import checkers.interning.quals.*; import java.util.*; // The @Interned annotation indicates that much like an enum, all variables // declared of this type are interned (except the constuctor return value). // (Perhaps unless otherwise annotated with @Uninterned?? Don't bother to // implement that yet.) public @Interned class InternedClass { int value; InternedClass factory(int i) { return new InternedClass(i).intern(); } // Private constructor private InternedClass(int i) { value = i; } // Overriding method public String toString() { return new Integer(value).toString(); } // Factory method private InternedClass(InternedClass ic) { value = ic.value; } // Equals method (used only by interning; clients should use ==) public boolean equals(Object other) { if (! (other instanceof InternedClass)) return false; return value == ((InternedClass) other).value; } // Interning method private static Map<InternedClass, @Interned InternedClass> pool = new HashMap<InternedClass, @Interned InternedClass>(); @SuppressWarnings("interning") public @Interned InternedClass intern() /*Uninterned*/ { if (!pool.containsKey(this)) pool.put(this, (@Interned InternedClass)this); return pool.get(this); } public void myMethod(InternedClass ic, InternedClass[] ica) { boolean b1 = (this == ic); // valid boolean b2 = (this == returnInternedObject()); // valid boolean b3 = (this == ica[0]); // valid InternedClass ic2 = returnArray()[0]; // valid ica[0] = new InternedClass(22); // valid InternedClass[] arr1 = returnArray(); // valid InternedClass[] arr2 = new InternedClass[22]; // valid InternedClass[] arr3 = new InternedClass[] {}; // valid Map<InternedClass,Integer> map = new LinkedHashMap<InternedClass,Integer>(); for (Map.Entry<InternedClass,Integer> e : map.entrySet()) { InternedClass ic3 = e.getKey(); // valid } } public InternedClass returnInternedObject() { return this; } public InternedClass[] returnArray() { return new InternedClass[] { }; } public void internedVarargs (String name, InternedClass... args) { InternedClass arg = args[0]; // valid } public void internedVarargs2 (String name, @Interned String... args) { @SuppressWarnings("interning") // a bug, but not a high-priority one @Interned String arg = args[0]; // valid } public static InternedClass[] arrayclone_simple(InternedClass[] a_old) { int len = a_old.length; InternedClass[] a_new = new InternedClass[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { a_new[i] = new InternedClass(a_old[i]); } return a_new; } public @Interned class Subclass extends InternedClass { // Private constructor private Subclass(int i) { super(i); } } public static void castFromInternedClass(InternedClass ic) { Subclass s = (Subclass) ic; } public static void castToInternedClass(Object o) { InternedClass ic = (InternedClass) o; } // Default implementation public InternedClass clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { return (InternedClass) super.clone(); } // java.lang.Class should be considered interned public static void classTest() { Integer i = 5; assert i.getClass() == Integer.class; } // java.lang.Class is interned public static void arrayOfClass() throws Exception { Class<?> c = String.class; Class[] parameterTypes = new Class[1]; parameterTypes[0] = String.class; java.lang.reflect.Constructor ctor = c.getConstructor(parameterTypes); } Class[] getSuperClasses(Class c) { Vector v = new Vector(); while (true) { if (c.getSuperclass().equals((new Object()).getClass())) // unnecessary equals break; c = c.getSuperclass(); v.addElement(c); } return (Class[]) v.toArray(new Class[0]); } void testCast(Object o) { Object i = (InternedClass)o; if (i == this); } }