package com.rectang.xsm.types; import java.util.*; import org.jdom.Element; import com.rectang.xsm.doc.DocElement; import com.rectang.xsm.doc.DocGroup; import com.rectang.xsm.doc.DocList; import com.rectang.xsm.doc.SupportedOption; import; import; import com.rectang.xsm.widget.PreviewedImage; import*; import com.rectang.xsm.util.FileUtils; public class Gallery extends DocGroup { public static final SupportedOption THUMB_ROWS = new SupportedOption( "THUMB_ROWS", "The number of rows on each thumbnail page", 3 ); public static final SupportedOption THUMB_COLS = new SupportedOption( "THUMB_COLS", "The number of columns on each thumbnail page", 3 ); public static final SupportedOption NAV_POSITION = new SupportedOption( "NAV_POSITION", "Display gallery navigation at the top, bottom or both", "both" ); private Vector options; public Gallery( java.lang.String name ) { super( name, new GalleryItem( "image" ) ); options = new Vector(); options.add( THUMB_ROWS ); options.add( THUMB_COLS ); options.add( NAV_POSITION ); } /* FIXME - add a save + delete methods to remove the old preview pages if needed */ /* TODO maybe tidy this up a tad ??? */ private class VectorPair { public Vector pages, elements; public VectorPair( Vector a, Vector b ) { this.pages = a; this.elements = b; } } private VectorPair getSubGalleries() { Vector pages = new Vector(); Vector elements = new Vector(); Iterator subPages = getPage().getSubPages().iterator(); if ( subPages == null || !subPages.hasNext() ) { return new VectorPair( pages, elements ); } while ( subPages.hasNext() ) { Page page = (Page); if ( !(page instanceof DocumentPage) ) { continue; } DocumentPage next = (DocumentPage) page; /* do not thumbnail hidden pages */ if ( next.getHidden() ) { continue; } try { Element elem = next.getXSMDocument().getContentElement(); if ( elem != null && elem.getName().equals( "gallery" ) ) { pages.add( next ); elements.add( elem.getChild( "image" ) ); } } catch ( Exception e ) { /* don't add */ e.printStackTrace(); } } return new VectorPair( pages, elements ); } public void view( Element node, StringBuffer s ) { int galleryIndex = 0; VectorPair galleries = getSubGalleries(); Iterator subGals = galleries.pages.iterator(); while ( subGals.hasNext() ) { DocumentPage next = (DocumentPage); if ( next != null ) { s.append( "<img src=\"" ); s.append( getSite().getRootUrl() ); s.append( next.getPath() ); s.append( ); s.append( "_images" ); s.append( ); s.append( FileUtils.getImageThumbnailName( path( (Element) galleries.elements.get( galleryIndex ) ) ) ); s.append( "\" /><br />Gallery: " ); s.append( next.getTitle() ); s.append( "<br />\n<br />\n" ); } else { s.append( "No images in gallery \"" + next.getTitle() + "\"<br />\n<br />\n" ); } galleryIndex++; } s.append( "</p>\n" ); super.view( node, s ); } public void publish( Element node, StringBuffer s ) { List children = node.getChildren( element.getName() ); Iterator allChildren = children.iterator(); VectorPair pair = getSubGalleries(); Vector galleryPages = pair.pages; Vector galleryElements = pair.elements; Iterator subGalleries = galleryElements.iterator(); String previewDir = getPreviewPath( "" ); (getSite().getPublishedDoc( previewDir )).mkdir(); int thumb_rows = THUMB_ROWS.getInteger( getDoc() ); int thumb_cols = THUMB_COLS.getInteger( getDoc() ); int thumb_cells = thumb_cols * thumb_rows; int counter = 0; int pageCounter = 0; int totalImages = children.size(); int total = totalImages + galleryPages.size(); int totalPages = (((total - (total % (thumb_cells))) / (thumb_cells))); if ( (total % (thumb_cells)) != 0 ) { totalPages++; } PublishedFile file = null; StringBuffer content = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer page = new StringBuffer(); Element before = null; int galleries = galleryPages.size(); boolean hasNext = subGalleries.hasNext() || allChildren.hasNext(); Element after = null; if ( hasNext ) { if ( subGalleries.hasNext() ) { after = (Element); } else { after = (Element); } } int galleryIndex = 0; Element[] nexts = new Element[thumb_cols]; while ( hasNext ) { nexts[0] = after; for ( int i = 1; i < thumb_cols; i++ ) { nexts[i] = null; if ( subGalleries.hasNext() ) { nexts[i] = (Element); } else if ( allChildren.hasNext() ) { nexts[i] = (Element); } } hasNext = subGalleries.hasNext() || allChildren.hasNext(); if ( hasNext ) { if ( subGalleries.hasNext() ) { after = (Element); } else { after = (Element); } } else { after = null; } if ( counter % (thumb_cells) == 0 ) { page = new StringBuffer(); page.append( "<center>\n" ); page.append( "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\"" ); page.append( " width=\"100%\">\n" ); } page.append( "<tr>\n" ); /* pics */ for ( int i = 0; i < thumb_cols; i++ ) { generateImage( nexts[i], previewDir, (counter + i) < galleries, (DocumentPage) getVectorId( galleryPages, galleryIndex + i ), page ); } page.append( "</tr><tr>\n" ); /* captions */ for ( int i = 0; i < thumb_cols; i++ ) { generateCaption( nexts[i], (counter + i) < galleries, (DocumentPage) getVectorId( galleryPages, galleryIndex + i ), page ); } page.append( "</tr>\n" ); page.append( "<tr><td colspan=\"" + thumb_cols + "\"> </td></tr>\n" ); /* preview pages */ for ( int i = 0; i < thumb_cols; i++ ) { if ( (counter + i) >= galleries ) { Element prev = before; if ( i > 0 ) { prev = nexts[i - 1]; } Element next = after; if ( i < thumb_cols - 1 ) { next = nexts[i + 1]; } generatePreviewPage( nexts[i], prev, next, (counter + i) - galleries, totalImages, previewDir, pageCounter ); } } before = nexts[thumb_cols - 1]; counter += thumb_cols; galleryIndex += thumb_cols; if ( (counter / thumb_cols) % thumb_rows == 0 || !hasNext ) { page.append( "</table>\n</center>\n" ); String navPos = NAV_POSITION.getString( getDoc() ); if ( navPos.equals( "top" ) || navPos.equals( "both" ) ) { publishThumbNav( pageCounter, hasNext, totalPages, content ); } content.append( page ); if ( navPos.equals( "bottom" ) || navPos.equals( "both" ) ) { publishThumbNav( pageCounter, hasNext, totalPages, content ); } if ( pageCounter == 0 ) { s.append( content ); } else { getDoc().publishContent( file, content.toString(), getUser() ); } file = getSite().getPublishedDoc( getPublishedPath() + "/_thumbs/" + ++pageCounter + ".html" ); content = new StringBuffer(); } } if ( content.length() != 0 ) { getDoc().publishContent( file, content.toString(), getUser() ); } String parentPath = (new getPublishedPath() )).getParent(); if ( !parentPath.equals( "/" ) ) { HierarchicalPage parent = (HierarchicalPage) getSite().getPage( parentPath ); if ( parent instanceof DocumentPage ) { XSMDocument parentDoc = ((DocumentPage) parent).getXSMDocument(); if ( parentDoc != null && parentDoc.getContentElement().getName().equals( "gallery" ) ) { parentDoc.publish( getUser() ); } } } } private void publishThumbNav( int counter, boolean hasNext, int total, StringBuffer s ) { String pStr = ""; String nStr = ""; if ( counter > 0 ) { if ( counter == 1 ) { pStr = "<a href=\"" + getSite().getPrefixUrl() + getPublishedPath() + "/index.html\">Previous</a>"; } else { pStr = "<a href=\"" + getSite().getPrefixUrl() + getPublishedPath() + "/_thumbs/" + (counter - 1) + ".html\">Previous</a>"; } } if ( hasNext ) { nStr = "<a href=\"" + getSite().getPrefixUrl() + getPublishedPath() + "/_thumbs/" + (counter + 1) + ".html\">Next</a>"; } s.append( "<p class=\"xsm_gallery_nav\">\n" ); s.append( "<span class=\"xsm_gallery_nav_prev\">" + pStr + "</span>\n" ); s.append( "<span class=\"xsm_gallery_nav_next\">" + nStr ); s.append( "</span>\n" ); s.append( "<span class=\"xsm_gallery_nav_curr\">" ); s.append( (counter + 1) + " of " + total + "</span>\n" ); s.append( "</p>\n" ); } private Object getVectorId( Vector v, int id ) { if ( id >= v.size() ) { return null; } return v.get( id ); } private void generateImage( Element node, String dir, boolean gallery, DocumentPage subGallery, StringBuffer s ) { /* FIXME - rounding errors */ int percent = 100 / THUMB_COLS.getInteger( getDoc() ); if ( node == null ) { s.append( "<td class=\"xsm_gallery_thumb\" width=\"" + percent + "%\"> </td>" ); return; } s.append( "<td class=\"xsm_gallery_thumb\" align=\"center\" width=\"" + percent + "%\">" ); if ( gallery ) { s.append( "<a href=\"" + getSite().getPrefixUrl() ); s.append( subGallery.getPath() + "/index.html\">" ); } else { s.append( previewLink( node, dir ) ); } s.append( "<img src=\"" + getSite().getPrefixUrl() ); if ( gallery ) { if ( node == null ) { s.append( "(no image)" ); } else { s.append( subGallery.getPath() + + "_images" ); s.append( ); s.append( FileUtils.getImageThumbnailName( path( node ) ) ); } } else { s.append( com.rectang.xsm.widget.Image.getPath( this, FileUtils.getImageThumbnailName( path( node ) ) ) ); } s.append( "\" border=\"0\"/></a>\n</td>\n" ); } private String previewLink( Element node, String dir ) { return "<a href=\"" + getSite().getPrefixUrl() + dir + path( node ) + ".html\">"; } private void generateCaption( Element node, boolean gallery, DocumentPage subGallery, StringBuffer s ) { /* FIXME - rounding errors */ int percent = 100 / THUMB_COLS.getInteger( getDoc() ); if ( node == null ) { s.append( "<td class=\"xsm_gallery_caption\" width=\"" + percent + "%\"> </td>" ); return; } s.append( "<td class=\"xsm_gallery_caption\" width=\"" + percent + "%\">" ); s.append( "<p>" ); if ( gallery ) { if ( node != null ) { s.append( "Gallery: <a href=\"" + getSite().getPrefixUrl() ); s.append( subGallery.getPath() + "/index.html\">" ); s.append( subGallery.getTitle() + "</a>" ); } } else { s.append( caption( node ) ); } int comments = node.getChild( "comments" ).getChildren( "comment" ).size(); if ( comments > 0 ) { s.append( "<br />" + comments + " comment" + ((comments != 1) ? "s" : "") ); } s.append( "</p></td>\n" ); } private void generatePreviewPage( Element node, Element before, Element after, int pos, int tot, String dir, int page ) { if ( node == null ) { return; } PublishedFile out = getSite().getPublishedDoc( dir + path( node ) + ".html" ); boolean full = PreviewedImage.KEEP_ORIG.getBoolean( getDoc() ); StringBuffer content = new StringBuffer(); content.append( "<div class=\"xsm_gallery_preview\">\n" ); String navPos = NAV_POSITION.getString( getDoc() ); if ( navPos.equals( "top" ) || navPos.equals( "both" ) ) { publishPreviewNav( pos, tot, before, after, dir, content ); } if ( full ) { content.append( "<a href=\"" + getSite().getPrefixUrl() ); content.append( getPublishedPath() + + "_images" ); content.append( + path( node ) + "\" target=\"_blank\">" ); } content.append( "<img border=\"0\"src=\"" ); content.append( getSite().getPrefixUrl() ); content.append( com.rectang.xsm.widget.Image.getPath( this, FileUtils.getImagePreviewName( path( node ) ) ) + "\">" ); if ( full ) { content.append( "</a>" ); } content.append( "\n<p>" + caption( node ) + "</p>\n" ); if ( navPos.equals( "bottom" ) || navPos.equals( "both" ) ) { publishPreviewNav( pos, tot, before, after, dir, content ); } content.append( "<p class=\"xsm_gallery_nav_up\">" ); if ( page == 0 ) { content.append( "<a href=\"" + getSite().getPrefixUrl() ); content.append( getPublishedPath() + "/index.html\">Up</a>" ); } else { content.append( "<a href=\"" + getSite().getPrefixUrl() ); content.append( getPublishedPath() + "/_thumbs/" + page + ".html\">Up</a>" ); } content.append( "</p></div>\n" ); Element comments = node.getChild( "comments" ); int commentCount = comments.getChildren( "comment" ).size(); if ( commentCount > 0 ) { content.append( "<p><b>Comments:</b></p>" ); ((GalleryItem) element).elements[2].publish( comments, content ); } getDoc().publishContent( out, content.toString(), getUser() ); } private void publishPreviewNav( int pos, int tot, Element before, Element after, String dir, StringBuffer s ) { String prev = " "; if ( pos > 0 ) { prev = previewLink( before, dir ) + "Previous</a>"; } String next = " "; if ( pos < tot - 1 ) { next = previewLink( after, dir ) + "Next</a>"; } s.append( "<p class=\"xsm_gallery_nav\">\n" ); s.append( "<span class=\"xsm_gallery_nav_prev\">" ); s.append( prev + "</span>\n" ); s.append( "<span class=\"xsm_gallery_nav_next\">" ); s.append( next + "</span>\n" ); s.append( "<span class=\"xsm_gallery_nav_curr\">" ); s.append( (pos + 1) + " of " + tot + "</span>\n" ); s.append( "</p>\n" ); } private String path( Element node ) { if ( node == null ) { return ""; } return node.getChild( "path" ).getValue(); } private String caption( Element node ) { if ( node == null ) { return ""; } return node.getChild( "caption" ).getValue(); } protected java.lang.String getPreviewPath( java.lang.String name ) { return getPublishedPath() + + "_previews" + + name; } public List getSupportedOptions() { Vector ret = new Vector(); ret.addAll( options ); ret.addAll( element.getSupportedOptions() ); return ret; } } class GalleryItem extends DocList { public GalleryItem( String name ) { super( name, new DocElement[]{ new GalleryPreviewedImage( "path" ), new com.rectang.xsm.widget.String( "caption" ), new GalleryCommentList( "comments" ) } ); } } class GalleryPreviewedImage extends PreviewedImage { public GalleryPreviewedImage( java.lang.String name ) { super( name ); } public void destroy( Element node ) { getSite().getPublishedDoc( getPublishedPath() + + "_previews" + + node.getText() + ".html" ).delete(); super.destroy( node ); /* FIXME here we need to trigger Gallery to check that it still needs all * of its thumbnail pages */ } } class GalleryCommentList extends DocGroup { public GalleryCommentList( String name ) { super( name, new GalleryComment( "comment" ) ); } public void publish( Element node, StringBuffer s ) { Iterator children = node.getChildren( "comment" ).iterator(); while ( children.hasNext() ) { Element next = (Element); element.publish( next, s ); } } } class GalleryComment extends DocList { public GalleryComment( String name ) { super( name, new DocElement[]{ new com.rectang.xsm.widget.TextArea( "body" ), new com.rectang.xsm.widget.Value( "author", com.rectang.xsm.widget.Value.FULLNAME ), new com.rectang.xsm.widget.Value( "time", com.rectang.xsm.widget.Value.DATE )} ); } public void publish( Element node, StringBuffer s ) { s.append( "<p><b>" ); elements[1].publish( node.getChild( "author" ), s ); s.append( "</b> (" ); elements[2].publish( node.getChild( "time" ), s ); s.append( ")<br />" ); elements[0].publish( node.getChild( "body" ), s ); s.append( "</p>" ); } }