package org.vertexium.cypher.executor; import; import org.vertexium.Element; import org.vertexium.Vertex; import org.vertexium.VertexiumException; import org.vertexium.cypher.VertexiumCypherQueryContext; import org.vertexium.cypher.VertexiumCypherScope; import org.vertexium.cypher.ast.model.*; import org.vertexium.cypher.exceptions.VertexiumCypherNotImplemented; import org.vertexium.cypher.exceptions.VertexiumCypherTypeErrorException; import org.vertexium.cypher.functions.CypherFunction; import org.vertexium.cypher.utils.MapUtils; import org.vertexium.cypher.utils.ObjectUtils; import java.util.*; import; import; import static; public class ExpressionExecutor { public Object executeExpression(VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, CypherAstBase expression, ExpressionScope scope) { if (expression == null) { return null; } if (expression instanceof CypherExpression) { if (expression instanceof CypherBinaryExpression) { return executeBinaryExpression(ctx, (CypherBinaryExpression) expression, scope); } else if (expression instanceof CypherComparisonExpression) { return executeComparisonExpression(ctx, (CypherComparisonExpression) expression, scope); } else if (expression instanceof CypherUnaryExpression) { return executeUnaryExpression(ctx, (CypherUnaryExpression) expression, scope); } else if (expression instanceof CypherTrueExpression) { return true; } else if (expression instanceof CypherNegateExpression) { return executeNegateExpression(ctx, (CypherNegateExpression) expression, scope); } throw new VertexiumCypherNotImplemented("" + expression); } if (expression instanceof CypherListLiteral) { //noinspection unchecked CypherListLiteral<? extends CypherAstBase> list = (CypherListLiteral<? extends CypherAstBase>) expression; return executeList(ctx, list, scope); } if (expression instanceof CypherLiteral) { CypherLiteral literal = (CypherLiteral) expression; return literal.getValue(); } if (expression instanceof CypherVariable) { CypherVariable variable = (CypherVariable) expression; return executeObject(ctx, executeVariable(ctx, variable, scope), scope); } if (expression instanceof CypherLookup) { CypherLookup lookup = (CypherLookup) expression; return executeLookup(ctx, lookup, scope); } if (expression instanceof CypherFunctionInvocation) { CypherFunctionInvocation functionInvocation = (CypherFunctionInvocation) expression; return executeFunctionInvocation(ctx, functionInvocation, scope); } if (expression instanceof CypherIn) { CypherIn in = (CypherIn) expression; return executeIn(ctx, in, scope); } if (expression instanceof CypherArrayAccess) { CypherArrayAccess arrayAccess = (CypherArrayAccess) expression; return executeArrayAccess(ctx, arrayAccess, scope); } if (expression instanceof CypherArraySlice) { CypherArraySlice arraySlice = (CypherArraySlice) expression; return executeArraySlice(ctx, arraySlice, scope); } if (expression instanceof CypherParameter) { CypherParameter parameter = (CypherParameter) expression; return executeParameter(ctx, parameter); } if (expression instanceof CypherIsNull) { CypherIsNull isNull = (CypherIsNull) expression; return executeIsNull(ctx, isNull, scope); } if (expression instanceof CypherIsNotNull) { CypherIsNotNull isNotNull = (CypherIsNotNull) expression; return executeIsNotNull(ctx, isNotNull, scope); } if (expression instanceof CypherListComprehension) { CypherListComprehension listComprehension = (CypherListComprehension) expression; return executeListComprehension(ctx, listComprehension, scope); } if (expression instanceof CypherStringMatch) { CypherStringMatch startWith = (CypherStringMatch) expression; return executeStringMatch(ctx, startWith, scope); } if (expression instanceof CypherPatternComprehension) { CypherPatternComprehension patternComprehension = (CypherPatternComprehension) expression; VertexiumCypherScope matchScope = scope instanceof VertexiumCypherScope ? (VertexiumCypherScope) scope : VertexiumCypherScope.newSingleItemScope((VertexiumCypherScope.Item) scope); VertexiumCypherScope results = ctx.getMatchClauseExecutor().execute( ctx, Lists.newArrayList(patternComprehension.getMatchClause()), matchScope ); return .map(item -> executeExpression(ctx, patternComprehension.getExpression(), item)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } throw new VertexiumException("not implemented \"" + expression.getClass().getName() + "\": " + expression); } private Object executeNegateExpression(VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, CypherNegateExpression expression, ExpressionScope scope) { Object value = executeExpression(ctx, expression.getValue(), scope); if (value instanceof Number) { if (value instanceof Double) { return -(Double) value; } if (value instanceof Integer) { return -(Integer) value; } if (value instanceof Long) { return -(Long) value; } return -((Number) value).doubleValue(); } throw new VertexiumException("not implemented"); } private Object executeStringMatch(VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, CypherStringMatch stringMatch, ExpressionScope scope) { Object value = executeExpression(ctx, stringMatch.getValueExpression(), scope); Object stringObj = executeExpression(ctx, stringMatch.getStringExpression(), scope); if (stringObj == null) { return null; } if (!