package plume; import static plume.EntryReader.Entry; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.*; import java.text.*; import com.sun.javadoc.*; /** * TaskManager extracts information about tasks from text files and * provides structured output. For example, it can extract all of * the tasks associated with a specific milestone or person and total * the amount of work required. <p> * * The command-line arguments are as follows: * <!-- start options doc (DO NOT EDIT BY HAND) --> * <ul> * <li><b>-r</b> <b>--responsible=</b><i>string</i>. Include only those tasks assigned to the specified person</li> * <li><b>-m</b> <b>--milestone=</b><i>string</i>. Include only those tasks required for the specified milestone</li> * <li><b>-c</b> <b>--completed=</b><i>boolean</i>. Include only completed tasks [default false]</li> * <li><b>-o</b> <b>--open=</b><i>boolean</i>. Include only open tasks [default false]</li> * <li><b>-v</b> <b>--verbose=</b><i>boolean</i>. Print progress information [default false]</li> * <li><b>-f</b> <b>--format=</b><i>enum</i>. Specify output format (short_ascii, short_html, milestone_html) [default short_ascii]</li> * <li><b>--comment-re=</b><i>string</i>. Regex that matches an entire comment (not just a comment start) [default ^%.*]</li> * <li><b>--include-re=</b><i>string</i>. Regex that matches an include directive; group 1 is the file name [default \\include\{(.*)\}]</li> * </ul> * <!-- end options doc --> */ public class TaskManager { /** The format in which to output the TaskManager information. */ public enum OutputFormat {short_ascii, short_html, milestone_html}; // Command line options @Option ("-r Include only those tasks assigned to the specified person") public static /*@Nullable*/ String responsible = null; @Option ("-m Include only those tasks required for the specified milestone") public static /*@Nullable*/ String milestone = null; @Option ("-c Include only completed tasks") public static boolean completed = false; @Option ("-o Include only open tasks") public static boolean open = false; @Option ("-v Print progress information") public static boolean verbose = false; @Option ("-f Specify output format (short_ascii, short_html, milestone_html)") public static OutputFormat format = OutputFormat.short_ascii; @Option ("Regex that matches an entire comment (not just a comment start)") public static String comment_re = "^%.*"; @Option ("Regex that matches an include directive; group 1 is the file name") public static String include_re = "\\\\include\\{(.*)\\}"; private static String usage_string = "TaskManger [options] <task-file> <task_file> ..."; @SuppressWarnings("nullness") // line.separator property always exists public static final String lineSep = System.getProperty("line.separator"); /** Information about a single task **/ public static class Task { String filename; long line_number; String task; String responsible; /*@Nullable*/ Date assigned_date; /*@Nullable*/ String milestone; Float duration; Float completed; /*@Nullable*/ String description; /*@Nullable*/ String notes; private void checkRep() { assert filename != null : "No filename at line " + line_number; assert task != null : "No task at line " + line_number; assert responsible != null : "No responsible at line " + line_number; assert duration != null : "No duration at line " + line_number; assert completed != null : "No completed at line " + line_number; } public Task (String body, String filename, long line_number) throws IOException { this.filename = filename; this.line_number = line_number; String[] lines = body.split (lineSep); for (int ii = 0; ii < lines.length; ii++) { String line = lines[ii]; // Get the item/value out of the record. One line items // are specifed as '{item}: {value}'. Multiple line items // have a start line of '{item}>' and an end line of '<{item}' // with any number of value lines between. /*@NonNull*/ String item; String value; if (line.matches ("^[_a-zA-Z]+:.*")) { String[] sa = line.split (" *: *", 2); item = sa[0]; value = sa[1]; if (value.length() == 0) value = null; } else if (line.matches ("^[-a-zA-Z]+>.*")) { item = line.replaceFirst (" *>.*", ""); value = ""; for (ii++; ii < lines.length; ii++) { String nline = lines[ii]; if (nline.equals ("<" + item)) break; value += nline + lineSep; } } else { throw new IOException ("malformed line: " + line); } // parse the value based on the item and store it away if (item.equals ("task")) { if (value == null) throw new Error("Task with no value at line " + line_number); task = value; } else if (item.equals ("responsible")) { if (value == null) responsible = "none"; else responsible = value; } else if (item.equals ("assigned_date")) { if (value == null) assigned_date = null; else { DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yy-MM-dd"); try { assigned_date = df.parse (value); assert assigned_date != null : value; } catch (Throwable t) { throw new RuntimeException (t); } } } else if (item.equals ("milestone")) { if (value == null) throw new Error("Milestone with no value at line " + line_number); milestone = value; } else if (item.equals ("duration")) { if (value == null) // duration is often used without being checked against null throw new Error("Duration with no value at line " + line_number); duration = Float.parseFloat (value); } else if (item.equals ("completed")) { if (value == null) throw new Error("Completed with no value at line " + line_number); completed = Float.parseFloat (value); } else if (item.equals("description")) { if (value == null) throw new Error("Description with no value at line " + line_number); description = value; } else if (item.equals("notes")) { if (value == null) throw new Error("Notes with no value at line " + line_number); notes = value; } else { throw new IOException ("unknown field " + item); } } // Check that all required fields are set. checkRep(); } public static String short_str (float f) { if (((double)f) - Math.floor ((double)(f)) > 