package tests; import*; import*; import java.util.*; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import checkers.quals.*; import checkers.javari.quals.*; /** * Abstract class for testing a checker framework. */ abstract public class CheckerTest { /** The fully-qualified class name of the checker to use for tests. */ protected final String checkerName; /** The relative path to the directory containing test inputs. */ protected final String checkerDir; /** Extra options to pass to javac when running the checker. */ protected final String[] checkerOptions; /** * Creates a new checker test. * * @param checkerName the fully-qualified class name of the checker to use * @param checkerDir the path to the directory of test inputs * @param checkerOptions options to pass to the compiler when running tests */ public CheckerTest(String checkerName, String checkerDir, String... checkerOptions) { this.checkerName = checkerName; this.checkerDir = "tests" + File.separator + checkerDir; this.checkerOptions = Arrays.copyOf(checkerOptions, checkerOptions.length); } /** * Runs a test. The method uses reflection to * determine the expected output and Java source files that would * otherwise be passed to {@link #runTest} -- if the calling method is * named testZZZ, this method uses an expected outfile called "ZZZ.out" * and a Java source file called "". */ protected void test(File testFile) { final String expectedFileName = testFile.getPath().replace(".java", ".out"); File expectedFile = new File(expectedFileName); runTest(expectedFile, testFile); } protected void test() { StackTraceElement[] stack = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace(); assert stack.length >= 3; String method = stack[2].getMethodName(); if (!method.startsWith("test")) throw new AssertionError("caller's name is invalid"); String[] parts = method.split("test"); String testName = parts[parts.length - 1]; test(new File(this.checkerDir + File.separator + testName + ".java")); } /** * Compiles and returns a TestRun. */ protected TestRun getTest(String... files) { List<String> fileStrings = new LinkedList<String>(); for (String s : files) fileStrings.add(checkerDir + File.separator + s); JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler(); StandardJavaFileManager fileManager = compiler.getStandardFileManager(null, null, null); Iterable<? extends JavaFileObject> tests = fileManager.getJavaFileObjectsFromStrings(fileStrings); // files need to compile cleanly without any errors TestRun pureCompilation = TestInput.compileAndCheck(tests, null, new String[]{}); if (!pureCompilation.getResult()) { String message = "Java file is not valid Java code: " + fileStrings; System.err.println(message); for (Diagnostic<?> d : pureCompilation) { System.err.println(d); } throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } return TestInput.compileAndCheck(tests, checkerName, checkerOptions); } /** * Compiles and returns a TestRun. */ protected TestRun getTest(File... files) { JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler(); StandardJavaFileManager fileManager = compiler.getStandardFileManager(null, null, null); Iterable<? extends JavaFileObject> tests = fileManager.getJavaFileObjects(files); return TestInput.compileAndCheck(tests, checkerName, checkerOptions); } /** * Tests that the result of compiling the javaFile matches the expectedFile. * * @param expectedFile the expected result for compilation * @param javaFiles the Java files to be compiled */ protected void runTest(File expectedFile, File ... javaFiles) { TestRun run = getTest(javaFiles); if (expectedFile.exists()) { checkTestResult(run, expectedFile, TestUtilities.shouldSucceed(expectedFile), joinPrefixed(javaFiles, " ", this.checkerDir + File.separator)); } else { List<String> expectedErrors = TestUtilities.expectedDiagnostics(this.checkerDir + File.separator, javaFiles); checkTestResult(run, expectedErrors, expectedErrors.isEmpty(), joinPrefixed(javaFiles, " ", this.checkerDir + File.separator)); } } protected void runTest(List<String> expectedErrors, boolean shouldSucceed, String ... javaFiles) { TestRun run = getTest(javaFiles); checkTestResult(run, expectedErrors, shouldSucceed, joinPrefixed(javaFiles, " ", this.checkerDir + File.separator)); } /** * Tests that the result of compiling the javaFile matches the expectedFile. * * @param expectedFileName the expected result for compilation * @param shouldSucceed whether the javaFile should compile successfully * @param javaFiles the Java files to be compiled */ protected void runTest(String expectedFileName, boolean shouldSucceed, File ... javaFiles) { String expectedPath = this.checkerDir + File.separator + expectedFileName; File expectedFile = new File(expectedPath); runTest(expectedFile, shouldSucceed, javaFiles); } protected void runTest(File expectedFile, boolean shouldSucceed, File ...javaFiles) { TestRun run = getTest(javaFiles); checkTestResult(run, expectedFile, shouldSucceed, join(javaFiles, " ")); } protected void checkTestResult(TestRun run, File expectedFile, boolean shouldSucceed, String javaFile) { if (shouldSucceed) assertSuccess(run); else assertFailure(run); if ((!shouldSucceed) && !(expectedFile.exists())) { throw new Error("Did not find expected file " + expectedFile); } if (shouldSucceed && !