package com.rectang.xsm.widget; import com.rectang.xsm.XSM; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import org.jdom.Element; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebMarkupContainer; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.basic.Label; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.upload.FileUploadField; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.upload.FileUpload; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.Panel; import org.apache.wicket.model.Model; import org.apache.wicket.AttributeModifier; public class Image extends File implements Serializable { protected static HashSet hash, compHash; { hash = new HashSet(); hash.add( "jpeg" ); hash.add( "jpg" ); hash.add( "gif" ); hash.add( "png" ); /* FIXME add all images java + web supports */ compHash = new HashSet(); compHash.add( "gz" ); compHash.add( "tar.gz" ); compHash.add( "zip" ); } public Image( java.lang.String name ) { super( name ); } protected java.lang.String getViewURL( Element node ) { return getPath( node.getValue() ); } public void view( Element node, StringBuffer s ) { if ( node.getValue() == null || node.getValue().equals( "" ) ) { s.append( "(no image)\n" ); } else { s.append( "<img src=\"" + getSite().getRootUrl() ); s.append( getViewURL( node ) + "\" />\n" ); } } public void publish( Element node, StringBuffer s ) { if ( node.getValue() == null || node.getValue().equals( "" ) ) { s.append( "(no image)\n" ); } else { s.append( "<img src=\"" + getSite().getPrefixUrl() ); s.append( getPath( node.getValue() ) + "\" />\n" ); } } public WebMarkupContainer edit( java.lang.String wicketId, Element node, java.lang.String path ) { return new ImagePanel( wicketId, node, this ); } public void destroy( Element node ) { java.lang.String imageName = node.getText(); if ( imageName == null || imageName.equals( "" ) ) { return; } PublishedFile file = (getSite().getPublishedDoc( getPath( imageName ) )); if ( file.exists() ) { file.delete(); } } protected boolean addImagesRecurse( file, Element node, boolean addNode ) throws XSMDocument.GenerationException { if ( file.isDirectory() ) {[] children = file.listFiles(); for ( int i = 0; i < children.length; i++ ) { if ( addImagesRecurse( children[i], node, addNode ) ) { // only start adding nodes if we have hit a valid image upload addNode = true; } } file.delete(); return false; } java.lang.String fileName = (new File.fixSeparators( file.getName() ) )).getName(); // ignore non-image files and nasty OSX metadata if ( !hash.contains( getFileExt( fileName ) ) || fileName.startsWith( "._" ) ) { file.delete(); return false; } Element value = node; if ( addNode ) { /* FIXME - we need to hook into the node creation somehow!!! */ java.lang.String type = ((Element) node.getDocument().getRootElement().getChild( "data" ).getChildren().get( 0 )).getName(); if ( type.equals( "gallery" ) || type.equals( "book" ) || type.equals( "html" ) || type.equals( "php" ) ) { Element newNode = new Element( "image" ); value = new Element( "path" ); newNode.addContent( value ); newNode.addContent( new Element( "caption" ) ); newNode.addContent( new Element( "comments" ) ); node.getParentElement().getParentElement().addContent( 0, newNode ); } else { /* FIXME - make the next_index stuff work again */ value = new Element( "image" ); node.getParentElement().addContent( 0, value ); } } PublishedFile newFile = getSite().getPublishedDoc( getPath( fileName ) ); value.setText( fileName ); processFile( fileName, file, newFile ); file.delete(); return true; } protected void clearOldFiles( Element node ) { java.lang.String oldName = node.getText(); if ( oldName != null && !oldName.equals( "" ) ) { PublishedFile oldFile = getSite().getPublishedDoc( getPath( oldName ) ); if ( oldFile.exists() ) { oldFile.delete(); } node.setText( "" ); } } protected void processFile( java.lang.String fileName, in, PublishedFile pub ) throws XSMDocument.GenerationException { pub.uploadFile( in ); } public java.lang.String getPath( java.lang.String name ) { return getPath( this, name ); } public static java.lang.String getPath( com.rectang.xsm.doc.DocElement elem, java.lang.String name ) { return elem.getPublishedPath() + + "_images" + + name; } class ImagePanel extends Panel { FileUploadField upload; public ImagePanel( java.lang.String id, final Element node, final Image type ) { super( id ); add( new Label( "label", name ) ); add( new WebMarkupContainer( "current" ).add( new AttributeModifier( "src", new Model( getSite().getRootUrl() + type.getViewURL( node ) ) ) ).setVisible( !node.getText().equals( "" ) ) ); add( upload = new FileUploadField( "value", new Model() { public void setObject( Serializable object ) { FileUpload file = upload.getFileUpload(); java.lang.String ext = getFileExt( file.getClientFileName() ).toLowerCase(); if ( hash.contains( ext ) ) { java.lang.String fileName = sanitiseName( file.getClientFileName() ); PublishedFile newFile = getSite().getPublishedDoc( type.getPath( fileName ) ); java.lang.String oldName = node.getText(); if ( newFile.exists() && !oldName.equals( fileName ) ) { error( "File " + fileName + " already exists, please rename your file and try uploading again" ); return; } /* remove the old images if they exist */ clearOldFiles( node ); node.setText( fileName ); tmpFile = XSM.getTempFile(); try { file.writeTo( tmpFile ); processFile( fileName, tmpFile, newFile ); } catch ( Exception e ) { error( "Unable to write file " + newFile.getFileName() ); e.printStackTrace(); } } else if ( compHash.contains( ext ) ) { temp = XSM.getTempFile(); temp.mkdirs(); zip = null; TarFile tar = null; try { if ( ext.equals( "gz" ) ) { zip = new GZipFile( temp, "upload.gz" ); file.writeTo( zip ); maybeTar = ((GZipFile) zip).expand(); zip.delete(); if ( file.getClientFileName().toLowerCase().endsWith( ".tar.gz" ) ) { tar = new TarFile( maybeTar ); tar.expand(); tar.delete(); } } else if ( ext.equals( "zip" ) ) { zip = new ZipFile( temp, "" ); file.writeTo( zip ); ((ZipFile) zip).expand(); zip.delete(); } addImagesRecurse( temp, node, false ); } catch ( IOException e ) { error( "Error unpacking compressed file: " + e.getMessage() ); } catch ( XSMDocument.GenerationException e ) { error( "Unable to write images from zip file " ); } finally { if ( tar != null && tar.exists() ) { tar.delete(); } if ( zip != null && zip.exists() ) { zip.delete(); } if ( temp.exists() ) { temp.delete(); } } } else { error( "Image type " + type + " is not supported" ); } } } ) ); StringBuffer note = new StringBuffer( "(image types " ); Iterator types = hash.iterator(); while ( types.hasNext() ) { java.lang.String next = (java.lang.String); note.append( next ); if ( types.hasNext() ) { note.append( ", " ); } } note.append( " only) or you can upload a set of images in a compressed file (" ); types = compHash.iterator(); while ( types.hasNext() ) { java.lang.String next = (java.lang.String); note.append( next ); if ( types.hasNext() ) { note.append( ", " ); } } note.append( ")" ); add( new Label( "note", note.toString() ) ); } } }