0.1) return String.format ("%.1f", f); else return String.format ("%d", Math.round (f)); } private String completion_str() { return String.format ("%s/%s", short_str (completed), short_str(duration)); } public String toString_short_ascii() { return String.format ("%-10s %-10s %-6s %s", responsible, milestone, completion_str(), task); } public String toString_short_html(double total) { return String.format ("<tr> <td> %s </td><td> %s </td><td> " + "%s </td><td> %f </td><td> %s </td></tr>", responsible, milestone, completion_str(), total, task); } public String toString_milestone_html(double total) { String resp_str = responsible; if (resp_str.equals ("none")) resp_str = "<font color=red><b>" + resp_str + "</b></font>"; return String.format ("<tr> <td> %s </td><td> %s </td><td> %.1f </td><td>" + "<a href=%s?file=%s&line=%d> %s </a></td></tr>", resp_str, completion_str(), total, "show_task_details.php", filename, line_number, task); } public String all_vals() { StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(); out.append ("task: " + task + lineSep); out.append ("responsible: " + responsible + lineSep); out.append ("assigned_date: " + assigned_date + lineSep); out.append ("milestone: " + milestone + lineSep); out.append ("duration: " + duration + lineSep); out.append ("completed: " + completed + lineSep); out.append ("description: " + description + lineSep); out.append ("notes: " + notes + lineSep); return out.toString(); } } /** List of all of the tasks **/ public List<Task> tasks = new ArrayList<Task>(); /** empty TaskManger **/ public TaskManager() { } /** initializes a task manager with all of the tasks in filenames **/ public TaskManager (String[] filenames) throws IOException { // Read in each specified task file for (String filename : filenames) { filename = UtilMDE.expandFilename (filename); EntryReader reader = new EntryReader (filename, comment_re, include_re); while (true) { EntryReader.Entry entry = reader.get_entry(); if (entry == null) break; try { tasks.add (new Task (entry.body, entry.filename, entry.line_number)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new Error ("Error parsing " + entry.filename + " at line " + entry.line_number, e); } } } } public static void main (String args[]) throws IOException { Options options = new Options (usage_string, TaskManager.class); String[] filenames = options.parse_or_usage (args); if (verbose) System.out.printf ("Option settings: %s%n", options.settings()); // Make sure at least one file was specified if (filenames.length == 0) { options.print_usage ("Error: No task files specified"); System.exit (254); } TaskManager tm = new TaskManager(filenames); // Dump out the tasks if (verbose) { System.out.printf ("All tasks:%n"); for (Task task : tm.tasks) { System.out.printf ("%s\n\n", task.all_vals()); } } // Print specified tasks TaskManager matches = tm.responsible_match (responsible); matches = matches.milestone_match (milestone); if (open) matches = matches.open_only(); if (completed) matches = matches.completed_only(); switch (format) { case short_ascii: System.out.println (matches.toString_short_ascii()); break; case short_html: System.out.println (matches.toString_short_html()); break; case milestone_html: System.out.println (matches.toString_milestone_html()); break; } } public String toString_short_ascii() { StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(); for (Task task : tasks) { out.append (task.toString_short_ascii() + lineSep); } return (out.toString()); } public String toString_short_html() { StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(); double total = 0.0; String responsible = null; out.append ("<table>" + lineSep); for (Task task : tasks) { if (!task.responsible.equals (responsible)) { responsible = task.responsible; total = 0.0; } total += (task.duration.floatValue() - task.completed.floatValue()); out.append (task.toString_short_html(total) + lineSep); } out.append ("</table>" + lineSep); return (out.toString()); } public String toString_milestone_html() { StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(); out.append ("<table border cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2>" + lineSep); out.append ("<tr> <th> Responsible <th> C/D <th> Total <th> Task </tr>" + lineSep); double total = 0.0; String responsible = null; for (Task task : tasks) { if (!task.responsible.equals (responsible)) { if (responsible != null) out.append ("<tr bgcolor=grey><td colspan=4></td></tr>" + lineSep); responsible = task.responsible; total = 0.0; } total += (task.duration.floatValue() - task.completed.floatValue()); out.append (task.toString_milestone_html(total) + lineSep); } out.append ("</table>" + lineSep); return (out.toString()); } /** Adds the specified task to the end of the task list **/ public void add (Task task) { tasks.add (task); } /** * Create a new TaskManger with only those tasks assigned to responsible. * All tasks match a responsible value of null **/ public TaskManager responsible_match (/*@Nullable*/ String responsible) { TaskManager tm = new TaskManager(); for (Task task : tasks) { if ((responsible == null) || responsible.equalsIgnoreCase (task.responsible)) tm.add (task); } return tm; } /** Create a new TaskManger with only those tasks in milestone **/ public TaskManager milestone_match (/*@Nullable*/ String milestone) { TaskManager tm = new TaskManager(); if (milestone == null) return tm; for (Task task : tasks) { if (milestone.equalsIgnoreCase (task.milestone)) tm.add (task); } return tm; } /** * Create a new TaskManger with only completed tasks. **/ public TaskManager completed_only () { TaskManager tm = new TaskManager(); for (Task task : tasks) { if (task.duration <= task.completed) tm.add (task); } return tm; } /** * Create a new TaskManger with only open tasks. **/ public TaskManager open_only () { TaskManager tm = new TaskManager(); for (Task task : tasks) { if (task.duration > task.completed) tm.add (task); } return tm; } }