, a2) > 0; assert, a4) < 0; assert, a4) < 0; assert, a3) > 0; assert, a3) > 0; assert, a5) == 0; assert, a5) == 0; assert, a4) == 0; assert, a4) == 0; assert, a6) < 0; assert, a6) < 0; assert, a5) > 0; assert, a5) > 0; assert, a7) < 0; assert, a7) > 0; assert, a6) > 0; assert, a6) < 0; assert, a4) < 0; assert, a4) < 0; assert, a1) > 0; assert, a1) > 0; assert, a4) < 0; assert, a4) < 0; assert, a2) > 0; assert, a2) > 0; assert, a4) > 0; assert, a4) > 0; assert, a6) < 0; assert, a6) < 0; assert, a4) > 0; assert, a4) < 0; assert, a7) < 0; assert, a7) > 0; assert (a8, a9) < 0; assert (a8, a9) < 0; assert, a7) < 0; } // public static class DoubleArrayComparatorLexical implements Comparator { Comparator<double[]> dacl = new ArraysMDE.DoubleArrayComparatorLexical(); double[] a0 = new double[] { }; double[] a1 = new double[] { }; double[] a2 = new double[] { 0,1,2,3 }; double[] a3 = new double[] { 0,1,2,3,0 }; double[] a4 = new double[] { 0,1,2,3,4 }; double[] a5 = new double[] { 0,1,2,3,4 }; double[] a6 = new double[] { 0,1,5,3,4 }; double[] a7 = new double[] { 1,2,3,4 }; double[] a8 = new double[] { 0.005 }; double[] a9 = new double[] { 0.004 }; double[] a10= new double[] { -0.005 }; double[] a11= new double[] { -0.004 }; double[] a12= new double[] { 10.0 * Integer.MAX_VALUE }; double[] a13= new double[] { 10.0 * Integer.MIN_VALUE }; assert, a1) == 0; assert, a0) == 0; assert, a2) < 0; assert, a1) > 0; assert, a3) < 0; assert, a2) > 0; assert, a4) < 0; assert, a3) > 0; assert, a5) == 0; assert, a4) == 0; assert, a6) < 0; assert, a5) > 0; assert, a7) < 0; assert, a6) > 0; assert, a4) < 0; assert, a1) > 0; assert, a4) < 0; assert, a2) > 0; assert, a4) > 0; assert, a6) < 0; assert, a4) > 0; assert, a7) < 0; // Test the comparisons on small/large numbers assert, a9) > 0; assert, a11) < 0; assert, a12) < 0; assert, a13) > 0; assert, a11) < 0; } // public static class ObjectArrayComparatorLexical implements Comparator // public static class ObjectArrayComparatorLengthFirst implements Comparator // public static final class ComparableArrayComparatorLexical implements Comparator // public static final class ComparableArrayComparatorLengthFirst implements Comparator { Comparator<String[]> cacl = new ArraysMDE.ComparableArrayComparatorLexical<String>(); Comparator<String[]> caclf = new ArraysMDE.ComparableArrayComparatorLengthFirst<String>(); String[] a0 = new String[] { }; String[] a1 = new String[] { }; String[] a2 = new String[] { "0","1","2","3" }; String[] a3 = new String[] { "0","1","2","3","0" }; String[] a4 = new String[] { "0","1","2","3","4" }; String[] a5 = new String[] { "0","1","2","3","4" }; String[] a6 = new String[] { "0","1","5","3","4" }; String[] a7 = new String[] { "1","2","3","4" }; String[] a8 = new String[] { "0","1",null,"3","4" }; assert, a1) == 0; assert, a1) == 0; assert, a0) == 0; assert, a0) == 0; assert, a2) < 0; assert, a2) < 0; assert, a1) > 0; assert, a1) > 0; assert, a3) < 0; assert, a3) < 0; assert, a2) > 0; assert, a2) > 0; assert, a4) < 0; assert, a4) < 0; assert, a3) > 0; assert, a3) > 0; assert, a5) == 0; assert, a5) == 0; assert, a4) == 0; assert, a4) == 0; assert, a6) < 0; assert, a6) < 0; assert, a5) > 0; assert, a5) > 0; assert, a7) < 0; assert, a7) > 0; assert, a6) > 0; assert, a6) < 0; assert, a4) < 0; assert, a4) < 0; assert, a1) > 0; assert, a1) > 0; assert, a4) < 0; assert, a4) < 0; assert, a2) > 0; assert, a2) > 0; assert, a4) > 0; assert, a4) > 0; assert, a6) < 0; assert, a6) < 0; assert, a4) > 0; assert, a4) < 0; assert, a1) > 0; assert, a1) > 0; assert, a8) < 0; assert, a8) < 0; assert, a2) < 0; assert, a2) > 0; assert, a8) > 0; assert, a8) < 0; assert, a3) < 0; assert, a3) < 0; assert, a8) > 0; assert, a8) > 0; } // public static boolean any_null(Object[] a) { Object o = new Object(); assert ArraysMDE.any_null(new Object[] { }) == false; assert ArraysMDE.any_null(new Object[] { null }) == true; assert ArraysMDE.any_null(new Object[] { null, null }) == true; assert ArraysMDE.any_null(new Object[] { o }) == false; assert ArraysMDE.any_null(new Object[] { o, o }) == false; assert ArraysMDE.any_null(new Object[] { o, null, null }) == true; assert ArraysMDE.any_null(new Object[] { null, o, null }) == true; assert ArraysMDE.any_null(new Object[] { o, null, o }) == true; assert ArraysMDE.any_null(new Object[] { null, o, o }) == true; assert ArraysMDE.any_null(new Object[][] { }) == false; assert ArraysMDE.any_null(new Object[][] { null }) == true; assert ArraysMDE.any_null(new Object[][] { new Object[] { null } }) == false; assert ArraysMDE.any_null(new Object[][] { new Object[] { null }, null }) == true; assert ArraysMDE.any_null(new Object[][] { new Object[] { null }, new Object[] { o } }) == false; } // public static boolean all_null(Object[] a) { Object o = new Object(); assert ArraysMDE.all_null(new Object[] { }) == true; assert ArraysMDE.all_null(new Object[] { null }) == true; assert ArraysMDE.all_null(new Object[] { null, null }) == true; assert ArraysMDE.all_null(new Object[] { o }) == false; assert ArraysMDE.all_null(new Object[] { o, o }) == false; assert ArraysMDE.all_null(new Object[] { o, null, null }) == false; assert ArraysMDE.all_null(new Object[] { null, o, null }) == false; assert ArraysMDE.all_null(new Object[] { o, null, o }) == false; assert ArraysMDE.all_null(new Object[] { null, o, o }) == false; assert ArraysMDE.all_null(new Object[][] { }) == true; assert ArraysMDE.all_null(new Object[][] { null }) == true; assert ArraysMDE.all_null(new Object[][] { null, null }) == true; assert ArraysMDE.all_null(new Object[][] { new Object[] { null } }) == false; assert ArraysMDE.all_null(new Object[][] { new Object[] { null }, null }) == false; assert ArraysMDE.all_null(new Object[][] { new Object[] { null }, new Object[] { o } }) == false; } } // This cannot be static because it instantiates an inner class. public void testHasher() { /// To check (maybe some of these are done already). /// All of these methods are in Intern; should the tests appear in /// testIntern() or here? // public static void internStrings(String[] a) // public static boolean isInterned(Object value) // public static int numIntegers() // public static int numIntArrays() // public static int numDoubles() // public static int numDoubleArrays() // public static int numObjectArrays() // public static Iterator integers() // public static Iterator intArrays() // public static Iterator doubles() // public static Iterator doubleArrays() // public static Iterator objectArrays() // public static Integer intern(Integer a) // public static Integer internedInteger(int i) // public static Integer internedInteger(String s) // public static int[] intern(int[] a) // public static Double intern(Double a) // public static Double internedDouble(int i) // public static Double internedDouble(String s) // public static double[] intern(double[] a) // public static Object[] intern(Object[] a) // private static class IntArrayHasher implements Hasher // private static class ObjectArrayHasher implements Hasher // public static int[] intern(int[] a) // public static Object[] intern(Object[] a) class InternTest { // javadoc won't let this be static. void test(boolean random) { int size1 = (random ? 100 : 1); int size2 = (random ? 10 : 1); Random random_gen = new Random(); int[][] arrays = new int[100][]; for (int i=0; i<arrays.length; i++) { int[] a = new int[10]; for (int j=0; j<a.length; j++) { if (random) a[j] = random_gen.nextInt(1000); else a[j] = j; } arrays[i] = a; // System.out.println(ArraysMDE.toString(a)); // Sadly, this is required to get the last array to be // garbage-collected with Jikes 1.03 and JDK 1.2.2. a = null; } System.gc(); if (Intern.numIntArrays() != 0) throw new Error(" expected 0 int arrays at start, found " + Intern.numIntArrays()); for (int i=0; i<arrays.length; i++) Intern.intern(arrays[i]); if (Intern.numIntArrays() != size1) throw new Error("Expected " + size1 + ", got " + Intern.numIntArrays() + " int arrays"); System.gc(); if (Intern.numIntArrays() != size1) throw new Error(); for (int i=10; i<arrays.length; i++) arrays[i] = null; System.gc(); if (Intern.numIntArrays() != size2) { if (Intern.numIntArrays() < size2 + 10) { System.out.println("Is JIT disabled? Size should have been " + size2 + ", actually was " + Intern.numIntArrays()); } else { System.out.println("================"); for (int i=0; i<arrays.length; i++) System.out.println(ArraysMDE.toString(arrays[i])); System.out.println("================"); for (Iterator<int[]> itor = Intern.intArrays(); itor.hasNext(); ) { System.out.println(ArraysMDE.toString(; } String message = ("Size should have been " + size2 + ", actually was " + Intern.numIntArrays()); System.out.println(message); throw new Error(message); } } } } InternTest intern = new InternTest(); intern.test(true); intern.test(false); } public static void testIntern() { Integer i = Intern.internedInteger("1234"); assert Intern.isInterned(i); assert i.intValue() == 1234; i = Intern.internedInteger("0x12ab"); assert Intern.isInterned(i); assert i.intValue() == 0x12ab; Long l = Intern.internedLong("12345678"); assert Intern.isInterned(l); assert l.intValue() == 12345678; l = Intern.internedLong("0x1234abcd"); assert Intern.isInterned(l); assert l.intValue() == 0x1234abcd; } // Tests the method "Object intern(Object)" in public static void testInternObject() { Object nIntern = Intern.intern((/*@Nullable*/ Object) null); assert nIntern == null; String sOrig = new String("foo"); String sIntern = Intern.intern(sOrig); Object sObjIntern = Intern.intern((Object) sOrig); assert sIntern == sObjIntern; Object sOtherIntern = Intern.intern(new String("foo")); assert sIntern == sOtherIntern; String[] saOrig = new String[] {"foo", "bar"}; String[] saIntern = Intern.intern(saOrig); Object saObjIntern = Intern.intern((Object) saOrig); assert saIntern == saObjIntern; Object saOtherIntern = Intern.intern(new String[] {"foo", "bar"}); assert saIntern == saOtherIntern; Integer iOrig = new Integer(1); Integer iIntern = Intern.intern(iOrig); Object iObjIntern = Intern.intern((Object) iOrig); assert iIntern == iObjIntern; Object iOtherIntern = Intern.intern((Object) new Integer(1)); assert iIntern == iOtherIntern; Long lOrig = new Long(12345678901234L); Long lIntern = Intern.intern(lOrig); Object lObjIntern = Intern.intern((Object) lOrig); assert lIntern == lObjIntern; Object lOtherIntern = Intern.intern((Object) new Long(12345678901234L)); assert lIntern == lOtherIntern; int[] iaOrig = new int[] {1, 2, 3}; int[] iaIntern = Intern.intern(iaOrig); Object iaObjIntern = Intern.intern((Object) iaOrig); assert iaIntern == iaObjIntern; Object iaOtherIntern = Intern.intern((Object) new int[] {1, 2, 3}); assert iaIntern == iaOtherIntern; long[] laOrig = new long[] {12345678901234L, 98765432109876L}; long[] laIntern = Intern.intern(laOrig); Object laObjIntern = Intern.intern((Object) laOrig); assert laIntern == laObjIntern; Object laOtherIntern = Intern.intern((Object) new long[] {12345678901234L, 98765432109876L}); assert laIntern == laOtherIntern; // Need to test positive and negative zeros, infinities. Double dOrig = new Double(3.14); Double dIntern = Intern.intern(dOrig); Object dObjIntern = Intern.intern((Object) dOrig); assert dIntern == dObjIntern; Object dOtherIntern = Intern.intern((Object) dOrig); assert dIntern == dOtherIntern; Double dnOrig = new Double(Double.NaN); Double dnIntern = Intern.intern(dnOrig); Object dnObjIntern = Intern.intern((Object) dnOrig); assert dnIntern == dnObjIntern; Object dnOtherIntern = Intern.intern((Object) new Double(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY / Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)); assert dnIntern == dnOtherIntern; Double diOrig = new Double(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); Double diIntern = Intern.intern(diOrig); Object diObjIntern = Intern.intern((Object) diOrig); assert diIntern == diObjIntern; Object diOtherIntern = Intern.intern((Object) new Double(2 * Double.MAX_VALUE)); assert diIntern == diOtherIntern; double positive_zero = +0.0; double negative_zero = -0.0; assert positive_zero == negative_zero; assert 1/positive_zero == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; assert 1/negative_zero == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; Double dzOrig = new Double(positive_zero); Double dzIntern = Intern.intern(dzOrig); Object dzObjIntern = Intern.intern((Object) dzOrig); assert dzIntern == dzObjIntern; Object dzOtherIntern = Intern.intern((Object) new Double(negative_zero)); assert dzIntern == dzOtherIntern; double[] daOrig = new double[] {3.14, 2.71}; double[] daIntern = Intern.intern(daOrig); Object daObjIntern = Intern.intern((Object) daOrig); assert daIntern == daObjIntern; Object daOtherIntern = Intern.intern((Object) new double[] {3.14, 2.71}); assert daIntern == daOtherIntern; double[] da2Orig = new double[] {+0.0, Double.NaN}; double[] da2Intern = Intern.intern(da2Orig); Object da2ObjIntern = Intern.intern((Object) da2Orig); assert da2Intern == da2ObjIntern; Object da2OtherIntern = Intern.intern((Object) new double[] {-0.0, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY / Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY}); assert da2Intern == da2OtherIntern; Object[] oaOrig = new Object[] {new String("foo"), new Integer(1)}; Object[] oaIntern = Intern.intern(oaOrig); Object oaObjIntern = Intern.intern((Object) oaOrig); assert oaIntern == oaObjIntern; Object oaOtherIntern = Intern.intern((Object) new Object[] {new String("foo"), new Integer(1)}); assert oaIntern == oaOtherIntern; java.awt.Point pOrig = new java.awt.Point(1,2); try { Intern.intern((Object) pOrig); // performed for side effect throw new Error("Didn't throw IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } // Add elements 0..limit-1 to the set. private static void lsis_add_elts(int limit, LimitedSizeSet<Integer> s) { Random r = new Random(); for (int i=0; i<100; i++) { s.add(r.nextInt(limit)); } } private static void lsis_test(int max_size) { LimitedSizeSet<Integer> s = new LimitedSizeSet<Integer>(max_size); for (int i=1; i<2*max_size; i++) { lsis_add_elts(i, s); int size = s.size(); assert ((i<=max_size) ? (size == i) : (size == max_size+1)) : "" + size + " " + i + " " + max_size + " " + s; } } public static void testLimitedSizeSet() { for (int i=1; i<10; i++) { lsis_test(i); } } // This cannot be static because it instantiates an inner class. public void testMathMDE() { // int negate(int a) assert MathMDE.negate(3) == -3; assert MathMDE.negate(-22) == 22; assert MathMDE.negate(0) == 0; // int bitwiseComplement(int a) assert MathMDE.bitwiseComplement(3) == -4; assert MathMDE.bitwiseComplement(-22) == 21; assert MathMDE.bitwiseComplement(0) == -1; // int sign(int a) assert MathMDE.sign(3) == 1; assert MathMDE.sign(-22) == -1; assert MathMDE.sign(0) == 0; // int pow(int base, int expt) try { assert MathMDE.pow(3, 3) == 27; assert MathMDE.pow(-5, 5) == -3125; assert MathMDE.pow(22, 0) == 1; assert MathMDE.pow(4, 6) == 4096; assert MathMDE.pow(1, 222222) == 1; assert MathMDE.pow(-2, 25) == -33554432; // This is beyond the precision. Maybe return a long instead of an int? // assert MathMDE.pow(-3, 25) == ...; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new Error(e); } try { MathMDE.pow(3, -3); throw new Error("Didn't throw ArithmeticException"); } catch (ArithmeticException e) { } // int gcd(int a, int b) assert MathMDE.gcd(2, 50) == 2; assert MathMDE.gcd(50, 2) == 2; assert MathMDE.gcd(12, 144) == 12; assert MathMDE.gcd(144, 12) == 12; assert MathMDE.gcd(96, 144) == 48; assert MathMDE.gcd(144, 96) == 48; assert MathMDE.gcd(10, 25) == 5; assert MathMDE.gcd(25, 10) == 5; assert MathMDE.gcd(17, 25) == 1; assert MathMDE.gcd(25, 17) == 1; assert MathMDE.gcd(0,10) == 10; assert MathMDE.gcd(10,0) == 10; assert MathMDE.gcd(25, -10) == 5; assert MathMDE.gcd(-25, -10) == 5; assert MathMDE.gcd(-25, 10) == 5; // int gcd(int[] a) assert MathMDE.gcd(new int[] {2, 50}) == 2; assert MathMDE.gcd(new int[] {12, 144}) == 12; assert MathMDE.gcd(new int[] {96, 144}) == 48; assert MathMDE.gcd(new int[] {10, 25}) == 5; assert MathMDE.gcd(new int[] {100, 10, 25}) == 5; assert MathMDE.gcd(new int[] {768, 324}) == 12; assert MathMDE.gcd(new int[] {2400, 48, 36}) == 12; assert MathMDE.gcd(new int[] {2400, 72, 36}) == 12; // int gcd_differences(int[] a) // Weak set of tests, derived directly from those of "int gcd(int[] a)". assert MathMDE.gcd_differences(new int[] {0, 2, 52}) == 2; assert MathMDE.gcd_differences(new int[] {0, 12, 156}) == 12; assert MathMDE.gcd_differences(new int[] {0, 96, 240}) == 48; assert MathMDE.gcd_differences(new int[] {0, 10, 35}) == 5; assert MathMDE.gcd_differences(new int[] {0, 100, 110, 135}) == 5; assert MathMDE.gcd_differences(new int[] {0, 768, 1092}) == 12; assert MathMDE.gcd_differences(new int[] {0, 2400, 2448, 2484}) == 12; assert MathMDE.gcd_differences(new int[] {0, 2400, 2472, 2508}) == 12; // int mod_positive(int x, int y) assert MathMDE.mod_positive(33, 5) == 3; assert MathMDE.mod_positive(-33, 5) == 2; assert MathMDE.mod_positive(33, -5) == 3; assert MathMDE.mod_positive(-33, -5) == 2; // int[] missing_numbers(int[] nums) assert_arrays_equals(MathMDE.missing_numbers(new int[] { 3,4,5,6,7,8 }), new int[] {}); assert_arrays_equals(MathMDE.missing_numbers(new int[] { 3,4,6,7,8 }), new int[] { 5 }); assert_arrays_equals(MathMDE.missing_numbers(new int[] { 3,4,8 }), new int[] { 5,6,7 }); assert_arrays_equals(MathMDE.missing_numbers(new int[] { 3,5,6,8 }), new int[] { 4,7 }); assert_arrays_equals(MathMDE.missing_numbers(new int[] { 3,6,8 }), new int[] { 4,5,7 }); // class MissingNumbersIteratorInt class TestMissingNumbersIteratorInt { // javadoc won't let this be static void test(int[] orig, boolean add_ends, int[] goal_missing) { Iterator<Integer> orig_iterator = int_array_iterator(orig); Iterator<Integer> missing_iterator = new MathMDE.MissingNumbersIteratorInt(orig_iterator, add_ends); int[] missing = TestPlume.int_iterator_array(missing_iterator); assert_arrays_equals(missing, goal_missing); } } TestMissingNumbersIteratorInt tmni = new TestMissingNumbersIteratorInt(); tmni.test(new int[] { 3,4,5,6,7,8 }, false, new int[] {}); tmni.test(new int[] { 3,4,6,7,8 }, false, new int[] { 5 }); tmni.test(new int[] { 3,4,8 }, false, new int[] { 5,6,7 }); tmni.test(new int[] { 3,5,6,8 }, false, new int[] { 4,7 }); tmni.test(new int[] { 3,6,8 }, false, new int[] { 4,5,7 }); tmni.test(new int[] { 3 }, false, new int[] { }); tmni.test(new int[] { 3,4,5 }, false, new int[] { }); tmni.test(new int[] { 3,4,5,6,7,8 }, true, new int[] { 2,9 }); tmni.test(new int[] { 3,4,6,7,8 }, true, new int[] { 2,5,9 }); tmni.test(new int[] { 3,4,8 }, true, new int[] { 2,5,6,7,9 }); tmni.test(new int[] { 3,5,6,8 }, true, new int[] { 2,4,7,9 }); tmni.test(new int[] { 3,6,8 }, true, new int[] { 2,4,5,7,9 }); tmni.test(new int[] { 3,4,5 }, true, new int[] { 2,6 }); tmni.test(new int[] { -1,1,2,3,5,6,7,9 }, true, new int[] { -2,0,4,8,10 }); // int[] modulus(int[] nums) // int[] modulus(Iterator itor) class TestModulus { // javadoc won't let this be static void check(int[] nums, int[] goal_rm) { int[] rm = MathMDE.modulus(nums); if (!Arrays.equals(rm, goal_rm)) throw new Error("Expected (r,m)=" + ArraysMDE.toString(goal_rm) + ", saw (r,m)=" + ArraysMDE.toString(rm)); if (rm == null) return; int goal_r = rm[0]; int m = rm[1]; for (int i=0; i<nums.length; i++) { int r = nums[i] % m; if (r < 0) r += m; if (r != goal_r) throw new Error("Expected " + nums[i] + " % " + m + " = " + goal_r + ", got " + r); } } // javadoc won't let this be static void check(Iterator<Integer> itor, int[] goal_rm) { // There would be no point to this: it's