package org.vertexium.cypher.executor; import org.vertexium.VertexiumException; import org.vertexium.cypher.VertexiumCypherQueryContext; import org.vertexium.cypher.VertexiumCypherScope; import org.vertexium.cypher.ast.model.*; import org.vertexium.cypher.functions.CypherFunction; import org.vertexium.cypher.functions.aggregate.AggregationFunction; import org.vertexium.cypher.utils.ObjectUtils; import org.vertexium.util.StreamUtils; import org.vertexium.util.VertexiumLogger; import org.vertexium.util.VertexiumLoggerFactory; import java.util.*; import; import; import static; public class ReturnClauseExecutor { private static final VertexiumLogger LOGGER = VertexiumLoggerFactory.getLogger(ReturnClauseExecutor.class); private final ExpressionExecutor expressionExecutor; public ReturnClauseExecutor(ExpressionExecutor expressionExecutor) { this.expressionExecutor = expressionExecutor; } public VertexiumCypherScope execute(VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, CypherReturnClause clause, VertexiumCypherScope scope) { LOGGER.debug("execute: %s", clause); return execute(ctx, clause.isDistinct(), clause.getReturnBody(), scope); } public VertexiumCypherScope execute( VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, boolean distinct, CypherReturnBody returnBody, VertexiumCypherScope scope ) { List<CypherReturnItem> returnItems = returnBody.getReturnItems() .stream() .flatMap(ri -> { if (ri.getExpression() instanceof CypherAllLiteral) { return getAllFieldNamesAsReturnItems(scope); } return Stream.of(ri); }) .collect(Collectors.toList()); LinkedHashSet<String> columnNames = getColumnNames(returnItems); Stream<VertexiumCypherScope.Item> rows =; long aggregationCount = aggregationCount(ctx, returnItems); if (returnItems.size() > 0 && aggregationCount == returnItems.size()) { rows = Stream.of(getReturnRow(ctx, returnItems, null, scope)); } else if (aggregationCount > 0 && isGroupable(returnItems.get(0))) { Map<Optional<?>, VertexiumCypherScope> groups = groupBy(ctx, returnItems.get(0), rows); rows = groups.entrySet().stream() .map(group -> getReturnRow(ctx, returnItems, group.getKey(), group.getValue())); } else { rows = rows .map(row -> getReturnRow(ctx, returnItems, null, row)); } if (distinct) { rows = rows.distinct(); } VertexiumCypherScope results = VertexiumCypherScope.newFromItems(rows, columnNames, scope); return applyReturnBody(ctx, returnBody, results); } private boolean isGroupable(CypherReturnItem cypherReturnItem) { CypherAstBase expression = cypherReturnItem.getExpression(); if (expression instanceof CypherVariable || expression instanceof CypherLookup || expression instanceof CypherPatternComprehension) { return true; } if (expression instanceof CypherFunctionInvocation) { return false; } return false; } private VertexiumCypherScope.Item getReturnRow( VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, List<CypherReturnItem> returnItems, Optional<?> firstItemValue, ExpressionScope scope ) { LinkedHashMap<String, Object> values = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < returnItems.size(); i++) { CypherReturnItem returnItem = returnItems.get(i); Object value; if (i == 0 && firstItemValue != null) { value = firstItemValue.orElse(null); } else { value = expressionExecutor.executeExpression(ctx, returnItem.getExpression(), scope); } value = expandResultMapSubItems(ctx, value, scope); values.put(returnItem.getResultColumnName(), value); } return VertexiumCypherScope.newMapItem(values, scope); } private LinkedHashSet<String> getColumnNames(Iterable<CypherReturnItem> returnItems) { return stream(returnItems) .map(CypherReturnItem::getResultColumnName) .collect(StreamUtils.toLinkedHashSet()); } private Map<Optional<?>, VertexiumCypherScope> groupBy( VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, CypherReturnItem returnItem, Stream<VertexiumCypherScope.Item> rows ) { Set<Map.Entry<Optional<Object>, List<VertexiumCypherScope.Item>>> results = rows .