package org.vertexium.query; import; import; import org.vertexium.*; import org.vertexium.util.SelectManyIterable; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.List; public abstract class QueryBase implements Query, SimilarToGraphQuery { private final Graph graph; private final QueryParameters parameters; private List<Aggregation> aggregations = new ArrayList<>(); protected QueryBase(Graph graph, String queryString, Authorizations authorizations) { this.graph = graph; this.parameters = new QueryStringQueryParameters(queryString, authorizations); } protected QueryBase(Graph graph, String[] similarToFields, String similarToText, Authorizations authorizations) { this.graph = graph; this.parameters = new SimilarToTextQueryParameters(similarToFields, similarToText, authorizations); } @Override public QueryResultsIterable<Vertex> vertices() { return vertices(getGraph().getDefaultFetchHints()); } @Override public QueryResultsIterable<Vertex> vertices(final EnumSet<FetchHint> fetchHints) { //noinspection unchecked return (QueryResultsIterable<Vertex>) search(EnumSet.of(VertexiumObjectType.VERTEX), fetchHints); } @Override public QueryResultsIterable<String> vertexIds() { return new DefaultGraphQueryIdIterable<>(vertices(FetchHint.NONE)); } @Override public QueryResultsIterable<Edge> edges() { return edges(getGraph().getDefaultFetchHints()); } @Override public QueryResultsIterable<Edge> edges(final EnumSet<FetchHint> fetchHints) { //noinspection unchecked return (QueryResultsIterable<Edge>) search(EnumSet.of(VertexiumObjectType.EDGE), fetchHints); } @Override public QueryResultsIterable<String> edgeIds() { return new DefaultGraphQueryIdIterable<>(edges(FetchHint.NONE)); } @Override public QueryResultsIterable<ExtendedDataRow> extendedDataRows() { return extendedDataRows(getGraph().getDefaultFetchHints()); } @Override public QueryResultsIterable<ExtendedDataRow> extendedDataRows(EnumSet<FetchHint> fetchHints) { //noinspection unchecked return (QueryResultsIterable<ExtendedDataRow>) search(EnumSet.of(VertexiumObjectType.EXTENDED_DATA), fetchHints); } @Override public QueryResultsIterable<? extends VertexiumObject> search() { return search(VertexiumObjectType.ALL, getGraph().getDefaultFetchHints()); } @Override public QueryResultsIterable<? extends VertexiumObject> search(EnumSet<VertexiumObjectType> objectTypes, EnumSet<FetchHint> fetchHints) { List<QueryResultsIterable<? extends VertexiumObject>> items = new ArrayList<>(); if (objectTypes.contains(VertexiumObjectType.VERTEX)) { items.add(vertices(fetchHints)); } if (objectTypes.contains(VertexiumObjectType.EDGE)) { items.add(edges(fetchHints)); } if (objectTypes.contains(VertexiumObjectType.EXTENDED_DATA)) { items.add(extendedData(fetchHints)); } return new SelectManySearch(items); } private static class SelectManySearch extends SelectManyIterable<QueryResultsIterable<? extends VertexiumObject>, VertexiumObject> implements QueryResultsIterable<VertexiumObject> { public SelectManySearch(Iterable<? extends QueryResultsIterable<? extends VertexiumObject>> source) { super(source); } @Override public <TResult extends AggregationResult> TResult getAggregationResult(String name, Class<? extends TResult> resultType) { throw new VertexiumException("Not implemented"); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { } @Override public long getTotalHits() { long totalHits = 0; for (QueryResultsIterable queryResultsIterable : getSource()) { totalHits += queryResultsIterable.getTotalHits(); } return totalHits; } @Override protected Iterable<? extends VertexiumObject> getIterable(QueryResultsIterable<? extends VertexiumObject> source) { return source; } } /** * This method should be overridden if {@link #search(EnumSet, EnumSet)} is not overridden. */ protected QueryResultsIterable<? extends VertexiumObject> extendedData(EnumSet<FetchHint> fetchHints) { throw new VertexiumException("not implemented"); } protected QueryResultsIterable<? extends VertexiumObject> extendedData(EnumSet<FetchHint> fetchHints, Iterable<? extends Element> elements) { Iterable<ExtendedDataRow> allExtendedData = new SelectManyIterable<Element, ExtendedDataRow>(elements) { @Override