// This code is illegal (javac issues an error), but nonetheless the // checkers shouldn't crash. (Maybe they shouldn't run at all if javac // issues any errors?) // @skip-test import checkers.interning.quals.*; import java.util.*; public class DontCrash { // from VarInfoAux static class VIA { //:: non-static variable this cannot be referenced from a static context //:: inner classes cannot have static declarations //:: non-static variable this cannot be referenced from a static context //:: inner classes cannot have static declarations private static VIA theDefault = new VIA(); private Map<@Interned String, @Interned String> map; void testMap() { Map<@Interned String,@Interned String> mymap; mymap = theDefault.map; mymap = new HashMap<@Interned String,@Interned String>(theDefault.map); } } }