package com.rectang.xsm.types; import*; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import com.rectang.xsm.doc.*; import; import com.rectang.xsm.widget.*; import com.rectang.xsm.widget.String; import com.rectang.xsm.widget.File; import org.jdom.Element; public class PreviewedFile extends DocGroup { public static final SupportedOption PUBLISH_RSS = new SupportedOption( "PUBLISH_RSS", "Should an RSS feed for this page be published?", false ); private Vector options; public PreviewedFile( java.lang.String name ) { super( name, new PrevItem( "item" ) ); options = new Vector(); options.add( PUBLISH_RSS ); } public List getSupportedOptions() { Vector ret = new Vector(); ret.addAll( options ); ret.addAll( element.getSupportedOptions() ); return ret; } public void publish( Element node, StringBuffer s ) { super.publish( node, s ); if ( PUBLISH_RSS.getBoolean( getDoc() ) ) { publishRSS( node ); } } protected static java.lang.String escape( java.lang.String in ) { if ( in == null ) { return ""; } return in.replaceAll( "&", "&" ).replaceAll( "<", "<" ) .replaceAll( ">", ">" ); } public void publishRSS( Element root ) { PublishedFile rss = getSite().getPublishedDoc( getPublishedPath() + + "feed.xml" ); try { OutputStream os = rss.getOutputStream(); Writer out = new OutputStreamWriter( os ); out.write( "<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n" ); out.write( "<rss version=\"2.0\">\n" ); out.write( " <channel>\n" ); out.write( " <title>" + escape( getSite().getTitle() ) + "</title>\n" ); out.write( " <link>" + escape( getSite().getRootUrl() + getPublishedPath() ) + "/feed.xml</link>\n" ); out.write( " <description>RSS generated from " + escape( getSite().getRootUrl() + getPublishedPath() ) + "/</description>\n" ); out.write( " <generator>Rectang XSM</generator>\n" ); List elements = root.getChildren( "item" ); Iterator all = elements.iterator(); java.lang.String index; int fakeIndex = 0; while ( all.hasNext() ) { Element next = (Element); index = next.getAttributeValue( "index" ); if ( index == null || index.equals( "" ) ) { index = "x" + fakeIndex++; } // java.lang.String link = escape(site.getRootUrl() // + getPublishedPath() + "/_items/" + id + ".html"); java.lang.String guid = getSite().getRootUrl() + getPublishedPath() + ".html#" + index; StringBuffer tmp = new StringBuffer(); ((PrevItem) element).publishRSS( next, guid, tmp ); out.write( tmp.toString() ); } out.write( " </channel>\n" ); out.write( "</rss>\n" ); out.close(); os.close(); } catch ( IOException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } class PrevItem extends DocList { public PrevItem( java.lang.String name ) { super( name, new DocElement[]{new String( "title" ), new String( "version" ), new String( "author" ), new String( "email" ), new Date( "lastupdated" ), new String( "license" ), new String( "comment" ), new TextArea( "description" ), new PrevItemData( "miscdata" ), new Image( "preview" ), new File( "file" )} ); } public void publish( Element node, StringBuffer s ) { s.append( "<table border=\"0\"><tr><td valign=\"top\">" ); java.lang.String file = node.getChild( "file" ).getValue(); if ( file != null && !file.equals( "" ) ) { s.append( "<a href=\"" + getSite().getPrefixUrl() ); s.append( getPublishedPath() + + "_files" ); s.append( + file + "\">" ); } s.append( "<img border=\"0\" src=\"" ); s.append( getSite().getPrefixUrl() + getPublishedPath() ); s.append( + "_images" ); s.append( + node.getChild( "preview" ).getValue() ); s.append( "\" alt=\"" ); elements[0].publish( node.getChild( "title" ), s ); s.append( "\"/>" ); if ( file != null && !file.equals( "" ) ) { s.append( "</a>" ); } s.append( "</td><td valign=\"top\">\n" ); addField( "Title", "title", elements[0], node, s ); addField( "Version", "version", elements[1], node, s ); java.lang.String name = node.getChildText( "author" ); java.lang.String email = node.getChildText( "email" ); if ( name != null && !name.equals( "" ) ) { s.append( "<b>Author:</b> " ); if ( email != null && !email.equals( "" ) ) { s.append( "<a href=\"mailto:" ); s.append( email ); s.append( "\">" ); } s.append( name ); if ( email != null && !email.equals( "" ) ) { s.append( "</a>" ); } s.append( "<br />\n" ); } addField( "Last Updated", "lastupdated", elements[4], node, s ); addField( "License", "license", elements[5], node, s ); addField( "Comment", "comment", elements[6], node, s ); /* add the custom metadata */ elements[8].publish( node.getChild( "miscdata" ), s ); s.append( "</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\">" ); elements[7].publish( node.getChild( "description" ), s ); s.append( "</td></tr></table>" ); } public void publishRSS( Element root, java.lang.String guid, StringBuffer s ) { StringBuffer tmp = new StringBuffer(); s.append( "<item>\n" ); elements[0].view( root.getChild( "title" ), tmp ); s.append( " <title>" + PreviewedFile.escape( tmp.toString() ) + "</title>\n" ); java.lang.String file = root.getChild( "file" ).getValue(); s.append( " <link>" ); s.append( PreviewedFile.escape( getSite().getRootUrl() + getPublishedPath() + + "_files" + + file ) ); s.append( "</link>\n" ); tmp = new StringBuffer(); elements[3].view( root.getChild( "email" ), tmp ); s.append( " <author>" + PreviewedFile.escape( tmp.toString() ) ); tmp = new StringBuffer(); elements[2].view( root.getChild( "author" ), tmp ); s.append( " (" + PreviewedFile.escape( tmp.toString() ) + ")</author>\n" ); tmp = new StringBuffer(); elements[7].view( root.getChild( "description" ), tmp ); s.append( " <description>" + PreviewedFile.escape( tmp.toString() ) + "</description>\n" ); s.append( " <pubDate>" ); elements[4].view( root.getChild( "lastupdated" ), s ); s.append( "</pubDate>\n" ); s.append( "<enclosure url=\"" ); java.lang.String preview = root.getChild( "preview" ).getValue(); s.append( PreviewedFile.escape( getSite().getRootUrl() + getPublishedPath() + + "_images" + + preview ) ); /* FIXME - figure length and type */ s.append( "\" length=\"\" type=\"\"/>" ); s.append( " <guid isPermaLink=\"false\">" + guid + "</guid>\n" ); s.append( "</item>\n" ); } /** * Add an item if its value is not empty * * @param title Item title * @param node Name of the child node containing the data * @param docNode The XSM DocElement that controls the rendering * @param domNodeParent The JDOMElement that contains the child we are reading * @return A String in the form "<b>Title</b>: * renderedValueOfChildNode<br />\n" or "" if the value was * empty */ private static void addField( java.lang.String title, java.lang.String node, DocElement docNode, Element domNodeParent, StringBuffer s ) { java.lang.String value = domNodeParent.getChildText( node ); if ( value == null || value.equals( "" ) ) { return; } s.append( "<b>" + title + ":</b> " ); docNode.publish( domNodeParent.getChild( node ), s ); s.append( "<br />\n" ); } } /** * Storage of custom metadata elements * * @author aje */ class PrevItemData extends DocGroup { public PrevItemData( java.lang.String name ) { super( name, new PrevItemDataPair( "item" ) ); } } /** * A custom metadata element * * Publishes as "<b>name:<b>: value<br />\n" * * @author aje */ class PrevItemDataPair extends DocList { public PrevItemDataPair( java.lang.String name ) { super( name, new DocElement[]{new String( "name" ), new String( "value" )} ); } public void publish( Element node, StringBuffer s ) { java.lang.String value = node.getChildText( "value" ); if ( value == null || value.equals( "" ) ) { return; } s.append( "<b>" ); elements[0].publish( node.getChild( "name" ), s ); s.append( ":</b> " ); elements[1].publish( node.getChild( "value" ), s ); s.append( "<br />\n" ); } }