testing // int_iterator_array, not the iterator version! // return check(int_iterator_array(itor), goal_rm); assert_arrays_equals(MathMDE.modulus_int(itor), goal_rm); } // javadoc won't let this be static void check_iterator(int[] nums, int[] goal_rm) { check(int_array_iterator(nums), goal_rm); } } TestModulus testModulus = new TestModulus(); testModulus.check(new int[] {3,7,47,51}, new int[] { 3,4 }); testModulus.check(new int[] {3,11,43,51}, new int[] { 3,8 }); testModulus.check(new int[] {3,11,47,55}, new int[] { 3,4 }); testModulus.check(new int[] {2383,4015,-81,463,-689}, new int[] { 15,32 }); testModulus.check(new int[] {3,7}, null); testModulus.check(new int[] {2,3,5,7}, null); testModulus.check(new int[] {2,19,101}, null); testModulus.check_iterator(new int[] {3,7,47,51}, new int[] { 3,4 }); testModulus.check_iterator(new int[] {3,11,43,51}, new int[] { 3,8 }); testModulus.check_iterator(new int[] {3,11,47,55}, new int[] { 3,4 }); testModulus.check_iterator(new int[] {2383,4015,-81,463,-689}, new int[] { 15,32 }); // int[] nonmodulus_strict(int[] nums) // int[] nonmodulus_nonstrict(int[] nums) // int[] nonmodulus_strict(Iterator nums) class TestNonModulus { // javadoc won't let this be static void check_strict(int[] nums, int[] goal_rm) { check(nums, goal_rm, true); Iterator<Integer> itor = int_array_iterator(nums); assert_arrays_equals(MathMDE.nonmodulus_strict_int(itor), goal_rm); } // javadoc won't let this be static void check_nonstrict(int[] nums, int[] goal_rm) { check(nums, goal_rm, false); } // javadoc won't let this be static void check(int[] nums, int[] goal_rm, boolean strict) { int[] rm; if (strict) rm = MathMDE.nonmodulus_strict(nums); else rm = MathMDE.nonmodulus_nonstrict(nums); if (!Arrays.equals(rm, goal_rm)) throw new Error("Expected (r,m)=" + ArraysMDE.toString(goal_rm) + ", saw (r,m)=" + ArraysMDE.toString(rm)); if (rm == null) return; int goal_r = rm[0]; int m = rm[1]; for (int i=0; i<nums.length; i++) { int r = nums[i] % m; if (r < 0) r += m; if (r == goal_r) throw new Error("Expected inequality, saw " + nums[i] + " % " + m + " = " + r); } } } TestNonModulus testNonModulus = new TestNonModulus(); testNonModulus.check_strict(new int[] {1,2,3,5,6,7,9}, null); testNonModulus.check_strict(new int[] {-1,1,2,3,5,6,7,9}, new int[] {0,4}); testNonModulus.check_strict(new int[] {1,2,3,5,6,7,9,11}, null); testNonModulus.check_strict(new int[] {1,2,3,5,6,7,11}, null); testNonModulus.check_strict(new int[] {1,2,4,6,8,10}, null); // null because only 7 elements, so don't try modulus = 4 testNonModulus.check_nonstrict(new int[] {1,2,3,5,6,7,9}, null); testNonModulus.check_nonstrict(new int[] {1,2,3,5,6,7,9,10}, new int[] {0,4}); testNonModulus.check_nonstrict(new int[] {1,2,3,5,6,7,9,11}, new int[] {0,4}); testNonModulus.check_nonstrict(new int[] {1,2,3,5,6,7,9,11,12,13}, null); testNonModulus.check_nonstrict(new int[] {1,2,3,5,6,7,9,11,12,13,14,15}, new int[] {4,6}); testNonModulus.check_nonstrict(new int[] {1,2,3,5,6,7,9,11,12,13,14,15,22}, null); } public static void testOrderedPairIterator() { final int NULL = -2222; Vector<Integer> ones = new Vector<Integer>(); for (int i=1; i<=30; i++) ones.add(new Integer(i)); Vector<Integer> twos = new Vector<Integer>(); for (int i=2; i<=30; i+=2) twos.add(new Integer(i)); Vector<Integer> threes = new Vector<Integer>(); for (int i=3; i<=30; i+=3) threes.add(new Integer(i)); // I've replaced the nulls by 0 in order to permit the array elements // to be ints instead of Integers. compareOrderedPairIterator(new OrderedPairIterator<Integer>(ones.iterator(), ones.iterator()), new int[][] { {1, 1}, {2, 2}, {3, 3}, {4, 4}, {5, 5}, {6, 6}, {7, 7}, {8, 8}, {9, 9}, {10, 10}, {11, 11}, {12, 12}, {13, 13}, {14, 14}, {15, 15}, {16, 16}, {17, 17}, {18, 18}, {19, 19}, {20, 20}, {21, 21}, {22, 22}, {23, 23}, {24, 24}, {25, 25}, {26, 26}, {27, 27}, {28, 28}, {29, 29}, {30, 30}, }); compareOrderedPairIterator(new OrderedPairIterator<Integer>(ones.iterator(), twos.iterator()), new int[][] { {1, NULL}, {2, 2}, {3, NULL}, {4, 4}, {5, NULL}, {6, 6}, {7, NULL}, {8, 8}, {9, NULL}, {10, 10}, {11, NULL}, {12, 12}, {13, NULL}, {14, 14}, {15, NULL}, {16, 16}, {17, NULL}, {18, 18}, {19, NULL}, {20, 20}, {21, NULL}, {22, 22}, {23, NULL}, {24, 24}, {25, NULL}, {26, 26}, {27, NULL}, {28, 28}, {29, NULL}, {30, 30}, }); compareOrderedPairIterator(new OrderedPairIterator<Integer>(twos.iterator(), ones.iterator()), new int[][] { {NULL, 1}, {2, 2}, {NULL, 3}, {4, 4}, {NULL, 5}, {6, 6}, {NULL, 7}, {8, 8}, {NULL, 9}, {10, 10}, {NULL, 11}, {12, 12}, {NULL, 13}, {14, 14}, {NULL, 15}, {16, 16}, {NULL, 17}, {18, 18}, {NULL, 19}, {20, 20}, {NULL, 21}, {22, 22}, {NULL, 23}, {24, 24}, {NULL, 25}, {26, 26}, {NULL, 27}, {28, 28}, {NULL, 29}, {30, 30}, }); compareOrderedPairIterator(new OrderedPairIterator<Integer>(ones.iterator(), threes.iterator()), new int[][] { {1, NULL}, {2, NULL}, {3, 3}, {4, NULL}, {5, NULL}, {6, 6}, {7, NULL}, {8, NULL}, {9, 9}, {10, NULL}, {11, NULL}, {12, 12}, {13, NULL}, {14, NULL}, {15, 15}, {16, NULL}, {17, NULL}, {18, 18}, {19, NULL}, {20, NULL}, {21, 21}, {22, NULL}, {23, NULL}, {24, 24}, {25, NULL}, {26, NULL}, {27, 27}, {28, NULL}, {29, NULL}, {30, 30}, }); compareOrderedPairIterator(new OrderedPairIterator<Integer>(twos.iterator(), threes.iterator()), new int[][] { {2, NULL}, {NULL, 3}, {4, NULL}, {6, 6}, {8, NULL}, {NULL, 9}, {10, NULL}, {12, 12}, {14, NULL}, {NULL, 15}, {16, NULL}, {18, 18}, {20, NULL}, {NULL, 21}, {22, NULL}, {24, 24}, {26, NULL}, {NULL, 27}, {28, NULL}, {30, 30}, }); } public static void compareOrderedPairIterator(OrderedPairIterator<Integer> opi, int[][] ints) { int pairno = 0; while (opi.hasNext()) { Pair<Integer,Integer> pair =; // System.out.println("Iterator: <" + pair.a + "," + pair.b + ">, array: <" + ints[pairno][0] + "," + ints[pairno][1] + ">"); assert (pair.a == null) || (pair.a.intValue() == ints[pairno][0]); assert (pair.b == null) || (pair.b.intValue() == ints[pairno][1]); pairno++; } assert pairno == ints.length; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TimeLimitProcess /// /** * Print one integer periodically. * <p> * Example use from the command line, for one integer each half-second: * <pre> java plume.TestPlume\$PrintOneIntPerSecond 500</pre> */ public static class PrintOneIntPerTimePeriod { /** Arguments: how many to print; how many milliseconds between each. */ public static void main(String[] args) { assert args.length == 2; int limit = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int period = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); for (int i=0; i<limit; i++) { System.out.printf("out%d ", i); System.err.printf("err%d ", i); try { Thread.sleep(period); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // We don't care if this is interrupted } } } } private static Runtime runtime = java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime(); // timePerNumber needs to be small so tests run fast, but large so that // more output doesn't sneak out before the timeout kicks in. private static Triple<Integer,String,String> printFive(int timePerNumber, int timeLimit, boolean cache_stdout) { String command = "java plume.TestPlume$PrintOneIntPerTimePeriod 5 " + timePerNumber; TimeLimitProcess p; try { p = new TimeLimitProcess(runtime.exec(command), timeLimit, cache_stdout); } catch (IOException e) { throw new Error(e); } int result; try { result = p.waitFor(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new Error(e); } // System.out.printf("command:%s%n", command); // System.out.printf("result:%s%n", result); // System.out.printf("buffered stdout:%s%n", p.cached_stdout); // System.out.printf("buffered stderr:%s%n", p.cached_stderr); String out = UtilMDE.streamString(p.getInputStream()); String err = UtilMDE.streamString(p.getErrorStream()); // System.out.printf("out:%s%n", out); // System.out.printf("err:%s%n", err); return Triple.of(result, out, err); } private static void testPrintFive(int timePerNumber, int timeLimit, boolean cache_stdout, String out, String err) { Triple<Integer,String,String> results = printFive(timePerNumber, timeLimit, cache_stdout); if (! results.b.equals(out)) { throw new Error(String.format("Expected %s, got %s", out, results.b)); } if (! results.c.equals(err)) { throw new Error(String.format("Expected %s, got %s", err, results.c)); } } /** * On a heavily-loaded machine, this test fails. * Try again when the load is lower. * (Better might be exponential backoff up to some limit.) */ public static void testTimeLimitProcess() { // testPrintFive(10, 1000, false, "out0 out1 out2 out3 out4 ", "err0 err1 err2 err3 err4 "); // testPrintFive(10, 1000, true, "out0 out1 out2 out3 out4 ", "err0 err1 err2 err3 err4 "); // These are too timing-dependent -- they sometimes succeed and // sometimes fail -- so leave them commented out. // testPrintFive(2000, 1000, true, "out0 ", "err0 "); // testPrintFive(2000, 3000, true, "out0 out1 ", "err0 err1 "); // This is expected to fail because of trying to read a closed stream. // printFive(3, false); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// UtilMDE /// private static BitSet randomBitSet(int length, Random r) { BitSet result = new BitSet(length); for (int i=0; i<length; i++) { result.set(i, r.nextBoolean()); } return result; } public void testStringBuilderDelimited() { compareJoinAndSBD(new String[] { "foo", "bar", "baz" }); compareJoinAndSBD(new String[] { "foo" }); compareJoinAndSBD(new String[] { }); } public void compareJoinAndSBD(String[] strings) { StringBuilderDelimited sbd = new StringBuilderDelimited(","); for (String str: strings) { sbd.append(str); } assert sbd.toString().equals(UtilMDE.join(strings, ",")); } // This cannot be static because it instantiates an inner class. public void testUtilMDE() { // public static intersectionCardinalityAtLeast(BitSet a, BitSet b, int