(stringObj instanceof String)) { return null; } String string = (String) stringObj; if (value == null) { return null; } switch (stringMatch.getOp()) { case STARTS_WITH: return value.toString().startsWith(string); case ENDS_WITH: return value.toString().endsWith(string); case CONTAINS: return value.toString().contains(string); default: throw new VertexiumException("unhandled string match: " + stringMatch.getOp()); } } private Object executeListComprehension(VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, CypherListComprehension listComprehension, ExpressionScope scope) { Stream<ExpressionScope> itemScopes = executeFilterExpression(ctx, listComprehension.getFilterExpression(), scope); if (listComprehension.getExpression() == null) { return itemScopes; } return itemScopes .map(itemScope -> executeExpression(ctx, listComprehension.getExpression(), itemScope)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } private Stream<ExpressionScope> executeFilterExpression( VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, CypherFilterExpression filterExpression, ExpressionScope scope ) { String name = filterExpression.getIdInCol().getVariable().getName(); Object values = executeExpression(ctx, filterExpression.getIdInCol().getExpression(), scope); Stream<ExpressionScope> results = stream(toIterable(values)) .map(value -> VertexiumCypherScope.newMapItem(name, value, scope)); if (filterExpression.getWhere() != null) { throw new VertexiumCypherNotImplemented("where"); } return results; } private Object executeObject(VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, Object o, ExpressionScope scope) { if (o instanceof CypherAstBase) { return executeExpression(ctx, (CypherAstBase) o, scope); } return o; } private Object executeIsNotNull(VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, CypherIsNotNull isNotNull, ExpressionScope clauseResult) { Object value = ctx.getExpressionExecutor().executeExpression(ctx, isNotNull.getValueExpression(), clauseResult); return value != null; } private Object executeIsNull(VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, CypherIsNull isNull, ExpressionScope scope) { Object value = ctx.getExpressionExecutor().executeExpression(ctx, isNull.getValueExpression(), scope); return value == null; } private Object executeParameter(VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, CypherParameter parameter) { if (parameter instanceof CypherNameParameter) { CypherNameParameter nameParameter = (CypherNameParameter) parameter; return ctx.getParameters().get(nameParameter.getParameterName()); } else if (parameter instanceof CypherIndexedParameter) { CypherIndexedParameter indexedParameter = (CypherIndexedParameter) parameter; return ctx.getParameters().get(Integer.toString(indexedParameter.getIndex())); } throw new VertexiumException("not implemented"); } private Object executeArraySlice(VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, CypherArraySlice arraySlice, ExpressionScope scope) { Object array = ctx.getExpressionExecutor().executeExpression(ctx, arraySlice.getArrayExpression(), scope); Object sliceFromObj = ctx.getExpressionExecutor().executeExpression(ctx, arraySlice.getSliceFrom(), scope); Object sliceToObj = ctx.getExpressionExecutor().executeExpression(ctx, arraySlice.getSliceTo(), scope); if (!(sliceFromObj instanceof Number)) { throw new VertexiumException("expected integer from, found " + sliceFromObj.getClass().getName()); } int sliceFrom = ((Number) sliceFromObj).intValue(); if (!(sliceToObj instanceof Number)) { throw new VertexiumException("expected integer to, found " + sliceToObj.getClass().getName()); } int sliceTo = ((Number) sliceToObj).intValue(); Iterable<?> it = toIterable(array); return stream(it) .skip(sliceFrom) .limit(sliceTo - sliceFrom) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } private Object executeArrayAccess(VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, CypherArrayAccess arrayAccess, ExpressionScope scope) { Object array = ctx.getExpressionExecutor().executeExpression(ctx, arrayAccess.getArrayExpression(), scope); if (array == null) { return null; } Object indexObj = ctx.getExpressionExecutor().executeExpression(ctx, arrayAccess.getIndexExpression(), scope); if (array instanceof Element) { Element element = (Element) array; if (indexObj instanceof String) { String propertyName = (String) indexObj; return element.getPropertyValue(propertyName); } throw new VertexiumCypherTypeErrorException("expected string property name, found " + indexObj.getClass().getName()); } if (array instanceof Map) { Map map = (Map) array; if (indexObj instanceof String) { String propertyName = (String) indexObj; return map.get(propertyName); } throw new VertexiumCypherTypeErrorException("MapElementAccessByNonString: expected string, found " + indexObj.getClass().getName()); } if (array instanceof List || array instanceof CypherListLiteral) { if (indexObj instanceof Long) { indexObj = ((Long) indexObj).intValue(); } if (indexObj instanceof Integer) { int index = (int) indexObj; if (array instanceof CypherListLiteral) { return ((CypherListLiteral) array).get(index); } else if (array instanceof List) { return ((List) array).get(index); } } throw new VertexiumCypherTypeErrorException("ListElementAccessByNonInteger: expected integer, found " + indexObj.getClass().getName()); } throw new VertexiumCypherTypeErrorException("InvalidElementAccess: unexpected object access, found object " + array.getClass().getName() + ": " + array + ", index " + indexObj.getClass().getName() + ": " + indexObj); } private Object executeIn(VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, CypherIn in, ExpressionScope scope) { Object value = ctx.getExpressionExecutor().executeExpression(ctx, in.getValueExpression(), scope); Object array = ctx.getExpressionExecutor().executeExpression(ctx, in.getArrayExpression(), scope); if (value == null) { if (array == null) { return null; } Iterable<?> it = toIterable(array); if (!it.iterator().hasNext()) { return false; } return null; } Iterable<?> it = toIterable(array); boolean hasNullValue = false; for (Object o : it) { if (o == null) { hasNullValue = true; continue; } if (o instanceof CypherLiteral) { o = ((CypherLiteral) o).getValue(); } if (o.equals(value)) { return true; } } if (hasNullValue) { return null; } return false; } private Iterable<?> toIterable(Object obj) { Iterable<?> it; if (obj instanceof CypherListLiteral || obj instanceof List || obj instanceof Set) { it = (Iterable) obj; } else { throw new VertexiumCypherNotImplemented("expected iterable, found " + obj == null ? null : obj.getClass().getName()); } return it; } private Object executeUnaryExpression( VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, CypherUnaryExpression expression, ExpressionScope scope ) { Object value = ctx.getExpressionExecutor().executeExpression(ctx, expression.getExpression(), scope); switch (expression.getOp()) { case NOT: return executeNOT(value); default: throw new VertexiumCypherNotImplemented("" + expression.getOp()); } } private Object executeNOT(Object value) { if (value == null) { return null; } if (value instanceof Boolean) { return !((boolean) value); } throw new VertexiumException("could not NOT: " + value.getClass().getName()); } private Object executeFunctionInvocation( VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, CypherFunctionInvocation functionInvocation, ExpressionScope scope ) { CypherFunction fn = ctx.getFunction(functionInvocation.getFunctionName()); return fn.invoke(ctx, functionInvocation.getArguments(), scope); } private List<Object> executeList(VertexiumCypherQueryContext context, CypherListLiteral<? extends CypherAstBase> list, ExpressionScope scope) { return .map(i -> executeExpression(context, i, scope)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } private Object executeLookup(VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, CypherLookup expression, ExpressionScope scope) { Object item = executeExpression(ctx, expression.getAtom(), scope); return executeLookup(ctx, item, expression, scope); } private Object executeLookup(VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, Object item, CypherLookup expression, ExpressionScope scope) { if (item == null) { return null; } if (item instanceof Map) { if (expression.hasLabels()) { throw new VertexiumException("lookup using labels from a map is not supported"); } Object value = MapUtils.getByExpression((Map) item, expression.getProperty()); if (value == null) { return null; } if (value instanceof Element) { return value; } if (value instanceof CypherAstBase) { return executeExpression(ctx, (CypherAstBase) value, scope); } return value; } if (item instanceof Element) { Element element = (Element) item; if (expression.hasLabels()) { if (element instanceof Vertex) { if (expression.getProperty() != null) { throw new VertexiumException("cannot have labels and properties"); } return expression.getLabels().stream() .anyMatch(l -> ctx.getVertexLabels((Vertex) element) .contains(ctx.normalizeLabelName(l.getValue())) ); } throw new VertexiumCypherNotImplemented("label lookup"); } if (expression.getProperty() == null) { return element; } return element.getPropertyValue(ctx.normalizePropertyName(expression.getProperty())); } if (item instanceof Collection) { Collection<?