protected Iterable<? extends ExtendedDataRow> getIterable(Element element) { return new SelectManyIterable<String, ExtendedDataRow>(element.getExtendedDataTableNames()) { @Override protected Iterable<? extends ExtendedDataRow> getIterable(String tableName) { return element.getExtendedData(tableName); } }; } }; return new DefaultGraphQueryIterableWithAggregations<>(getParameters(), allExtendedData, true, true, true, getAggregations()); } @Override public QueryResultsIterable<ExtendedDataRowId> extendedDataRowIds() { QueryResultsIterable<? extends VertexiumObject> vertexiumObjects = search(EnumSet.of(VertexiumObjectType.EXTENDED_DATA), FetchHint.NONE); return new DefaultGraphQueryIdIterable<>(vertexiumObjects); } @Override public Query hasEdgeLabel(String... edgeLabels) { for (String edgeLabel : edgeLabels) { getParameters().addEdgeLabel(edgeLabel); } return this; } @Override public Query hasEdgeLabel(Collection<String> edgeLabels) { for (String edgeLabel : edgeLabels) { getParameters().addEdgeLabel(edgeLabel); } return this; } @Override public Query hasExtendedData(ElementType elementType, String elementId) { return hasExtendedData(elementType, elementId, null); } @Override public Query hasExtendedData(String tableName) { return hasExtendedData(null, null, tableName); } @Override public Query hasExtendedData(ElementType elementType, String elementId, String tableName) { hasExtendedData(Lists.newArrayList(new HasExtendedDataFilter(elementType, elementId, tableName))); return this; } @Override public Query hasExtendedData(Iterable<HasExtendedDataFilter> filters) { getParameters().addHasContainer(new HasExtendedData(ImmutableList.copyOf(filters))); return this; } @Override @Deprecated public QueryResultsIterable<Edge> edges(final String label, EnumSet<FetchHint> fetchHints) { hasEdgeLabel(label); return edges(fetchHints); } @Override @Deprecated public QueryResultsIterable<Edge> edges(final String label) { hasEdgeLabel(label); return edges(); } @Override public QueryResultsIterable<Element> elements() { return elements(getGraph().getDefaultFetchHints()); } @Override public QueryResultsIterable<Element> elements(EnumSet<FetchHint> fetchHints) { //noinspection unchecked return (QueryResultsIterable<Element>) search(VertexiumObjectType.ELEMENTS, fetchHints); } @Override public QueryResultsIterable<String> elementIds() { return new DefaultGraphQueryIdIterable<>(elements(FetchHint.NONE)); } @Override public <T> Query range(String propertyName, T startValue, T endValue) { return range(propertyName, startValue, true, endValue, true); } @Override public <T> Query range(String propertyName, T startValue, boolean inclusiveStartValue, T endValue, boolean inclusiveEndValue) { if (startValue != null) { this.parameters.addHasContainer(new HasValueContainer(propertyName, inclusiveStartValue ? Compare.GREATER_THAN_EQUAL : Compare.GREATER_THAN, startValue, getGraph().getPropertyDefinitions())); } if (endValue != null) { this.parameters.addHasContainer(new HasValueContainer(propertyName, inclusiveEndValue ? Compare.LESS_THAN_EQUAL : Compare.LESS_THAN, endValue, getGraph().getPropertyDefinitions())); } return this; } @Override public Query sort(String propertyName, SortDirection direction) { this.parameters.addSortContainer(new SortContainer(propertyName, direction)); return this; } @Override public <T> Query has(String propertyName, T value) { this.parameters.addHasContainer(new HasValueContainer(propertyName, Compare.EQUAL, value, getGraph().getPropertyDefinitions())); return this; } @Override public <T> Query hasNot(String propertyName, T value) { this.parameters.addHasContainer(new HasValueContainer(propertyName, Contains.NOT_IN, new Object[]{value}, getGraph().getPropertyDefinitions())); return this; } @Override public <T> Query has(String propertyName, Predicate predicate, T value) { this.parameters.addHasContainer(new HasValueContainer(propertyName, predicate, value, getGraph().getPropertyDefinitions())); return this; } @Override public Query has(String propertyName) { this.parameters.addHasContainer(new HasPropertyContainer(propertyName)); return