(expectedFile.exists())) { return; } List<Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject>> list = run.getDiagnostics(); assertDiagnostics(list, expectedFile, javaFile); } protected void checkTestResult(TestRun run, List<String> expectedErrors, boolean shouldSucceed, String javaFile) { if (shouldSucceed) assertSuccess(run); else assertFailure(run); if (shouldSucceed && expectedErrors.isEmpty()) return; List<Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject>> list = run.getDiagnostics(); assertDiagnostics(list, expectedErrors, javaFile); } /** * Asserts that the test compilation completed without failures or * exceptions. * * @param run the test run to check */ protected void assertSuccess(/*@ReadOnly*/ TestRun run) { assertTrue("failures:\n" + run.getDiagnostics(), run.getResult()); } /** * Asserts that the test compilation did not complete successfully. * * @param run the test run to check */ protected void assertFailure(/*@ReadOnly*/ TestRun run) { assertFalse("The test run was expected to issue errors/warnings, but it did not.", run.getResult()); } /** * Compares the result of the compiler against a list of errors in a file. * If the file is not found or cannot be read, the assertion fails. * * @param actualDiagnostics the list of diagnostics from the compiler * @param expectedDiagnosticFile a file containing a list of expected errors, one * per line */ protected void assertDiagnostics(/*@ReadOnly*/ List</*@ReadOnly*/ Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject>> actualDiagnostics, /*@ReadOnly*/ File expectedDiagnosticFile, String javaFile) { try { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(expectedDiagnosticFile)); ArrayList<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>(); String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (line.startsWith("#")) continue; int colonIndex = line.indexOf(':'); if (colonIndex != -1) { lines.add(line.substring(colonIndex).trim()); } else { // Either other javac output should be redirected // elsewhere, so as not to confuse assertDiagnostics, // or else assertDiagnostics ought to recognize other // javac output. And the file format should be defined // somewhere -- what is expected to precede the first // colon? Should it always be in the first column? } } assertDiagnostics(actualDiagnostics, lines, javaFile); } catch (IOException e) { fail(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Compares the result of the compiler against an array of Strings. */ protected void assertDiagnostics(/*@ReadOnly*/ List</*@ReadOnly*/ Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject>> actual_diagnostics, List</*@ReadOnly*/ String> expected_diagnostics, String filename) { String cs = (checkerDir == "" ? "" : checkerDir + File.separator); // "interned" List<String> expectedList = new LinkedList<String>(); for (/*@ReadOnly*/ String sd : expected_diagnostics) expectedList.add(/* cs + */ sd); List<String> resultsList = new LinkedList<String>(); for (/*@ReadOnly*/ Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject> d : actual_diagnostics) { String result = d.toString().trim(); // suppress Xlint warnings if (result.contains("uses unchecked or unsafe operations.") || result.contains("Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.")) continue; if (result.contains("\n")){ result = result.substring(0, result.indexOf('\n')); } result = result.substring(result.indexOf(".java:") + 5).trim(); resultsList.add(result); } List<String> foundList = new LinkedList<String>(); foundList.addAll(resultsList); foundList.retainAll(expectedList); String failMessage = foundList.size() + " out of " + expectedList.size() + " expected diagnostics " + (foundList.size() == 1 ? "was" : "were") +" found.\n"; boolean failed = false; List<String> notFoundList = new LinkedList<String>(); notFoundList.addAll(expectedList); notFoundList.removeAll(resultsList); if (!notFoundList.isEmpty()) { failed = true; String message = notFoundList.size() == 1 ? "1 expected diagnostic was not found:\n" : notFoundList.size() + " expected diagnostics were not found:\n"; failMessage += "\n" + message; for (String a : notFoundList) failMessage += a + "\n"; } List<String> unexpectedList = new LinkedList<String>(); unexpectedList.addAll(resultsList); unexpectedList.removeAll(expectedList); if (!unexpectedList.isEmpty()) { failed = true; String message = unexpectedList.size() == 1 ? "1 unexpected diagnostic was found:\n" : unexpectedList.size() + " unexpected diagnostics were found:\n"; failMessage += "\n" + message; for (String a : unexpectedList) failMessage += a + "\n"; } if (failed) { String failPrefix = "While type-checking " + filename + ":\n"; fail(failPrefix + failMessage); } } // Lifted from plume.UtilMDE /** * Concatenate the string representations of the objects, placing the * delimiter between them. * @see ArraysMDE#toString(int[]) **/ public static String join(Object[] a, String delim) { if (a.length == 0) return ""; if (a.length == 1) return String.valueOf(a[0]); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(String.valueOf(a[0])); for (int i=1; i<a.length; i++) sb.append(delim).append(a[i]); return sb.toString(); } /** Like join, but prefix each string by the given prefix. **/ public static String joinPrefixed(Object[] a, String delim, String prefix) { if (a.length == 0) return ""; if (a.length == 1) return prefix + String.valueOf(a[0]); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(prefix + String.valueOf(a[0])); for (int i=1; i<a.length; i++) sb.append(delim).append(prefix).append(a[i]); return sb.toString(); } }