> list = (Collection) item; return .map(listItem -> { Object results = executeLookup(ctx, listItem, expression, scope); return results; }) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } throw new VertexiumCypherTypeErrorException(item, Element.class, Map.class, Collection.class, null); } private Object executeComparisonExpression( VertexiumCypherQueryContext context, CypherComparisonExpression expression, ExpressionScope scope ) { Object left = executeExpression(context, expression.getLeft(), scope); Object right = executeExpression(context, expression.getRight(), scope); String op = expression.getOp(); switch (op) { case "=": case "<": case "<=": case ">": case ">=": case "<>": if (left == null && right == null) { return null; } if (left == null) { return false; } return compare(left, op, right); default: throw new VertexiumException("comparison not implemented: " + op); } } private Object compare(Object left, String op, Object right) { switch (op) { case "<": case "<=": case ">": case ">=": if (left == null || right == null) { return false; } if (left instanceof Number && right instanceof Number) { // numbers are ok } else if (left.getClass().equals(right.getClass())) { // same types are ok } else { return false; } } int comp =, right); switch (op) { case "=": return comp == 0; case "<": return comp < 0; case "<=": return comp <= 0; case ">": return comp > 0; case ">=": return comp >= 0; case "<>": return comp != 0; default: throw new VertexiumCypherNotImplemented("unexpected op: " + op); } } private Object executeBinaryExpression( VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, CypherBinaryExpression expression, ExpressionScope scope ) { Object left = executeExpression(ctx, expression.getLeft(), scope); switch (expression.getOp()) { case ADD: return executeADD(ctx, left, expression.getRight(), scope); case MULTIPLY: return executeMULTIPLY(ctx, left, expression.getRight(), scope); case MINUS: return executeMINUS(ctx, left, expression.getRight(), scope); case DIVIDE: return executeDIVIDE(ctx, left, expression.getRight(), scope); case AND: return executeAND(ctx, left, expression.getRight(), scope); case OR: return executeOR(ctx, left, expression.getRight(), scope); case XOR: return executeXOR(ctx, left, expression.getRight(), scope); case MOD: return executeMOD(ctx, left, expression.getRight(), scope); case POWER: return executePOWER(ctx, left, expression.getRight(), scope); default: throw new VertexiumException("Unhandled binary op: " + expression.getOp()); } } private Object executeMULTIPLY(VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, Object left, CypherAstBase rightExpression, ExpressionScope scope) { Object right = executeExpression(ctx, rightExpression, scope); if (right == null) { return null; } if (!(left instanceof Number)) { throw new VertexiumCypherTypeErrorException(left, Number.class); } if (!(right instanceof Number)) { throw new VertexiumCypherTypeErrorException(right, Number.class); } Number leftNumber = (Number) left; Number rightNumber = (Number) right; if (leftNumber instanceof Double || leftNumber instanceof Float || rightNumber instanceof Double || rightNumber instanceof Float) { return leftNumber.doubleValue() * rightNumber.doubleValue(); } if (leftNumber instanceof Long || rightNumber instanceof Long) { return leftNumber.longValue() * rightNumber.longValue(); } return leftNumber.intValue() * rightNumber.intValue(); } private Object executeMINUS(VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, Object left, CypherAstBase rightExpression, ExpressionScope scope) { Object right = executeExpression(ctx, rightExpression, scope); if (right == null) { return null; } if (!(left instanceof Number)) { throw new VertexiumCypherTypeErrorException(left, Number.class); } if (!(right instanceof Number)) { throw new VertexiumCypherTypeErrorException(right, Number.class); } Number leftNumber = (Number) left; Number rightNumber = (Number) right; if (leftNumber instanceof Double || leftNumber instanceof Float || rightNumber instanceof Double || rightNumber instanceof Float) { return leftNumber.doubleValue() - rightNumber.doubleValue(); } if (leftNumber instanceof Long || rightNumber instanceof Long) { return leftNumber.longValue() - rightNumber.longValue(); } return leftNumber.intValue() - rightNumber.intValue(); } private Object executeDIVIDE(VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, Object left, CypherAstBase rightExpression, ExpressionScope scope) { Object right = executeExpression(ctx, rightExpression, scope); if (right == null) { return null; } if (!(left instanceof Number)) { throw new VertexiumCypherTypeErrorException(left, Number.class); } if (!(right instanceof Number)) { throw new VertexiumCypherTypeErrorException(right, Number.class); } Number leftNumber = (Number) left; Number rightNumber = (Number) right; if (leftNumber instanceof Double || leftNumber instanceof Float || rightNumber instanceof Double || rightNumber instanceof Float) { return leftNumber.doubleValue() / rightNumber.doubleValue(); } if (leftNumber instanceof Long || rightNumber instanceof Long) { return leftNumber.longValue() / rightNumber.longValue(); } return leftNumber.intValue() / rightNumber.intValue(); } private Object executeMOD(VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, Object left, CypherAstBase rightExpression, ExpressionScope scope) { Object right = executeExpression(ctx, rightExpression, scope); if (right == null) { return null; } if (!