package; import; import; import com.rectang.xsm.XSM; import com.rectang.xsm.util.StringUtils; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import; import org.jdom.Element; import org.apache.wicket.Session; public class Upgrade7 implements UpgradeUnit { public int getFromVersion() { return 7; } public int getToVersion() { return 8; } public String getTitle() { return "Convert the old XSM admin configuration to proper admin accounts"; } public boolean upgrade( Site site ) { // old code from the XSMConfig file, now removed String configStr = XSM.getConfig().getDataDir() + "config.xml"; File target = new File( XSM.getConfig().getDataDir(), "admins" ); if ( !(new File( configStr )).exists() ) { return true; } target.mkdir(); RemoteDocument config = RemoteDocument.getDoc( configStr ); Element root = config.getRootElement(); if ( root == null ) { return true; } List admins = StringUtils.stringToList( root.getChildText( "admins" ) ); if ( admins == null || admins.size() == 0 ) { if ( !target.exists() || target.listFiles().length == 0 ) { Session.get().error( "There are no XSM admins configured, please copy a username.xml file from " + XSM.getConfig().getDataDir() + site.getId() + "/members/ to " + target ); } deleteEmptyConfig(); return true; } Iterator adminIter = admins.iterator(); while ( adminIter.hasNext() ) { String admin = (String); String[] parts = admin.split( "@" ); if ( parts[1].equals( site.getId() ) ) { String username = parts[0]; // move the user profile over File adminFile = new File( target, username + ".xml" ); File userFile = new File( XSM.getConfig().getDataDir(), site.getId() + "/members/" + username + ".xml" ); if ( adminFile.exists() ) { // if the user is already copied over then just remove this extra entry userFile.delete(); } else { userFile.renameTo( adminFile ); } } adminIter.remove(); } if ( admins.size() == 0 ) { return deleteEmptyConfig(); } return true; } private boolean deleteEmptyConfig() { File configFile = new File( XSM.getConfig().getDataDir(), "config.xml" ); return configFile.delete(); } }