package org.vertexium.sql; import; import org.skife.jdbi.v2.DBI; import org.skife.jdbi.v2.Handle; import org.skife.jdbi.v2.Query; import org.skife.jdbi.v2.StatementContext; import org.skife.jdbi.v2.tweak.ResultSetMapper; import org.vertexium.*; import org.vertexium.inmemory.InMemoryExtendedDataRow; import org.vertexium.inmemory.InMemoryExtendedDataTable; import; import; import; import org.vertexium.util.GroupingIterable; import javax.sql.DataSource; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; public class SqlExtendedDataTable extends InMemoryExtendedDataTable { private final String tableName; protected static final String ELEMENT_TYPE_COLUMN_NAME = "type"; protected static final String ELEMENT_ID_COLUMN_NAME = "elementId"; protected static final String TABLE_NAME_COLUMN_NAME = "tableName"; protected static final String ROW_ID_COLUMN_NAME = "rowId"; protected static final String COLUMN_COLUMN_NAME = "column"; protected static final String VALUE_COLUMN_NAME = "value"; protected static final String TIMESTAMP_COLUMN_NAME = "timestamp"; protected static final String VISIBILITY_COLUMN_NAME = "visibility"; private final DBI dbi; private final VertexiumSerializer serializer; public SqlExtendedDataTable(String tableName, DataSource dataSource, VertexiumSerializer serializer) { this.tableName = tableName; this.dbi = new DBI(dataSource); this.serializer = serializer; } @Override public ImmutableSet<String> getTableNames(ElementType elementType, String elementId, Authorizations authorizations) { try (Handle handle = { Query<String> rows = handle .createQuery( String.format( "select distinct %s from %s where %s = ? AND %s = ?", TABLE_NAME_COLUMN_NAME, tableName, ELEMENT_TYPE_COLUMN_NAME, ELEMENT_ID_COLUMN_NAME ) ) .bind(0, .bind(1, elementId) .map(new TableNameResultSetMapper()); ImmutableSet.Builder<String> result = ImmutableSet.builder(); for (String tableName : rows) { result.add(tableName); } return; } } @Override public Iterable<? extends ExtendedDataRow> getTable(ElementType elementType, String elementId, String tableName, Authorizations authorizations) { VisibilityEvaluator visibilityEvaluator = new VisibilityEvaluator(new; Handle handle =; Query<Row> rows = handle .createQuery( String.format( "select %s, %s, %s, %s, %s from %s where %s = ? AND %s = ? AND %s = ?", ROW_ID_COLUMN_NAME, COLUMN_COLUMN_NAME, VALUE_COLUMN_NAME, TIMESTAMP_COLUMN_NAME, VISIBILITY_COLUMN_NAME, this.tableName, ELEMENT_TYPE_COLUMN_NAME, ELEMENT_ID_COLUMN_NAME, TABLE_NAME_COLUMN_NAME ) ) .bind(0, .bind(1, elementId) .bind(2, tableName) .map(new RowResultSetMapper()); return new GroupingIterable<Row, InMemoryExtendedDataRow>(rows) { @Override protected boolean isIncluded(Row item) { try { return visibilityEvaluator.evaluate(new ColumnVisibility(item.visibility.getVisibilityString())); } catch (VisibilityParseException e) { throw new VertexiumException("Could not parse visibility: " + item.visibility); } } @Override protected InMemoryExtendedDataRow createGroup(Row row) { ExtendedDataRowId id = createExtendedDataRowId(row); InMemoryExtendedDataRow result = new InMemoryExtendedDataRow(id); addToGroup(result, row); return result; } @Override protected boolean isPartOfGroup(InMemoryExtendedDataRow extendedDataRow, Row row) { return createExtendedDataRowId(row).equals(extendedDataRow.getId()); } private ExtendedDataRowId createExtendedDataRowId(Row row) { return new ExtendedDataRowId(elementType, elementId, tableName, row.rowId); } @Override protected void addToGroup(InMemoryExtendedDataRow extendedDataRow, Row row) { Object value = serializer.bytesToObject(row.value); extendedDataRow.addColumn(row.column, value, row.timestamp, row.visibility); } @Override public void close() { handle.close(); } }; } @Override public void addData(ExtendedDataRowId rowId, String column, Object value, long timestamp, Visibility visibility) { try (Handle handle = { handle.execute( String.format( "insert into %s (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", tableName, ELEMENT_TYPE_COLUMN_NAME, ELEMENT_ID_COLUMN_NAME, TABLE_NAME_COLUMN_NAME, ROW_ID_COLUMN_NAME, COLUMN_COLUMN_NAME, VALUE_COLUMN_NAME, TIMESTAMP_COLUMN_NAME, VISIBILITY_COLUMN_NAME ), rowId.getElementType().name(), rowId.getElementId(), rowId.getTableName(), rowId.getRowId(), column, serializer.objectToBytes(value), timestamp, visibility.getVisibilityString() ); } } @Override public void remove(ExtendedDataRowId rowId) { try (Handle handle = { handle.execute( String.format( "delete from %s where %s=? AND %s=? AND %s=? AND %s=?", tableName, ELEMENT_TYPE_COLUMN_NAME, ELEMENT_ID_COLUMN_NAME, TABLE_NAME_COLUMN_NAME, ROW_ID_COLUMN_NAME ), rowId.getElementType().name(), rowId.getElementId(), rowId.getTableName(), rowId.getRowId() ); } } static final class Row { public String rowId; public String column; public long timestamp; public Visibility visibility; public byte[] value; } private static final class RowResultSetMapper implements ResultSetMapper<Row> { public Row map(int index, ResultSet rs, StatementContext ctx) throws SQLException { Row row = new Row(); row.rowId = rs.getString(ROW_ID_COLUMN_NAME); row.column = rs.getString(COLUMN_COLUMN_NAME); row.value = rs.getBytes(VALUE_COLUMN_NAME); row.timestamp = rs.getLong(TIMESTAMP_COLUMN_NAME); row.visibility = new Visibility(rs.getString(VISIBILITY_COLUMN_NAME)); return row; } } private static final class TableNameResultSetMapper implements ResultSetMapper<String> { @Override public String map(int index, ResultSet rs, StatementContext ctx) throws SQLException { return rs.getString(TABLE_NAME_COLUMN_NAME); } } }