package com.rectang.xsm.util; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.List; public class StringUtils { /** * The alphabet that generated passwords should draw from */ private static final String ALPHABET = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; /** * Create a random password of eight characters length drawn from the set * ALPHABET. * * @return a random password of 8 characters length */ public static String createPassword() { return createPassword( 8 ); } /** * Create a random password of <code>length</code> characters length drawn * from the set ALPHABET. * * @return a random password of set length */ public static String createPassword( int length ) { String password = ""; while ( password.length() < length ) { int pos = (int) (Math.random() * (ALPHABET.length() - 1)); password += ALPHABET.substring( pos, pos + 1 ); } return password; } /** * Create a List of Strings from the contents of a comma separated String. * * @param in The comma separated String to unpack * @return A Vector of Strings containing the unpacked string elements */ public static List /* String */ stringToList( String in ) { List ret = new Vector(); if ( in == null || in.equals( "" ) ) { return ret; } String[] inSplit = in.split( "," ); String inNext; for ( int i = 0; i < inSplit.length; i++ ) { if ( !(inNext = inSplit[i].trim()).equals( "" ) ) { ret.add( inNext ); } } return ret; } /** * Create a String from the passed List. The string will be separated with * commas. * * @param in The Vector to pack into a String * @return A comma separated String containing all elements in the Vector */ public static String listToString( List /* String */ in ) { Iterator list = in.iterator(); String all = ""; while ( list.hasNext() ) { Object next =; if ( next instanceof String ) { all += (String) next; } if ( list.hasNext() ) { all += ","; } } return all; } /** * Summarise a string, returning a copy of the beginning of the String * <code>in</code> stopping at the last space before the position * <code>chars</code>. "..." will be appended to strings that are truncated. * * @param in The String input to summarise * @param chars The maximum number of chars to appear in the summary * @return A new String summarising the input */ public static String summarise( String in, int chars ) { StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer(); int count = 0; StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer( in, " " ); while ( tokens.hasMoreElements() ) { String token = (String) tokens.nextElement(); count += token.length() + 1; ret.append( token ); if ( count > chars ) { ret.append( "..." ); break; } ret.append( " " ); } return ret.toString(); } }