i) { Random r = new Random(20031008); for (int i=0; i<100; i++) { BitSet b1 = randomBitSet(r.nextInt(100), r); BitSet b2 = randomBitSet(r.nextInt(100), r); BitSet b3 = randomBitSet(r.nextInt(100), r); BitSet intersection = (BitSet) b1.clone(); intersection.and(b2); int card = intersection.cardinality(); for (int j=0; j<100; j++) { assert UtilMDE.intersectionCardinalityAtLeast(b1, b2, j) == (card >= j); } intersection.and(b3); card = intersection.cardinality(); for (int j=0; j<100; j++) { assert UtilMDE.intersectionCardinalityAtLeast(b1, b2, b3, j) == (card >= j); } } } // public static BufferedReader bufferedFileReader(String filename) // public static LineNumberReader lineNumberFileReader(String filename) // public static BufferedWriter bufferedFileWriter(String filename) throws IOException // public static Class classForName(String className) // public static String classnameToJvm(String classname) assert UtilMDE.classnameToJvm("boolean").equals("Z"); assert UtilMDE.classnameToJvm("byte").equals("B"); assert UtilMDE.classnameToJvm("char").equals("C"); assert UtilMDE.classnameToJvm("double").equals("D"); assert UtilMDE.classnameToJvm("float").equals("F"); assert UtilMDE.classnameToJvm("int").equals("I"); assert UtilMDE.classnameToJvm("long").equals("J"); assert UtilMDE.classnameToJvm("short").equals("S"); assert UtilMDE.classnameToJvm("Integer").equals("LInteger;"); assert UtilMDE.classnameToJvm("Java.lang.Integer").equals("LJava/lang/Integer;"); assert UtilMDE.classnameToJvm("Java.lang.Integer[][][]").equals("[[[LJava/lang/Integer;"); // public static String arglistToJvm(String arglist) assert UtilMDE.arglistToJvm("()").equals("()"); assert UtilMDE.arglistToJvm("(int)").equals("(I)"); assert UtilMDE.arglistToJvm("(int, int)").equals("(II)"); assert UtilMDE.arglistToJvm("(int, long, short)").equals("(IJS)"); assert UtilMDE.arglistToJvm("(java.lang.Integer, int, java.lang.Integer)").equals("(Ljava/lang/Integer;ILjava/lang/Integer;)"); assert UtilMDE.arglistToJvm("(int[])").equals("([I)"); assert UtilMDE.arglistToJvm("(int[], int, int)").equals("([III)"); assert UtilMDE.arglistToJvm("(int, int[][], int)").equals("(I[[II)"); assert UtilMDE.arglistToJvm("(java.lang.Integer[], int, java.lang.Integer[][])").equals("([Ljava/lang/Integer;I[[Ljava/lang/Integer;)"); // public static String classnameFromJvm(String classname) assert UtilMDE.classnameFromJvm("Z").equals("boolean"); assert UtilMDE.classnameFromJvm("B").equals("byte"); assert UtilMDE.classnameFromJvm("C").equals("char"); assert UtilMDE.classnameFromJvm("D").equals("double"); assert UtilMDE.classnameFromJvm("F").equals("float"); assert UtilMDE.classnameFromJvm("I").equals("int"); assert UtilMDE.classnameFromJvm("J").equals("long"); assert UtilMDE.classnameFromJvm("S").equals("short"); assert UtilMDE.classnameFromJvm("LInteger;").equals("Integer"); assert UtilMDE.classnameFromJvm("LJava/lang/Integer;").equals("Java.lang.Integer"); assert UtilMDE.classnameFromJvm("[[LJava/lang/Integer;").equals("Java.lang.Integer[][]"); // public static String arglistFromJvm(String arglist) assert UtilMDE.arglistFromJvm("()").equals("()"); assert UtilMDE.arglistFromJvm("(I)").equals("(int)"); assert UtilMDE.arglistFromJvm("(II)").equals("(int, int)"); assert UtilMDE.arglistFromJvm("(IJS)").equals("(int, long, short)"); assert UtilMDE.arglistFromJvm("(Ljava/lang/Integer;ILjava/lang/Integer;)").equals("(java.lang.Integer, int, java.lang.Integer)"); assert UtilMDE.arglistFromJvm("([I)").equals("(int[])"); assert UtilMDE.arglistFromJvm("([III)").equals("(int[], int, int)"); assert UtilMDE.arglistFromJvm("(I[[II)").equals("(int, int[][], int)"); assert UtilMDE.arglistFromJvm("([Ljava/lang/Integer;I[[Ljava/lang/Integer;)").equals("(java.lang.Integer[], int, java.lang.Integer[][])"); // public static void addToClasspath(String dir) // public static final class WildcardFilter implements FilenameFilter // public WildcardFilter(String filename) // public boolean accept(File dir, String name) // public static boolean canCreateAndWrite(File file) // public static void writeObject(Object o, File file) throws IOException // public static Object readObject(File file) // public static File createTempDir(String prefix, String suffix) // public Object incrementHashMap(HashMap hm, Object key, int count) try { assert UtilMDE.canCreateAndWrite(new File("")); // This test fails if run by the superuser (who can overwrite // any file). if (! System.getProperty("").equals("root")) { File readOnly = new File("temp"); readOnly.createNewFile(); readOnly.setReadOnly(); assert !UtilMDE.canCreateAndWrite(readOnly); readOnly.delete(); } assert UtilMDE.canCreateAndWrite(new File("temp")); assert ! UtilMDE.canCreateAndWrite(new File("temp/temp")); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace();"failure while testing UtilMDE.canCreateAndWrite(): " + e.toString()); } { // These names are taken from APL notation, where iota creates an // array of all the numbers up to its argument. Vector<Integer> iota0 = new Vector<Integer>(); Vector<Integer> iota10 = new Vector<Integer>(); for (int i=0; i<10; i++) iota10.add(new Integer(i)); Vector<Integer> iota10_twice = new Vector<Integer>(); iota10_twice.addAll(iota10); iota10_twice.addAll(iota10); Vector<Integer> iota10_thrice = new Vector<Integer>(); iota10_thrice.addAll(iota10); iota10_thrice.addAll(iota10); iota10_thrice.addAll(iota10); // public static class EnumerationIterator implements Iterator // public static class IteratorEnumeration implements Enumeration assert iota0.equals(toVector(iota0.iterator())); assert iota0.equals(toVector(new UtilMDE.IteratorEnumeration<Integer>(iota0.iterator()))); assert iota0.equals(toVector(iota0.elements())); assert iota0.equals(toVector(new UtilMDE.EnumerationIterator<Integer>(iota0.elements()))); assert iota10.equals(toVector(iota10.iterator())); assert iota10.equals(toVector(new UtilMDE.IteratorEnumeration<Integer>(iota10.iterator()))); assert iota10.equals(toVector(iota10.elements())); assert iota10.equals(toVector(new UtilMDE.EnumerationIterator<Integer>(iota10.elements()))); // public static class MergedIterator2 implements Iterator { assert iota10_twice.equals(toVector(new UtilMDE.MergedIterator2<Integer>(iota10.iterator(), iota10.iterator()))); assert iota10.equals(toVector(new UtilMDE.MergedIterator2<Integer>(iota0.iterator(), iota10.iterator()))); assert iota10.equals(toVector(new UtilMDE.MergedIterator2<Integer>(iota10.iterator(), iota0.iterator()))); // public static class MergedIterator implements Iterator { Vector<Iterator<Integer>> iota10_iterator_thrice = new Vector<Iterator<Integer>>(); iota10_iterator_thrice.add(iota10.iterator()); iota10_iterator_thrice.add(iota10.iterator()); iota10_iterator_thrice.add(iota10.iterator()); assert iota10_thrice.equals(toVector(new UtilMDE.MergedIterator<Integer>(iota10_iterator_thrice.iterator()))); Vector<Iterator<Integer>> iota10_iterator_twice_1 = new Vector<Iterator<Integer>>(); iota10_iterator_twice_1.add(iota0.iterator()); iota10_iterator_twice_1.add(iota10.iterator()); iota10_iterator_twice_1.add(iota10.iterator()); Vector<Iterator<Integer>> iota10_iterator_twice_2 = new Vector<Iterator<Integer>>(); iota10_iterator_twice_2.add(iota10.iterator()); iota10_iterator_twice_2.add(iota0.iterator()); iota10_iterator_twice_2.add(iota10.iterator()); Vector<Iterator<Integer>> iota10_iterator_twice_3 = new Vector<Iterator<Integer>>(); iota10_iterator_twice_3.add(iota10.iterator()); iota10_iterator_twice_3.add(iota10.iterator()); iota10_iterator_twice_3.add(iota0.iterator()); assert iota10_twice.equals(toVector(new UtilMDE.MergedIterator<Integer>(iota10_iterator_twice_1.iterator()))); assert iota10_twice.equals(toVector(new UtilMDE.MergedIterator<Integer>(iota10_iterator_twice_2.iterator()))); assert iota10_twice.equals(toVector(new UtilMDE.MergedIterator<Integer>(iota10_iterator_twice_3.iterator()))); class OddFilter implements Filter<Integer> { public OddFilter() { } public boolean accept(Integer i) { return i.intValue() % 2 == 1; } } // public static final class FilteredIterator implements Iterator Vector<Integer> iota10_odd = new Vector<Integer>(); for (int i=0; i<iota10.size(); i++) if (i%2 == 1) iota10_odd.add(new Integer(i)); assert iota10_odd.equals(toVector(new UtilMDE.FilteredIterator<Integer>(iota10.iterator(), new OddFilter()))); } // public static final class RemoveFirstAndLastIterator implements Iterator { Vector<Integer> iota5 = new Vector<Integer>(); for (int i=0; i<5; i++) iota5.add(new Integer(i)); Vector<Integer> iota5middle = new Vector<Integer>(); for (int i=1; i<4; i++) iota5middle.add(new Integer(i)); UtilMDE.RemoveFirstAndLastIterator<Integer> rfali = new UtilMDE.RemoveFirstAndLastIterator<Integer>(iota5.iterator()); Vector<Integer> rfali_vector = toVector(rfali); assert iota5middle.equals(rfali_vector); assert rfali.getFirst().equals(new Integer(0)); assert rfali.getLast().equals(new Integer(4)); } // public static ArrayList randomElements(Iterator itor, int num_elts) // public static ArrayList randomElements(Iterator itor, int num_elts, Random random) // Iterate through numbers from zero up to the argument (non-inclusive) class IotaIterator implements Iterator<Integer> { int i = 0; int limit; public IotaIterator(int limit) { this.limit = limit; } public boolean hasNext() { return i<limit; } public Integer next() { if (! hasNext()) throw new NoSuchElementException(); return new Integer(i++); } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } { // Typically, no progress reports are printed, because the loop // finishes in well under 1 minute. Users will see progress reports // when this class is slowed down by instrumentation. Calendar nextNotification = Calendar.getInstance(); nextNotification.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 1); DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(); int itor_size = 10; int num_elts_limit = 12; int tries = short_run ? 