package checkers.util; import java.util.*; import javax.lang.model.element.*; import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind; import checkers.quals.*; import checkers.types.*; import checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.*; import checkers.types.visitors.AnnotatedTypeScanner; import com.sun.source.tree.*; import com.sun.source.util.TreePath; import; /** * Determines the default qualifiers on a type. * Default qualifiers are specified via the {@link DefaultQualifier} annotation. * * @see DefaultQualifier */ public class QualifierDefaults { // TODO add visitor state to get the default annotations from the top down? // TODO apply from package elements also // TODO try to remove some dependencies (e.g. on factory) private final AnnotatedTypeFactory factory; private final AnnotationUtils annoFactory; private AnnotationMirror absoluteDefaultAnno; private Set<DefaultLocation> absoluteDefaultLocs; private Map<String, String> qualifiedNameMap; /** * @param factory the factory for this checker * @param annoFactory an annotation factory, used to get annotations by name */ public QualifierDefaults(AnnotatedTypeFactory factory, AnnotationUtils annoFactory) { this.factory = factory; this.annoFactory = annoFactory; qualifiedNameMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Name name : factory.getQualifierHierarchy().getTypeQualifiers()) { if (name == null) continue; String qualified = name.toString(); String unqualified = qualified.substring(qualified.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); qualifiedNameMap.put(qualified, qualified); qualifiedNameMap.put(unqualified, qualified); } } /** * Sets the default annotation. A programmer may override this by * writing the @DefaultQualifier annotation. */ public void setAbsoluteDefaults(AnnotationMirror absoluteDefaultAnno, Set<DefaultLocation> locations) { this.absoluteDefaultAnno = absoluteDefaultAnno; this.absoluteDefaultLocs = new HashSet<DefaultLocation>(locations); } public void annotateTypeElement(TypeElement elt, AnnotatedTypeMirror type) { applyDefaults(elt, type); } /** * Applies default annotations to a type given an {@link Element}. * * @param elt the element from which the type was obtained * @param type the type to annotate */ public void annotate(Element elt, AnnotatedTypeMirror type) { applyDefaults(elt, type); } /** * Applies default annotations to a type given a {@link Tree}. * * @param tree the tree from which the type was obtained * @param type the type to annotate */ public void annotate(Tree tree, AnnotatedTypeMirror type) { applyDefaults(tree, type); } /** * Determines the nearest enclosing element for a tree by climbing the tree * toward the root and obtaining the element for the first declaration * (variable, method, or class) that encloses the tree. * * @param tree the tree * @return the nearest enclosing element for a tree */ private Element nearestEnclosing(Tree tree) { TreePath path = factory.getPath(tree); if (path == null) return InternalUtils.symbol(tree); for (Tree t : path) { switch (t.getKind()) { case VARIABLE: return TreeUtils.elementFromDeclaration((VariableTree)t); case METHOD: return TreeUtils.elementFromDeclaration((MethodTree)t); case CLASS: return TreeUtils.elementFromDeclaration((ClassTree)t); default: // Do nothing. } } return null; } /** * Applies default annotations to a type. * A {@link Tree} that determines the appropriate scope for defaults. * <p> * * For instance, if the tree is associated with a declaration (e.g., it's * the use of a field, or a method invocation), defaults in the scope of the * <i>declaration</i> are used; if the tree is not associated with a * declaration (e.g., a typecast), defaults in the scope of the tree are * used. * * @param tree the tree associated with the type * @param type the type to which defaults will be applied * * @see #applyDefaults(Element, AnnotatedTypeMirror) */ private void applyDefaults(Tree tree, AnnotatedTypeMirror type) { // The location to take defaults from. Element elt = null; switch (tree.getKind()) { case MEMBER_SELECT: elt = TreeUtils.elementFromUse((MemberSelectTree)tree); break; case IDENTIFIER: elt = TreeUtils.elementFromUse((IdentifierTree)tree); break; case METHOD_INVOCATION: elt = TreeUtils.elementFromUse((MethodInvocationTree)tree); break; // TODO cases for array access, etc. -- every expression tree // (The above probably means that we should use defaults in the // scope of the declaration of the array. Is that right? -MDE) default: // If no associated symbol was found, use the tree's (lexical) // scope. elt = nearestEnclosing(tree); } if (elt != null) applyDefaults(elt, type); } private Map<Element, List<DefaultQualifier>> qualifierCache = new IdentityHashMap<Element, List<DefaultQualifier>>(); private List<DefaultQualifier> defaultsAt(final Element elt) { if (elt == null) return Collections.emptyList(); if (qualifierCache.containsKey(elt)) return qualifierCache.get(elt); List<DefaultQualifier> qualifiers = new ArrayList<DefaultQualifier>(); DefaultQualifier d = elt.getAnnotation(DefaultQualifier.class); if (d != null) qualifiers.add(d); DefaultQualifiers ds = elt.getAnnotation(DefaultQualifiers.class); if (ds != null) qualifiers.addAll(Arrays.asList(ds.value())); Element parent; if (elt.getKind() == ElementKind.PACKAGE) parent = ((Symbol)elt).owner; else parent = elt.getEnclosingElement(); List<DefaultQualifier> parentDefaults = defaultsAt(parent); if (qualifiers.isEmpty()) qualifiers = parentDefaults; else qualifiers.addAll(parentDefaults); qualifierCache.put(elt, qualifiers); return qualifiers; } /** * Applies default annotations to a type. * The defaults are taken from an {@link Element} by using the * {@link DefaultQualifier} annotation present on the element * or any of its enclosing elements. * * @param annotationScope the element representing the nearest enclosing * default annotation scope for the type * @param type the type to which defaults will be applied */ private void applyDefaults(final Element annotationScope, final AnnotatedTypeMirror type) { List<DefaultQualifier> defaults = defaultsAt(annotationScope); for (DefaultQualifier dq : defaults) applyDefault(annotationScope, dq, type); if (this.absoluteDefaultAnno != null) new DefaultApplier(annotationScope, this.absoluteDefaultLocs, type).scan(type, absoluteDefaultAnno); } private void applyDefault(Element annotationScope, DefaultQualifier d, AnnotatedTypeMirror type) { String name = d.value(); if (qualifiedNameMap.containsKey(name)) name = qualifiedNameMap.get(name); AnnotationMirror anno = annoFactory.fromName(name); if (anno == null) return; new DefaultApplier(annotationScope, d.locations(), type).scan(type, anno); } private static class DefaultApplier extends AnnotatedTypeScanner<Void, AnnotationMirror> { private final Element elt; private final Collection<DefaultLocation> locations; private final AnnotatedTypeMirror type; public DefaultApplier(Element elt, DefaultLocation[] locations, AnnotatedTypeMirror type) { this(elt, Arrays.asList(locations), type); } public DefaultApplier(Element elt, Collection<DefaultLocation> locations, AnnotatedTypeMirror type) { this.elt = elt; this.locations = locations; /* no need to copy locations */ this.type = type; } @Override public Void scan(AnnotatedTypeMirror t, AnnotationMirror p) { if (t == null || t.getKind() == TypeKind.NONE) return null; // Skip type variables, but continue to scan their bounds. if (t.getKind() == TypeKind.WILDCARD || t.getKind() == TypeKind.TYPEVAR) return super.scan(t, p); // Skip annotating this type if: // - the default is "all except (the raw types of) locals" // - we are applying defaults to a local // - and the type is a raw type if (elt.getKind() == ElementKind.LOCAL_VARIABLE && locations.contains(DefaultLocation.ALL_EXCEPT_LOCALS) && t == type) return super.scan(t, p); if (locations.contains(DefaultLocation.UPPER_BOUNDS) && locations.size() == 1 && !this.isTypeVarExtends) { return super.scan(t, p); } // Add the default annotation, but only if no other // annotation is present. if (!t.isAnnotated()) t.addAnnotation(p); return super.scan(t, p); } // Skip method receivers. @Override public Void visitExecutable(AnnotatedExecutableType t, AnnotationMirror p) { return super.visitExecutable(t, p); // scan(t.getReturnType(), p); // scanAndReduce(t.getParameterTypes(), p, null); // scanAndReduce(t.getThrownTypes(), p, null); // scanAndReduce(t.getTypeVariables(), p, null); // return null; } private boolean isTypeVarExtends = false; @Override public Void visitTypeVariable(AnnotatedTypeVariable type, AnnotationMirror p) { if (visitedNodes.containsKey(type)) { return visitedNodes.get(type); } Void r = scan(type.getLowerBound(), p); visitedNodes.put(type, r); boolean prevIsTypeVarExtends = isTypeVarExtends; isTypeVarExtends = true; try { r = scanAndReduce(type.getUpperBound(), p, r); } finally { isTypeVarExtends = prevIsTypeVarExtends; } visitedNodes.put(type, r); return r; } @Override public Void visitWildcard(AnnotatedWildcardType type, AnnotationMirror p) { if (visitedNodes.containsKey(type)) { return visitedNodes.get(type); } Void r; boolean prevIsTypeVarExtends = isTypeVarExtends; isTypeVarExtends = true; try { r = scan(type.getExtendsBound(), p); } finally { isTypeVarExtends = prevIsTypeVarExtends; } visitedNodes.put(type, r); r = scanAndReduce(type.getSuperBound(), p, r); visitedNodes.put(type, r); return r; } } }