(left instanceof Number)) { throw new VertexiumCypherTypeErrorException(left, Number.class); } if (!(right instanceof Number)) { throw new VertexiumCypherTypeErrorException(right, Number.class); } Number leftNumber = (Number) left; Number rightNumber = (Number) right; if (leftNumber instanceof Double || leftNumber instanceof Float || rightNumber instanceof Double || rightNumber instanceof Float) { return leftNumber.doubleValue() % rightNumber.doubleValue(); } if (leftNumber instanceof Long || rightNumber instanceof Long) { return leftNumber.longValue() % rightNumber.longValue(); } return leftNumber.intValue() % rightNumber.intValue(); } private Object executePOWER(VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, Object left, CypherAstBase rightExpression, ExpressionScope scope) { Object right = executeExpression(ctx, rightExpression, scope); if (right == null) { return null; } if (!(left instanceof Number)) { throw new VertexiumCypherTypeErrorException(left, Number.class); } if (!(right instanceof Number)) { throw new VertexiumCypherTypeErrorException(right, Number.class); } Number leftNumber = (Number) left; Number rightNumber = (Number) right; if (leftNumber instanceof Double || leftNumber instanceof Float || rightNumber instanceof Double || rightNumber instanceof Float) { return Math.pow(leftNumber.doubleValue(), rightNumber.doubleValue()); } if (leftNumber instanceof Long || rightNumber instanceof Long) { return (long) Math.pow(leftNumber.longValue(), rightNumber.longValue()); } return (long) Math.pow(leftNumber.intValue(), rightNumber.intValue()); } private Object executeADD(VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, Object left, CypherAstBase rightExpression, ExpressionScope scope) { Object right = executeExpression(ctx, rightExpression, scope); if (left instanceof String) { return ((String) left) + right; } if (left instanceof Number && right instanceof Number) { return ObjectUtils.addNumbers((Number) left, (Number) right); } if (left instanceof List && right instanceof List) { ArrayList<Object> results = new ArrayList<>(); results.addAll((List) left); results.addAll((List) right); return results; } if (left instanceof List) { ArrayList<Object> results = new ArrayList<>(); results.addAll((List) left); results.add(right); return results; } if (right == null) { return null; } throw new VertexiumException("add not implemented left:" + left.getClass().getName() + ", right:" + right.getClass().getName()); } private Object executeAND(VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, Object left, CypherAstBase rightExpression, ExpressionScope scope) { if (left == null) { Object right = executeExpression(ctx, rightExpression, scope); if (right == null) { return null; } if (right instanceof Boolean) { boolean b = (boolean) right; if (b) { return null; } else { return false; } } } if (left instanceof Boolean) { boolean bLeft = (boolean) left; if (!bLeft) { return false; } Object right = executeExpression(ctx, rightExpression, scope); if (right == null) { return null; } if (right instanceof Boolean) { return right; } throw new VertexiumException("unexpected value in AND expression: " + right); } throw new VertexiumException("unexpected value in AND expression: " + left); } private Object executeOR(VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, Object left, CypherAstBase rightExpression, ExpressionScope scope) { if (left == null) { Object right = executeExpression(ctx, rightExpression, scope); if (right == null) { return null; } if (right instanceof Boolean) { boolean b = (boolean) right; if (b) { return true; } else { return null; } } } if (left instanceof Boolean) { boolean bLeft = (boolean) left; if (bLeft) { return true; } Object right = executeExpression(ctx, rightExpression, scope); if (right == null) { return null; } if (right instanceof Boolean) { return right; } throw new VertexiumException("unexpected value in OR expression: " + right); } throw new VertexiumException("unexpected value in OR expression: " + left); } private Object executeXOR(VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, Object left, CypherAstBase rightExpression, ExpressionScope scope) { if (left == null) { return null; } Object right = executeExpression(ctx, rightExpression, scope); if (right == null) { return null; } throw new VertexiumCypherNotImplemented("XOR " + left + ", " + right); } private Object executeVariable(VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, CypherVariable expression, ExpressionScope scope) { if (scope == null) { throw new VertexiumException("Could not get variable \"" + expression.getName() + "\" last results were null"); } return scope.getByName(expression.getName()); } Stream<VertexiumCypherScope.Item> applyWhereToResults( VertexiumCypherQueryContext ctx, Stream<VertexiumCypherScope.Item> rows, CypherAstBase whereExpression ) { return rows .filter(row -> { Object result = executeExpression(ctx, whereExpression, row); return, result) == 0; }); } }