100 : 100000; double ratio_limit = .02; Random r = new Random(20020311); // "i++" instead of "i+=3" here works, but is slow for (int i=1; i<num_elts_limit; i+=3) { int[] totals = new int[num_elts_limit]; for (int j=0; j<tries; j++) { if (j % 100 == 0) { Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); if (now.after(nextNotification)) { System.out.printf("%s: iteration (%d,%d) out of (%d,%d)%n", df.format(nextNotification.getTime()), i, j, num_elts_limit, tries); nextNotification.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 1); } } List<Integer> chosen = UtilMDE.randomElements(new IotaIterator(itor_size), i, r); for (int m=0; m<chosen.size(); m++) { for (int n=m+1; n<chosen.size(); n++) { if ( chosen.get(m).intValue() == chosen.get(n).intValue() ) { throw new Error("Duplicate at " + m + "," + n); } } } for (int k=0; k<chosen.size(); k++) { totals[chosen.get(k).intValue()]++; } } int i_truncated = Math.min(itor_size, i); int grand_total = tries * i_truncated; assert ArraysMDE.sum(totals) == grand_total : "Totals = " + ArraysMDE.sum(totals); // System.out.print("chosen:\t"); for (int k=0; k<num_elts_limit; k++) { int this_total = totals[k]; int expected = tries * i_truncated / itor_size; double ratio = (double)this_total / (double)expected; // System.out.print(((k<10) ? " " : "") + k + " " + this_total + "\t"); // System.out.print("\nExp=" + expected + "\t" + "ratio=" + ratio + "\t"); assert k >= itor_size || (ratio > ratio_limit && ratio < 1/ratio_limit); } // System.out.println(); } } // public static Method methodForName(String methodname) throws ClassNotFoundException // // essentially I am just testing whether the return is erroneous try { assert null != UtilMDE.methodForName("plume.UtilMDE.methodForName(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.Class[])"); assert null != UtilMDE.methodForName("plume.UtilMDE.methodForName(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.Class[])"); assert null != UtilMDE.methodForName("java.lang.Math.min(int,int)"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new Error(e); } try { java.lang.reflect.Method m = UtilMDE.methodForName("plume.UtilMDE.methodForName()"); throw new Error("Didn't throw NoSuchMethodException"); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { // nothing to do; this is the expected case } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new Error(e); } // public static boolean propertyIsTrue(Properties p, String key) // public static String appendProperty(Properties p, String key, String value) // public static String setDefault(Properties p, String key, String value) // public static void streamCopy( from, to) // public static String replaceString(String target, String oldStr, String newStr) assert UtilMDE.replaceString("hello dolly well hello dolly", " ", " ").equals("hello dolly well hello dolly"); assert UtilMDE.replaceString(" hello dolly well hello dolly ", " ", " ").equals(" hello dolly well hello dolly "); assert UtilMDE.replaceString("hello dolly well hello dolly", "ll", "y").equals("heyo doyy wey heyo doyy"); assert UtilMDE.replaceString("hello dolly well hello dolly", "q", "yyy").equals("hello dolly well hello dolly"); // public static String[] split(String s, char delim) // public static String[] split(String s, String delim) assert Arrays.equals(UtilMDE.split("foo,bar,baz", ','), new String[] { "foo", "bar", "baz" }); assert Arrays.equals(UtilMDE.split("foo", ','), new String[] { "foo" }); assert Arrays.equals(UtilMDE.split("", ','), new String[] { "" }); assert Arrays.equals(UtilMDE.split(",foo,", ','), new String[] { "", "foo", "" }); assert Arrays.equals(UtilMDE.split("foo,bar,baz", ","), new String[] { "foo", "bar", "baz" }); assert Arrays.equals(UtilMDE.split("foo", ","), new String[] { "foo" }); assert Arrays.equals(UtilMDE.split("", ","), new String[] { "" }); assert Arrays.equals(UtilMDE.split(",foo,", ","), new String[] { "", "foo", "" }); assert Arrays.equals(UtilMDE.split("foo, bar, baz", ", "), new String[] { "foo", "bar", "baz" }); assert Arrays.equals(UtilMDE.split("foo", ", "), new String[] { "foo" }); assert Arrays.equals(UtilMDE.split("", ", "), new String[] { "" }); assert Arrays.equals(UtilMDE.split(", foo, ", ", "), new String[] { "", "foo", "" }); // public static String join(Object[] a, String delim) // public static String join(Vector v, String delim) assert UtilMDE.join(new String[] { "foo", "bar", "baz" }, ", ").equals("foo, bar, baz"); assert UtilMDE.join(new String[] { "foo" }, ", ").equals("foo"); assert UtilMDE.join(new String[] { }, ", ").equals(""); assert UtilMDE.join(new Integer[] { new Integer(0), new Integer(1), new Integer(2), new Integer(3), new Integer(4) }, "").equals("01234"); Vector<Object> potpourri = new Vector<Object>(); potpourri.add("day"); potpourri.add(new Integer(2)); potpourri.add("day"); assert UtilMDE.join(potpourri, " ").equals("day 2 day"); // public static String escapeNonJava(String orig) // public static String escapeNonJava(Character ch) assert UtilMDE.escapeNonJava("foobar").equals("foobar"); assert UtilMDE.escapeNonJava("").equals(""); assert UtilMDE.escapeNonJava("\\").equals("\\\\"); assert UtilMDE.escapeNonJava("\\\n\r\"").equals("\\\\\\n\\r\\\""); assert UtilMDE.escapeNonJava("split\nlines").equals("split\\nlines"); assert UtilMDE.escapeNonJava("\\relax").equals("\\\\relax"); assert UtilMDE.escapeNonJava("\"hello\"").equals("\\\"hello\\\""); assert UtilMDE.escapeNonJava("\"hello\" \"world\"") .equals("\\\"hello\\\" \\\"world\\\""); // public static String escapeNonASCII(String orig) assert UtilMDE.escapeNonASCII("foobar").equals("foobar"); assert UtilMDE.escapeNonASCII("").equals(""); assert UtilMDE.escapeNonASCII("\\").equals("\\\\"); assert UtilMDE.escapeNonASCII("\\\n\r\"").equals("\\\\\\n\\r\\\""); assert UtilMDE.escapeNonASCII("split\nlines").equals("split\\nlines"); assert UtilMDE.escapeNonASCII("\\relax").equals("\\\\relax"); assert UtilMDE.escapeNonASCII("\"hello\"").equals("\\\"hello\\\""); assert UtilMDE.escapeNonASCII("\"hello\" \"world\"") .equals("\\\"hello\\\" \\\"world\\\""); assert UtilMDE.escapeNonASCII("\0\1\2\7\12\70\100\111\222") .equals("\\000\\001\\002\\007\\n8@I\\222"); assert UtilMDE.escapeNonASCII("\u0100\u1000\ucafe\uffff") .equals("\\u0100\\u1000\\ucafe\\uffff"); // private static String escapeNonASCII(char c) // public static String unescapeNonJava(String orig) assert UtilMDE.unescapeNonJava("foobar").equals("foobar"); assert UtilMDE.unescapeNonJava("").equals(""); assert UtilMDE.unescapeNonJava("\\\\").equals("\\"); assert UtilMDE.unescapeNonJava("\\\"").equals("\""); assert UtilMDE.unescapeNonJava("\\n").equals("\n"); // not lineSep assert UtilMDE.unescapeNonJava("\\r").equals("\r"); assert UtilMDE.unescapeNonJava("split\\nlines") .equals("split\nlines"); assert UtilMDE.unescapeNonJava("\\\\\\n").equals("\\\n"); // not lineSep assert UtilMDE.unescapeNonJava("\\n\\r").equals("\n\r"); // not lineSep assert UtilMDE.unescapeNonJava("\\\\\\n\\r\\\"").equals("\\\n\r\""); assert UtilMDE.unescapeNonJava("\\\\relax").equals("\\relax"); assert UtilMDE.unescapeNonJava("\\\"hello\\\"").equals("\"hello\""); assert UtilMDE.unescapeNonJava("\\\"hello\\\" \\\"world\\\"") .equals("\"hello\" \"world\""); assert UtilMDE.unescapeNonJava("\\").equals("\\"); assert UtilMDE.unescapeNonJava("foo\\").equals("foo\\"); assert UtilMDE.unescapeNonJava("\\*abc").equals("*abc"); // Should add more tests here. // Unfortunately, there isn't yet a unescapeNonASCII function. // If implemented, it should have the following behavior: // assert UtilMDE.unescapeNonASCII("\\115").equals("M"); // assert UtilMDE.unescapeNonASCII("\\115\\111\\124").equals("MIT"); // public static String removeWhitespaceAround(String arg, String delimiter) // public static String removeWhitespaceAfter(String arg, String delimiter) // public static String removeWhitespaceBefore(String arg, String delimiter) assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceBefore("a,b", ",").equals("a,b"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceBefore("a, b", ",").equals("a, b"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceBefore("a ,b", ",").equals("a,b"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceBefore("a , b", ",").equals("a, b"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceBefore("ab=>cd", "=>").equals("ab=>cd"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceBefore("ab=> cd", "=>").equals("ab=> cd"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceBefore("ab =>cd", "=>").equals("ab=>cd"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceBefore("ab => cd", "=>").equals("ab=> cd"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceBefore("123cd", "123").equals("123cd"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceBefore(" 123 cd", "123").equals("123 cd"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceBefore(" 123cd", "123").equals("123cd"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceBefore("123 cd", "123").equals("123 cd"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceBefore("cd123", "123").equals("cd123"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceBefore("cd 123 ", "123").equals("cd123 "); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceBefore("cd123 ", "123").equals("cd123 "); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceBefore("cd 123", "123").equals("cd123"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceAfter("a,b", ",").equals("a,b"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceAfter("a, b", ",").equals("a,b"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceAfter("a ,b", ",").equals("a ,b"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceAfter("a , b", ",").equals("a ,b"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceAfter("ab=>cd", "=>").equals("ab=>cd"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceAfter("ab=> cd", "=>").equals("ab=>cd"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceAfter("ab =>cd", "=>").equals("ab =>cd"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceAfter("ab => cd", "=>").equals("ab =>cd"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceAfter("123cd", "123").equals("123cd"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceAfter(" 123 cd", "123").equals(" 123cd"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceAfter(" 123cd", "123").equals(" 123cd"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceAfter("123 cd", "123").equals("123cd"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceAfter("cd123", "123").equals("cd123"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceAfter("cd 123 ", "123").equals("cd 123"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceAfter("cd123 ", "123").equals("cd123"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceAfter("cd 123", "123").equals("cd 123"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceAround("a,b", ",").equals("a,b"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceAround("a, b", ",").equals("a,b"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceAround("a ,b", ",").equals("a,b"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceAround("a , b", ",").equals("a,b"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceAround("ab=>cd", "=>").equals("ab=>cd"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceAround("ab=> cd", "=>").equals("ab=>cd"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceAround("ab =>cd", "=>").equals("ab=>cd"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceAround("ab => cd", "=>").equals("ab=>cd"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceAround("123cd", "123").equals("123cd"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceAround(" 123 cd", "123").equals("123cd"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceAround(" 123cd", "123").equals("123cd"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceAround("123 cd", "123").equals("123cd"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceAround("cd123", "123").equals("cd123"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceAround("cd 123 ", "123").equals("cd123"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceAround("cd123 ", "123").equals("cd123"); assert UtilMDE.removeWhitespaceAround("cd 123", "123").equals("cd123"); // public static String nplural(int n, String noun) assert UtilMDE.nplural(0, "fuss").equals("0 fusses"); assert UtilMDE.nplural(1, "fuss").equals("1 fuss"); assert UtilMDE.nplural(2, "fuss").equals("2 fusses"); assert UtilMDE.nplural(0, "fox").equals("0 foxes"); assert UtilMDE.nplural(1, "fox").equals("1 fox"); assert UtilMDE.nplural(2, "fox").equals("2 foxes"); assert UtilMDE.nplural(0, "fish").equals("0 fishes"); assert UtilMDE.nplural(1, "fish").equals("1 fish"); assert UtilMDE.nplural(2, "fish").equals("2 fishes"); assert UtilMDE.nplural(0, "fletch").equals("0 fletches"); assert UtilMDE.nplural(1, "fletch").equals("1 fletch"); assert UtilMDE.nplural(2, "fletch").equals("2 fletches"); assert UtilMDE.nplural(0, "fund").equals("0 funds"); assert UtilMDE.nplural(1, "fund").equals("1 fund"); assert UtilMDE.nplural(2, "fund").equals("2 funds"); // public static String rpad(String s, int length) // public static String rpad(int num, int length) // public static String rpad(double num, int length) assert UtilMDE.rpad("", 5).equals(" "); assert UtilMDE.rpad("abcd", 5).equals("abcd "); assert UtilMDE.rpad("abcde", 5).equals("abcde"); assert UtilMDE.rpad("abcdef", 5).equals("abcde"); assert UtilMDE.rpad("abcdefghij", 5).equals("abcde"); assert UtilMDE.rpad(10, 5).equals("10 "); assert UtilMDE.rpad(3.14, 5).equals("3.14 "); // public static class NullableStringComparator // public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) // public static int count(String s, int ch) // public static int count(String s, String sub) assert UtilMDE.count("abcde", 'a') == 1; assert UtilMDE.count("abcde", 'c') == 1; assert UtilMDE.count("abcde", 'e') == 1; assert UtilMDE.count("abcde", 'z') == 0; assert UtilMDE.count("abacadaea", 'a') == 5; assert UtilMDE.count("aaadaea", 'a') == 5; assert UtilMDE.count("daeaaa", 'a') == 4; // This will be easy to write tests for, when I get around to it. // public static Vector tokens(String str, String delim, boolean returnTokens) // public static Vector tokens(String str, String delim) // public static Vector tokens(String str) // public static List sortList (List l, Comparator c) // public static <T> List<T> removeDuplicates(List<T> l) { List<Integer> l123 = new ArrayList<Integer>(); l123.add(1); l123.add(2); l123.add(3); List<Integer> l123123 = new ArrayList<Integer>(); l123123.add(1); l123123.add(2); l123123.add(3); l123123.add(1); l123123.add(2); l123123.add(3); List<Integer> l12223 = new ArrayList<Integer>(); l12223.add(1); l12223.add(2); l12223.add(2); l12223.add(2); l12223.add(3); List<Integer> l1123 = new ArrayList<Integer>(); l1123.add(1); l1123.add(1); l1123.add(2); l1123.add(3); List<Integer> l1233 = new ArrayList<Integer>(); l1233.add(1); l1233.add(1); l1233.add(2); l1233.add(3); assert UtilMDE.removeDuplicates(l123).equals(l123); assert UtilMDE.removeDuplicates(l123123).equals(l123); assert UtilMDE.removeDuplicates(l12223).equals(l123); assert UtilMDE.removeDuplicates(l1123).equals(l123); assert UtilMDE.removeDuplicates(l1233).equals(l123); // This is tested by the tokens methods. // public static Vector makeVector(Enumeration e) assert UtilMDE.human_readable(5).equals("5.00"); assert UtilMDE.human_readable(5000).equals("5.00K"); assert UtilMDE.human_readable(5000000).equals("5.00M"); assert UtilMDE.human_readable(1000000000).equals("1.00G"); assert UtilMDE.human_readable(1).equals("1.00"); assert UtilMDE.human_readable(12).equals("12.0"); assert UtilMDE.human_readable(123).equals("123"); assert UtilMDE.human_readable(1234).equals("1.23K"); assert UtilMDE.human_readable(12345).equals("12.3K"); assert UtilMDE.human_readable(123456).equals("123K"); assert UtilMDE.human_readable(1234567).equals("1.23M"); assert UtilMDE.human_readable(12345678).equals("12.3M"); assert UtilMDE.human_readable(123456789).equals("123M"); assert UtilMDE.human_readable(1234567890).equals("1.23G"); } public static void testTestUtilMDE() { int[] a = new int[] { 3,4,5 }; assert_arrays_equals(int_iterator_array(int_array_iterator(a)), a); } public static void testWeakHasherMap() { } /** * These tests could be much more thorough. Basically all that is tested * is that identity is used rather than a normal hash. The tests will * fail however, if WeakHashMap is swapped for WeakIdentityHashMap. */ public static void testWeakIdentityHashMap() { String s1 = "one"; String s2 = "two"; String s3 = "three"; WeakIdentityHashMap<String,Integer> m = new WeakIdentityHashMap<String,Integer>(); // WeakHashMap<String,Integer> m = new WeakHashMap<String,Integer>(); m.put (s1, 1); m.put (s2, 2); m.put (s3, 3); String s1a = new String(s1); String s2a = new String(s2); String s3a = new String(s3); m.put (s1a, 1); m.put (s2a, 2); m.put (s3a, 3); assert m.get(s1) == 1; assert m.get(s2) == 2; assert m.get(s3) == 3; assert m.get(s1a) == 1; assert m.get(s2a) == 2; assert m.get(s3a) == 3; m.remove (s1); m.remove (s2); m.remove (s3); assert m.get(s1) == null; assert m.get(s2) == null; assert m.get(s3) == null; assert m.get(s1a) == 1; assert m.get(s2a) == 2; assert m.get(s3a) == 3; } public static void testClassFileVersion() { // public static double [] versionNumbers(InputStream is) assert ClassFileVersion.versionNumbers(new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0])) == null; } /** * Tests whether CountingPrintWriter * counts the bytes printed, written for * different types (boolean, int, float etc.). **/ public static void testCountingPrintWriter() { CountingPrintWriter c1 = new CountingPrintWriter(new CharArrayWriter()); c1.print("a"); assert c1.getNumberOfPrintedBytes() == 1; c1.print(1); assert c1.getNumberOfPrintedBytes() == 2; c1.print(true); assert c1.getNumberOfPrintedBytes() == 6; c1.print(1.00); assert c1.getNumberOfPrintedBytes() == 9; c1.write("a"); c1.write("a"); assert c1.getNumberOfPrintedBytes() == 9; assert c1.getNumberOfWrittenBytes() == 22; assert c1.getNumberOfPrintedChars() == 9; c1.println("foo"); @SuppressWarnings("nullness") // line.separator property always exists /*@NonNull*/ String lineSep = System.getProperty("line.separator"); int ls_len = lineSep.length(); assert c1.getNumberOfPrintedBytes() == (12 + ls_len); assert c1.getNumberOfWrittenBytes() == (28); assert c1.getNumberOfPrintedChars() == (12 + ls_len); c1.print((String) null); c1.print((Object) null); c1.println((String) null); // need to add assertions about what got printed. } /** * Test the intering of subsequences as triples of the original * sequence, the start and the end indices. **/ public static void testSequenceAndIndices() { int[] a1 = Intern.intern(new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}); int[] a2 = Intern.intern(new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}); int[] a3 = Intern.intern(new int[] {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}); int i = 2; int j = 4; int k = 5; int[] s1 = Intern.internSubsequence (a1, i, j); int[] s2 = Intern.internSubsequence (a2, i, j); int[] s3 = Intern.internSubsequence (a1, j, k); int[] s4 = Intern.internSubsequence (a1, j, k); int[] s5 = Intern.internSubsequence (a3, j-1, k-1); assert a1 == a2; assert s1 == s2; assert s3 == s4; assert s3 == s5; assert ArraysMDE.isSubarray(s1, ArraysMDE.subarray (a1, i, j-i), 0); assert ArraysMDE.isSubarray(ArraysMDE.subarray (a1, i, j-i), s1, 0); long[] l1 = Intern.intern(new long[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}); assert