package; import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.vertexium.*; import; import org.vertexium.util.JavaSerializableUtils; import*; public class GraphRestore extends GraphToolBase { @Parameter(names = {"--in", "-i"}, description = "Input filename") private String inputFileName = null; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { GraphRestore graphRestore = new GraphRestore();; } protected void run(String[] args) throws Exception {; InputStream in = createInputStream(); try { restore(getGraph(), in, getAuthorizations()); } finally { in.close(); } } private InputStream createInputStream() throws FileNotFoundException { if (inputFileName == null) { return; } return new FileInputStream(inputFileName); } public void restore(Graph graph, InputStream in, Authorizations authorizations) throws IOException { String line; char lastType = 'V'; Element element = null; // We can't use a BufferedReader here because when we need to read the streaming property values we need raw bytes not converted bytes while ((line = readLine(in)) != null) { try { char type = line.charAt(0); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(line.substring(1)); switch (type) { case 'V': element = restoreVertex(graph, json, authorizations); break; case 'E': // flush when we make the transition to edges so that we have vertices to lookup and link to. if (type != lastType) { graph.flush(); } element = restoreEdge(graph, json, authorizations); break; case 'D': restoreStreamingPropertyValue(in, graph, json, element, authorizations); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected line: " + line); } lastType = type; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new IOException("Invalid line: " + line, ex); } } } private String readLine(InputStream in) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); while (true) { int b =; if (b < 0) { if (buffer.size() == 0) { return null; } break; } if (b == '\n') { break; } buffer.write(b); } return new String(buffer.toByteArray()); } private Vertex restoreVertex(Graph graph, JSONObject json, Authorizations authorizations) { Visibility visibility = jsonToVisibility(json); String vertexId = json.getString("id"); VertexBuilder v = graph.prepareVertex(vertexId, visibility); jsonToProperties(json, v); return; } private Edge restoreEdge(Graph graph, JSONObject json, Authorizations authorizations) { Visibility visibility = jsonToVisibility(json); String edgeId = json.getString("id"); String outVertexId = json.getString("outVertexId"); String inVertexId = json.getString("inVertexId"); String label = json.getString("label"); Vertex outVertex = graph.getVertex(outVertexId, authorizations); Vertex inVertex = graph.getVertex(inVertexId, authorizations); EdgeBuilder e = graph.prepareEdge(edgeId, outVertex, inVertex, label, visibility); jsonToProperties(json, e); return; } protected Visibility jsonToVisibility(JSONObject jsonObject) { return new Visibility(jsonObject.getString("visibility")); } protected void jsonToProperties(JSONObject jsonObject, ElementBuilder e) { JSONArray propertiesJson = jsonObject.getJSONArray("properties"); for (int i = 0; i < propertiesJson.length(); i++) { JSONObject propertyJson = propertiesJson.getJSONObject(i); jsonToProperty(propertyJson, e); } } private void jsonToProperty(JSONObject propertyJson, ElementBuilder e) { String key = propertyJson.getString("key"); String name = propertyJson.getString("name"); Object value = jsonStringToObject(propertyJson.getString("value")); Metadata metadata = jsonToPropertyMetadata(propertyJson.optJSONObject("metadata")); Visibility visibility = new Visibility(propertyJson.getString("visibility")); e.addPropertyValue(key, name, value, metadata, visibility); } private void restoreStreamingPropertyValue(InputStream in, Graph graph, JSONObject propertyJson, Element element, Authorizations authorizations) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { String key = propertyJson.getString("key"); String name = propertyJson.getString("name"); Metadata metadata = jsonToPropertyMetadata(propertyJson.optJSONObject("metadata")); Visibility visibility = new Visibility(propertyJson.getString("visibility")); Class valueType = Class.forName(propertyJson.getString("valueType")); InputStream spvin = new StreamingPropertyValueInputStream(in); StreamingPropertyValue value = new StreamingPropertyValue(spvin, valueType); value.searchIndex(propertyJson.optBoolean("searchIndex", false));"store", true)); element.addPropertyValue(key, name, value, metadata, visibility, authorizations); } private Metadata jsonToPropertyMetadata(JSONObject metadataJson) { Metadata metadata = new Metadata(); if (metadataJson == null) { return metadata; } for (Object key : metadataJson.keySet()) { String keyString = (String) key; JSONObject metadataItemJson = metadataJson.getJSONObject(keyString); Object val = jsonStringToObject(metadataItemJson.getString("value")); Visibility visibility = new Visibility(metadataItemJson.getString("visibility")); metadata.add(keyString, val, visibility); } return metadata; } private Object jsonStringToObject(String str) { if (str.startsWith(GraphBackup.BASE64_PREFIX)) { str = str.substring(GraphBackup.BASE64_PREFIX.length()); return JavaSerializableUtils.bytesToObject(Base64.decodeBase64(str)); } else { return str; } } private class StreamingPropertyValueInputStream extends InputStream { private final InputStream in; private int segmentLength; private boolean done; public StreamingPropertyValueInputStream(InputStream in) throws IOException { = in; readSegmentLengthLine(); } private void readSegmentLengthLine() throws IOException { String line = readLine(; this.segmentLength = Integer.parseInt(line); if (this.segmentLength == 0) { this.done = true; } } @Override public int read() throws IOException { if (this.done) { return -1; } if (this.segmentLength == 0) {; // throw away new line character readSegmentLengthLine(); if (this.done) { return -1; } } int ret =; this.segmentLength--; return ret; } } }