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(row -> Optional.ofNullable( ctx.getExpressionExecutor().executeExpression(ctx, returnItem.getExpression(), row) ))) .entrySet(); return .collect(Collectors.toMap( Map.Entry::getKey, o -> { List<VertexiumCypherScope.Item> items = o.getValue(); VertexiumCypherScope parentScope = items.get(0).getParentCypherScope(); return VertexiumCypherScope.newFromItems(, parentScope); } )); } private long aggregationCount(VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, Iterable<CypherReturnItem> returnItems) { return stream(returnItems) .filter(ri -> hasAggregations(ctx, ri)) .count(); } private boolean hasAggregations(VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, CypherAstBase ri) { if (ri == null) { return false; } if (ri instanceof CypherFunctionInvocation) { CypherFunction fn = ctx.getFunction(((CypherFunctionInvocation) ri).getFunctionName()); if (fn != null && fn instanceof AggregationFunction) { return true; } } return ri.getChildren().anyMatch(child -> hasAggregations(ctx, child)); } private Stream<CypherReturnItem> getAllFieldNamesAsReturnItems(VertexiumCypherScope scope) { return scope.getColumnNames().stream() .map(n -> new CypherReturnItem(n, new CypherVariable(n), n)); } /* * This method will expand return items such as * * RETURN coalesce(a.prop, b.prop) AS foo, * b.prop AS bar, * {y: count(b)} AS baz * * In the above example {y: count(b)} in the map this method will expand */ private Object expandResultMapSubItems(VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, Object value, ExpressionScope scope) { if (value instanceof Map) { Map<?, ?> map = (Map<?, ?>) value; Map<Object, Object> result = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<?, ?> entry : map.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue() instanceof CypherAstBase) { CypherAstBase entryValue = (CypherAstBase) entry.getValue(); Object newEntryValue = expressionExecutor.executeExpression(ctx, entryValue, scope); newEntryValue = expandResultMapSubItems(ctx, newEntryValue, scope); result.put(entry.getKey(), newEntryValue); } else { result.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } return result; } return value; } public VertexiumCypherScope applyReturnBody( VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, CypherReturnBody returnBody, VertexiumCypherScope results ) { Stream<VertexiumCypherScope.Item> rows =; if (returnBody.getOrder() != null) { rows = applyOrderByToResults(ctx, rows, returnBody.getOrder()); } if (returnBody.getSkip() != null) { rows = applySkipToResults(ctx, rows, returnBody.getSkip(), results); } if (returnBody.getLimit() != null) { rows = applyLimitToResults(ctx, rows, returnBody.getLimit(), results); } return VertexiumCypherScope.newFromItems(rows, results.getColumnNames(), results.getParentScope()); } private Stream<VertexiumCypherScope.Item> applyOrderByToResults( VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, Stream<VertexiumCypherScope.Item> results, CypherOrderBy orderByClause ) { List<CypherSortItem> sortItems = orderByClause.getSortItems(); return results.sorted((o1, o2) -> { for (CypherSortItem sortItem : sortItems) { Object v1 = getOrderByValue(ctx, sortItem, o1); Object v2 = getOrderByValue(ctx, sortItem, o2); int i =, v2); if (i != 0) { return i; } } return 0; }); } private Object getOrderByValue(VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, CypherSortItem sortItem, VertexiumCypherScope.Item scope) { Object value = scope.getByName(sortItem.getExpression().toString(), false); if (value != null) { return value; } Object results = ctx.getExpressionExecutor().executeExpression(ctx, sortItem.getExpression(), scope); if (results instanceof Collection && ((Collection) results).size() > 0) { HashSet<?> resultsSet = new HashSet<>((Collection<?>) results); if (resultsSet.size() == 1) { for (Object item : resultsSet) { return item; } } } return results; } private Stream<VertexiumCypherScope.Item> applyLimitToResults( VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, Stream<VertexiumCypherScope.Item> results, CypherLimit limitClause, VertexiumCypherScope scope ) { Object limitObj = ctx.getExpressionExecutor().executeExpression(ctx, limitClause.getExpression(), scope); int limit; if (limitObj instanceof Integer || limitObj instanceof Long) { limit = ((Number) limitObj).intValue(); } else { throw new VertexiumException("limit with a none integer not supported: " + limitObj); } if (limit < 0) { limit = 0; } results = results.limit(limit); return results; } private Stream<VertexiumCypherScope.Item> applySkipToResults( VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, Stream<VertexiumCypherScope.Item> results, CypherSkip skipClause, VertexiumCypherScope scope ) { Object skipObj = ctx.getExpressionExecutor().executeExpression(ctx, skipClause.getExpression(), scope); int skip; if (skipObj instanceof Integer || skipObj instanceof Long) { skip = ((Number) skipObj).intValue(); } else { throw new VertexiumException("skip with a none integer not supported: " + skipObj); } results = results.skip(skip); return results; } }