l1 == Intern.internSubsequence (l1, 0, l1.length); } // To do // public static void testFileIOException() { // } /** * Test the comparison, indexof, and set equivalence calls in fuzzy * float. */ public static void testFuzzyFloat() { FuzzyFloat ff = new FuzzyFloat (0.0001); double offset = 0.00007; double offhigh = 1 + offset; double offlow = 1 - offset; double offhigh2 = 1 + 2*offset; double offlow2 = 1 - 2*offset; //test equality for a variety of postive and negative numbers for (double d = -20000; d < 20000; d += 1000.36) { assert ff.eq (d, d * offhigh); assert ff.eq (d, d * offlow); assert !ff.eq (d, d * offhigh2); assert !ff.eq (d, d * offlow2); assert ! (d, d * offhigh); assert ! (d, d * offlow); assert (d, d * offhigh2); assert (d, d * offlow2); } //make sure nothing is equal to zero assert ff.eq (0, Double.MIN_VALUE); assert ff.eq (0, -Double.MIN_VALUE); assert ! (0, Double.MIN_VALUE); assert ! (0, -Double.MIN_VALUE); //make sure that 0 equals 0 assert ff.eq (0, 0); assert ! (0, 0); //make sure that NaNs are not equal assert !ff.eq (Double.NaN, Double.NaN); //make sure that various unusual values are equal assert ff.eq (Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); assert ff.eq (Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY); //rudimentary checks on the comparison operators (since they all just //use eq and ne anyway) { double d = 2563.789; assert ! (d, d * offlow); assert ! (d, d * offhigh); assert (d, d * offlow2); assert (d, d * offhigh2); assert ff.gte (d, d * offhigh); assert ff.lte (d, d * offlow); assert !ff.gte (d, d * offhigh2); assert !ff.lte (d, d * offlow2); } // public int indexOf (double[] a, double elt) { double[] a = new double[10]; for (int i=0; i<a.length; i++) a[i] = i; double[] a_copy = a.clone(); assert ff.indexOf(a, -1) == -1; assert ff.indexOf(a, 0) == 0; assert ff.indexOf(a, 7) == 7; assert ff.indexOf(a, 9) == 9; assert ff.indexOf(a, 10) == -1; assert ff.indexOf(a, 20) == -1; assert ff.indexOf(a, Double.MIN_VALUE) == 0; assert ff.indexOf(a, 7 * offhigh) == 7; assert ff.indexOf(a, 9 * offlow) == 9; assert ff.indexOf(a, 7 * offhigh2) == -1; assert ff.indexOf(a, 9 * offlow2) == -1; assert_arrays_equals (a, a_copy); } // public int indexOf (double[] a, double[] sub) { double[] a = new double[10]; for (int i=0; i<a.length; i++) a[i] = i; double[] b = new double[] { }; double[] c = new double[] { a[0], a[1], a[2] }; double[] d = new double[] { a[1], a[2] }; double[] e = new double[] { a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5] }; double[] f = new double[] { a[7], a[8], a[9] }; double[] g = new double[] { a[7], 22, a[9] }; double[] h = new double[] { a[7], a[8], a[9], 10 }; assert ff.indexOf(a, b) == 0; assert ff.indexOf(a, c) == 0; assert ff.indexOf(a, d) == 1; assert ff.indexOf(a, e) == 2; assert ff.indexOf(a, f) == 7; assert ff.indexOf(a, g) == -1; assert ff.indexOf(a, h) == -1; } { double[] a = new double[10]; for (int i=0; i<a.length; i++) a[i] = i; double[] b = new double[] { }; double[] c = new double[] { a[0] *offlow, a[1]*offhigh, a[2]*offlow }; double[] d = new double[] { a[1]*offhigh, a[2]*offlow }; double[] e = new double[] { a[2], a[3], a[4]*offlow, a[5]*offhigh }; double[] f = new double[] { a[7], a[8]*offlow, a[9]*offhigh }; double[] g = new double[] { a[7], 22, a[9] }; double[] h = new double[] { a[7], a[8], a[9], 10 }; double[] a_copy = a.clone(); double[] b_copy = b.clone(); double[] c_copy = c.clone(); double[] d_copy = d.clone(); double[] e_copy = e.clone(); double[] f_copy = f.clone(); double[] g_copy = g.clone(); double[] h_copy = h.clone(); assert ff.indexOf(a, b) == 0; assert ff.indexOf(a, c) == 0; assert ff.indexOf(a, d) == 1; assert ff.indexOf(a, e) == 2; assert ff.indexOf(a, f) == 7; assert ff.indexOf(a, g) == -1; assert ff.indexOf(a, h) == -1; assert_arrays_equals (a, a_copy); assert_arrays_equals (b, b_copy); assert_arrays_equals (c, c_copy); assert_arrays_equals (d, d_copy); assert_arrays_equals (e, e_copy); assert_arrays_equals (f, f_copy); assert_arrays_equals (g, g_copy); assert_arrays_equals (h, h_copy); } // public boolean isElemMatch (double[] a1, double[] a2) { double[] f1 = new double[10]; double[] f2 = new double[20]; for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { //start two arrays out exactly equal for (int i = 0; i < f1.length; i++) { f1[i] = j + i * 10; f2[i] = j + i * 10; } //fill out the second half of f2 with dup of f1 for (int i = 10; i < f2.length; i++) { f2[i] = j + (i - 10) * 10; } //make two elements off just a little f2[7] = f2[7] * (1 + offset); f2[8] = f2[8] * (1 - offset); //test with each array the bigger one if ((j % 2) == 0) { assert ff.isElemMatch (f1, f2); } else { assert ff.isElemMatch (f2, f1); } } for (int j = 0; j < 200; j++) { //start two arrays out exactly equal for (int i = 0; i < f1.length; i++) { f1[i] = j + i * 10; f2[i] = j + i * 10; } //fill out the second half of f2 with dup of f1 for (int i = 10; i < f2.length; i++) { f2[i] = j + (i - 10) * 10; } //make two elements off just a little f2[7] = f2[7] * (1 + 2*offset); f2[8] = f2[8] * (1 - 2*offset); //test with each array the bigger one double[] f1_copy = f1.clone(); double[] f2_copy = f2.clone(); if ((j % 2) == 0) { assert !ff.isElemMatch (f1, f2); } else { assert !ff.isElemMatch (f2, f1); } assert_arrays_equals (f1, f1_copy); assert_arrays_equals (f2, f2_copy); } } { double[] a = new double[] {2, 1, 0}; double[] b = new double[] { }; double[] c = new double[] {1, 1, 1, 1}; double[] d = new double[] {1}; assert !ff.isElemMatch (a, b); assert !ff.isElemMatch (b, a); assert ff.isElemMatch (c, d); assert ff.isElemMatch (d, c); assert ff.isElemMatch (b, b); } // public class DoubleArrayComparatorLexical implements Comparator // public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { Comparator<double[]> comparator = DoubleArrayComparatorLexical(); double[] a0 = new double[] { }; double[] a1 = new double[] { }; double[] a2 = new double[] { 0,1,2,3 }; double[] a3 = new double[] { 0,1,2,3,0 }; double[] a4 = new double[] { 0,1,2,3,4 }; double[] a5 = new double[] { 0,1,2,3,4 }; double[] a6 = new double[] { 0,1,5,3,4 }; double[] a7 = new double[] { 1,2,3,4 }; double[] a0_copy = a0.clone(); double[] a1_copy = a1.clone(); double[] a2_copy = a2.clone(); double[] a3_copy = a3.clone(); double[] a4_copy = a4.clone(); double[] a5_copy = a5.clone(); double[] a6_copy = a6.clone(); double[] a7_copy = a7.clone(); assert, a1) == 0; assert, a0) == 0; assert, a2) < 0; assert, a1) > 0; assert, a3) < 0; assert, a2) > 0; assert, a4) < 0; assert, a3) > 0; assert, a5) == 0; assert, a4) == 0; assert, a6) < 0; assert, a5) > 0; assert, a7) < 0; assert, a6) > 0; assert, a4) < 0; assert, a1) > 0; assert, a4) < 0; assert, a2) > 0; assert, a4) > 0; assert, a6) < 0; assert, a4) > 0; assert, a7) < 0; assert_arrays_equals (a0, a0_copy); assert_arrays_equals (a1, a1_copy); assert_arrays_equals (a2, a2_copy); assert_arrays_equals (a3, a3_copy); assert_arrays_equals (a4, a4_copy); assert_arrays_equals (a5, a5_copy); assert_arrays_equals (a6, a6_copy); assert_arrays_equals (a7, a7_copy); } // public boolean FuzzyFloat.isSubset (double[] a1, double[] a2) { double[] f1 = new double[10]; double[] f2 = new double[20]; for (int j = 0; j < f2.length; j++) f2[j] = j; for (int i = 0; i < f2.length - f1.length; i++) { //fill up f1 with elements of f2 for (int j = 0; j < f1.length; j++) f1[j] = f2[i+j]; f1[5] = f2[i] * offhigh; double[] f1_copy = f1.clone(); double[] f2_copy = f2.clone(); assert ff.isSubset (f1, f2); assert_arrays_equals (f1, f1_copy); assert_arrays_equals (f2, f2_copy); } double [] a1 = new double [] {1, 5, 10}; double [] a2 = new double [] {}; double [] a3 = new double [] {1}; double [] a4 = new double [] {10}; double [] a5 = new double [] {1, 10, 15, 20}; double [] a6 = new double [] {10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 1}; assert ff.isSubset (a2, a1); assert !ff.isSubset (a1, a2); assert !ff.isSubset (a1, a5); assert ff.isSubset (a3, a1); assert ff.isSubset (a4, a1); assert ff.isSubset (a6, a1); assert !ff.isSubset (a1, a6); } } /** * Tests UtilMDE create_combinations routines. */ public static void test_create_combinations() { // public static List create_combinations (int dims, int start, List objs) Object a = new Object(); Object b = new Object(); Object c = new Object(); List<Object> a_list = Arrays.<Object>asList (new Object[] {a}); List<Object> b_list = Arrays.<Object>asList (new Object[] {b}); List<Object> c_list = Arrays.<Object>asList (new Object[] {c}); List<Object> aa = Arrays.<Object>asList (new Object[] {a, a}); List<Object> bb = Arrays.<Object>asList (new Object[] {b, b}); List<Object> cc = Arrays.<Object>asList (new Object[] {c, c}); List<Object> ab = Arrays.<Object>asList (new Object[] {a, b}); List<Object> ac = Arrays.<Object>asList (new Object[] {a, c}); List<Object> bc = Arrays.