package checkers.i18n; import javax.annotation.processing.SupportedOptions; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.Locale; import checkers.i18n.quals.LocalizableKey; import checkers.propkey.PropertyKeyChecker; import checkers.propkey.quals.PropertyKey; import checkers.quals.TypeQualifiers; import checkers.quals.Unqualified; /** * A type-checker that checks that only valid localizable keys are used * when using localizing methods * (e.g. {@link ResourceBundle#getString(String)}). * * Currently, the checker supports two methods for localization checks: * * <ol> * <li value="1">Properties files: * A common method for localization using a properties file, mapping the * localization keys to localized messages. * Programmers pass the property file location via * {@code propfiles} option (e.g. {@code -Apropfiles=/path/to/}), * separating multiple files by a colon ":". * </li> * * <li value="2">{@link ResourceBundle}: * The proper recommended mechanism for localization. * Programmers pass the {@code baseName} name of the bundle via * {@code bundlename} (e.g. {@code -Abundlename=MyResource}. The checker uses * the resource associated with the default {@link Locale} in the compilation * system. * </li> * * </ol> */ @TypeQualifiers( {LocalizableKey.class, PropertyKey.class, Unqualified.class} ) @SupportedOptions( {"propfiles", "bundlenames"} ) public class LocalizableKeyChecker extends PropertyKeyChecker { }