this; } @Override public Query hasNot(String propertyName) { this.parameters.addHasContainer(new HasNotPropertyContainer(propertyName)); return this; } @Override public Query skip(int count) { this.parameters.setSkip(count); return this; } @Override public Query limit(Integer count) { this.parameters.setLimit(count); return this; } @Override public Query limit(Long count) { this.parameters.setLimit(count); return this; } public Graph getGraph() { return graph; } public QueryParameters getParameters() { return parameters; } public static abstract class HasContainer { public abstract boolean isMatch(VertexiumObject elem); @Override public String toString() { return this.getClass().getName() + "{}"; } } private static abstract class HasContainerSplitElementExtendedDataRows extends HasContainer { @Override public boolean isMatch(VertexiumObject vertexiumObject) { if (vertexiumObject instanceof Element) { return isMatch((Element) vertexiumObject); } else if (vertexiumObject instanceof ExtendedDataRow) { return isMatch((ExtendedDataRow) vertexiumObject); } else { throw new VertexiumException("Unhandled VertexiumObject type: " + vertexiumObject.getClass().getName()); } } protected abstract boolean isMatch(Element element); protected abstract boolean isMatch(ExtendedDataRow row); } public static class SortContainer { public final String propertyName; public final SortDirection direction; public SortContainer(String propertyName, SortDirection direction) { this.propertyName = propertyName; this.direction = direction; } @Override public String toString() { return this.getClass().getName() + "{" + "propertyName='" + propertyName + '\'' + ", direction=" + direction + '}'; } } public static class HasValueContainer extends HasContainerSplitElementExtendedDataRows { public String key; public Object value; public Predicate predicate; private final Collection<PropertyDefinition> propertyDefinitions; public HasValueContainer(final String key, final Predicate predicate, final Object value, Collection<PropertyDefinition> propertyDefinitions) { this.key = key; this.value = value; this.predicate = predicate; this.propertyDefinitions = propertyDefinitions; } @Override protected boolean isMatch(ExtendedDataRow extendedDataRow) { Iterable<String> propertyNames = extendedDataRow.getPropertyNames(); for (String propertyName : propertyNames) { if (propertyName.equals(this.key)) { PropertyDefinition propertyDefinition = PropertyDefinition.findPropertyDefinition(this.propertyDefinitions, propertyName); Object columnValue = extendedDataRow.getPropertyValue(propertyName); if (this.predicate.evaluate(columnValue, this.value, propertyDefinition)) { return true; } } } return false; } @Override protected boolean isMatch(Element element) { return this.predicate.evaluate(element.getProperties(this.key), this.value, this.propertyDefinitions); } @Override public String toString() { return this.getClass().getName() + "{" + "predicate=" + predicate + ", value=" + value + ", key='" + key + '\'' + '}'; } } public static class HasExtendedData extends HasContainer { private final ImmutableList<HasExtendedDataFilter> filters; public HasExtendedData(ImmutableList<HasExtendedDataFilter> filters) { this.filters = filters; } public ImmutableList<HasExtendedDataFilter> getFilters() { return filters; } @Override public boolean isMatch(VertexiumObject elem) { if (!(elem instanceof ExtendedDataRow)) { return false; } ExtendedDataRow row = (ExtendedDataRow) elem; ExtendedDataRowId rowId = row.getId(); for (HasExtendedDataFilter filter : filters) { if (filter.getElementType() == null || rowId.getElementType().equals(filter.getElementType()) && (filter.getElementId() == null || rowId.getElementId().equals(filter.getElementId())) && (filter.getTableName() == null || rowId.getTableName().equals(filter.getTableName()))) { return true; } } return false; } } public static class HasPropertyContainer extends HasContainerSplitElementExtendedDataRows { private final String key; public HasPropertyContainer(String key) { this.key = key; } @Override protected boolean isMatch(ExtendedDataRow row) { for (String propertyName : row.getPropertyNames()) { if (propertyName.equals(this.key)) { return true; } } return false; } @Override protected boolean isMatch(Element element) { for (Property prop : element.getProperties()) { if (prop.getName().equals(this.key)) { return true; } } return false; } public String getKey() { return key; } @Override public String toString() { return this.getClass().getName() + "{" + "key='" + key + '\'' + '}'; } } public static class HasNotPropertyContainer extends HasContainerSplitElementExtendedDataRows { private final String key; public HasNotPropertyContainer(String key) { this.key = key; } @Override protected boolean isMatch(ExtendedDataRow row) { for (String propertyName : row.getPropertyNames()) { if (propertyName.equals(this.key)) { return false; } } return true; } @Override protected boolean isMatch(Element element) { for (Property prop : element.getProperties()) { if (prop.getName().equals(this.key)) { return false; } } return true; } public String getKey() { return key; } @Override public String toString() { return this.getClass().getName() + "{" + "key='" + key + '\'' + '}'; } } @Override public SimilarToGraphQuery minTermFrequency(int minTermFrequency) { if (!(parameters instanceof SimilarToQueryParameters)) { throw new VertexiumException("Invalid query parameters, expected " + SimilarToQueryParameters.class.getName() + " found " + parameters.getClass().getName()); } ((SimilarToQueryParameters) this.parameters).setMinTermFrequency(minTermFrequency); return this; } @Override public SimilarToGraphQuery maxQueryTerms(int maxQueryTerms) { if (!(parameters instanceof SimilarToQueryParameters)) { throw new VertexiumException("Invalid query parameters, expected " + SimilarToQueryParameters.class.getName() + " found " + parameters.getClass().getName()); } ((SimilarToQueryParameters) this.parameters).setMaxQueryTerms(maxQueryTerms); return this; } @Override public SimilarToGraphQuery minDocFrequency(int minDocFrequency) { if (!(parameters instanceof SimilarToQueryParameters)) { throw new VertexiumException("Invalid query parameters, expected " + SimilarToQueryParameters.class.getName() + " found " + parameters.getClass().getName()); } ((SimilarToQueryParameters) this.parameters).setMinDocFrequency(minDocFrequency); return this; } @Override public SimilarToGraphQuery maxDocFrequency(int maxDocFrequency) { if (!(parameters instanceof SimilarToQueryParameters)) { throw new VertexiumException("Invalid query parameters, expected " + SimilarToQueryParameters.class.getName() + " found " + parameters.getClass().getName()); } ((SimilarToQueryParameters) this.parameters).setMaxDocFrequency(maxDocFrequency); return this; } /** * @deprecated As of 2.6.0 this call has no effect in Elasticsearch and will be remove */ @Override @Deprecated public SimilarToGraphQuery percentTermsToMatch(float percentTermsToMatch) { if (!(parameters instanceof SimilarToQueryParameters)) { throw new VertexiumException("Invalid query parameters, expected " + SimilarToQueryParameters.class.getName() + " found " + parameters.getClass().getName()); } ((SimilarToQueryParameters) this.parameters).setPercentTermsToMatch(percentTermsToMatch); return this; } @Override public SimilarToGraphQuery boost(float boost) { if (!(parameters instanceof SimilarToQueryParameters)) { throw new VertexiumException("Invalid query parameters, expected " + SimilarToQueryParameters.class.getName() + " found " + parameters.getClass().getName()); } ((SimilarToQueryParameters) this.parameters).setBoost(boost); return this; } @Override public boolean isAggregationSupported(Aggregation aggregation) { return false; } @Override public Query addAggregation(Aggregation aggregation) { if (!isAggregationSupported(aggregation)) { throw new VertexiumException("Aggregation " + aggregation.getClass().getName() + " is not supported"); } this.aggregations.add(aggregation); return this; } public Collection<Aggregation> getAggregations() { return aggregations; } public Aggregation getAggregationByName(String aggregationName) { for (Aggregation agg : aggregations) { if (agg.getAggregationName().equals(aggregationName)) { return agg; } } return null; } }