<Object>asList (new Object[] {b, c}); List<Object> abc = Arrays.asList (a,b,c); List<List<Object>> combo1 = UtilMDE.create_combinations (1, 0, abc); assert combo1.size() == 3; assert combo1.contains (a_list); assert combo1.contains (b_list); assert combo1.contains (c_list); List<List<Object>> combo2 = UtilMDE.create_combinations (2, 0, abc); assert combo2.size() == 6; assert combo2.contains (aa); assert combo2.contains (ab); assert combo2.contains (ac); assert combo2.contains (bb); assert combo2.contains (bc); assert combo2.contains (cc); // public static List create_combinations (int arity, int start, int cnt) Integer i0 = new Integer(0); Integer i1 = new Integer(1); Integer i2 = new Integer(2); List<ArrayList<Integer>> combo3 = UtilMDE.create_combinations (1, 0, 2); assert combo3.size() == 3; assert combo3.contains (Arrays.asList (new Integer [] {i0})); assert combo3.contains (Arrays.asList (new Integer [] {i1})); assert combo3.contains (Arrays.asList (new Integer [] {i2})); List<ArrayList<Integer>> combo4 = UtilMDE.create_combinations (2, 0, 2); assert combo4.size() == 6; assert combo4.contains (Arrays.asList (new Integer[] { i0, i0})); assert combo4.contains (Arrays.asList (new Integer[] { i0, i1})); assert combo4.contains (Arrays.asList (new Integer[] { i0, i2})); assert combo4.contains (Arrays.asList (new Integer[] { i1, i1})); assert combo4.contains (Arrays.asList (new Integer[] { i1, i2})); assert combo4.contains (Arrays.asList (new Integer[] { i2, i2})); } public static void test_unqualified_name () { assert UtilMDE.unqualified_name("java.lang.String").equals("String"); assert UtilMDE.unqualified_name ("String").equals ("String"); } /** * Test class for Options testing. */ public static class TestOptions { // TODO: test the @Unpublicized annotation and the usage() message. @Option ("list of patterns") public List<Pattern> lp = new ArrayList<Pattern>(); @Option ("-a <filename> argument 1") public String arg1 = "/tmp/foobar"; @Option ("argument 2") public /*@Nullable*/ String arg2; @Option ("-d double value") public double temperature; @Option ("-f the input file") public /*@Nullable*/ File input_file; @Option ("-b boolean") public boolean bool; @Option ("-i Integer") public /*@Nullable*/ Integer integer_reference; @Option ("list of doubles") public List<Double> ld = new ArrayList<Double>(); @Option ("list with no default") public List<String> ls; } /** * Test command line option parsing (Options). */ public static void testOptions() throws ArgException { TestOptions t = new TestOptions(); Options options = new Options ("test", t); options.parse (new String[] { "--lp=foo", "--lp", "bar", "-i", "24", "-d=37.8", "-b", "-b=false", "--ld", "34.6", "--ld", "17.8", }); assert t.lp.get(0).toString().equals("foo"); assert t.lp.get(1).toString().equals("bar"); assert t.integer_reference.intValue() == 24; assert t.temperature == 37.8; assert t.bool == false; assert t.ld.get(0).doubleValue() == 34.6; assert t.ld.get(1).doubleValue() == 17.8; // Test non-options t.bool = false; String[] args = options.parse (new String[] {"one", "two", "three", "-b"}); assert args[0].equals ("one") : args[0]; assert args[1].equals ("two") : args[1]; assert args[2].equals ("three") : args[2]; assert t.bool; // Test -- t.bool = false; args = options.parse (new String[] { "--", "one", "two", "-b"}); assert args[0].equals ("one") : args[0]; assert args[1].equals ("two") : args[1]; assert args[2].equals ("-b") : args[2]; assert !t.bool; // Test split_lists t.ld.clear(); Options.split_lists = true; args = options.parse (new String[] {"--ld", "42.1 9.3 10.5", "--ld", "2.7"}); assert args.length == 0; assert t.ld.size() == 4; assert t.ld.get(0).doubleValue() == 42.1; assert t.ld.get(1).doubleValue() == 9.3; assert t.ld.get(2).doubleValue() == 10.5; assert t.ld.get(3).doubleValue() == 2.7; // Test list with no default args = options.parse (new String[] {"--ls", "hello", "--ls", "world"}); assert args.length == 0; assert == 2; assert"hello"); assert"world"); } /** * Test class for option alias testing */ public static class TestOptionsAliases { @Option ("-d Set the day") public String day = "Friday"; @Option (value="-t Set the temperature", aliases={"-temp"}) public double temperature = 42.0; @Option (value="Print the program version", aliases={"-v", "-version", "--version"}) public boolean printVersion = false; } /** * Test option aliases (Options) */ public static void testOptionsAliases() throws ArgException { TestOptionsAliases t = new TestOptionsAliases(); Options options = new Options("test", t); options.parse(new String[] {"-d", "Monday", "-temp", "-12.3"}); assert"Monday"); assert t.temperature == -12.3; assert !t.printVersion; options.parse("-d Monday -temp -12.3"); assert"Monday"); assert t.temperature == -12.3; assert !t.printVersion; options.parse(new String[] {"-t", "21.7", "-version"}); assert"Monday"); assert t.temperature == 21.7; assert t.printVersion; options.parse("-t 21.7 -version"); assert"Monday"); assert t.temperature == 21.7; assert t.printVersion; t.printVersion = false; options.parse(new String[] {"--version", "-temp=-60.1", "--day", "Tuesday"}); assert"Tuesday"); assert t.temperature == -60.1; assert t.printVersion; t.printVersion = false; options.parse("--version -temp=-60.1 --day Tuesday"); assert"Tuesday"); assert t.temperature == -60.1; assert t.printVersion; } /** * Test class for testing option groups */ public static class TestOptionGroups1 { @Option ("-m Set the mass") public static int mass; @OptionGroup("Coordinate options") @Option ("-x Set the X coordinate") public static int x; @Option ("-y Set the Y coordinate") public static int y; @Option ("-z Set the Z coordinate") public static int z; } /** * Test class for testing option groups */ public static class TestOptionGroups2 { @OptionGroup ("General options") @Option (value="-h Display help message", aliases={"-help"}) public static boolean help = false; @OptionGroup(value="Internal options", unpublicized=true) @Option ("Set mu") public static double mu = 4902.7; @Unpublicized @Option("Set pi") public static double pi = 3.14; @OptionGroup("Display options") @Option(value="Use colors", aliases={"--colour"}) public static boolean color = false; } /** * Test class for testing option groups */ public static class TestOptionGroups3 { @OptionGroup ("General options") @Option (value="-h Display help message", aliases={"-help"}) public static boolean help = false; @OptionGroup("Internal options") @Unpublicized @Option ("Set mu") public static double mu = 4902.7; @Unpublicized @Option("Set pi") public static double pi = 3.14; @OptionGroup("Display options") @Option(value="Use colors", aliases={"--colour"}) public static boolean color = false; } /** * Test option groups (Options) */ public static void testOptionGroups() throws ArgException { // TODO: The following two exception tests are not adequate. There must be // a better way to do these. try { Options options = new Options("test", TestOptionGroups1.class); } catch (Error e) { assert e.getMessage().indexOf("missing @OptionGroup annotation on the first @Option-annotated field") > -1; } try { Options options = new Options("test", TestOptionGroups2.class, TestOptionGroups1.class); } catch (Error e) { assert e.getMessage().indexOf("missing @OptionGroup annotation in field") > -1; } Options options = new Options("test", TestOptionGroups2.class); assert options.usage().indexOf("General options") > -1; assert options.usage().indexOf("Display options") > -1; // "Internal options" is unpublicized so it should not occur in the default // usage message. assert options.usage().indexOf("Internal options") == -1; assert options.usage("Internal options").indexOf("Set mu") > -1; // "Set pi" should not appear in the usage message for "Internal options" // because it is marked with @Unpublicized. assert options.usage("Internal options").indexOf("Set pi") == -1; options.parse(new String[] {"--colour", "--pi", "3.15"}); assert TestOptionGroups2.color; assert TestOptionGroups2.pi == 3.15; options.parse("--colour --pi 3.15"); assert TestOptionGroups2.color; assert TestOptionGroups2.pi == 3.15; // Test that an option group that contains only unpublicized options is not // included in the usage message. Options options2 = new Options("test", TestOptionGroups3.class); assert options.usage().indexOf("Internal options") == -1; // ...unless include_unpublicized is true. assert options.usage(true).indexOf("Internal options") > -1; } public static void testSplitLines() { String str = "one\ntwo\n\rthree\r\nfour\rfive\n\n\nsix\r\n\r\n\r\n"; String[] sa = UtilMDE.splitLines (str); // for (String s : sa) // System.out.printf ("'%s'\n", s); assert sa.length == 11; assert sa[0].equals("one"); assert sa[1].equals("two"); assert sa[2].equals("three"); assert sa[3].equals("four"); assert sa[4].equals("five"); assert sa[5].equals(""); assert sa[6].equals(""); assert sa[7].equals("six"); assert sa[8].equals(""); assert sa[9].equals(""); assert sa[10].equals(""); } public static void testGraphMDE() { // Figure 1 from Map<Integer, List<Integer>> preds1 = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, List<Integer>>(); Map<Integer, List<Integer>> succs1 = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, List<Integer>>(); for (int i=0; i<=7; i++) { preds1.put(new Integer(i), new ArrayList<Integer>()); succs1.put(new Integer(i), new ArrayList<Integer>()); } succs1.get(0).add(1); preds1.get(1).add(0); succs1.get(1).add(2); preds1.get(2).add(1); succs1.get(1).add(3); preds1.get(3).add(1); succs1.get(2).add(7); preds1.get(7).add(2); succs1.get(3).add(4); preds1.get(4).add(3); succs1.get(4).add(5); preds1.get(5).add(4); succs1.get(4).add(6); preds1.get(6).add(4); succs1.get(5).add(7); preds1.get(7).add(5); succs1.get(6).add(4); preds1.get(4).add(6); Map<Integer,List<Integer>> dom1post = GraphMDE.dominators(succs1); assert dom1post.get(0).toString().equals("[7, 1, 0]"); assert dom1post.get(1).toString().equals("[7, 1]"); assert dom1post.get(2).toString().equals("[7, 2]"); assert dom1post.get(3).toString().equals("[7, 5, 4, 3]"); assert dom1post.get(4).toString().equals("[7, 5, 4]"); assert dom1post.get(5).toString().equals("[7, 5]"); assert dom1post.get(6).toString().equals("[7, 5, 4, 6]"); assert dom1post.get(7).toString().equals("[7]"); Map<Integer,List<Integer>> dom1pre = GraphMDE.dominators(preds1); assert dom1pre.get(0).toString().equals("[0]"); assert dom1pre.get(1).toString().equals("[0, 1]"); assert dom1pre.get(2).toString().equals("[0, 1, 2]"); assert dom1pre.get(3).toString().equals("[0, 1, 3]"); assert dom1pre.get(4).toString().equals("[0, 1, 3, 4]"); assert dom1pre.get(5).toString().equals("[0, 1, 3, 4, 5]"); assert dom1pre.get(6).toString().equals("[0, 1, 3, 4, 6]"); assert dom1pre.get(7).toString().equals("[0, 1, 7]"); // I should add some more tests. } }