package checkers.nullness.quals; import java.lang.annotation.*; import checkers.nullness.NullnessChecker; import checkers.quals.*; /** * A method receiver annotation that indicates that non-null fields might be * null within the body of the method, e.g., if {@code this} is {@code Raw}, * {@code this.field} might be null even if {@code field} was declared to be * {@link NonNull}. * * <p> * * This annotation is associated with the {@link NullnessChecker}. * * @see NonNull * @see NullnessChecker * @checker.framework.manual #nullness-checker Nullness Checker */ @Documented @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) //@Target({ElementType.TYPE_USE, ElementType.TYPE_PARAMETER}) @TypeQualifier @DefaultQualifierInHierarchy @SubtypeOf( Raw.class ) public @interface NonRaw { }